It worked!

Whether it's luck or coincidence, at least the double scabbards did successfully combine the two moves of slash and holy sword this time.

Although it may not have achieved the desired effect, the power of the three-sword down move directly doubled to a terrifying level of 360, but at least it succeeded.

All beginnings are hard.

As many people have said, there is a difference between pretending to be only once and countless times.

With the first time, there will naturally be countless times behind.

As long as you can grasp the feeling just now, and then transform that feeling into proficiency, mastery and finally become a habit.

In this way, this combined move can be considered to be completely mastered.

"Continue." Xia Yan shouted to the two scabbards.

Only then did the two scabbards react, with excitement in their eyes, and the blue phantom wrapped in blue light swung out again.



Just a sword!

A double-duty ice couldn't bear the huge pressure and damage. It rolled its eyes and fell to the ground, losing its ability to fight.

After losing the ability to fight, the effect of the "frozen body" characteristic will no longer be effective.

The second sword!

Immediately afterwards, the double scabbard swung out the third sword!


I don't know if it was because he was too excited or he didn't master the combination well enough, but the phantom he swung this time didn't have the effect of the blessing of the upper combo, and the power returned to its original level.

Although it still caused a lot of damage to Double Duo Duo Bing, it was no worse than before.

Xia Yan nodded silently.

He was not surprised.

The double scabbard was able to succeed just now, luck accounted for most of the ingredients.

But success by luck is also success.

As long as the double scabbards can master that feeling, sooner or later they will be proficient in this combination, which can be regarded as greatly speeding up the process of mastering this combination of moves with double scabbards.

And Xia Yan also found out.

After combining the holy sword with the combination, the power is not as terrifying as he thought.

It may be because he is not proficient enough, and the energy control of the two moves by the double scabbard is not in place, so the holy sword that should have 90 power, the first sword has a power of 60 at most, which is greatly reduced.

The second sword is about 120 power.

Therefore, a coincidental success will definitely not show the greatest results. There is still a long way to go before the double scabbards meet Xia Yan's goal.

There is no rush, this must be a process of getting used to it slowly until it is mastered.

But he still shouted to the double scabbards: "Very good! Find that feeling just now, grab it, and use it!"

It was also a bit of a surprise to see the double scabbard that failed with the third sword.

But after hearing Xia Yan's words, it became motivated again.

If you can succeed once, there must be a second time. Seeing the actual hope is far better than groping without a clue.

"Sword dance."

After finding the feeling of the double scabbards, Xia Yan no longer chose to procrastinate any longer, and let the double scabbards increase the attack and speed up the cleaning.

Sirona next to her is almost about to clean up the twice as much ice on that side.

Lucario's strength is still strong, and he is very proficient in fighting and steel moves, and his speed is also very flexible. It has a greater advantage than double scabbards, and it is relatively easier to fight.

However, with the assistance of Yongjila and Pokkigu, the double scabbard can also complete the task well.

During the period, it found that feeling again, and successfully combined the combo and the holy sword again.

And this time it successfully swung the third sword, the power of the move almost reached 240.

Of course, this move was estimated by Xia Yan, and there may be more or less deviations, but the difference should not be big.


With the combination of the last combo of the double scabbard and the holy sword, the third sword fell, and the only remaining double Duoduo Bing also fell to the ground, losing the ability to fight.


The double scabbards floated unsteadily in front of Xia Yan, his opened eyes were full of excitement and exhaustion that could not be concealed.

The fighting time was not too long, but the double scabbards that were fully engaged did consume a lot, whether it was in physical strength or energy.

There is also the damage caused by the occasional intensive move attack.

Xia Yan smiled and took out a few energy cubes, "You did a good job, take a rest."


The double scabbard smiled and nodded.

In the red light, he was collected into the poke ball and had a good rest.

The task of guarding is temporarily handed over to Yongjila.

"What a powerful combo move."

Beside, Sirona sighed after seeing Xia Yan put away the double scabbards and ended the battle earlier.

She happened to see the last sword with double scabbards that used the combination of slash and holy sword, and expressed her amazement at its power.

The double scabbards succeeded a total of three times today, and the last one was also the most powerful one.

It can be seen that it is indeed slowly mastered, and it is in a familiar process and stage.

Xia Yan smiled and said, "Good luck."

Sirona gave him a deep look.


If there is not enough accumulation and the proficiency of these two moves with double scabbards, even if you are lucky, you will not be able to combine them.

Luck is also a prerequisite for adequate preparation.

Her beautiful eyes swept over Double Duo Duo Bing and Duo Duo Bing lying on the ground. The surrounding wind and snow were obviously much smaller, and the hailstorm had completely stopped.

This group of twice as much ice is definitely not a small force in this area.

"Let's go, there is still some distance to the destination." Sirona said with her gaze back.

"Yeah." Xia Yan lowered his eyes and responded.

There was a glimmer of light in the eyes.

There are so many double Doubling and Duoduobing, some of them have reached the strength of the elite level, and the rest are at the worst level, and most of them are senior level. If they are used well, they will become a good source of strength and production.

Double Duo Duo Duo Ice, like Blizzard King, also has a certain probability and ability to produce "non-melting ice". The difference is that the probability of double Duo Duo Duo Ice's production is far higher than that of Blizzard King.

A group of this size is rare, and they definitely carry some "unmelting ice" on them.

Throwing it here is really a bit of a waste.

But Xirona is here, if Xia Yan unscrupulously subdue these double-duty ice, it will definitely arouse her disgust, and even prevent him from doing so.

As the future Sinnoh champion, if Xia Yan can really open a gym in Sinnoh in the future, the relationship must be taken care of.


He didn't do that.

But after Sirona raised her foot, she followed silently, stepping on the snow with shallow and deep steps.

Not long.

When Sirona and Xia Yan disappeared in the snowstorm, a figure slowly appeared.

His eyes were full of helplessness and speechlessness.

Seeing the pack of poke balls that suddenly appeared in his hand, Duolong Baruto was also convinced.

It is a dignified quasi-dragon elf above the king level, but it has been reduced to cleaning the battlefield for others?

And it was still in the snowstorm that it disliked the most.

He angrily threw the package on the ground.


Then according to Xia Yan's request, put away these double Duo Duo Bing and Duo Duo Bing one by one.

There is no way, the "lifeline" is pinched in someone's hand.

It was just food before, but now the fossil of Duolong Meiya is still in Xia Yan's hands, and he must rely on his power if he wants to try to resurrect.

Anger to anger, Duolong Baruto still subdued the elves meticulously.

As for, will collecting so many wild elves make Duolong Baruto disgusted?

Please, it is normal for the weak to eat the strong in the world of elves, so where is this?

But it muttered.

‘Make more money, so you can buy more food, it’s decided! I will be full in the future! '


The fourth one is here, ask for a monthly ticket!

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