The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 603: Shadow in the Snow and the Aether Foundation (two in one)

Still that office.

Xia Yan sat behind a solid wooden desk, and there were a lot of elf balls on the desk.


All of them were collected from the hunters just now.

Hunters are people who live with their heads pinned to their waistbands, so naturally they carry all their belongings with them.

Such an approach would be cheaper for Xia Yan.

There are not only elves that belong to them here, but also the harvest of the past few days.

Four of the Pokeballs are released individually.

These are the four quasi-king-level spirits of the two seat contenders.

"Choose two?"

Xia Yan looked at Joanna.

Although it is someone else's elf, it is definitely not easy to use.

But if we encounter today's situation again, at least we won't be so passive.

The premise is that Joanna can tame these elves.

in this regard.

Joanna has always admired Xia Yan.

Because although his elves can be seen at a glance to be subdued in the later stage, they obey his orders very much. Even if the tacit understanding is not good, they can display good combat effectiveness by obeying orders.

Joanna pondered slightly.

Although she didn't like such elves, she suffered a disadvantage today.

In the end, she picked out Dragon King Scorpion and Dong Shimiao.

These two elves are smaller than others who have imprinted on them.

Then Xia Yan looked down at the people with many injuries.

"You seven, choose one for each of you."

Hearing this, the seven of them suddenly showed expressions of surprise.

Although it is impossible for them to choose a quasi-king-level elf like Joanna, it is also excellent to be able to obtain a hall master-level elf.

They are all hunters, and the requirements for elves are not that high.

It's pretty good to be able to gain something.

"You keep these. Dispose of what should be disposed of, and keep the rest." Xia Yan stood up slowly and said to Joanna.


"Starting tomorrow, establish a branch of the Hunter's Guild in the black market in Malie City and start recruiting hunters."

Xia Yan walked to the window and looked at the rural scenery outside the window.

He won't believe anyone who came out of the Hunter's Guild.

Instead of subduing those who may betray at any time, it is better to recruit quickly.


There are also many people in the Alola region.

There are also many people who specialize in catching elves and selling them.

It's just that they don't know that there is such an organization as the Hunter's Guild.

Recruit up.

Whether it's posting missions or collecting intelligence, it's all good.

early stage.

These elves can be used as rewards and rewards.

Although they won't stay for long, the Alola region will be open after a while, and some roads will be paved early, which will be more convenient for future plans.


Joanna didn't object.

Through today's battle, she fully realized Xia Yan's strength.

He also recognized his ability to sit in the seat.

Helping him is helping yourself, Joanna has always had such a voice in her heart.


Joanna narrowed her eyes.

When the Alola region is opened, the Hunter Guild will have the final say in this region.

"By the way, the Skeleton team and the Aether Foundation you asked us to contact last time have news." Joanna finally said.

"Go and get in touch with the Skeleton team, spend some money, and ask them to help collect information about the remaining contenders."

Xia Yan helped the hat on his head.

"I'm going to meet someone from the Ethereum Foundation."

the next day.

Xia Yan took the elves up Mount Lanakila, the highest mountain in the Alola region, and it was also completely covered with ice and snow.

Here, after the alliance is fully settled, it will become the headquarters of the Alola Alliance.

He came here to see if he could meet Alola Nine-Tails, or Alola Chuanshanwang.

These two sprites are quite practical.

The ice and fairy attributes of Alola Nine-Tails are simply the nemesis of the dragon.

The most important thing, of course, is to look good.

Think about it, after Xia Yan's Ibrahimovic has all evolved, and then get a group of Menus and an Alola Nine-Tails, paired with Pokkiss, how good is it?

How about announcing the champion directly in the gorgeous contest?

This is of course a joke.

Xia Yan subdued the elves, the first thing he looked at was the fit between the elves and himself, the suitability with the lineup, and then the appearance of the elves.

In addition to Alola Nine Tails, Alola Chuanshanwang is also good.

Although the combination of ice and steel is defeated by fighting and fire, it has enough resistance to make up for its shortcomings.

The characteristic of "pushing the snow", coupled with the "sword dance" that can be learned by itself, can also become the physical attacker of the Xuetian team.

I believe that Kona and Dawu, who know this kind of elf, should be very interested.

But alas.

He turned around, but couldn't meet their shadows.

Instead, I met a few snow boys.

But Xia Yan doesn't have much desire for this kind of elves, and they are not strong, so there is no need to capture them.

After coming up, the little guys had a great time.

After looking around but not finding Xia Yan, he knew he couldn't force it. Seeing that they were having fun, he decided to take a break and let them play for a while.


Latios picked up a cloud of snow and threw it at Ibrahimovic.


Ibrahimovic's little nose was red, and he took a bath with the snow held up by Latios.


Shaking his body vigorously, he couldn't get rid of all the snow mixed in its thick hair.

Immediately became angry.

Pointing his butt at Latios, he pretended to be angry.



Seeing this, Lattios cautiously stepped forward, wanting to step forward to see how Ibrahimovic was doing.


Ibrahimovic, who turned his back on it, had a sly look in his eyes.

Facing Latios's head, his hind legs kicked hard against the ground, taking the snow as sand and "splashing sand" on it.

Latios, who was drenched all over, blinked.


Seeing Latios's distressed appearance, Ibrahimovic laughed until tears came out, rolling in the snow.


Knowing that he was being tricked, Latios immediately became "angry".

Not knowing where he got the inspiration from, he took a big breath and blew towards Ibrahimovic.

The extremely cold breath, wrapped in some ice balls, spit out from its mouth.

"Frozen Wind?"

Seeing this scene, Xia Yan was stunned.

Didn't expect Latios to learn moves while playing games?

In fact, Latios didn't think of it himself.

Just did it subconsciously.

Then use it.

Ibrahimovic rolled around on the ground a few times.

When he stood up again, his expression was dazed, and his body was covered with icicles.


This time, it was Latios' turn to happily circle in mid-air.

not far away.

Pokkisi brushed off the icicles on his face expressionlessly.

It can be regarded as being affected by the pond fish.


The expressions of Latios and Ibrahimovic froze at the same time.

Pokkisi's eyes fell on them.

¬o( ̄- ̄)



The two elves waved their hands again and again and kept backing away.

"Cha Ke Yi!!"

Pokkisi flapped his wings, rolled up a large amount of wind and snow, and overwhelmingly pressed towards Latios and Ibrahimovic.

Two elves saw this battle.

I was taken aback immediately.

Run away quickly.


They found a backer.


Using the gigantic body of the Kirby as a city wall, it resisted the "baptism" of Pokkisi's snowstorm.

It's just that the body of the Snorlax was covered with a lot of snow.

Then the three elves had a snowball fight around the Kirby.

As the "battle" expanded, several elves were "forced" to join their "battle".

And when an elf intervenes.

Things are different.

That's when Kapoo Roar comes into play.

Lattios swallowed quietly, looking at the huge snowball that was held on Kapu's raging head, which was twice the size of Kabimon.

The body sent a piggyback to the Kirby beast.

Followed by Pokkisi and Fire Monkey.



Ibrahimovic's eyes were full of little stars, and his reaction was a bit slow.

Fortunately, Latios quickly pulled it back.

Kapu Xiongxiong rarely showed an expression on his face.


A Snorkel that was buried in the snow and almost became a giant yeti: .

Played for a while.

Seeing that the little guys were tired from playing, Xia Yan clapped his palms and called them back, indicating that it was time to leave.

The little ones have had enough.

Putting away the elves, Xia Yan hugged the little Ibrahimovic who was curled up in his arms, yawned and was about to fall asleep, and left the top of Mount Lanakira.

But after they left.

A snow-white and pure figure appeared in the place where they were playing just now.

The pure blue eyes blinked.

In the wind and snow, his figure is looming.

One can faintly see nine slender tails flying wantonly along the wind and snow behind him.

And at its feet, there was a round, snow-white little fellow.

He glanced at the shadows of Xia Yan and the others getting farther and farther away.

He lowered his head and gently fiddled with the remaining snowball on the ground, showing a happy smile.

"Wow~~" Nuo Nuo called out.

But after playing for a while, it seemed that it was not fun to play alone, so he looked longingly into the distance.

The bigger elf picked it up, and after a few dodges, it disappeared into the wind and snow.

The home of ether.

A complex of buildings on the west coast of Ula'ula Island, on the other side of Mount Lanakira.

This is a base of the Aether Foundation on Ula'ula Island.

There are many elves living in it.

There are quite a few children who like elves, and before they can meet the local requirements of Alola to become trainers, they like to go to the House of Ether to play with these elves.

Of course, there are also some people who have become trainers and come here to play with the elves.

Like Acerola.

Xia Yan came to the door of the House of Ether.

What greeted him was a woman wearing a white coat with a pink sweater inside, tapping high heels, and wearing pink framed eyes.

Bi Ke.

One of the top executives of the Ethereum Foundation.

this means.

Some information provided by Xia Yan has attracted the attention of the Ethereum Foundation.

"You are an intelligence agent from outside Alola, Mr. Yan Xia, right?"

When Bi Ke saw Xia Yan waiting at the door, she greeted him with a smile.

Bi Ke is a very gentle and considerate character, he has no pretensions towards his subordinates and others, and is highly regarded in the Ethereum Foundation.

It can also be regarded as one of the few good people in the seemingly neutral organization of the Ethereum Foundation.

As for the "informant".

It's just a name that Xia Yan came up with casually.

Because the Alola region is about to open.

A lot of information about the outside world is what the Alola region needs.

This allows for better and faster integration into the league system.

Although the alliance will not be stingy in this regard.

But what the alliance provides will definitely only be some information in a good direction.

And there are a lot of bad information about the current alliance, such as some underground organizations, and it is estimated that they will not disclose much.

How can anyone want to pull others into a group and say that they are not good?

And these are also very important to the Ethereum Foundation, an organization that plays a pivotal role in the Alola region.

Of course, the Ethereum Foundation will definitely send people to do some investigations.

However, Xia Yan is still very confident in certain aspects of intelligence information.

Some things he knows, maybe even today's league doesn't know.

Xia Yan originally thought that it would be Zaobo who came to contact him.

But thinking about Zaobo who is secretly bitter and mean, and Zaobo who is devoted to research and only wants to get ahead, he probably won't talk to a "little person" like Xia Yan.

Smiling and gently shook hands with Bi Ke.


Hearing this, Bi Ke was stunned for a moment, and replied with a tight smile, "Alola."

Leading Xia Yan to go inside.

"It seems that Mr. Yan Xia still has some understanding of our Alola culture."

"Hehe—as an intelligence provider, this is a compulsory course."

"That's right." Bi Ke covered her mouth and chuckled.

"I don't know which area Mr. Yan Xia is from?" Bi Ke asked again.

Xia Yan adjusted his hat.

He felt that he should be equipped with a crutch, which would be more in line with his current status.

"The Sinnoh area."

Xia Yan also understood Bi Ke's question.

After all, in terms of identity, he is a person of unknown origin. If some basic questions cannot be answered, there is no need to continue walking in.

"The Sinnoh area? I once traveled to the Kanto area for a while, and I heard that there is a very powerful organization called Team Rocket?" Bi Ke said with a smile, both intentionally and unintentionally.

Xia Yan's eyes flickered.

He was not surprised that Bi Ke had traveled to Guandu.

Just like Dandi in the Legal area, isn't he just visiting various areas of the alliance now?

As the largest organization in the Alola region, the Aether Foundation cannot be denied some privileges by the Alliance.

And he knows better.

The Ether Foundation and the Sinnoh region are inextricably linked.

It is even possible that the current chairman of the Ethereum Foundation, Lusamina's family, is not a native of Alola, and is most likely from the Sinnoh region.


The attribute of the artificial elf created by the Ethereum Foundation: empty.

Or it could be called the Silver Companion Beast.

The installed "AR system".

A large part of it was researched and developed based on some materials recovered from the Shuimai Library in Shuimai City, Sinnoh area.

The Silver Companion Beast, which can change its attributes at will according to the loading of the disc, and Arceus, the "God of Creation" whose attributes change according to the power of the slate.

Saying that they don't matter, no one will believe it.

after all.

Arceus is known as the "Little Silver Companion Beast".

Maybe now attribute: void has been created.

This is enough to prove how powerful the Ethereum Foundation is.

Those who feel that the Ethereum Foundation is not good are just a small group of people in society who do not understand the difficulty of creating mythical beasts.

Even if it is created on the basis of part of the original.

"That's right, the Rockets are a very powerful organization." Xia Yan's expression remained unchanged, and he spoke words of admiration.

"Really? I don't know how it compares with our Ethereum Foundation?"

"Miss Bico was joking."

Ethereum Foundation and Team Rocket?

Is this comparing yourself to an underground organization?

Bi Ke smiled slightly, "I said something wrong."

It seems to speak out, but it is not a temptation.

To test whether Xia Yan is a serious businessman.

Their ether foundation can face it with a different attitude.

Then the two chatted a little more, seemingly casually, but always on the sidelines.

Came to the end of the aisle in the house of ether.


Bi Ke finally asked about a message that Xia Yan asked Joanna to send.

It was this piece of information that made him knock on the door of the Ethereum Foundation.

"Mr. Yan Xia, I don't know if what you said, that you have seen the ultimate beast, or even the person who came out of the ultimate cave, is true or not?"

That's right.

Xia Yan knows that Lusamine has a distorted love for elves, and likes to collect different kinds of elves.

Underneath her private mansion, there are a large number of elves frozen, and those are her "collections".

And the ultimate beast is the existence that Lusamine has been chasing until now, but has not been able to see and collect.

Xia Yan knew that once he said this, he would definitely attract Lusamine's attention.

This is also the only effective and fastest way he can think of to get close to the Aether Foundation and Lusamine.

Why near Lusamine?

Near the Ethereum Foundation?

Because in the Alola region, the help that the Aether Foundation can give him is incomparable even after the alliance has settled in the Alola region for a period of time.

what help?

Let the Hunter Guild settle in the Alola region!

Now that he doesn't even have a seat, he started to consider letting the Hunter's Guild settle in the Alola region?

Because when the Alola region is opened, this is destined to be a place that the Hunter's Guild will compete for.

Because Xia Yan couldn't just be satisfied with an ordinary seat.

Because in order to deal with Tom Luqi, the highest seat, he must also have a similar status.

Because he was in the Alola region, he saw the possibility of earning a lot of resources.

Chrysanthemum's mission is part of it, and he also has to plan for his own future.

Things that are planned for a rainy day can end up being unsuccessful.

But you can't help but try.

Besides, his present opportunity is the best time.

The current Ethereum Foundation, the current Lusamine, has not been completely blackened.

Hearing this, Xia Yan said with a smile: "I don't know, can I let me meet the chairman Lusamine with such a gift?"

Instead of answering Bi Ke's question, he asked a rhetorical question.

Bi Ke pursed her lips, and after thinking for a while, she said, "Actually, Mr. Yan Xia, you are not the first person to provide such information in these years. But after our investigation, they are all fake."

It's normal, given the size and capabilities of the Ethereum Foundation, there are not a few people who want to try their luck.

As for their results, although Bi Ke didn't say anything, Xia Yan knew something about it.

He smiled and said, "Isn't that why Miss Bi Ke received me?"

She was the first to check on Lusamine.

Bi Ke also smiled and nodded.

Swipe the ID card on the instrument next to the gate.

The high-tech metal door slowly opened.

Inside is an office.

Sitting behind the office facing the main door, with his head propped up, he had long blond hair, his face was extremely delicate, and there was no trace of the years on his cheeks.

Director of the Ethereum Foundation.



PS: 5200 words~~ Last night, I corrected a typo for an hour and a half. I changed a lot. I calculated it carefully.

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