The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 389 Xia Yan who is both a father and a mother

In the end, it was Xia Yan who watched too many movies in his previous life, which caused his thoughts to become impure.

Because it was getting late, after the two chatted briefly, Sirona led Xia Yan to a guest room.

Although it is a guest room, it is furnished quite comfortably.

"You can take whatever you need, there should be something to eat in the refrigerator." Sirona explained.


After Sirona left, Xia Yan released the elves.

Because he realized he had made a mistake.

In the middle of the night, I actually drank coffee

But it's also good.

He finally had time to have a good conversation with the elves, and at the same time, he was going to talk about the plans and arrangements for the future.

Originally, I planned to find a place and leave some time to settle after returning from the different space of Regichkas.

But now it seems that this precipitation process may only be left at the trial site arranged by the alliance.

Although this alliance's trial is also in a different space, Xia Yan is not going to frantically collect materials like in the different space of Regichkas, and put the main purpose and focus on training elves.

Even if those bigwigs participated in this competition, he didn't have high expectations, but it didn't conflict with his elves training and cultivation.

If it is really impossible to become the Gym Master of a certain place, he can spend money to buy a piece of land.

"Pokekigu." Xia Yan called out.


Pokkigu, who was playing a game of "whack-a-mole" with Huhu, heard Xia Yan's words, and hurriedly hid the "little" hammer in his hand behind his back, showing a "naive" expression.

Xia Yan smiled helplessly, but didn't mean to say it.

Pokkigu has the best relationship with Huhu. Huhu is usually introverted, and only Pokkigu can make him laugh.


Pokkigu immediately came to him obediently.

Xia Yan hugged Pokkigu into his arms, and gently rubbed the soft wings on its back. This was where Pokkigu felt most comfortable.


Pokkigu immediately groaned comfortably, lying on his lap and twisting his body constantly.

"how do you feel?"


"The energy of the fairy system." Xia Yan reminded.

Pokkigu awakened the fairy type in a different space. After returning to the elf world, Xia Yan tested it. When he used the general type of moves, he did not have any boost, and the energy of the dragon type almost did not respond to it.

Of course, high-intensity and high-concentration dragon energy can still cause damage to it, such as the dragon energy of Duolong Baruto.

The attribute immunity between elves is only between elves of the same strength, and the strength is too different, of course it is not impossible.

It's impossible for a newborn elf-type elf to be immune to Lie Kongzao's "finishing touch".

If the threshold of tolerance is exceeded, there will be damage.

Pokkigu tilted his head and felt it carefully.

There is indeed a fairy-type energy circulating in the body, but compared to the different space, these energies have become less active.

Tell Xia Yan all these feelings.

"Okay, then your main training direction will be changed to the direction of the flight department, and you are ready."

Pokkigu drooped his head subconsciously.

"There is no limit to the supply of food."

"Cha Ke Yi!" Pok Kigu immediately raised his head and patted his own small chest.

‘Training or something, I like it the most! '

The small eyes were sly.

Xia Yan suddenly laughed out loud.

This little guy is naughty, but fortunately he is more serious during training.

Let it play by itself.

The training intensity in these two days will not be high, which can be regarded as giving them a rest and buffer time.

Even Big Needle Bee and Yong Jila, who always give themselves "extra meals", were specially ordered by Xia Yan not to practice additionally by themselves.

The previous high-intensity and high-frequency battles, this time is to recall and consolidate the inadequacies and mistakes felt in the process, and the training seems not so important.

Xia Yan originally planned to spend ten days reviewing with the elves to strengthen his memory.

Now it seems that this seems a bit too late.

"Big Needle Bee."

After getting to know Pokkigu, Xia Yan called Big Needle Bee.

"Sizzling beer."

As Xia Yan's original partner, Big Needle Bee is definitely the elf who knows him best, and is currently the most powerful existence in his team.

If the Mega evolution is counted, the Big Needle Bee can to a certain extent face the elves at the master level of the Hard Steel Pavilion.

The increase that Mega brings to it is quite obvious.

However, Mega evolution cannot be used as a conventional method. This trial has the attention of the alliance, and there are other trainers. It is definitely not possible to use it. It can only rely on the original strength of the big needle bee.

For the big needle bee, Xia Yan is the most at ease.

"Reduce the intensity of the training, and now focus on your characteristics, let Diversity Monster accompany you to explore the weaknesses of different elves, and strive to have a sufficient understanding of each elf, starting with the batch of elves we met this time."

"Hiss beer." Big Needle Bee nodded.

It is familiar with this link.

It's just watching Dittomon constantly changing clothes, and it keeps trying to figure it out.



Under the suppression of the superpower suppression device he just bought, Yongjila's superpower can no longer be used so freely.

Even keeping it suspended in mid-air is quite stressful and difficult for it.

"Your superpower training has almost integrated into your usual habits. I won't stop you. There is only one request. Stop extra training at night. When this matter is over, I will arrange a new training plan for you, including your night time."

"Yongji." Yongjila showed embarrassment.

It also thought that Xia Yan didn't know about its extra training.

As everyone knows, as the trainer who knows it best, how could Xia Yan not pay attention to its changes.

Whether it is from the growth of strength or the growth of mentality.

As a veritable "seeing big from childhood", Xia Yan not only pays attention to and takes care of Yong Jila as a trainer, but also has the mentality of many "old fathers" looking after children.

I hope my child can become a dragon and a phoenix, but I don't want it to be too tired, and I am caught in a kind of self-contradiction.

"If you really can't calm down, focus on how to make a core, how to match it with other elves, with the big needle bee, with Pokkigu, with double scabbards, and even with other elves. As a core, it is not only your strength that is tested, but also your ability to perform on the spot, your wisdom, let your wisdom shine like the rising sun in the east."


Yongjila felt the hope that Xia Yan placed.

"Double scabbard."


The double scabbard with one eye open timidly came to Xia Yan's side.

With the complete release of the other side of the double scabbard, its originally cautious side became even more cautious. Although it was not too obvious in the battle, it was because of its active restraint.

And if it assumes another character, then

"Did you go and have a good chat with another 'you' as I said?" Xia Yan asked.

The double scabbards showed an embarrassing look, faltering and not knowing what to say.

at last.


'I'm afraid of it, it's so fierce'

A black line appeared on Xia Yan's forehead.

I am afraid of myself, and there is no one else.

"Go to 'it' and have a good chat. If 'it' dares to bully you, let 'it' come to me, and I said to 'it'." Xia Yan looked closely at the double scabbards and urged.

"I don't ask too much of you, as long as you can switch freely under normal circumstances, isn't it difficult?"


'Isn't it difficult? '

"It's really not possible, I can only go and talk to 'it' by myself." Xia Yan's expression was solemn, and superpowers appeared on his raised hand.

"Alas! Alas!"

'I go! I go! ’ The double scabbards made a sound quickly.

It's not like it doesn't understand, isn't it the one who suffers in the end?

Xia Yan smiled, withdrew his super power, and waved his hand, "Go, let's have a good chat."


With the double scabbards drooping his head, he returned to the corner, struggling with how to communicate with his other "self".

Xia Yan felt that he should try to learn telepathy.

In this way, even if there is no double scabbard, it should be able to contact and communicate with another "it".

If he can freely control the two personalities of the double scabbard, it will undoubtedly become the sharpest sword in Xia Yan's hands!

Two handles!

After explaining the two scabbards, Xia Yan's "heart-to-heart" work this night is almost completed.

He took a deep breath and lay on his back on the bed.

Being a trainer is really not an easy task. In most cases, you have to be both a father and a mother.

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