"The three royal elves?"

With the help of Yongjila, Xia Yan heard what they were communicating, and his eyes flashed with surprise.

Ordinary elves measure the value, nothing more than strength, genetic moves, rarity, etc., but if it is the elves of the Yusan family, the price will increase a lot invisibly.

The alliance in each region will choose one fire-type, one grass-type and one water-type elf as the initial elf for the direct trainers of the alliance.

And these elves are collectively referred to as the "Three Imperial Clans".

The elves who can be selected by the alliance are naturally not bad.

Compared with those rarer quasi-god elves, the elves of Yusanjia may not be able to match in terms of growth limit, but they also have advantages that quasi-god elves cannot match.

That is, the evolution process is relatively smoother.

There will be no situation where there is not much combat power without evolution, or it is difficult to exert strength.

Of course, the smooth evolution process is one aspect, but it also takes into account the upper limit of growth.

As long as he cultivates carefully and hard, it is not impossible to surpass the quasi-god elves.

Therefore, the Yusanjia elves are also elves that many trainers are keen on.

Moreover, because most of the Yusanjia elves are controlled by the alliance, the wild Yusanjia is relatively rare, which also affects its price to a certain extent.

If you can catch a Yusanjia elf, even if you don't subdue it, you can definitely make a lot of money by selling it.

However, after listening to their conversation, Xia Yan did not act in a hurry, and still stood silently on the tree, keeping absolute silence.

five minutes later.

The two who had left before did come back.

At this moment, they are no longer the previous look of one being cautious and the other being careless. Both of them have become very vigilant.

But after seeing the scene where there was still no change, they all frowned.

"Really gone?" The skinny man said in a deep voice.

The two looked around to make sure nothing had changed.

They didn't communicate any more, and left quickly.

It wasn't until they left this time that Xia Yan jumped down from the tree with the help of Yong Jila.

"It's still a bit taken for granted. Even if I am not someone's target, I can't just think that I won't be in danger. After that, you don't have to open the way with the single scabbard. Let Yong Jila work harder." Xia Yan said.

Not being targeted does not mean that danger will not take the initiative to find the door.

The act of letting the single scabbard open the way this time really taught Xia Yan a good lesson.

Fortunately, Yongjila's super power has been extended, and he predicted the opponent's approach at the first time.

"Yongji." Yongjila nodded.

Such a consumption of superpowers does not pose much pressure to it, and after a little deep meditation, it will be fully recovered soon.


The lone scabbard also poked its head out, showing resentment.

'This world is too dangerous, I really am not cautious enough, I need to learn more! '

"It's okay, it's not your responsibility." Xia Yan comforted.

Immediately afterwards, he looked up in the direction where the two disappeared.

‘Is there really the three royal elves? Or is it just nonsense just to lure me out? '


'Are they organized? It is said that they came out from missions to earn extra money. Does the organization they talk about have anything to do with the forces that stare at Meiyu and the others? '

These are the two doubts that arose in Xia Yan's heart.

Think about it.

Regardless of whether there are real Yusanjia elves, Xia Yan is ready to follow and see.

Let Yongjila's super power wrap himself, suspended a few centimeters above the ground, without leaving any traces, and quickly chased after him.

It is still dangerous to move in the forest at night.

However, as long as you are careful enough, it shouldn't pose much threat to him.

Under the package of super power, Xia Yan's movement speed is also much faster.


In Yongjila's superpower perception, the location of the two people was tracked.

They are also moving fast.

And it seems that the experience of field operations is quite rich, and the ordinary forest environment and terrain have not had much impact on their movement.

And they didn't make the same mistakes as Xia Yan, and they didn't take the initiative to destroy the vegetation and leave traces.

"Elf hunter?"

To be able to do this, one must either be a veteran trainer with rich field experience, or an elf hunter, proficient in wild survival skills and the ability to track prey.

Xia Yan was hanging far behind, always within Yongjila's maximum perception range.

Not close, if there is an emergency, it is enough for Yongjila to use teleportation to take him away.


The pace of the two gradually slowed down.

Appeared in a misty forest with high air humidity.

There are potholes and swamps everywhere, and some are even dangerous swamps.

It looks ordinary, but if you step on it, you will be completely sunk in it.

Moreover, the swamp may be filled with a large amount of harmful gas. Once the sole of the foot falls and the gas rushes towards the face, it may not even have the reaction time to summon the spirit, and it will directly fall into a coma.

But the two obviously have experience in dealing with such situations.

Under the seven circles and eight circles, there is no meaning of being affected by the swamp.


After passing through a large swampy area, they came to a relatively flat grassland with lush green branches and leaves.

If you look carefully, you can find that the surrounding area of ​​this grassland is a swamp area.

It also makes the area seem more secluded and safe.

"In such an environment, it is really not impossible for one or even a group of Yu Sanjia elves to live."

Seeing this grassland, Xia Yan made a judgment.

Surrounded by complex swampy areas, even if there are sporadic trainers passing by, they will actively choose to bypass the swamp instead of crossing deeply.

After all, no one would have imagined that there would be such a grassland in the middle of the swamp area.

Moreover, not only trainers, but even many wild elves don't like such swamp areas, and won't approach them easily.

Even if there are elves who like swamps, they are destined to be a minority.

Moreover, there are a lot of microorganisms decomposing nutrients in the swamp, and the leftovers can nourish the grassland very well, which makes the vegetation on the grassland extraordinarily lush.

Those two people stopped at the entrance of the grassland, and each took out the elf balls.

Accompanied by the red light, a murk and a big-tailed civet appeared.

The Muke is the house bird of the Sinnoh area, and the big-tailed raccoon is one of the few elves who like to live in this humid and humid environment.

Relying on these two elves, it became understandable to discover this meadow.

Immediately afterwards, the two took out some equipment and carried them with them.

A capture net that can release high-intensity voltage, but an anesthesia gun that shoots anesthesia injections, and other strange equipment.

Xia Yan narrowed his eyes after hearing Yongjila describe the equipment.

"It's really an elf hunter."

The two adjusted their status and equipment, looked at each other, and walked into the dense grass together.

As soon as they entered the tall grass, which was half a person's height, it almost covered their figures.

After waiting silently in the distance for a while, Xia Yan stood on the edge of the grass.

"This kind of environment is the royal family of the grass department? In the Sinnoh area, the grass seedling turtle?"

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