The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 541: Unknown Totem! (two in one)

End training time.

Xia Yan brought Pokkisi, Little Flame Monkey and a group of Ibrahimovic to inspect his gym again.

Of course, there are actually Latios and Doron Mesia who are hidden.

It's just that it's not convenient for them to show up for the time being, so they can only secretly.

Fifteen days passed.

The external structure of the gymnasium has actually been fully formed, and the next step is to adjust some internal structures and describe some details.

have to admit.

The construction team of Devon Company is really professional. Such a large gymnasium was almost completed in just ten days.

look up.

There is a huge torii gate at the door, which is completely made of stone, about seven or eight meters wide, and less than twenty meters high. The sculptures on the top are Latios and Latias brothers and sisters.

For this torii gate alone, several sculptors in the construction team spent two days, and it was absolutely vivid.

According to Xia Yan's meaning.

Gymnasium is actually similar to a facility that serves public trainers. Since it is a service, the facade and head-up should be neatly arranged to leave a deep enough impression on people, and they will help promote it themselves.

Walking through the torii, it is a cobbled road.

There is nothing on both sides for the time being, just covered with a layer of grass.

The road was about 20 meters long, and the area in the middle gave Xia Yan a lot of room to play in the future.

If conditions permit, in the future, he might place sculptures of all dragon elves on both sides of this road, fully reflecting the characteristics of his dragon gym.

Going further in, it is the main building of his dragon gymnasium.

The overall style is rather ancient, which is more in line with the cultural characteristics of the Sinnoh area.

In Xia Yan's view, the so-called ancient style in the Sinnoh area is actually similar to the ancient European style in his eyes. Most of them use light brown walls as exterior walls, with some colorful glass as decorations.

The battle area of ​​the gymnasium, that is, the area entering from the entrance, has an overall height of more than forty meters.

The purpose is to allow the flying elves to play to their heart's content during the battle.

At the same time, it is also to better change the venue.

Of course, if the height of the 40 meters is compared with the width horizontally, the overall structure of the gymnasium can be regarded as a flat structure, which meets the standards of the alliance.

What satisfied Xia Yan the most was the top of the gymnasium, where many workers and elves were working hard on the sculptures.

Now some outlines can be seen initially.

On the roof of the gymnasium, there are two huge sculptures.

The one on the left is relatively shorter and belongs to the elf whose limbs are on the ground, and the one on the right is relatively taller and is the elf standing on two feet.

And they are, of course, Dialga and Palkia, which respectively represent time and space in the myths and legends of the Sinnoh area.

That's right.

Xia Yan directly regarded these two divine beasts as the cards of his gymnasium, as a symbol of the dragon gymnasium.

In fact, what he originally meant was to carve a Liekong and sit on it.

But after thinking about it, this is also the Sinnoh area, the origin of the myth of origin, and it is a bit unsuitable to carve a Raykonza that is mainly circulated in the myth of the Hoenn area.

So in the end, I just moved both of them up.

The main inspiration comes from the two sculptures of Dialga and Palkia in the "Land of Dragons" in Shenhe Town.

Anyway, what Xia Yan meant was, no matter what, first pull up the cards.

Almost all the main facilities in the gymnasium have been implemented.

As a gymnasium, the most important thing is naturally the battlefield.

However, it is also necessary to arrange different venues according to different opponents and different types of battles.

The largest field is not only equipped with devices for changing different terrains, but also has spectator seats that can accommodate many people around it. High-wattage direct lights are installed on the top to meet the light requirements of the field. At the same time, it can also be controlled by the console to spotlight.

And such a venue is naturally the most important venue of the gymnasium. It can not only be used to meet challengers, but can even be used as a venue for some small competitions.

Do not underestimate these small games.

It is also one of the main annual incomes of gymnasiums in various cities.

Otherwise, relying on the subsidy from the alliance alone, I am afraid that the annual electricity bill will hurt Xia Yan for a long time.

The maintenance fee and upkeep fee of the venue are also a considerable expenditure every year.

However, such a venue is obviously impossible to use as a usual venue, so the gymnasium is also equipped with several small venues for daily use to meet challengers.

After that, there are some office areas of the gymnasium.

It is divided into several floors, among which the top floor belongs to the private office area of ​​Xia Yan, the museum owner.

As for the back, it was completely Xia Yan's private area.

Although living in such a big place alone is a bit extravagant.

But a series of facilities such as training, rest, relaxation, and entertainment are all available inside.

It not only meets Xia Yan's needs, but also meets the requirements of Xia Yan's elves.

For example.

Pokkisi applied for an ice cream maker, completely lived a life of ice cream freedom, and even brought Latios and Little Doron Messia to the "point of no return".

Another example.

Hu Di applied for a superpower training room, and everything in it would limit its superpower operation.

There are also the common gravity room of the big needle bee and the double scabbard, the high temperature room of the little flame monkey, etc.

All these are one of the reasons why Xia Yan had to pay for the huge expenses of the construction of the gymnasium.

Although the flesh hurts, Xia Yan also knows that these things are built once and for all.

For him, the gymnasium is not only a place for resource income, but also a place for training and cultivating elves.

After the gymnasium, there is a large open area.

Although it failed to connect to Xia Yan's elf ranch, the area in the middle was originally reserved for him to expand the gymnasium in the future.

Anyway, with Hu Di's "teleportation", he went back and forth between the gymnasium and the elf ranch, and it was just a matter of an instant.

Standing on the balcony on the second floor of the gymnasium to watch the battle.

Seeing the Gym being built according to his own ideas little by little every day, Xia Yan also had to sigh.

It's nice to have money.

Well worth the money.

Pokkisi flew beside Xia Yan, and the little flame monkey lay on the railing, his eyes flickering.

Obviously, they are also very satisfied with this gym that will be their "home" next.

The only pity.

It may be that they cannot fight as gym spirits.

As if seeing what they were thinking, Xia Yan put one hand on Pokkisi's back and the other on the little flame monkey's head.

He smiled and said, "Not all the challengers come for the dragon elves, maybe there will be some."

Xia Yan narrowed his eyes slowly.

"The kicker."

"Cha Ke Yi!"


Pokkisi and Little Flame Monkey's eyes lit up at the same time, and they looked at each other.

Suddenly laughed.

It's interesting to kick the pavilion.

Hope to have a few more!

"Since the construction of the gymnasium is almost done, it's time to prepare for another thing." Xia Yan looked towards the door and murmured.

After saying hello to Jucai, Xia Yan walked out of Random Town.

Came to the hill not far from the south of Random Town.

Xia Yan chose Random Town as his development place, considering many things, among which the vast land, sparse population, great development potential, complete facilities, and proximity to Tianguan Mountain are some aspects.

Of course, the birth and cultivation of elves in the nurturing house, and the burial of elves in the Lost Tower, the one-stop service industry chain from birth to grave is also a reason.

There is another very important reason.

How to attract more people to the newly established gymnasium.

One step in his plan is here.

Looking at the dark and narrow cave, Xia Yan walked in with Little Flame Monkey and Pokkisi.

With Little Flame Monkey here, you don't need to bring a flashlight when you enter such a completely dark cave.

Little Flame Monkey's ass opened the way!


Xia Yan and the others came to the end of the cave.

A completely enclosed huge rock wall.


Little Flame Monkey immediately showed doubts.

It's over.

Pokkisi didn't express the slightest doubt about this.

Xia Yan smiled and tapped his fingers lightly on the wall.

Tuk, tuk, tuk—

Not long.

A gap appeared in the rock wall, and an eye peered out of the gap.


The little flame monkey was taken aback. If Xia Yan and Pokkisi hadn't been very calm, maybe it would have greeted him with a "flame punch".

His eyes swept over Little Flame Monkey and Pokkisi, and when they landed on Xia Yan, they lit up instantly.


A rustling sound came from behind the rock wall, and an intersection that Xia Yan could pass through appeared on the rock wall.

And the ones behind the rock wall are obviously the grass-knotted ladies that Xia Yan subdued back then.

At the beginning, he subdued the entire group of noblewomen with grass knots here, in order to make them a member of Xia Yan's elf ranch plan in the near future.

It was also here that Xia Yan subdued the big stomach king Kirby.

Although the Kirby eats a lot, it is undeniable that it has helped Xia Yan resolve several crises and troubles.

And the noble ladies living here help Xia Yan guard the biggest secret in Shuran Town.

Random ruins!

One of the reasons why Xia Yan chose Shuran Town as the location for the construction of the gymnasium was that the ruins of Shuran accounted for a large proportion.

After all, the relics are very attractive. If it is announced that there is a random relic in Random Town, it will definitely attract many trainers to come here. This will definitely bring more popularity to Xia Yan's gymnasium, and will have more promotional effects on the development of the entire Random Town.

"Everyone has worked hard, here are some small gifts I prepared for you."

There is no rush to explore the ruins, it's there anyway.

Xia Yan took out a lot of energy cubes from his backpack and distributed them to the ladies of Jiecao.

These are not made by Xia Yan himself, but bought from the cultivation house in Random Town. Anyway, there is a 30% discount card given by Chiri, and the price is very cheap. Although it may be a little more expensive than making them by himself, Xia Yan does not have so much time to make these relatively low-level energy cubes.

At that time, he still remembered the twitching look on the face of the owner of the breeding house when he left.

I believe that when Chiri saw the total price of the things he bought, his expression must be very funny.

As soon as they saw the energy cube, the grass-knotted ladies immediately surrounded them.

at the same time.

The leader of the Noble Lady came to Xia Yan, dragging a few small packages tightly wrapped in leaves in his hand.

Seeing this, Xia Yan's eyes lit up.

Silver dust!

At the beginning, I chose to accept this group of weedy ladies so that they could produce silver powder.

Now the elf ranch he planned hasn't produced anything yet, but the noble ladies brought him three silver powders first.

This has exceeded the value of the energy cube he gave today.

After handing over the silver powder to Xia Yan, the leader of the knot-grass lady turned around and joined the army of energy cubes.


Latios slowly appeared, looking curiously at the things in Xia Yan's hand.

"Don't disturb the noble ladies of Jiecao to eat, let's go."

Xia Yan beckoned, and brought the three elves to the cave where he subdued the Kirby beast.

At the beginning, the Kirby beast gnawed away three layers of soil from the cave, and it still remains at this moment.

Come to the innermost part of the cave.

The special pattern on the rock wall is still the original appearance.

If you want to enter the random ruins, the most important thing is this picture with only a few bumps.

Xia Yan threw the elf ball.


Hudi appeared.

Although he knew how to enter the random ruins in the game, this world was far from the game.

Hu Di should be the best at things that test IQ.

"Hu Di, see if you can do anything."


Hu nodded, frowned and walked forward, carefully observing the pattern on it.

"Excuse me?" Little Flame Monkey hesitated, because it said that it couldn't understand the things above.

'OK? '

"Chakey!" Pokkisi stared.

'What do you mean? Remove the word 'what'! Give Big Fox three minutes! '


'Sister is amazing! '

"Cha~ Keyi~~"

That is to say, now that Pokkisi has no hands, otherwise he must send a warning with his arms akimbo.

But don't say it, Latios after the infancy period is really much bigger than Pokkisi, and he can barely accept it as a brother.


Under the gaze of several elves.

One minute.

two minutes.

three minutes.

five minutes.

half an hour later.

"Hudi!" Hu Di was furious!

'Go to hell! '

Lifting the spoon, two groups of superpowers quickly condensed on the spoon.

It was actually fine at first, but Pokkisi raised it too high, and the three little guys behind were watching it all the time, which made it unable to concentrate at all.



At this time, he had been silently observing Xia Yan's movement to stop Hu Di.

"Hoo-di--" Hu Di took two deep breaths, Xia Yan's voice brought him back to his senses, took two deep breaths, and calmed down the turmoil in his heart.

His eyes glanced at Pokkisi behind him extremely calmly.

Pokkiston was startled.

Whistling and looking up.

"Qiakeyi~~" (ˇεˇ)

‘Today’s weather is really good, hehe~hehe~hehehe~’

"Oss?" Latios looked up at the solid rock top.

'Eh? ’

Xia Yan ignored the playfulness of the little guys and walked to Hu Di's side.

Stretch out your hand and twist it lightly.

The super power fusion between him and Hu Di was completed almost instantly.

A strand of superpower thread was pulled out from Hu Di's attack about to be released, and gently wrapped around a bump on the rock wall.

Then I saw that this bump slowly glowed with a faint halo.

Xia Yan nodded thoughtfully.


He hadn't been able to find a clue before.

But just when Hu Di became angry and wanted to smash the rock wall, the super power it released suddenly caused some slight changes in the rock wall.

Xia Yan was not affected by the words of the little guys, and realized this.

But Hu Di also showed superpowers here before.

Why was it not affected?

Maybe it's because of the quality of the super power, maybe it's the power of the slate, or maybe it's the awakening of the fantasy gene.

But anyway.

I found a way.

Wrap all the bumps with superpower wire.


Accompanied by the roar of the rock, the bumps on the rock wall began to move slowly.

Slowly arranged into several special characters.

And what these characters the unknown totem!


The mural in front of him slowly twists, spirals, and wriggles like a vortex.

Immediately afterwards, an eye poked out from the vortex.

It can't be called the eyes at all, there is a circle of thick black lines around the eyes, forming the shape of an English letter, the letter "D"!

"Unknown Totem!"

But soon, this is the Unknown Totem and fell into the vortex.

Xia Yan and Hu Di looked at each other.

final decision.

Go inside and have a look!

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