The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 484 You Are Just Going To Evolve (9/10)

Chapter 484 You Are Just Going to Evolve (910)

Devil's Kiss, a general type of move, in the entire elf world, there are only elves like Miss Lips that can perform it.

As for why only sister Milip can use it, you can roughly understand it after reading the description of this move.

‘Kiss the opponent forcefully with a scary face, thus putting the opponent into a state of sleep. '

Scary face, forceful kiss, and deliberation, only Miss Milip's purple cheeks and round and plump lips can meet the conditions.

But the current situation is that Miss Lips cast a devil's kiss on the super big needle bee, and at the same time caught Yongjila's initiative to attack and try to stop its superpower, and came back with a carbine.

If Sister Milip's plan is really carried out, the super big needle bee that has been kissed by the devil will fall into a deep sleep, and will not be able to give Sister Milip any more threats.

Miss Lips can concentrate on dealing with Yongjila, who just showed her weakness, and launch a fierce offensive.

Even, it can "wake up the slap" to attack the sleeping super needle bee, and with the special effect of the wake up slap, it can deal double damage.

Properly kills two birds with one stone.

Such a plan has a high chance of success, especially for those who don't know enough about elves like Miss Lips.


Xia Yan's understanding of Sister Milip is not low, especially her exclusive move, Devil's Kiss.

Just as she cast the Devil's Kiss on the Super Needle Bee and counterattacked Yongjila with superpowers at the same time, a voice came into Miss Milip's ears.

"Cha Ke Yi!"

look at me!

It's Pokkigu.

Miss Lips is waiting for Yongjila to show its flaws, and Xia Yan is waiting for its vigilance to drop to the minimum.

After all, the strength gap between Pokkigu and Sister Michun is not small. The success rate of the "Look at me" move is open to question.

but now.

Miss Mi Lip, who thinks her plan is successful, is when her psychological defense is weakest.

Hearing Pokkigu's voice and the cute elf with its little hand raised, its sight was immediately attracted.


This is the opportunity for Super Big Needle Bee and Yongjila to play.

The super power gushing out from Yongjila condensed into a wave, wrapped in arrogance and momentum, and attacked the girl who had temporarily froze in super power.

The cross scissors of Super Big Needle Bee also continued to fall without hesitation.


After all, this Miss Lips is no ordinary Miss Lips, don't forget what it carries.

What the fragments of the superpower slate gave her was not only the enhancement of superpower, but also the change of spiritual power.

Immediately break free from Pokkigu's influence.

Facing the attack of Super Big Needle Bee and Yongjila, Miss Mi Lip immediately made a judgment.

Yongjila's attack is not a big threat to it. Once the attack of the super big needle bee successfully lands, it will definitely cause her to be severely injured.

So, ignore Yongjira's super attack.

Miss Lips also immediately gathered a mental shock, ready to have a head-to-head confrontation with Super Big Needle Bee.

But her behavior of ignoring Yongjila in this way caused more harm to it than the comprehensive suppression of Yongjila just now.

The insult is extremely strong, and the harm is even greater!


Yongjila roared, and the spoon in his hand was bent at 90 degrees. The super power emerging from its body ushered in another surge.


Xia Yan's complexion changed slightly.

Xia Yan also underestimated the contrast that Yongjila unconsciously produced in his heart when facing Miss Michun.

They are both humanoid elves, super power elves, and the owner of super power slate fragments. It is difficult for Yongjila not to compare the gap between it and Miss Lip.

It is acceptable to be suppressed. After all, its strength is indeed not as good as Miss Mi Lip, and it has not been training for a long time.

but ignored

That's something that Yongjira can't let go of.

Among the surging superpowers, a ray of pink superpowers appeared along with it.

Moreover, this ray of pink superpower quickly spread and expanded in Yongjila's azure blue superpower, like a drop of ink dripping into a bowl of clear water.

Yongjila's eyes were also slowly covered by this pink super power.

"This is."

Xia Yan looked at this scene in surprise.


On the other hand, the change of Yongjila's superpower finally caught the attention of Miss Milip. When she saw the pink superpower emerging from Yongjila at this moment, her heart skipped a beat.

The ability of the slate, it is too familiar.

But also with the help of the power of the stone slab, it couldn't reach the level of Yongjila.

Is it the same to absorb the slate and carry the slate?

At the same time, Yongjila after his superpower soared does not mean that he lost his mind. Its genetic problem has almost been repaired, so it made the most reasonable choice.

Don't attack sister Milip, but stop it to prepare for the mental impact of hedging against the super big needle bee.

boom! ! !

Superpower meets superpower.

Although Sister Milip is still dominant in terms of quantity and quality, Yongjila at this time is no longer an existence that it can ignore.


In the snow and ice surge caused by the collision of super powers, the super big needle bee rushed out.

Cross scissors!

boom! ! !

The emerald green cross-shaped attack successfully hit Miss Milip.


The aftermath of the impact shattered the ice crystal crown on top of its head, and it fell from the ice rock monster together with Sister Milip.


Yongjila took advantage of the situation to make an additional attack, pouring superpowers on Sister Milip to her heart's content.

Super Big Needle Bee also wouldn't give up the chance to take advantage of the victory and pursue the attack, and made up the last deadly needle before Miss Milip hit the ground.

Boom! !

Sister Milip hit the ground heavily.

The restraint of the insect-type moves is particularly obvious. The adaptability of the super big needle bee further strengthens the power of its insect-type moves, and at the same time it also has the increase of the sword dance.

After all, Sister Milip failed to resist the attacks of Super Big Needle Bee and Yongjila, and lost her fighting ability when she touched the ground.

Ding Ding Ding——

A crisp sound followed, and it was the fragment of the superpower stone slab that was originally embedded in the ice crystal crown.

Xia Yan and Yong Jila walked not far from Miss Michun, stretched out their hands, and took the fragment of the stone slab into their hands.

It is indeed bigger than the one Yongjila absorbed before.


Yongjila was a little dazed and at a loss. It tried to restrain the surging super power, but found that the super power that was originally commanded like an arm was a little bit disobedient at this moment.

Even, there is a growing trend of getting out of control.

Xia Yan, who had been paying attention to Yongjila's state, did not show panic and bewilderment like Yongjila, but patted it on the shoulder in relief.

"Don't be nervous." Xia Yan said softly.

Hearing Xia Yan's calm tone, Yongjila gradually calmed down.

"You're just going to evolve."

Xia Yan had anticipated when Yongjila's superpowers exploded again and again just now.

Yongjila has indeed reached the edge of evolution, Xia Yan also feels that it has almost tapped its potential and talent at this stage.

So, it can evolve.

What it lacks now is just a small catalyst, a catalyst for the super power in its body to undergo a chemical reaction and completely transform itself.

evolution? !

for a while.

Yongjila was a little taken aback.

Xia Yan put the slate fragments in front of it, and the pink fragments flickered on and off in Xia Yan's palm, echoing Yongjila's super power.

"When you're ready, come on."

This slate fragment is the final catalyst.


After a brief moment of astonishment, Yongjila's eyes gradually became firmer, and he nodded heavily at Xia Yan.

Fragments of the superpower slate slowly floated from Xia Yan's palm and flew towards Yongjila.

And the moment this fragment touched Yongjila, its whole body burst into dazzling white light, attracting the attention of the double scabbards and Pokkigu who were still entangled with the ice rock monster not far away.



This light of evolution, they are familiar with it.

Xia Yan showed his old father's relief.

From the beginning of the fairy egg to the present, Yongjila is finally entering its final stage.


The ninth update! Just have a meal and continue~~Ask for a monthly ticket~~

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