The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 600 Acerola and Merdan (two in one)

Looking at the little girl in front of him, Xia Yan suddenly felt a little familiar.

I slowly remembered.


One of the captains of Ula Ula Island in the future La Luola area, and also a little loli who became the four kings of the ghost department in the Alola area some time after the alliance settled down, and when Zhiye started to travel!

Acerola's father is the owner of this Marie library.

When Acerola was free, she would work as a part-time administrator in the library.

A girl who has a close relationship with Merdan, the current overlord of Ula'ula Island.

It is said.

Acerola was able to become the Four Heavenly Kings only after Merdan's recommendation.

Information about the girl in front of him quickly flashed through Xia Yan's mind.

After being dazed for a while, he smiled apologetically at her.

"Sorry, I forgot to turn off mute, I'll be quick."

Then the phone was connected.

And it was Sirona's voice that came from the other end of the phone.

"I heard"

Xia Yan interrupted Sirona, half-covering the phone and said softly: "I'm in the library now, I'll call you later."

Hearing that he was in the library, Sirona realized that she had lost her composure.

Immediately said: "Okay."

Then hung up the phone.

And Acerola looked at Xia Yan, her cheeks still bulging, obviously not satisfied with Xia Yan's behavior.


At this time.

Ibrahimovic, who was sleeping curled up on the chair, was also woken up by the sound of the phone.

She stretched her waist long, shook the gray and soft hair on her body, and let out a glutinous cry.

With a light leap, he jumped onto the table.

He licked Xia Yan's palm affectionately.


Acerola's eyes lit up when she saw the lovely Ibrahimovic, but she forgot Xia Yan's behavior on the phone in the library just now.

Acerola is a girl who loves elves very much.

Whenever I have free time, I would go to the House of Ether to play with the elves living in it.

Don't look at her as a child, but in fact her real age is much older than her appearance. When she became the Four Heavenly Kings, she was eighteen or nineteen years old, but her appearance is similar to her current appearance.

It's a little loli.

If some children who like to listen to stories come to the library, Acerola will kindly tell them stories.

At present, it should also have good strength.


Ibrahimovic tilted his head, blinked Bling Bling's big eyes, and looked curiously at the little girl with a little blush on her face, looking very excited.

"Uncle, is this your Ibrahimovic?" Acerola asked.

A black line appeared on Xia Yan's forehead.

Don't call him uncle, everything is easy to talk about.

Otherwise, wouldn't I be the same generation as that decadent and lazy guy like Merdan?

But Acerola didn't care what Xia Yan thought, she just said excitedly:

"Ibrahimovic, it's really rare in the Alola region. I only saw one in the Ether House, but it's not the same color as this one."

Acerola blinked her curious eyes.

Now the Alola region has not been fully opened, and Ibrahimovic is indeed rare.

Xia Yan gently stroked Ibrahimovic's hair.


Ibrahimovic narrowed his eyes comfortably and lay down on the table unconsciously.

"It's so cute." Acerola's face turned red, and her girlish heart was immediately captured by Ibrahimovic.

After thinking about it, she yelled to the corner of the bookshelf next to her, "Xiao Mi Fan."

Acerola summoned her spirit.

An elf that looks very similar to Pikachu, but the tone is obviously darker, and the overall appearance is off-white.

If you look closely, it looks like someone deliberately scribbled Pikachu on a piece of cloth, with his head tilted, eyes big and small, and a small flower tied to one ear.

But in fact, there are two small holes in the abdomen of "Pikachu", and the inside is pitch black.

Mystery Q!

Ghost-type and Fairy-type elves!

Its real body, hidden under the Pikachu-style cloth, looks out through two small holes.

Moreover, Acerola's Mimic Q.

It's a quasi-Q puzzle!

Floating over directly from the air.

Xia Yan remembered that Acerola's MimiQ was a real ghost.

"This is a little mystery, and it's cute too, isn't it?"

Acerola said quite proudly.

When Ibrahimovic saw the elf appearing, he really thought it was Pikachu at first, and wanted to go over to say hello.

But get close to it.

Not Pikachu at all.

"Buy!!" ∑(O_O;)

All of a sudden, the hairs all over his body stood on end, and he jumped back, shrinking directly into Xia Yan's arms.

Poked out two small eyes, and stared at Mimi Q with a little fear.

Seeing Mibi Q, Xia Yan was not too surprised, but a little curious.

No one knows what it looks like under the cloth of MimiQ.

Xia Yan is still very familiar with elves like Mimi Q.

Because this kind of elf has occupied the top three positions in the elf battle list for a long time.

The combination of ghost and fairy attributes makes them very marketable.

The most important thing is that Mimi Q has the unique characteristic "Painted Skin" of all elves, which can make them immune to one attack.

It is a very unique elf.

Xia Yan smiled and rubbed Ibrahimovic's head, "It's MimiQ, and it's also a kind of elf, Ibrahimovic, you are too rude."


Hearing this, Ibrahimovic slowly poked his head out and saw the Mimi Q pestle standing there motionless, the fear in his heart gradually dissipated.

Tiptoe back to the table.

"Uncle, do you know Mibi?" Acerola was a little surprised.

The main reason was that Xia Yan was not frightened by surprise.

Normally, Ibrahimovic's reaction is the most common reaction.

"Ahem, call me brother, I'm not a few years older than you." Xia Yan couldn't bear it anymore, and emphasized.

It's really not that big.

At most, he looks like three or four years old, which is too far away from the level of uncle.

"Eh, is it?" Acerola blinked.

Scanning Xia Yan up and down.

No matter how you look at it, it doesn't seem like it's just a little older than her.

So old-fashioned.

at the same time.

Seeing that Mimi Q was still standing there motionless, Ibrahimovic finally mustered up his courage and came to Mimi Q cautiously.

"Bubuyi" forced a smile and called out softly.



only hear.

There was a crisp sound from Mimi Q's body.


Mysterious Q's head actually drooped limply, drooping like a piece of hollow cloth.

"Buyi!!!" (°ー°〃)

'head! head! head! .’

This time Ibrahimovic was really scared.

Tears were frightened out.

Stumbling back into Xia Yan's arms again.

Just bury your head in his clothes.

Fluffy tail trembling.

"Little riddle!"

Seeing Mimi Q scaring Ibrahimovic so much, Acerola couldn't stand it anymore.

With her waist in her waist, her mouth puffed out.


Mysterious Q immediately straightened his head.

But at this time, Ibrahimovic refused to look at it any more.

"That, that..." Acerola twisted the hem of the skirt with her fingers, and looked at Xia Yan with a lot of interest.

Xia Yan is fine.

Although it was quite scary for Mimi Q to do this, he was mentally prepared and accepted it quickly.

It's Ibrahimovic

Xia Yan showed a helpless smile, and gently patted Ibrahimovic on the back to ease its sobbing mood.

"Bu Yi~ Bu. Bu. Yi~"

But let's be honest.

Mimi Q is indeed a little too much.


Acerola immediately bowed ninety degrees to Xia Yan.

At the same time, the other hand was still pressing Mimi Q's head, and almost pressed it directly on the table.

Seeing her sincere apology, the discomfort in Xia Yan's heart eased a lot.

He waved his hand and said, "It's okay, but your MimiQ has a good control over 'Painted Skin'."

Acerola stood up straight, holding Mimi Q in her arms.

Some lost and said: "I didn't teach it well, I'm sorry again, we won't bother you anymore."


Turn around and leave.

Acerola likes elves very much, no matter normal elves or ghost elves.

It's just because ghost-type elves are rarely recognized and loved by others, so Acerola pays special attention to these ghost-type elves, hoping to make them gain some warmth through herself.

But just because she can accept it doesn't mean others can accept it.

So inevitably, whenever MimiQ appears, most people will be scared away.

Over time, Mimi Q seems to be out for revenge, and will always use the same way as before when he greets for the first time.

"Wait a minute." Xia Yan called to stop her.


Acerola's nose and eye sockets were red, and she looked very disappointed.

Feeling frustrated with your own inadequacy.


Ibrahimovic finally came to his senses, seeing Acerula's disappointed expression, he was stunned for a while.


Ibrahimovic jumped out of Xia Yan's arms again, walked quickly to the table, and came in front of Acerula and Mimi Q.

"Buyi." (■_■)

He made a face at Mimi Q.

Seeing this scene, Mimi Q trembled.

Mysterious Q: (⊙⊙)

"Cluck cluck—"

Acerola laughed first.

It wasn't until some eyes from the library fell on her that she finally reacted.

He covered his mouth and wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes.

Sitting opposite Xia Yan, he put Mibi Q on the table.

"Brother Uncle, aren't you afraid of little riddles?"

After speaking, he seemed to feel that the question was not clear enough, and added: "It is a real ghost."

"There's nothing to be afraid of." Xia Yan shrugged with a smile.


Now you bring a group of Mimi Q to me, believe it or not I will accept as much as you come? Xia Yan secretly slandered.

This sprite is so easy to use.

Whether in singles, doubles, or field battles.

Both work quite well.

Acerola sniffed.

"That's great~~ If everyone is like you, brother, then maybe the supermarket can resume operation."


Is it the old site of the super value supermarket?

It is a place worth exploring on Ula Ula Island.

There are a large number of ghost elves in it.

Think of ghost elves.

Xia Yan suddenly remembered another thing.

It seems that on Ula Ula Island, there is also a very powerful Geng Ghost whose body size is comparable to that of the overlord elves.

It was sealed somewhere by the overlord of Ula Ula Island in the previous generation.

That Geng ghost is very powerful and has terrifying abilities, but he likes to play tricks very much.

In the future, Acerola can become the Four Heavenly Kings of the ghost system in the Alola area, and it is also inseparable from this Gengar.


With Xia Yan's current strength, if he meets that Geng Gui, if there is no Duolong Baruto, he may also be delivering food.

But this is indeed a point worthy of attention.

The two chatted for a while.

Ibrahimovic and Mimi Q who were next to him gradually got to know each other, playing together on the table.

Two elves of different colors in gray and white tones are a good match.

"Okay, it's almost time for me to go." Xia Yan stood up and patted Acerola's head lightly.

Acerola did not resist, but instead asked, "I don't know your name, big brother."

Xia Yan smiled and said, "Yan Xia."

After finishing speaking, he stretched out his arm, and Ibrahimovic ran along his arm into his arms in two or three steps.

"Buyi~~" (

Waving his paw at Mimi Q on the table.

"My name is Acerola."

Acerola also waved at Xia Yan and said her name.

What responded to her was Xia Yan waving his hands behind his back.

When he came to the exit of the library, a middle-aged man wearing police clothes, kicking slippers, sunken cheeks, and a decadent expression walked up to him.

When they crossed each other, Xia Yan glanced at him.

And he also glanced at Xia Yan.

Xia Yan didn't change his expression, just walked out of the library with a smile.

But the middle-aged man Re stopped slowly, and looked at Xia Yan who walked out with a little doubt.

At this time.

Acerola ran up from behind.

"Uncle Merdan."

Merdan scratched the back of his head, smiled lazily, and still looked in the direction of the door.

"What's the matter? Uncle Merdan, the one who walked out just now is Big Brother Yan Xia, a person who doesn't hate ghosts, he is a good person." Acerola introduced with a smile while blinking her eyes.

"A good guy?" Merdan repeated silently.

Looking at the empty door again, he didn't take it seriously.

He patted Acerola on the head and said, "How is it? You haven't been lazy recently, have you?"

Hearing this, Acerola glanced at him angrily, and muttered: "Uncle, still have the nerve to ask me?"

"Ahahaha—really?" Merdan scratched the back of his head again in embarrassment.

He is notoriously lazy.

"Let's go, today is another day of special training."

"Okay! Mimi and I are ready!"

Although Merdan was lazy, he would give Acerola special training every once in a while.

This is also one of the reasons why she will be able to become the Four Heavenly Kings of the Alola region in the future.

And Xia Yan, who walked out of the library, slowly suppressed his smile.

He knew the man who just passed by.

It is the current island king of Ula Ula Island, Evil Department Merdan.

A former Interpol, a man who has a good friendship with Sakagi, the leader of Team Rocket.

But Xia Yan didn't communicate with him hastily.

Being able to become an Interpol, and even have friendship with Sakagi, don't look lazy and sloppy, it is definitely not a simple role.

After leaving a certain distance and making sure that no one noticed him, Xia Yan called Sirona.

"Hello, Xia Yan? Didn't bother you just now?" Sirona rang from the phone with an apologetic voice.

"No, I just met an interesting little girl." Xia Yan said with a smile.

After a brief silence, before Sirona took the initiative to speak, he asked:

"Sirona, are you doing it for Menus?"

Xia Yan almost knew the reason why Sirona called.

"Hmm. I just heard about it from Dr. Yamanashi. Is it true?"

Sirona is still helping Dr. Yamanashi. The research on the egg group has reached a relatively critical stage, so she has been a bit busy recently.


Xia Yan was very sure about this.


"I'm not in Sinnoh now, wait for me to go back, about half a month or so, I will tell you in detail then." Xia Yan said.


hang up the phone.

Xia Yan put his hands in his pockets.

Silently walked towards the temporary base.

"Merdan? One of the earliest undercover agents in the League of Men who can have friendship with Sakagi."

As he walked, Xia Yan took out a special communicator.

After dialing, he just said a word: "Teacher, I want to know all the information about Merdan."

It's been a long time.

A low voice came from the communicator.


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