The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 594 Overlord? (two in one)

Inspector Mongoose.

General elves.

Known for her looks, phew, for her stamina.

It is a very patient elf.

It likes to squat at the place where the prey must pass, wait for the prey to approach with super endurance, and shoot at the critical moment and inflict heavy damage on the prey.

The mongoose inspector has a super obsession with his prey. If he is targeted by them and he does not defeat them, he will be harassed and attacked continuously.


This group of mongoose detectives used this fruit forest as a bait to lure the surrounding wild elves to approach, and then launched an attack.

If there is no prey, they will also choose to use the fruit behind them as food before night falls.

So Inspector Mongoose is an omnivorous elf.

but now.

Latios has become the prey in their eyes.

No wonder there is such a large fruit forest, which is full of fruit but has not been picked.

It turned out that there was such a group of mongoose detectives waiting here.


The mongoose inspector, who had failed in the attack just now and was punched by the fire monkey on the ground, returned to the group, baring his teeth and uttering a low cry.

As its sound sounded, the dozen or so mongoose inspectors also uttered low chimes.



Latios and the fire monkey approached, and little Ibrahimovic jumped off Xia Yan's body and stood behind them.


With a low growl from Inspector Mongoose, Inspector Mongoose, who had been ready to go, immediately took action.

But they did not attack immediately.

I see.

The four mongoose detectives turned around and fell on the ground, kicking their hind legs on the ground continuously. Following their movements, handfuls of sand were thrown towards Latios and the fire monkey.

Splash sand!

Can reduce the opponent's hit rate.

the other side.

There were still four mongoose detectives, standing on both feet, and for some reason, brown brown mud balls appeared in their hands, and together with the sand, they also threw them at Latios and the others.

Throw mud!

It is also a move that can reduce the opponent's hit rate.

The difference is that "throwing mud" has the possibility of causing certain damage, while "splashing sand" does not.

But "Sand Splash" can ignore the characteristics of flying elves and elves with "floating" characteristics, and is immune to ground-type moves.

Seeing this scene, Xia Yan showed surprise.

It's not like he hasn't seen the cooperation between wild elves before.

But it is rare to see them as disciplined as Inspector Mongoose.

But the surprise was the surprise, Xia Yan immediately said to the Fire Monkey: "The shield of counterattack."


The Fiery Monkey let out a low cry, raised flames with both hands, opened its mouth suddenly, and spit out a slender flame from its mouth, and its body began to rotate at high speed.

It's like a "flame vortex" centered on itself, keeping all the gravel and soil out of the flames.

This made the remaining mongoose detectives who were ready to rush up.

Somewhat overwhelmed.

This has never happened before.

But they were in a daze, Xia Yan and his elves were not.

The fire monkey made three strides and made two strides, clenched its fists in a brisk stride, and charged in front of the mongoose inspector who stopped abruptly in the middle of the charge.

It was also the mongoose detective who had been hit by it with the "flame punch" before.

But this time.

What the Fierce Monkey uses is the "Enhancement Fist"!

It is a fighting style move that can cause double damage to normal mongoose detectives.

boom! !

A solid punch hit Inspector Mongoose on the head.

Inspector Mongoose only felt a "buzz" in his head, and then completely lost consciousness.

He fell to the ground and lost his ability to fight.

The Fiery Monkey also increased its attack power due to the effect of "Enhancing Fist".

The whole body exudes a dark red light, and the flame on the tail burns blazingly.

at the same time.

Latios followed closely behind the Fiery Monkey.

As the target of the sneak attack, Lattios was holding his breath at the moment.


While the body is flying fast, the body flashes with a special frequency, and the blue-purple dragon energy lingers around its body.

With the help of this power, Latios's flight became irregular.

Dragon Dance!


During the flight, the scales on its body continued to shoot out like bullets, sweeping across the place where the mongoose detectives were.

The more scales it shoots, the faster it goes.

this moment.

The mongoose detectives finally reacted.

The tactics were unsuccessful.

Then only Xia Jiba will fight!

Facing the rushing Latios, several mongoose detectives opened their mouths and jumped towards Latios.


But I heard Ibrahimovic's immature voice.

It kept shaking its body, and circles of pink ripples scattered like powdery sound waves.

The ripples continue to spread, and the area covered is extremely large.

Synchronization interference!

This is the move inherited by Xia Yan's Ibrahimovic.

There are not many opportunities to use it in normal times, but it has played a good role in the face of the Mongoose Inspector, who is also an ordinary elf.

"Synchronous Interference" is a move that can only cause damage to spirits of the same attribute.

The limitations are very large, but the relative moves are very powerful.

Although Ibrahimovic's strength is not strong, its "synchronous interference" this time just rightly created space and opportunities for Latios and Fire Monkey.

Latios flew over the heads of the mongoose detectives like a jet plane.

With the completion of the blessings of "Dance of the Dragon" and "Scale Shot", the current speed of Latios is no longer what the mongoose detective can catch.

Not even a chance to breathe.

After avoiding the "crushing" move of the three jumping mongoose inspectors, Latios's counterattack also began.


Streaks of soft milky white "clean light" spit out from Latios's mouth. It was like a plane constantly attacking the air, passing by in a flash, without giving the mongoose detective a chance to resist.

And what about the fire monkey?

Its function is to seize the opportunity to solve them one by one after Latios has attracted enough firepower and attention.


When necessary, it will also exchange positions with Latios, adding more mobility and flexibility.

As for Ibrahimovic.

Its greatest contribution is to wave the flag to cheer beside it.

From time to time, perform a "help" move and take advantage of the opportunity to paddle.

Although it took a lot of time to solve this group of mongoose detectives.

But Xia Yan, who is not in a hurry, is also willing to bear such consumption to cultivate elves.


When all the mongoose detectives are lying on the ground, the fruit forest is completely open to them.

Xia Yan didn't say anything about being a human being and staying on the line, and directly picked all the fruits with San Xiaozhi.

Anyway, given the climate characteristics of the Larolla area, these fruit trees will grow new fruits again in a short time.

There was no surprise in getting rid of this group of mongoose detectives.

But when he first came into contact with them, Xia Yan was deeply impressed by the seemingly very skillful tactical coordination.

If you follow the plan of the mongoose detectives.

The first wave of "splashing sand" and "throwing mud" had an effect, interfering with the sight of Latios and the fire monkey, reducing the hit rate of their moves.

Then the group of mongoose inspectors who were about to make a surprise attack might really cause good damage to Latios and the others.

Even if the target is concentrated enough, it is not impossible to kill in seconds.

Just look at this.

It seems that Inspector Mongoose seems to have a strong ability to cooperate.


When their tactical planning was destroyed by the Fire Monkey's "Return Shield".

The mongoose detectives panicked all of a sudden, and they lost their previous tactics when fighting.

It's like I don't know how to fight.

It became not much different from ordinary wild elves again.

It was easily defeated by the three little ones, Lattios.

"This group of mongoose detectives... is a bit interesting."

Xia Yan shook his head with a smile, and walked up the mountain with the three little ones.


He thought it was just that elves like Inspector Mongoose were smarter and came up with a tactic.

But he found out later.

Not just Inspector Mongoose.

Most of the elves I encountered afterwards were different from the wild elves Xia Yan had encountered before.

Every group of wild elves.

Even individual wild elves seem to have tactics that suit their own characteristics.

Although there is only one tactic, as long as they are cracked by Xia Yan, they will become the same as ordinary wild elves again.

But this phenomenon is enough to show that the wild elves on this mountain are not ordinary.


Whoever has trained them, nurtured them.

"The elves on this mountain are all abandoned?" Xia Yan had this thought in his heart.

No wonder it thinks so.

Although it sounds absurd, it seems that only this explanation can make sense.

After all, in the world of elves, there are still many cases where elves are abandoned by trainers.

Like the later Master Zhi, didn't he also rely on "picking up" to become an elf master?

And the elf world does have a special place for trainers to abandon elves.

For example, the Nibel Plateau in the Carlos area is where the abandoned elves gather.

Could it be that in the Alola region, this Mount Huiklani is also there?

But this also has an advantage.

That is to let Xia Yan and Lattios, they can better practice tactics.

It's like the opponent is also a trainer.

This makes them progress very fast.

It seemed to be a training ground for Xia Yan and his elves.

But as you go up, the wild elves you encounter become stronger.

In order to deal with these wild elves, Xia Yan also summoned Big Needle Bee, Hu Di and Pokkisi one by one.

However, they did not take back Latios and Fierce Monkey.

Lattios and Fierce Monkey have gradually become proficient and mastered Xia Yan's tactics in battle after battle.

Although their senior-level strength is far from that of the big needle bee and their main-level strength.

But it was also time for Xia Yan to practice them together.

In order to wait for the strength of Lattios and Fiery Monkey to catch up with Big Needle Bee in the future, they can complete a seamless connection.


Now they are more of a spectator, occasionally playing a certain role and taking some responsibility.

In most cases, you still have to rely on the big needle bees.

Maintaining this pattern, Xia Yan walked halfway up the mountain with a few elves.

"Sizzling beer."

Flying beside Xia Yan, the big needle bee, who was vigilant about the surrounding situation, suddenly raised his head, as if feeling something.

"What's the matter, big needle bee?"

The strangeness of the big needle bee caught Xia Yan's attention.


At this time.

Hu Di also made a sound, with superpowers in its eyes.

The two elves looked in the same direction almost at the same time.

"Is there?"

Xia Yan nodded silently.

On this mountain, they have encountered planned ambushes more than once, so they are extra careful now.

But since Big Needle Bee and Hu Di both sensed it, Xia Yan decided to go and have a look.

I did not forget to remind: "Be careful."


The electric current on the wings of the needle bee became active, jumping more than usual.


After these flocculent fine currents overflowed from its wings, they faintly formed arc-shaped thin lines in the air.

Although it dissipated quickly, these thin lines of current indicated that there was a strange magnetic field in the place they were close to, which affected the small current of the big needle bee.

Xia Yan who noticed this scene slowly frowned.

"Sizzling beer!"


A pure golden, extremely destructive light beam, carrying a large amount of radiating current, passed through the branches of several big trees, and shot towards their position.

The big needle bee's wings trembled, and it intercepted the advancing path of the light beam.

The twin needles glowed with emerald green fluorescence, facing them head-on.

boom! !

The impact is strong.

The big needle bee's scarlet compound eyes were sharp, and he gave a low drink.

"Sizzling beer!"

With the burst of power of the double needles, the attack was resisted.

But on its body, fine currents also jumped up.

But after just shaking it a few times, the electric current merged into its wings.

It doesn't seem to have much effect on it.

Xia Yan's eyes brightened slightly.

"Absorbed the current that should have caused 'paralysis'?"

At the same moment, Hu Di crossed his spoons.

The threads of super power gathered together and attacked the direction of the attack.

Pokkisi reacted almost similarly, "Air Slash" across the dense canopy, splitting a large number of dense branches and leaves, presenting the elves who attacked them.

"Cha Ke Yi!"

Pokkisi pointed to the distance, barely avoiding the elves attacking by Hudi.

It's an insect spirit.

It has a pair of mandibles that are almost as long as the body, and it looks very powerful. Behind the mandibles is its real orange mouth with wings spread out.

Its wings are divided into upper and lower wings. When flying, the upper wing remains motionless, and the lower wing is as thin as a cicada's wing, which is almost invisible when flying.

"Stag farmer beetle?"

Xia Yan said the elf's name.

Stagbug is a registered Pokémon in the Alola region.

Combination of worm and electricity attributes.

And the attack that the Big Needle Bee received just now was the electric move "Electromagnetic Cannon" performed by this stag beetle.

A very powerful electric move.

The additional effect is that the hit spirit has a high probability of falling into a "paralyzed" state.

But the squirrel bee didn't.

Those small electric currents that were supposed to paralyze it were absorbed by the charged wings of the big needle wasp.

However, elves like stag farmers and cannon beetles are rare.

Because the conditions for its evolution are relatively harsh, it needs to be in a special magnetic field, or use the Thunder Stone to evolve.

Then Xia Yan thought of the arc formed by the electric current jumping on the wings of the big needle bee when they approached just now.


There is a special magnetic field in this area.



The sound of insect wings vibrating, accompanied by the subtle movement of electric currents, was another stag beetle appearing from different places.

"so much?"

Seven or eight stag beetles appeared, holding their pliers one by one, and the current gathered in them, as if they were going to shoot them first.


What really surprised Xia Yan.

It was the stag beetle that appeared last.

"Cha Ke Yi!"

Pokkisi was shocked.

'so big! '

The frequency of the big needle bee's wings slowed down.

On its body, there is a strange aura, which has not been seen for a long time, and it is stimulated again.

Xia Yan said slowly: "Did you meet the overlord when you first came here?"

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