The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 577 Hard food? (two in one)

What if Xia Yan helps Miss Q, and then she bites back after recovering?

Xia Yan is not worried about this.

With the presence of Duolong Baruto and Menus, the three quasi-king-level elves, it may be difficult to deal with Miss Q, but Xia Yan is still confident in self-protection.


In the state of Miss Q and her spirit, it is basically impossible to recover completely in a short time.


Xia Yan estimated that the three beast warriors of Team Rocket should not have left the island yet, and Ms. Q may become the target of attack anytime she goes out.

During the period of helping Miss Q, the two also chatted about some things.

For example.

some dimensions.

cough cough.

The status quo of some hunter guilds.

The Hunter's Guild is a relatively idle organization. It is jointly led by six top executives, and 20 ordinary executives are respectively in charge. Under the leadership, core members, official members and peripheral members are taken care of.

In addition to seats, the rest of the members are mostly judged by hunter points.

The business of the Hunter's Guild is very large. Almost every city in every region has at least one store of the Hunter's Guild, which is responsible for the sale of elves, the recovery of elves, and the release of hunting tasks.

And the highest six seats, each responsible for a region today.

For example, Ms. Q is in charge of the Sinnoh area where Xia Yan is located, and according to her, Tom Luqi is currently in charge of the Chengdu area, because she succeeded in getting the position after killing the original Chengdu area.

There are business contacts between the Hunter Guild and many large and small forces.

But only for business dealings.

The Hunter Guild has never been involved in the disputes of various forces, let alone some of the messy affairs of the major forces and alliances.

So even if the hunter's stall is very large now, there is no need to worry too much about some local problems.

Because big and small forces will more or less sell a little face.

Of course.

Some small frictions are definitely unavoidable.

But overall, the current hunter guild is relatively strong.

The premise is to be able to unite.

After all, it is a loose organization.

If you really want to count the core members, there are actually not that many.

Moreover, they are scattered in various regions and it is difficult to gather them together.

But with the appearance of Tom Luqi, the original balanced state of the Hunter's Guild was broken.

That's why the "civil strife" that Joanna and Chrysanthemum mentioned appeared.

Ms. Q and the others also know that Tom's ambition is not small, so sometimes they will deliberately target some of Tom's suggestions and plans.

But did not expect.

This time she still got the trick.

These things are considered semi-public in the Hunter's Guild, so they are not really secrets.

It's just that Xia Yan joined later, so some things are not very clear.

"You want to compete for a seat, right?" Miss Q asked suddenly while talking.


Xia Yan did not deny this.

Glancing at Menus who was quietly standing aside, he nodded.

"It can be regarded as a chance, but if there is only one Menus, it is more or less reluctant."

Xia Yan also looked at Menus, pursed his lips and did not speak.

Miss Q raised her eyebrows slightly, "It seems that there are other cards in the hole, which is not bad."

After some repairs, Ms. Q's condition has obviously improved, and two of her elves have successfully regained consciousness. Mary Luli, who is in the best condition, no longer has many scars just by looking at her appearance.

The development of healing potions in the elf world is relatively advanced.

This is thanks to the contributions made by the Joey family.

Then she changed the subject suddenly, approached Xia Yan who was sitting beside the stone bed, and asked a little ambiguously, "Is Joanna your little girlfriend?"

Xia Yan:.

"No." Said very bluntly but firmly.

Although Joanna looks pretty good, Xia Yan has seen many prettier than her.

Besides, Xia Yan's mind has never given up on this at all.

It's not that he doesn't want to, it's that he has no time or energy.

Miss Q's slender green hand suddenly rested on Xia Yan's shoulder, approaching his cheek, and said softly: "Then what do you think of my sister?"

Xia Yan could even clearly feel the temperature of the breath exhaled from her mouth.

Turn your head.

The distance between Xia Yan and her is only a few centimeters.

Those cat tail eyes are filled with the temptation of Chiguoguo.

Showing a mouthful of white teeth.


Miss Q was taken aback.

She found that Xia Yan was completely uneasy playing cards in the normal way.

Obviously she looks like an innocent young girl, but whenever she asks some sensitive questions and wants to tease Xia Yan, Xia Yan always responds with her very straightforward agreement.

Blush flushed on his face, he distanced himself from Xia Yan, and couldn't help but spit softly.

"Think beautifully."

Xia Yan hooked the corner of his mouth.

Play these tricks on him?

It's not that he's bragging, the two-person movies he's seen are beyond what Ms. Q can imagine, and he's seen more of them than hers.

Still can't stand such a test?

Xia Yan stood up.

"You're almost ready, too."

Ms. Q barely recovered her fighting power.

Facing the three beast warriors may not be an opponent yet, but it is basically impossible for ordinary people to threaten her again.

Hearing this, Ms. Q stretched her waist long, presenting her graceful curves in front of Xia Yan without any concealment.

Xia Yan just wanted to say.

Chakra's explosive tactics are really good. After the explosion, everything that should be blocked is still blocked.

Ms. Q glanced at Xia Yan who looked normal, and suddenly felt bored.

She curled her lips and said, "It's almost there, let's go."

Xia Yan frowned slightly, "Are you going out too?"

Aren't you afraid that the three beast warriors will fight back again?

I saw her smile.


He snapped his fingers lightly.

There was a burst of super power fluctuations in the surrounding space, and a Xanadu appeared out of thin air.


Xia Yan is most familiar with the spatial fluctuations brought about by this superpower.

Seeing this Xanadu, Xia Yan was secretly grateful for his decision.

Although Xanadu was also injured, she was undoubtedly much better than the previous Mari Luli.

If Xia Yan really wanted to deal with Ms. Q here just now, I'm afraid he would have to bear the attack from this king-level Shanaido immediately.

Or sneak attack.

Ms. Q didn't completely lose her ability to resist, she always kept back just in case.


Don't underestimate anyone, because no one can be sure, what you see must be the full strength of the other party.

The appearance of Shanaiduo undoubtedly restored Ms. Q's aura of superiority to the top six seats before.

He raised his eyebrows at Xia Yan, "How is it?"

All right.

The feeling of superiority was gone.

Xia Yan shrugged and didn't comment on this.

But there is one thing to say.

When the fairies are awakened in the future, Ms. Q's Xanadu, together with that Mary Luli, will be another dragon killer.

"They lingered for a while and just left. It seems that they still have some tasks, and even dealing with me may just be easy."

When she said this, Ms. Q's face was obviously angry.

It's okay to be bombarded with a wave of bombs.

In the end, I told her that she was just passing by.

It made her feel very humiliated.

But what she meant was that the three beast warriors should have already left, or that they could not draw their hands to deal with her for the time being.

just left?

Xia Yan suddenly felt that his appearance was a bit redundant.

If I knew this earlier, I might as well just wait and see according to the original plan.

Now to help her, not only wasted time.

After she went out, Xia Yan couldn't blatantly hunt other hunters.

An opportunity to make money wasted in vain.

There are some things that I don't think about, and the more I think about it, the more angry I get.

"Since you still have a backup, I'll go first."

After all, he raised his leg and was about to walk outside.


Miss Q suddenly stopped him.

"Huh?" Xia Yan slowly frowned.

Do you want to cross the river and tear down the bridge?

But seeing that Miss Q's face was flushed, she blinked at him with cat tail eyes, and gestured with her hands from top to bottom, "Am I going out like this?"

Xia Yan moved his gaze away from her face and scanned up and down.

Big is a little too big, and white is a little white, but they can barely bear it.

But I saw Miss Q striding forward.

He grabbed his coat and pulled it down hard.

He turned around and put it on his shoulders.

After turning around in place, he nodded with satisfaction, "Not bad, the size is just right."

Some of her equipment for storing props had long been destroyed in the explosion, otherwise she wouldn't be in such a mess.

Then he gave Xia Yan an angry look, "Don't you understand self-consciousness?"

Xia Yan's mouth twitched.

Almost didn't say the words "I thought you liked this" out of my mouth.

It ended up being, "My clothes are expensive."

Miss Q: "."

She felt that Xia Yan's brain circuits were a little different from normal people.

"Wouldn't it be better to compensate you?" Ms. Q said a little angrily.

Before Xia Yan could speak, Xanadu's superpowers gushed out crazily.

They enveloped both of them together with Menus.

next second.


Appeared somewhere in the forest on the island.

And in front of them, there was a hunter who was on his way, and when he saw someone appearing suddenly, he put on a defensive posture.

But when he saw Miss Q appearing, he immediately showed a flattering smile.

"grown ups."


But I saw a tyrannical superpower burst out of Shannaiduo's eyes.

There was only a crisp "click", and the hunter fell under Xanadu's attack with almost no ability to resist.


Seeing this scene, Xia Yan shrank his eyes slightly, and frowned tightly.

This kills?

This kind of behavior made Xia Yan, who almost ignored her identity, have to raise his heart again.

The highest seat of the Hunter's Guild.

Not the little girl who played house with you.

"Here, is it enough to buy your clothes?"

Miss Q's expression didn't change at all, she just handed over a bag of elf balls.

This is the hard work of this hunter.

So it became someone else's wedding dress.

Xia Yan looked at her.

"What? Not enough?" Miss Q narrowed her eyes, and the smile on her face gradually faded.

"Ah Nai."

Teleport again.

Another instant kill without resistance.

The difference is that Miss Q has two bags instead of one.

"Is it enough?" Miss Q's voice has become a little cold.

Xia Yan's expression was also very dignified.

He is ready to fight back at any time.

However, in the next moment.


The stern-faced Ms. Q suddenly couldn't hold back anymore, and laughed outright.

"Giggle—your expression just now is so funny! Cluck—you should see for yourself, aren't you frightened?"

While laughing, his body was shaking uncontrollably, especially the white snow, which was dazzling.

"Okay, let's stop teasing you, I haven't reached that level of ungrateful yet."

After a long time, Miss Q finally came to her senses.

Then he explained: "These two are my close friends."


"But it was bought."

Speaking of which.

Xia Yan understood.

He finally spoke again, and asked tentatively, "Tom Luqi?"

Ms. Q curled her lips, "Besides that airport that likes to play tricks, who else could it be?"


Xia Yan remembered that Tom Yuqi thought it was not an airport, right?

But glance at Miss Q's size.

All right.

About the same as the airport.

"That's why you got rid of them?"

"Otherwise, do you really think it's to pay back your clothes?" Miss Q raised her eyebrows.

Then he muttered in a low voice, "I was going to solve it secretly, but I didn't know that something like this happened."

Xia Yan pursed his lips.

He did think so at first.

It turns out.

Don't underestimate women, whether they have big breasts or small breasts, you can't guess what they think.

"It's useless for me to come, I'd better see you off."

After speaking, he still threw the two bags in his hand to Xia Yan.

Then under his gaze, Miss Q disappeared in place directly in Xanadu's super power package.

Only one sentence remains.

"Nice pecs."

Xia Yan: "."

Looking down at himself with only a short-sleeved dress left, he muttered softly, "You're not bad either."

He shook the bag in his hand.

Not to mention.

A lot.

Xia Yan estimated that Ms. Q may have seen through his behavior and intention of hunting other people long ago. The last two bags are not only money for buying clothes, but also compensation for Xia Yan, and it is also a proof of supporting him to compete for the 20th seat.

Sighed silently.

"In the Hunter's Guild, we have a backer, right?"

As we all know, no matter which system it is in.

As long as you're going up, there's someone above you.

"However. Is this considered soft food hard food?"

Xia Yan looked at Menus.

Those pure eyes greeted him.

"Well, pretend I didn't ask."

Because she was directly thrown here by Miss Q, Xia Yan could only spend some time rushing back.

When he arrived at the gathering point, he found that there were a total of thirty to forty people who had originally participated in this mission.

But there are less than ten of them still standing here.

How serious is the involution.

In fact, thinking about it, Xia Yan alone killed seven or eight of them directly, and he was the most introverted.

Miss Q returned to her original appearance again, and waved her hand when she saw Xia Yan came back.

"There should be no one else, go back and settle."

Say it.

Summon the tropical dragon and rush out of the island directly, out of the range of the fog.

Several people present also took their own spirits and followed them.

Xia Yan was at the end.

But Joanna, who was standing on the back of the Tyrannosaurus, slowed down deliberately, and came to Xia Yan's side, looking at him with extremely weird eyes.

Seeing Xia Yan was very uncomfortable.

"What?" Can't help asking.

Joanna's eyes swept over Xia Yan, and then moved to the front of Ms. Q, who was sitting on the back of the tropical dragon with her legs crossed, with a leisurely look.

She was still wearing Xia Yan's coat.

Joanna approached Xia Yan, hesitated and said, "You guys."

One with a pale complexion and an over-indulgent look, and one with a spring-filled face with tattered clothes, and the most important thing is that Xia Yan's coat is on Miss Q's body.

This made Joanna even if she didn't want to be crooked.

Xia Yan's expression froze.

He suddenly realized.

There are some coincidences, and he seems to be completely unable to explain it now.

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