The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 605: Xia Yan's

Five days passed by in a flash.

These five days.

Xia Yan visited some of the more interesting places in the entire Ula Ula Island.

Of course not to play.

It's training elves.

I went to Ula Ula Beach, I also went to Ula Ula Garden, I went to the Haina Desert, and saw the ruins of the harvest.

I saw a lot of elves in the Alola region.

Catch some and let some go.

Mainly with the purpose of training elves.

Although the overall strength of the elves has not improved much, there is still some progress.

For example, the big needle bee has become more and more proficient in controlling the current of its wings. Even without the power of the insect electric treasure, it can barely increase its speed by stimulating the current of its wings from time to time.

The only regret is that I couldn't meet another Overlord Elf, let him try the information about the "Overlord's Aura" just obtained from the Ether Foundation.

But fortunately, the big needle bee has a good grasp of its own "leader's aura".

Xia Yan found that after he came to the Alola region, except for the good luck on the first day, his luck after that was not very good.

Going to the Harvest Ruins didn't yield much, and I couldn't see Kapu Momoo, and I went to Lanakila Mountain to find Bing Liuwei and Ice Chuanshan.

After five days of practice.

Starting tomorrow, I will be hunting down those contenders for the seat, so I guess I don't have much time to stay in the Alola region.

Might have to wait until the Alola region is fully open next time.

So while there was still some time, Xia Yan came to the top of Mount Lanakila again.

Everything else can be slowed down.

It won't be too late to find it when the Alola region is open.

Only Mount Lanakira can't.

Because the Alliance will choose to establish the headquarters of the Elf Alliance on this mountain, then Lanakila Mountain will not be so close.

The night was hazy.

Xia Yan led the elves to look for the traces of Bing Liuwei and Bing Jiuwei on the top of Mount Lanakila.

It's a pity that it's always snowing here

Not to mention that the visibility is not low, and there is no trace left at all.

Even the footprints they left behind will be completely buried by the wind and snow before long.

Find it at midnight.

Xia Yan gave up.

Sitting on the edge of the cliff, overlooking the entire Ula Ula Island, you can even see the outlines of the remaining islands in the Alola region from a distance.

I have to admit that.

The scenery of Alola, which has not been over-developed and excavated by industry, is quite beautiful.

Because the "Great God of Radiance" once shined, the plants in the Alola area are extremely lush.

It's okay if the fruit can be planted without picking.

Take a look at how the coconut egg trees grow in the Alola region because of the rich and fertile land.

The dragon attributes have all been planted.

Xia Yan faintly saw at the foot of Lanakila Mountain, a few coconut egg trees with a height of more than ten meters, staggering past.

Because it is too high, it is very conspicuous, even from the top of the mountain, it can be seen very clearly.

"Sizzling beer."

The big needle bee came to Xia Yan's side.

It didn't join Latios and the others in their "chaotic battle". Hu Di was also learning from Zhihui Gorilla, and the Sword Sword Monster was always hiding in Xia Yan's shadow.

Seeing the big needle bee, Xia Yan smiled.

"Big Needle Bee, how long has it been since we trained together?"

"Hiss beer~~" The eyes of the big needle bee also revealed a look of reminiscence.

Back then, they had exhausted all their strength in order to survive.


The current team has expanded to such a large size.

As the first elf to follow Xia Yan, it witnessed Xia Yan's whole process of climbing up from humble beginnings.

This makes him proud to be Xia Yan's elf.

But also felt the pressure.

Stress comes from many sources.

There are chases from Hu Di and Pokkisi, and also from my own heart.

Only after getting in touch with it a lot can it understand how unworthy a spirit like itself is in the eyes of most people.

It is afraid.

I'm afraid that I won't be able to accompany Xia Yan all the time, and I won't be able to accompany Xia Yan step by step to reach the peak that belongs to Xia Yan.

So it takes good care of the rest of the elves, if it can't accompany them, let them accompany Xia Yan.

It is afraid.

Afraid of his own existence, instead of being able to provide any help to Xia Yan, it became Xia Yan's burden.

So it is very conscious, and it always executes the plan arranged by Xia Yan meticulously.

It is afraid.

I'm afraid that as long as I don't work hard enough, I will slowly leave Xia Yan's main team.

So it works very hard, and it is always the one who talks the least in the team but works the hardest, setting a good example for the team.

It is afraid.

Afraid of many, many things.

The most important thing is that it is afraid that it will become Xia Yan's stumbling block, and it cannot let Xia Yan let go of his hands and feet completely.

After all, the elves that Xia Yan subdued later were much more talented than it.

Of course it also knew that Xia Yan treated it very well.

There is no slightest contempt or contempt for it because it is a big needle bee.

Always give it whatever you can think of that suits it.

But the more this happened, the greater the pressure on the big needle bee.

The more Xia Yan paid attention to it, the more worried it was that it would waste Xia Yan's attention.

Sometimes, if something like talent can be easily made up for with hard work, then it is not called talent.

"What are you afraid of?" Xia Yan's soft words reached the ears of the big needle bee.

A warm and strong hand pressed heavily on its head.

The big needle bee obviously didn't speak, but Xia Yan expressed its inner voice.

"Sizzling beer."

Would Xia Yan have not noticed the situation of the big needle bee?


On the contrary, he watched the little changes of the big needle bee.

Every look, every movement of the big needle bee, what he wants to express, Xia Yan can get the answer without even thinking about it.

This is the tacit understanding between them, which is temporarily incomparable to Hu Di, Pokkisi, and Sword Sword Monster.

Xia Yan rubbed the big needle bee's head and looked down the cliff.

Slowly raised the corners of his mouth.

"Remember when we first started training together? First I ran with you, then you ran with me, and now you run with them."

Big Needle Bee listened silently.

"Yes, I don't deny that elves like Big Needle Bee are definitely inferior in talent compared to elves like Latios."

Although the race value is a reference value given by the alliance, why doesn't it reflect a lot of things?

You can't believe it all, but you can't completely ignore it.

The big needle bee slowly lowered its head.

Even Xia Yan said so.

"But if you can't compare, it doesn't mean you don't have talent."

Big Needle Bee slowly raised his head again, looking at Xia Yan with scarlet compound eyes.

I saw Xia Yan smiling.

"There is indeed a big gap between being talented and not being talented, and it is difficult to make up. But that is in having or not, and the difference between you and them is only in more or less."

"Hiss beer?" Big Needle Bee whispered softly.

"Have you ever wondered why there are so many elves, but you are the only one with the leader's aura?" Xia Yan looked at the big needle bee.

"Sizzling beer?"

Isn't it because of the "Pure Gold Feather"?

"Yes, 'Pure Gold Feather'. Then why didn't the leader's aura not activate when you just ate it?" Xia Yan asked again.

In the eyes of the big needle bee, doubts and thoughts appeared.

"Big Needle Bee."

Xia Yan suddenly amplified his voice and shouted.

The eyes of one person and one elf meet.

"Your talent." As he spoke, Xia Yan moved his fingers slowly, and then tapped on the chest and heart of the big needle bee.

"it's here!"

The index finger was firmly pressed against the chest of the big needle bee, against its heart, feeling the beating of the heart.

"Think about that day, when you were fighting the Overlord Stag Nong Cannonworm, you forgot everything, let go of everything, and only thought about defeating it. That kind of change, that kind of speed, that kind of unrivaled arrogance, that kind of determination to compete with the Overlord."

Originally, Xia Yan thought that the biggest change in the big needle bee that day was the "electric current" from outside.

Now think about it, the biggest change in the big needle bee that day.

It is the change in its heart.

An elf is always worried about something, afraid of something, so how can it be completely free to fight?

Fear, it will only affect your speed of drawing the knife.

In the red eyes of the big needle bee, a faint light slowly appeared, and the stars were very bright.

Gradually, the shimmer filled the whole eyes.

The inner strength is very strong, and sometimes it can be so strong that many things are ignored.

And the big needle bee is definitely the one with the strongest heart among Xia Yan's elves.

This is the biggest gain, the best proof, and the biggest gain for them to go from humble beginnings to the present.

"Let's become stronger together!" Xia Yan paused every word.

"Hiss beer!" Big Needle Bee roared, and strands of red air lingered around his body.

It's the leader's aura!

As a leader, how can you be afraid? !

The elves playing on the other side all stopped and looked at the big needle bee.

They feel that the big needle bee seems to have become stronger?

Xia Yan raised the corner of his mouth.

The overlord's aura comes from the favor of the patron saint.

And the aura of the leader comes from the inner elves.

He didn't expect that he was quite talented in "chicken soup".

But this "chicken soup", why not drink it for yourself?

The big needle bee has become stronger.


Not only the leader's aura, but also its strength.

This is the transformation of the soul, the release of the shackles on the big needle bee, and the official debut of the leader big needle bee.

Based on the change and feeling of breath alone, the current Big Needle Bee, without Mega evolution, should already belong to the top group in terms of strength at the master level, and it is not far from the quasi-king!

Click! !

The ice layer on the top of Mount Lanakira suddenly cracked a big hole.

"Hiss beer!" Big Needle Bee turned her head sharply.

Overlord aura!


PS: The big needle bee is going to hang up, move the small bench.

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