The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 418 Attack in the Desert

The fourth day of entering a different space.

Xia Yan finally left the underground tunnel buried thousands of meters below.

It is good to pass this trial safely, but the rich resources are more attractive, especially after learning the existence of the original Gulardo carapace.

As for the method of leaving, it is actually not difficult.

Let the dragon-headed gopher keep drilling up with Yongjila's elf ball. After breaking through the ground, Yongjila can come out of the elf ball, drop the superpower "anchor" point and use teleportation to come back, and then take Xia Yan and the others away together.

The distance of several thousand meters is not a long distance for Yongjila's teleportation.

When Xia Yan was illuminated by the soft light again, before he could take a deep breath of the fresh air of nature, he immediately opened up his superpower.

All right.

He was thinking too much.

Unexpectedly, after leaving the underground tunnel, he did not appear in a lush forest, but in a desert area, where raging wind and sand swept over him. If he dared to take a deep breath, the wind and sand would surely block his respiratory tract instantly.

look around.

There are endless deserts everywhere, and flying sand that affects the sight.

The sand surface he was stepping on sank slowly, and within a short time it was almost below his ankles.

"It's indeed a bit different from what I expected." He smiled self-deprecatingly.

But it's not too surprising, at least it's much better than appearing in a vast ocean Xia Yan comforted himself.

Only in this way, which direction to go next, and where to find the carapace fragments of the original Gulardo, became a problem.

This different space is obviously not small, and it is estimated that it is not much worse than Regichkas's different space. The wild elves living in it can be seen from the leader of the flame queen lizard and the dragon-headed gopher, and they are not weak.

Even a huge ethnic group will be stronger.

Xia Yan thought for a while, then threw the elf ball and summoned the monster jawed dragon.

As soon as its huge body appeared, it blocked a lot of wind and sand.

The dense wind and sand blowing on its thick rock skin will not cause any damage.

Xia Yan came to the monster-jawed dragon. Its wide feet and its identity as a rock-type elf would play a good role in such a desert.


Pointing to the direction where there seemed to be a mountain bag in the distance, Xia Yan patted the head of the monodontosaurus.

The current eccentric dragon has been completely tamed, and it is very honest, especially after knowing that Xia Yan is going to "layoff", he behaves more attentively, for fear that he will become one of the members who will be laid off.

It has long since thought of freedom.


Freedom is precious, but food is more expensive.

With the strange jawed dragon supporting the wind and sand, Xia Yan's troubles were reduced a lot.



Looking at the hazy Pokkigu around, this is the first time it has seen the desert environment, and it is a little curious.

But after hearing Xia Yan's call, he immediately came to his side.

Xia Yan rubbed his chin and looked at Pokkigu.

Teacher Bo, it seems that it has been a long time since I made a gong.

Xia Yan looked at Pokkigu furiously, and asked vigilantly, "Qia Keyi?"

Xia Yan was amused by its appearance, and said with a smile: "Don't be poor. Pokkigu, let me ask you, if I want to find the dark red stone we saw in the lava cave yesterday, which direction do you think I should go?"

Pokkigu's luck is good, but it's just that the timing is not working, and it has been a long time since he has not used his skills, and Xia Yan doesn't know if he is still working.

But anyway, they are looking aimlessly, so it is better to listen to Pokkigu's advice.

"Qa Ke Yi——" Pokjigu heaved a long sigh of relief, thinking what Xia Yan was going to do.

Standing on the head of the strange jawed dragon, looking around, rubbing his chin like Xia Yan for a while, and making a Buddha bow with his hands like Yongjila for a while, he looks extraordinarily "professional".

Xia Yan squatted down, and flicked his index finger on its head, "Don't fix it, just rely on your sixth sense, or simply point in any direction."

The more serious Pokkigu is, the less effective he becomes.

Its unconscious actions will be the most successful.

"Chakeyi" Pokkigu grinned and rubbed his head, pointing casually.

This time it was really casual.

"Okay, let's follow this direction, Weilong." Xia Yan didn't doubt him, and chose to trust Pokkigu's intuition.


The strange jaw dragon responded without any complaints, and walked in the direction Pokkigu pointed.

Three hours later.

The strange jaw dragon stopped.

Standing on its head, Xia Yan and Pokkigu looked at the reason why the eccentric dragon had to stop in front of them, a quicksand vortex with a huge range.

Such a quicksand vortex, even if it is a relatively strong elf, as long as it is not adapted to the conditions of the desert, it will be difficult to struggle out of being sucked into it.

Layer after layer of sand will continue to rush up, like huge palms, constantly grabbing you, pressing you, and slapping you until it is completely dragged into the quicksand vortex and swallowed.

Both Xia Yan and Pokki were lost in thought.

At this time, their expressions were very similar, with one hand resting on the other, rubbing their chins.

'It shouldn't be.'

Xia Yan and Pokkigu looked at each other and got the same content.

It's just that what Xia Yan wanted to express was that he shouldn't have so much trust in Teacher Bo, who hadn't shown his skills for a long time.

What Pokkigu wanted to express was that it shouldn't be pointing in the wrong direction, it must be that the strange jaw dragon didn't recognize the direction well and went crooked.

Strange Jaw Dragon: Meow Meow Meow?

"Forget it, it's okay, let's go around, strange jaw dragon." Xia Yan chose to give up.

The huge head of the strange jaw dragon nodded.

However, when its soles just moved, the sand under its feet immediately became loose.

The range of the quicksand vortex suddenly increased!


At this time, Yongjila, who was sitting cross-legged on the back of the monster jawed dragon and meditating, suddenly called out, and his blue eyes suddenly opened.


The big needle bee turned into a golden streamer, leaving a fine arc in the air, galloping towards Xia Yan, surrounded by superpower fluctuations, moving at high speed!


Suddenly, a dark red figure shot out from the fast-flowing sand, with a bloody mouth wide open, aiming at Xia Yan who looked the most vulnerable standing on top of the monster-jawed dragon.

And Xia Yan's super power was torn apart without causing any hindrance to the opponent.

However, Xia Yan, who was standing on top of the monster-jawed dragon, was not in a panic, but his eyes were fixed on the elf who came in surprise.

In the next instant, a black shadow appeared from his shadow, and the huge blue sword shadow swung in the air swept towards the attacking elves.

It is a holy sword with double scabbards!

Boom! !

The elf was hit by the holy sword with double scabbards, and his forward body stopped abruptly, a painful growl came from the opened mouth, and the dark red figure flew out backwards.

However, when it was still flying upside down, a golden figure appeared on its upside down trajectory like an electric shot.

The emerald green cross scissors landed on it mercilessly, interrupting its flying trajectory and hitting the ground heavily.

It was the big needle bee who arrived in time, and its angry cross scissors.

After the figure fell into the sand, it was immediately submerged by the sand and disappeared.

However, what happened to it aroused the anger of the group of elves who lived in this whirlpool of quicksand.

One by one, their heads were poked out, and low-frequency vibrations were emitted from their abdominal cavities.

Looking at the dark red and brown heads, Xia Yan knew that he must have accidentally broken into the territory of a group of "bad guys".

"Rogue crocodile."


Fifth update! Ask for a monthly ticket, the big move should be held back in these two days, everyone will wait and see.

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