the next day.

After resting all night, Dawu and Du adjusted their condition before finally preparing for the battle that Xia Yan had been looking forward to for a long time.

It's a battle between two future champions.

Because neither of the two commonly used elves reached six, the number of elves used was determined to be three.

In the backyard of Dawu's house, there is a well-equipped battle field, and there are professional referees.

While both of them were adjusting their status in the preparation area, Xia Yan was already choosing which angle was more appropriate to shoot this "Battle of the Century".

Now on the league's official website, the younger generation's video section, with the highest number of views and comments, is the battle between Dawu and Sirona.

The video of their battle has always been regarded as a topic of study and discussion among the young generation in the entire alliance. The tactics they use and their understanding of elves are also the content that people talk about.

It's definitely not because Dawu is handsome and rich, and Sirona has countless fans.

Well, absolutely.

However, just when Xia Yan was about to set up the machine, suddenly a voice with a slightly harsh tone sounded from behind him.

"Private battle, I suggest you not to shoot casually."


Xia Yan followed the sound, and saw a girl wearing a black short skirt, red stockings, two buns on her head, and long hair fluttering behind her, walking over with a book in her hands.

Suddenly a little surprised: "Dujuan?"

"You know me?" Du Juan frowned, his delicate face was quite bookish.

Xia Yan was silent.

Du Juan, a lover of rock elves, and soon to be the owner of the Gymnasium in Kanaz City, it was not difficult to get a badge from her when she was playing games, but she was remembered by many people only because of her appearance.

"Du Juan is currently studying at the Supreme Elf Academy in Kanaz City. His father is the head of the gymnasium in Kanaz City and has a close relationship with the Zvqi family." Xia Yan said.

This is the information published on the official website of the alliance, and it does not directly explain the relationship between the Du Juan family and the Zvqi family.

However, looking at the rock-type elves that their family is passionate about, and being able to occupy the position of the gymnasium owner in the largest city in the Hoenn region like Kanaz City, it can be seen that the relationship is extraordinary.

And this Du Juan is a typical academic trainer who likes to apply what he learned from books to actual combat.


Dawu can also be regarded as a half-academic trainer, because he also studied at the Elf Academy in Kanaz City, but because of his excellent grades, he graduated from the Elf Academy ahead of schedule, and in order to collect various stones, he set foot on On the road of travel.

It is a combination of academic school and travel school.

It does not stick to the tactics and combat concepts taught by the Elf Academy, but also incorporates some of the experience and insights gained during travel.

Of course, Dawu's way of traveling is somewhat different from others.

"It seems that you are not just a reporter who shoots videos." Du Juan said thoughtfully.

"Obviously." Xia Yan shrugged.

But Du Juan's words really reminded him.

This video may not be easy to send out.

Otherwise, if someone wanted to find his "dodo bird", it would be easy to confirm his identity.

"Senior Dawu's friend this time?" Du Juan asked again.

Xia Yan hesitated for a moment, then nodded indistinctly.

It's okay to say that he is Du's friend.

Seeing him nodding, Du Juan's hostility became evident again.

Xia Yan rubbed his temples with some headache.

He figured it out, this Du Juan should be Dawu's admirer, a typical little girl.

No matter which world you are in, the existence of a little fan girl is quite troublesome.

"here we go."

Fortunately, Dawu and Du both set foot on the battlefield. After a long preparation, the battle between the two finally began.

Behind Xia Yan, the single scabbard poked its head out curiously, looking at the huge field and the two people standing on both sides.

'Is this the battle of elves that Pokkigu said? '

Following the referee's order, the red and blue flags in his hand fell down.

This battle has officially begun.

Two red lights flashed, and the place rumbled and shook.

Cordora, covered under the heavy silver-white metal armor, landed on the ground, the shiny metal back thorns showed ferocity, and the strong and powerful limbs stomped on the ground, kicking up dust.


On the other hand, when Du's elf appeared on the stage, he seemed relatively gentle.

With a slender figure and elegance and ease in every frown and movement, he is the Harkron of Du.

The appearance of Hackron made the originally sunny weather gradually become hazy.

Xia Yan's eyes lit up, "Has he evolved into a Hackron yet? Then this match is not very beneficial to Dawu."

There are quite a few water-type moves that Hackron can learn and master. The steel-type and rock-type Kodora are naturally at a disadvantage in terms of moves.

In Xia Yan's mind, he began to naturally simulate the direction and result of this battle.

"Hmph! When you come up, you can directly summon the ace spirit. Senior Dawu's signature is a metal monster." Du Juan obviously sensed Dawu's unfavorable situation on the field, and said angrily.

Xia Yan glanced at her.

As an academic school, the basic knowledge reserve is still passable, so you can see Du's advantage.

"But Du's move to decide the outcome is not on Hackron." Xia Yan shook his head and sighed.

Before Du's Hackron evolved into a fast dragon, his ace had always been the fire-breathing dragon. Even if he evolved into a fast dragon, it would be difficult to surpass the tactical position of the fire-breathing dragon in the crossing lineup without a period of catching up. .

And the fire-type fire-breathing dragon that can fly is too restrained for the steel-type Dawu's elf whose speed is flawed.

Du Juan stared, "How do you know that Dawu senior's Kedora has no way to restrain Hackron?"

Xia Yan turned a blind eye to her angry expression, but he agreed with her words, nodded and said: "Indeed, if the dragon's dive can hit Hack Dragon, the effect will be very significant, but the premise is that it can hit the dragon." It can only be done in the middle, but Dora's flaws in speed are too great.

Besides, Du will definitely use the 'Dance of the Dragon' as his starting move. "

"How do you know it's the dragon's dive?" Du Juan was a little surprised, and she was also surprised why Xia Yan could guess the tactics of the two.

Because on the field, Du did let Hackron use the Dragon Dance, the purpose was not to improve the attack, but to further strengthen the advantage in speed.

Although Xia Yan has been teasing him with the title "Dodo Bird", his strength is still very strong if he can become a champion in the future, and his control of the rhythm of the battle is even more accurate to every second and every moment.

Anyway, Du Ye is a few years older than me, and his experience at this age is a great advantage.

The reason why he later failed to become the champion of the Kanto area.

On the one hand, it is because the Kanto region, which is the origin of the alliance, has indeed produced a large number of talents. If some of the Four Heavenly Kings go to a relatively weak region, it is not impossible to be the champion, such as the Hezhong region and the Carlos region that have been criticized all the time.

Alola is purely a rural area, so I won’t mention it.

And Kona's strength is indeed quite outstanding, and because the ice system is too restrained against all flying elves.

On the other hand, it is because Du belongs to the Yulong family, and Yanmo City is located in the Chengdu area. It is obviously more conducive to the development of the family to become a champion in the Chengdu area.

After reaching that level, it is time for him to give back to the family after he has experienced the resource supply of the Yulong family for such a long time to grow rapidly.

This is the benefit of growing up as a trainer in a big family, but it is also a hindrance.

Even Dawu had to abdicate to Mikoli in the end and go back to take over Devon Company.

That sentence is confirmed.

If you do not do well, you will go home early to take over billions of assets. If you do well, you will go back and take over billions of assets after a few more years.

The life of the rich is so boring and monotonous.

Put away the digression.

Kedora and Hackron in the field finally came to decide the outcome.

The cuckoo next to him is holding the book tightly, and the little stars of anticipation are all over his eyes.

But Xia Yan knew that the result had already been decided.

"Du won the first round."

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