The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 465 Did you run to the wrong set?

This tunnel is very long.

very long.

But along the way, they could always pick up fragments of primitive Gulardo carapaces of different sizes, rules and shapes, no, fragments.

They were all pieces the size of a thumb, some even smaller than a thumb, about the size of a fingernail.

But don't say it.

All kinds of things add up, but I have collected a lot.

These fragments were all kept by Pokki Guna.

In its own words.

'I'll help you put it together. '

Puzzles or something, Pokkigu is the best.

Xia Yan didn't have any requirements for this, so he simply gave Pokkigu to let him play by himself.

Because there are too many pieces, Little Flame Monkey also joined in the "puzzle" process.

The two elves followed behind them, chirping and discussing where to put one of them and where to put the other, all with great interest.

Little Flame Monkey drew a big circle with both hands.

Pokkigu shook his head, took out one of the slender pieces, and said that this would not work.

Then it turned its small eyes, clasped its hands together, and pulled it horizontally from the inside to the outside.

Little Flame Monkey's eyes lit up in an instant, and he nodded repeatedly.


Or Pokkigu has insight and ideas.

So the little flame monkey was under the command of Pokkigu, and the two elves put together the pieces together.

Met another piece.

It's a little bigger, but not too bad.

Yongjila picked it up with superpowers and sent it to Pokkigu and Little Flame Monkey, but Xia Yan's attention was no longer on it.

Because this long tunnel seems to be coming to an end.

In the dark not far away, at the end of the tunnel, there is an orange light.

He couldn't help but quicken his pace.

There was no attack by wild elves along the way, so Pokkigu and Little Flame Monkey had such interest and time.

With approach.

The orange light became more and more obvious.

Accompanied by it, of course there was also a higher and higher temperature. Even though Xia Yan had superpowers to isolate him, fine beads of sweat still appeared on his forehead.

The most obvious change is the flame on the tail of the little flame monkey, which is very vigorous and full of vitality.


With the last step, the scene in front of Xia Yan changed.

The same dark tunnel turned into a towering grotto filled with orange light, and the first thing that caught his attention was the thing that hung above the grotto, exuding rich orange light, like a little sun.

"A .cocoon?"

Xia Yan stared at the glowing object carefully, and it was not difficult to see that it was a cocoon wrapped in thick silk threads.

Because above this huge cave, there are a lot of silk threads densely covered, densely packed like the cover of the sky, fixed on the rock walls around the cave, and distributed regularly around the cocoon.

The light emitted by the cocoon was like a burning sun, but these bright white silk threads didn't look like they were going to burn at all.

Moreover, it has been unknown how many years this state has been maintained in this cave.

The little flame monkey is the most sensitive to the perception of fire energy, and it also looked up at the cocoon above its head in a daze, only feeling

It was like a huge fire-type energy aggregate, so huge that it couldn't describe it at all.

"Cha Ke Yi!"

The sharp-eyed Pokkigu once again saw a fragment scattered on the ground, and its shape and size were almost exactly the same as it had imagined.

It's the last piece of the "puzzle".

Without any explanation, pick up the debris.

Then he mustered his strength, and with a little bit of difficulty, he smashed one of the objects into the outline in its hand.

With the embedding of this piece of stone, some fragments that were originally scattered were completely tightened at this moment, and the gaps between each other were almost too small to be seen.

Not to mention.

Pokkigu does have a talent for "puzzles", things that are pieced together

Xia Yan's gaze moved from top to bottom, and finally saw a dark red fragment about the size of a basketball directly under the glowing cocoon. The golden lines on it were particularly bright, and it appeared brighter in the halo of light from above.

It is a carapace fragment of the original Groudon.

And it is the largest piece that Xia Yan has seen so far. Even the two pieces collected before are not as big as this one.

Just when he squinted his eyes and considered whether taking the fragment would bring about any bad effects, Pokkigu handed it to his hand as if he had pieced it together like a treasure.

Feeling the warm touch from the palm of his hand, Xia Yan grabbed it subconsciously.


Soon he felt something strange from the touch and shape.

its not right.

No matter how Pokkigu put it together, the shape of the restored fragments should not be a slightly rounded thing with only a few edges and corners.

Warm, round, hard, slender.

Xia Yan couldn't help but look down.


He was completely stunned.

Pokkigu flew in front of him, with his hands on his waist, and his head proudly raised, with an expression of "Praise me quickly, I want to hear it".

But Xia Yan's attention was completely attracted by the things in his hands.


This result.

Why is it so different from what he expected?

He thought that the "puzzle" that Pokkigu referred to was to restore these scattered fragments into pieces.

So what's so good about putting pieces together?

His attention has never been on them, guarding against possible sudden attacks.

Unexpectedly, Pokkigu and Little Flame Monkey also joined for freestyle.

He raised the object in his hand and placed it in front of his face, the corners of his mouth twitching constantly.

Pokkigu, what did they fight for?

one root.


Although the shape is slightly irregular, the appearance is not very smooth, and some edges and corners are still very sharp, but what cannot be doubted is that this is a stick!

After working for a long time, you fiddled with a stick?

Xia Yan looked at Pokkigu and the little flame monkey who had fallen to the ground, and the two elves looked at him hopefully.

Xia Yan pressed his forehead.

But he still smiled and gave the two little guys a thumbs up, "Well done."

"Cha Ke Yi!"


Pokkigu and the little flame monkey smiled at the same time, and the little flame monkey let out a sigh of relief and relaxed a lot.

Xia Yan withdrew his gaze and scanned the stick in his hand back and forth.

Not to mention.

The hands-on ability of the two little guys is quite strong.

Pieces of fragments with irregular shapes and different sizes were forcibly assembled into a stick by them, and they were gently shaken in the hand.

The stick is not long, only about half a meter in length, because the fragments picked up are really not many.

The whole stick is dark red, and there are streaks of golden lines that flicker on and off.

After watching it for a long time, it is very attractive, and even looks more and more beautiful.

But it is.

The original Gulardo knew that his body fragments had been tampered with so much, wouldn't he really jump out of the ground?

First a toothpick for picking teeth, now a stick.


Xia Yan looked at the stick in his hand, and then at the little flame monkey on the ground who seemed quite happy.


"Call this stick 'Ruyi Golden Cudgel'?" Xia Yan murmured.

Did Brother Monkey go to the wrong set?

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