The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 497: I Didn't Expect You To Be Such A Xia Yan (Two in One)

After everyone finished the group match in the morning, Xia Yan and the others had lunch together at Dawu's villa.

These are all arranged by Dawu, so they don't need to worry about any trivial matters in life except for taking care of their elves.

In addition to the original few people, there was a newcomer in their group, and that was Oki Nanami.

In her words, she sneaked out without much money, and Lily of the Valley was very popular during this time, she could only live in a small hotel, and even taking care of the elves seemed to have very little space.

Fortunately, among them, except for Xia Yan, who saw Nanami for the first time, the rest of them were either very familiar with her or met her in person.

In addition, Nanami has a very good personality, and no one rejects her, so she chose to live here at Dawu's invitation.

Anyway, the villa is very big, and there are still many empty rooms.

In the afternoon, it was the ranking match of the group stage.


Xia Yan, who was taking care of his elves in the backyard of the villa, was speechless looking at the people in front of him.

"I said, aren't you going to participate in the ranking competition?"

"Already entered the knockout round, it doesn't matter if you participate in the ranking or not." These are Sirona's original words.

"I don't want to meet you Xia Yan early in the first few rounds of the knockout rounds. It will be a lot less fun and lower my expectations." These are Du's original words.

"If you don't go, it doesn't matter if the first place in this group is not wanted." This was Dawu's reason.

"I still have some tactics to rework." This is Kona's reason.

"Be gregarious." These are Xiaochun's original words.

"Xia Yan, you said you would teach me tactics." These were Nanami's words at the end.

Xia Yan had a weird expression.

They didn't go, those guys who want to get the top few to avoid bumping these seeded players, wouldn't it be fun to see their opponents in the first round?

"You chose it yourself, don't say I instigated it." Xia Yan shrugged.

That's right, Xia Yan was a little worried that he would run into them when he came up.

Now it seems that there is no such concern.

Then this group of them is in this wide backyard, training and training, formulating tactics and formulating tactics, resting and resting.

"Hey, Xia Yan, what is the very good tactic you mentioned?" Nanami looked at Xia Yan who was massaging Pokkigu, and asked again.

Hearing this, Xia Yan pondered for a while, "It's just that what I said is actually not very easy to understand. It's best to find someone to demonstrate it in actual combat, and this tactic has relatively high requirements for elves, so it may not be able to be used in this arena."


Nanami also thought it made sense.

"Do you want to practice tactics? I can help." Du suddenly said.

Xia Yan looked at him.

"you sure?"

"What's wrong?" Du looked puzzled.

Obviously, he didn't know that Nanami was carrying an auspicious egg that originally belonged to Dr. Oki, let alone that this auspicious egg had quasi-king-like strength.

"No, you can try." Xia Yan put away his expression, trying not to laugh.

But the corners of Naihe's mouth just couldn't help rising.

Noticing the change in Xia Yan's expression, Du felt a little vigilant in his heart.

But after all, it is just a tactical exercise, the result is not important, what is important is the process.

"Then try?" Du asked tentatively.

"Nanami, can you? Lend me your lucky egg." Xia Yan asked.

"no problem."

After speaking, Nanami sent the elf ball containing lucky eggs to Xia Yan, trusting him very much.

"Let's start in fifteen minutes. I'll communicate with the lucky egg."

With that said, Xia Yan walked into the villa with Pokkigu and Nanami's auspicious eggs.

Dawu and the others who heard their conversation also became interested.

Xia Yan's tactical ability and tactical quality are recognized by them, especially Kona, who was once abused by Xia Yan with a game of fighting elves.

Now that Xia Yan was going to use Nanami's elf and Du to practice tactics, everyone put down what they were doing.

All they had to do was pull a small bench and sit around.

Du also became a little cautious because of Xia Yan's expression just now, and he didn't dare to underestimate him in the slightest.

Strictly speaking, this was the first battle between him and Xia Yan.

Although it was not a formal battle, Xia Yan also used other people's elves.

But he still takes it seriously.

Just because the person standing opposite is named Xia Yan.

Fifteen minutes later.

Xia Yan walked out of the villa with a smile on his face, holding the elf ball of Lucky Egg.

Pokkigu, who was lying on Xia Yan's shoulder, covered his eyes, and couldn't bear to look directly.

And Du was already ready.

In order to show his importance to this tactical exercise and Xia Yan, the elf that Du is going to send is a fossil pterosaur. Although it may not be his strongest elf, it is the first elf to enter the master level among all his elves.

Since it is a tactical exercise, there is no need for any referees.

Coming across from Du, Xia Yan glanced at the fossil pterosaur and asked solemnly, "Are you ready?"

"bring it on."


The fossilized pterosaur flapped its wings and flew into the air. Its ferocious appearance and undisguised aura all showed the effort and energy Du put into its cultivation.

Xia Yan nodded in satisfaction.

If it wasn't for Nanami's auspicious egg that he borrowed this time, he would really be reluctant to compete with Du's fossil pterosaur.

Throw the poke ball.

In the red light, the lucky egg appeared cutely and obediently opposite the fossil pterosaur.

Du's eyes widened when he saw the lucky egg.

The few people next to me who didn't know the situation of the lucky egg also had similar expressions, only Sirona's smile remained the same.

Du stared at Xia Yan, but couldn't say anything.

"Quasi-king class?"

Xiao Chun was astonished.

A little embarrassment appeared on Nanami's face, "That."

"You don't need to explain. After the fight is over, you should watch carefully." Xia Yan comforted.

This lucky egg is definitely not Dr. Oki's main elf, otherwise it would not be handed over to Nanami.

But after all, it is an elf that Dr. Oki took over, and it has been cultivated quite well, and he has almost mastered all the moves that should be mastered, allowing Xia Yan to play to his fullest.

"A quasi-king-level elf? Well, let me see what step I and the fossil pterosaur can do."

After a brief moment of astonishment, Du quickly regained his confidence.

What about quasi-king-level elves? Xia Yan and Ji Lidan have only been in contact for fifteen minutes. What is this enough time for?

Besides, it was an elf with weak offensive attributes like Lucky Egg.

Even if the fossilized pterosaurs occupying the superiority in the air slowly grind, it is not without chance of winning.


The fossil pterosaur also roared, showing his attitude.

A strong sense of oppression hit the auspicious egg, making it a little dignified on its small face.

After all, Lucky Egg is more about treating other elves, and its combat ability is not very deep. Its greater responsibility is to serve as a team doctor.

So even if it has an advantage in strength, Ji Li Dan dare not underestimate this fossil pterosaur that looks very powerful.

"You first." Xia Yan said.

Du didn't refuse.

"Fossil pterosaur, wing attack."

Since it is a tactical exercise, there is no need to do too much planning and calculation, just attack.

"Lucky egg, substitute."


The lucky egg let out a slightly painful moan, and then it took a step back, but when it got to the slightly blurred illusory outline, it still stood there, almost exactly the same as the retreating lucky egg.

Substitute: Create a substitute at the cost of part of your own physical strength, and inherit this part of physical strength, which can be used to resist damage.

The race value of an elf like Lucky Egg is exaggerated. Its race value is 450 points in total, but its physical strength race value accounts for 250 points of it. It is the elf with the second highest physical strength race value in the entire elf world.

Although its physical attack and defense race value is only 5 points, but compared to other elves, the substitutes created based on such physical strength are in their prime.


The wing attack of the fossil pterosaur was under the control of the lucky egg, and the stand-in perfectly blocked the blow for it.

And the double did not dissipate after the attack of the fossil pterosaur.

Although the substitute has become more blurred, it is still strong.

"Lucky eggs, lay eggs."


The lucky egg screamed happily, took out a smaller egg from his abdomen, and stuffed it directly into his mouth.

The stamina consumed by using the substitute was immediately recovered.

"Fossil pterosaur, sharp rock attack!"

The first attack didn't work, Du didn't panic and continued to attack.

thump thump——

A series of sharp and solid rock pillars sprang out from the ground, hitting the stand-in of Lucky Egg precisely.

This time, it finally succeeded in destroying the double of the lucky egg.


Seeing that it worked, Du chose to continue without hesitation.

thump thump——

A series of rock pillars attacked the auspicious egg again.

"Lucky Egg, get smaller." Xia Yan commanded calmly.

The whole body of Lucky Egg burst out with a pink halo, and its body gradually became smaller at a speed visible to the naked eye.

However, after all, Xia Yan was only in contact with Ji Li Dan for the first time, and there was no tacit understanding, and Ji Li Dan took action only after hearing Xia Yan's order.

This is obviously incomparable to the tacit cooperation between Du and the fossil pterosaur.

Therefore, in the process of shrinking, the lucky egg was still hit by the sharp stone attack and was injured.


The lucky egg yelled in pain.

But the shrinking move was successfully used, the body shrunk a circle, and the target became smaller.

"Take advantage of the victory and pursue, fossil pterosaur, crush it!"

As Du's voice fell, the fossil pterosaur, wrapped in a violent airflow, bit the shrunken auspicious egg, and its open mouth was covered with a thin layer of black evil energy.

But Xia Yan was unmoved by the attack of the fossil pterosaur.

Just calmly ordered again: "Continue."

A pink halo burst out from Ji Lidan's body again, and his body began to shrink again.

boom! !

The Fossil Pterosaur's Crush successfully locked the lucky egg, and the Crush move also caused damage to it.

But Xia Yan still said the same thing.


The body of the lucky egg continued to shrink, and at the same time, it ran out of the mouth of the fossil pterosaur through the process of shrinking.


At this time, Du also saw what Xia Yan's purpose was.

It is to use the continuous shrinking to make the lucky egg less targeted and strengthen its evasion ability, so that the fossil pterosaur's attack cannot be effective.

Just, in this way.

"How should the lucky egg cause considerable damage to the fossil pterosaur? No matter how small the lucky egg becomes, the fossil pterosaur will eventually attack it." Du couldn't help but said.

Xia Yan glanced at him, "Fight hard."

Du pursed his lips, "In this case, fossil pterosaur, dragon claw."


The fossilized pterosaur flapped its wings and landed not far from the auspicious egg. Its sharp claws were wrapped in rich purple dragon energy, and it swung towards the shrunken auspicious egg again and again.

Although he couldn't hit it, as Du said, sooner or later there will be a hit.

If the lucky egg cannot give an effective counterattack, the final result is a draw.

But at this time, Xia Yan finally stopped the order to make the lucky egg continue to shrink.

It has reached the extreme, and if you continue to use it, you will not be able to change the shape of the lucky egg.

The corners of Xia Yan's mouth raised slowly.

Next, it is time to witness the miracle.

The few people watching the battle didn't speak, but when they saw Xia Yan's smile, they all knew that the main event was coming.

Sirona's eyes flickered, she really wanted to see what Xia Yan's tactics were.

Dawu crossed his arms and looked at Du's fossil pterosaur with great interest.

Ke Na held his glasses with one hand, unwilling to miss every detail. She wanted to see what Xia Yan's "routines" in the game would look like in actual combat.

Xiao Chun puffed her mouth, clenched her fists, and silently cheered Du.

Nanami muttered, "Stand in, lay eggs, become smaller. Has Geely mastered the move to become smaller?"

Du, who saw Xia Yan's smile, felt his heart skip a beat.

It was too late to let the fossilized pterosaurs open the distance.

"Lucky egg, cast on the earth."


The shrunken lucky egg is only smaller in size, but its other abilities have not changed at all.

Taking advantage of the gap between the attack of the fossil dragon's claws, the lucky egg grabbed the fossil pterosaur's tail suddenly.

boom! ! !

With a standard over-the-shoulder fall, the fossil pterosaur drew a beautiful arc in the air, and was hit hard on the ground, causing serious injuries.

Earth Throw is a move based on the level and strength of the elves. Lucky Egg is at the level of a heavenly king. If the Earth Throw is used in its hands, its power is not low.

However, this fossilized pterosaur is worthy of being the elf of crossing. It reacted immediately after being hit by the earth throw, flapping its wings and distanced itself from the auspicious egg.

Some looked at it with fear.

The move just now was very painful.

"With the help of the move based on the level of the elf, can it make up for the lack of attack ability of the lucky egg?" Kona said thoughtfully.

Those present are all top young trainers from various regions, so they are no strangers to these moves.

"But if my cousin's fossil pterosaur never lands in the air, no matter how strong the lucky egg is, it won't be able to fly up." Xiaochun considered the problem from Du's point of view.

And Du did exactly that.

I can't go down.

Never go down!

"In this case, what should you do? Xia Yan." Du asked curiously.

But seeing Xia Yan showing a playful smile, he glanced at Du and said slowly: "Lucky egg, rock collapse."


"Depend on!"

"Rock avalanche?!"


An auspicious egg like a rock avalanche?

This is indeed beyond everyone's expectations.

Is there really someone who will let the lucky egg follow the rock collapse?

However, most importantly

"The characteristic of this auspicious egg is a gift from heaven." Xia Yan explained proactively.


Substitute + laying eggs + shrinking + throwing on the earth + rock avalanche

Thinking of such a combination of moves, everyone shuddered.

The hairy feeling hit the whole body from the tailbone, and the hairs stood on end.

The rock avalanche itself has a high probability of causing the elves who have been recruited to fall into a "cowardly" state, and the "Heaven's Grace" feature doubles the possibility of additional effects of moves.

Once in the "retreat" state, use the earth throwing move to hit the output.

The most important thing is that he has become extremely small, and it is difficult for the enemy to hit the lucky egg.

Even if it hits, with the physical strength of Lucky Egg, one or two hits can't cause fatal damage to it.

Even if there is such an attack, Ji Lidan can use a double to resist.

And as long as it can't be killed at once, Ji Lidan can rely on the egg-laying move to restore itself to its best state.

Such a combination is

"Disgusting! Xia Yan, you are so disgusting!"

Du shuddered, and directly surrendered.

After watching the whole process, Nanami grabbed Sirona's hand in a daze, and murmured, "What about Sirona? I feel unclean."

But her eyes were extraordinarily bright, as if she had found her own way out.

Kona said pointedly, "This is not the most 'dirty' one in Xia Yan's tactical library I have ever seen."

In response to their strange eyes, Kona nodded solemnly, expressing that he did not talk nonsense.

Sirona also looked at Xia Yan who was about to take back the auspicious eggs in the field.

"I didn't expect you to be such Xia Yan."

At this moment, they unified a plan in their minds and asked the alliance to issue a regulation, the content of which was:

The trainer named "Xia Yan" is prohibited from contacting elves like lucky eggs.

It is strictly forbidden!


Ask for a monthly ticket~~

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