Chapter 460 Flash

There was an elf in the mouth of the burning cockroach.

Although four slender pillars of fire were burning on both sides of the mouth of the flame cockroach, these pillars of fire did not cause any harm to the elf.

This elf is very small, even smaller than a fire scorpion, curled up in a ball.

In the mouth of the Burning Flame Pendant with a body length of more than three meters, it was just a small thing that it could finish with one or two bites.

It looks like a shrew, and its body is roughly divided into two colors: the back and the upper part of the head are dark blue, and the lower part of the head, chest, abdomen and limbs are creamy yellow.

There are four small red holes on its back, occasionally spewing out flames against the flame cockroach, but in the eyes of the flame cockroach, its flames are no different from tickling.

This is the dinner it managed to get. It's a bit small, but it can barely be used to pad its stomach.

And this elf, Xia Yan recognized it almost immediately.

Because it has a collective name that elf lovers are familiar with.


The Yusanjia elves are some elf lovers from Xia Yan's previous life. There is no such way of referring to the three types of elves of grass, fire and water in various regions in the world of elves.

And the one in the mouth of the Burning Flame Pendant at this moment is obviously the three fire-type imperial elves in a certain area.

name is

"Fireball rat?"

The fireball mouse, the fire mouse elf, is one of the initial elves that the direct trainers of the alliance in the Chengdu area can receive.

The final evolution type is the fiery beast, whether it is the initial form or the final form, it is a pure fire elf.

It may be because elves like Fireball Rat can spew flames from their backs, so they are highly compatible with fire moves, and can learn and master a large number of fire moves.

In terms of the number of fire-type moves he has mastered, elves like Fiery Beast should be regarded as relatively top-notch existences in the elf world.

Therefore, the fiery beast is also called the fire "ku" beast.

Its most noteworthy is the fire-type move "fire" with a power of up to 150 points. The strength of the power will change with the change of one's own physical strength, but the power will be stronger when the physical strength is at its peak, and the power will be correspondingly weakened as the physical strength decreases. It is definitely the first choice for pushing the team.

It is also because of this move that the characteristics of elves such as Fireball Rat are not suitable for the most common "fierce fire" characteristic among the fire-type Yu San, but more suitable for its hidden characteristic "ignite fire", which can be immune to the damage caused by fire-type moves.

And from the unharmed posture of the fireball mouse in the flames of the burning cockroach's mouth, it can be seen what its characteristics are.

It is "fire"!


Seeing this fireball mouse, Xia Yan felt a little bit tangled in his heart, and also had a little hesitation on his face.

Is the final evolution of Fireball Rat stronger?


There is no doubt about it.

Those who can be selected by various regions as the initial elves of the lineage trainers are not weak.

But the characteristic of the fireball mouse is that it has no characteristics.

Among the fire-type Yusanjia elves in all regions, Fireball Mouse is the one with no characteristics, or simply put, the three Yusanjia elves in the Chengdu area, Jucaoye, Fireball Mouse, and Little Saw Alligator, are all uncharacteristic elves.

It should be said that it is an elf with less distinctive characteristics.

They are all single attributes, and neither can super-evolve.

Unlike the "son" of the fire-breathing dragon, he is an elf of fire and flight on the surface, but he still bears the hidden attributes of the dragon, and was taken advantage of by a flight trainer, and has two different super-evolved forms.

It is not as distinctive as Accelerated Chicken, Iron Fist Monkey, Cosmic Tiger, and Freedom Rabbit.

However, there is no doubt that the Fireball Mouse has a higher position in Xia Yan's heart than the previous Dai Rubi.

Even if Dai Rubi's final evolution type Hei Lujia has a super evolution.

But sometimes, a super-evolved elf might not necessarily be more effective than a non-super-evolved elf.


If Xia Yan wants to become the head of a gymnasium in a region, owning an elf from the Three Clans that can represent the identity of the alliance can better allow him to prove his identity.

the main thing.


Let me ask a civilian trainer from the bottom, who wouldn't want a Yusanjia elf?


It doesn't mean that Xia Yan made his decision just like that. He hasn't learned about the state and situation of this fireball mouse, and he is not sure about his talent. If his talent is not good, he may not be as good as Dai Rubi.

But no matter what, the name of Fireball Shuyu Sanjia makes it have a lot of value, even if the talent is mediocre.

So this group of burning flame pedes and burning fire pedes must be taken down in order to get this fireball mouse.

After thinking about this, Xia Yan no longer hesitated, and winked at his elves.

The elves immediately understood.

In fact, spirits such as Burning Fire and Flame are not too bad.

It's not about how strong elves like the Flamingo are. They are good at physical attacks, but they can't learn many fire-type physical attacks. Only one "flame whip" is a good move. It can cause damage and has a high probability of reducing the enemy's defense.

But Xia Yan said "not bad", not referring to their combat effectiveness, but to their characteristics.

Whether it is a flame pedipale or a burning peduncle, the normal characteristics are "fire" and "white smoke", but they also have a hidden characteristic, "flame body"!

Body of Flame: Burns the opponent it touches.

However, this is only an effect that can be triggered in battle.

"Body of Flame" has another function in ordinary life.

Accelerate the hatching of elf eggs!

Therefore, many breeding houses have at least one or even more elves with the "body of flame" characteristic to speed up the hatching of elf eggs.

And Xia Yan now has a dragon elf egg that needs to be hatched, and he doesn't even know how long it will take to hatch.

In addition, if Xia Yan really wants to open an elf farm according to the plan in the future, it will inevitably produce a lot of elf eggs, and the elves with the "body of flame" characteristic will also be particularly important at that time.

I just don't know if there is a "body of flame" in this group of burning flame pedes and burning fire pedes.

"Two master-level and three elite-level."

Xia Yan's eyes swept over these burning flame cockroaches, and he had a preliminary judgment on their strength.

It has to be said that the fire energy in this underground space is too strong, even if you lead a dog to cough.

Compared with the Valley of Fire, the living conditions of the wild elves here are better.

This kind of strength configuration, coupled with the dense fire cockroaches, also made Xia Yan feel a little bit of headache and trouble.


Just when he was about to command the elves to take down the group of flame cockroaches, he suddenly heard a low shout.

Then I saw a magenta figure jumping down obliquely from somewhere, holding flames in his small fists, mixed with strands of golden flames.

Although he is not big, he aimed at the flame pedipale.

The flame pedipede with the fireball mouse in its mouth.

Boom! !

The fist smashed on the face of the flame gnat, causing its mouth to loosen slightly, and the fireball mouse fell from the air.

He was immediately embraced by the magenta figure.


When it was about to save the Fireball Mouse and leave, the Flamingope reacted furiously.

A flame whip twitched from top to bottom, directly entwining that figure together with the Fireball Mouse.

But when Xia Yan saw this figure, his eyes burst out with the light that appeared for the first time during this trip to the Flame Valley.

Muttering: "This is. Flash"


Chapter 5 is late but arrived~~ Guess what kind of elf this is?

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