The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 480: Ripping off the Alliance (5/10)

Chapter 480: Knocking off the alliance "baby stick" (510)

the next day.

Originally wanted to have a rare sleep in, but Xia Yan found that he had completely lost the ability to sleep in.

When the time comes, you will definitely wake up.

no way.

After waking up, Xia Yan couldn't fall asleep.

Turning on the computer, while importing the materials Joanna sent last night into the computer, he began to create a new file plan about the cultivation of his elves.

Through the trip to the different space of Regichkas and Gulardo, his elves have changed greatly.

In order to allow them to grow better, it is a good habit of Xia Yan to establish the most reasonable plan files.

Especially the little flame monkey.

As a new elf joining the team, its training plan is particularly important.

Not only must it fully tap its potential, plan the most suitable training program for it, but also allow it to smoothly integrate into its own team.

Now that Xia Yan's elf system, tactics, and core have basically been determined, he can no longer cultivate elves casually, and must meet the requirements of the team and develop in the desired direction.

Although it will be troublesome now, as his strength becomes stronger, he will be more and more able to build a lineup early and determine the core cognitive bonus.

Doing these things is a very thought-consuming and boring thing, but Xia Yan enjoys it.

However, as the strength becomes stronger, the planning for elf cultivation becomes more refined, and more and more things need to be considered, making it more difficult to establish.

It cannot be accomplished overnight.

And just as he was making the file, a phone call came in suddenly.

Picking up the phone and looking, it was Sakuragi who called.

Without hesitation, the phone was connected.

"Mr. Sakuragi." Xia Yan called out politely.

"Xia Yan, where have you been these few days? You can't even get through the phone." Sakuragi's tired voice came from the phone.

Hearing this, Xia Yan's heart moved.

"Is there something urgent? About intimacy?"

Speaking of which, Xia Yan also felt a little embarrassed.

It was obviously a research project signed by him and Sakuragi, but it didn't matter that everything was left to Sakuragi, and he still enjoyed the same treatment.

I feel more or less sorry.

"That's not true. The experiment is progressing smoothly. The several elves you asked me to arrange last time are already on the right track. I believe it won't take long for the results to come out."

When it comes to research, Sakuragi instantly becomes more energetic.

"What's that?"

In addition to research, is there anything else that can make Sakuragi burn?

He heard the sound of breathing from the other end of the phone, calming down the excitement brought about by talking about the experimental project.

"Have you not been on the researcher forum for a long time?"

"Uh yes."

"If it's convenient for you, it's best to open it now."

"wait a second."

Holding the phone in one hand and controlling the computer with the other, he skillfully logged into the official website and entered the interface of the researcher.

Then, Xia Yan was frightened.

Lots of private messages.

It was directly filled to the number of "999+" private messages.

The posts about Ibrahimovic’s evolution that he left before entering Gulardo’s different space are still at the top of the forum, and the popularity has not declined because of the past ten days, but has become more and more intense.

The comments under the post have already broken through the 100,000 mark.

To be honest, Xia Yan didn't even think of this.

He originally thought that the heat would end after a few days, but he didn't expect that he had come out of Gulardo's different space by now, and it was so exaggerated.

After all, I still underestimated the status of elves like Ibrahimovic in the hearts of trainers.

He also underestimated the shock and sensation that he announced four types at once without a new evolutionary type appearing for several years or even decades.

Click on the post and simply browse through it.

Except for a small amount of suspicion mixed in some of the initial comments, when Ye Yibo was confirmed, it brought another wave of shock. I know that almost all the comments now are asking questions about the characteristics, training methods, characteristics, moves, and so on of the four evolutionary types of Ibrahimovic.


"Did you see it?" Sakuragi's voice on the phone was full of helplessness.


Xia Yan subconsciously responded.

Come back to God.

"So, I need."

Some hesitation.

Is it possible to reply one by one?

Then he probably won't have to do anything until the "Ling Lan Youth Competition" starts.

"This incident alarmed the top management of the alliance." Sakuragi said again.

"High-level alliance?"

"Originally, they wanted you to write a paper on the four evolutionary types of Ibrahimovic, but they found that they couldn't reach you, so they found me, but I didn't expect that your phone could not be reached, and the alliance has come to urge it several times."

Xia Yan: "."

"The main reason is that your thesis has too much influence. Many trainers who originally liked elves like Ibrahimovic, but didn't like them because of the three evolutionary types, have now found their goals."

In other words, if Ibrahimovic with the three initial attributes of Fire Ibrahimovic, Water Ibrahimovic and Reib Ibrahimovic cannot find the correct lineup match, they will not be able to fully exert their effects.

Just like Leib, it needs to be paired with the Rainy Team to maximize its effect.

Xia Yan understood what Sakuragi meant.

But for the thesis, he wrote it on his own initiative, and the alliance asked him to write it, so the taste is different.

With the alliance's wealth and power, it is impossible for people to write papers for nothing, right?

Even if Xia Yan asked for "free of charge", the alliance would not let it go.

"I understand. But even if I published this paper, it doesn't mean that I have a good understanding of these evolutionary types, and I don't have the funds to conduct experiments for me, so the writing may not be completely accurate," Xia Yan said.

Whether it is accurate or not depends on the "sincerity" of the alliance.

Sakuragi didn't seem to understand the meaning of Xia Yan's words, but said in relief: "Don't worry about writing, it's normal for new elves to appear in the early stage, and it's normal to have cognitive deviations. The elves that are known now are also slowly being understood and familiarized by us under the accumulation of seniors."


Xia Yan felt that it would be more reliable for him not to go around with Sakuragi, so he said bluntly: "The alliance will not allocate funds, right?"

"Oh, funding, because you are the first one to be invited to write a thesis without a degree, so the alliance means that it will wait for you to write it and wait for the response to grant funding. This is a very common way, so you don't have to worry about it."

Xia Yan: "."

Why do you feel so unreliable?

"I almost forgot. In order to make it easier for you to write your thesis, the alliance specially recruited a group of new Ibrahimovic from the headquarters, and now they are temporarily stored with me. You tell me the address, and I will have someone send it to you."

A new batch of Ibrahimovic?

From Alliance HQ?

That should not be a group of ordinary talented Ibrahimovic.

This made Xia Yan reluctantly accept it.

Not too bad, at least not really white whoring.

Moreover, at the request of so many people, writing a paper on Ibrahimovic's four new evolutionary types can also make Xia Yan more famous, which will help him go further on the road of researcher in the future.

With his current financial resources, it is not a problem to raise a few.


He is doing things for the league, and all the expenses for training Ibrahimovic are not allowed to be reimbursed by the league?

Evolution stone or something, why don't you give him a whole plate?

Energy cubes and the like, which are lower than the special level, are not conducive to research, and will lead to inaccurate writing of the paper. How many boxes should I not give him?

Xia Yan seems to have found a business opportunity from it.

A business opportunity to rip off the alliance.

"Then Mr. Sakuragi, I need something. You can apply to the alliance for me. If they agree, I will write this paper."

"Oh? Tell me about it."

Then Xia Yan talked about resource requirements.

In the name of the name, they are all the basic materials used to cultivate Ibrahimovic, and they reported a lot of them.

Wasn't the purpose of his initial attempt at writing a thesis just to make some extra money from the league?

Now, the opportunity has come.


"Could it be a little too much?" Xia Yan asked tentatively when Sakuragi didn't speak.

But he heard the phone call.

"Ju Cai, have you written everything down? Submit this list today and ask them to complete it as soon as possible."

"Good teacher."

Then Sakuragi picks up the phone again with the clutter.

"I wrote it down here. I simply glanced at it. It's not too much. It's easy to handle."

Xia Yan was stunned.

Not too much?



His understanding of elf research funding is a million points different from Sakuragi's.

It turns out that the researchers and doctors who are valued by the alliance all spend money like this?

Xia Yan felt that it might be really necessary for him to take a few steps forward on the road of being a researcher.


Fifth update! Ask for a monthly ticket~~

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