The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 611: Xia Yan's

Ether Paradise.

The Ether Foundation is still very good, and arranged for Xia Yan a single-family villa in the Ether Paradise, not far from Lusamine's private mansion.

And on the lawn of the villa.

Xia Yan sat on the ground, holding a book in his hand, reading silently.

In front of him, Little Liuwei and Little Eevee were playing.



There was endless laughter.

On the other side of Xia Yan, across the grass where Ibrahimovic and Liuwei are, stood a little girl.

Wearing a white dress and a large hat with a round edge, holding a Pippi doll in his hand, looking hopefully at Liuwei and Eevee who are playing around.


Whenever she plucked up the courage to go forward, there was always a look of fear on her face, and she didn't dare to approach.

Just maintaining this state, neither Xia Yan nor Li Liai made a sound, only the laughter of the two little guys was endless.


Xia Yan closed his notebook after reading the last bit of information about the "overlord's aura" left in his hand.

The impression of items such as "Overlord Aura", "Ultimate Aura" and "Glowstone" has become more specific.

This helps him to develop and excavate the "leader's aura" of the big needle bee.

Tapu Momoo used the "brilliant stone" to further stimulate the "leader's aura" of the big needle bee, or to stimulate a part of its "leader's aura" that is similar to the "overlord's aura".

This gave Xia Yan some ideas.

Is it possible to complete the combination of "leadership aura" and "dominant aura" on the body of the big needle bee?

And the black spar gifted to him by Tapu Momoo.

Xia Yan still couldn't figure out what it was.

If possible, I hope that the information in the Ethereum Foundation can give him some help.

Looked up.

Looking at Lilia, who was still standing there, wanting to approach but didn't dare to approach, she smiled.

"Are you afraid?" Xia Yan's soft voice seemed to reach Lillie's ears with some kind of special attraction.

Hearing Xia Yan's words, Li Liai froze for a moment, shook her head first, then nodded after hesitating for a while.


Xia Yan patted the grass beside him.

Lilia looked at Xia Yan, then at Liuwei and Ibrahimovic who were still playing there.

After hesitating for a while, he tiptoed to avoid Liuwei and Ibrahimovic, and came to Xia Yan's side.

He didn't sit down, but just looked at Xia Yan silently.

Li Liai knew that it was her mother who brought her to see a doctor, so she didn't disobey Xia Yan's words.

It's just that for a stranger, a stranger who is not very familiar, she will not sit next to Xia Yan all at once.

Xia Yan didn't force it either.

He smiled and said, "Let me tell you a story."


"Want to try listening?"

"Mm." Liliai responded in a weak mosquito voice.

"Once upon a time, there was an elf named Lalulas"

Xia Yan began to tell a clichéd story that had never happened in the world of elves.

The kind of story that can be used by changing the name casually.

For adults, of course, it is too childish, but for a girl like Lilia, it is really novel.

the other side.

Lusamine's office.

"Are they still the same as before?" Lusamine asked.

Although Xia Yan did not allow them to monitor, Lusamine was confident that with the technology of the Aether Foundation, she could still monitor their situation without Xia Yan's sight.

As everyone knows.

Everything they did was within Xia Yan's perception and under Duolong Baruto's gaze.

But it doesn't matter, Xia Yanben just mentioned it, and he wouldn't fully believe what they said.

"Miss Lillie has come to Mr. Yan Xia's side. Although I don't know what Mr. Yan Xia said, Miss Lillie is smiling very happily." Bi Ke said.

"Have a good laugh?"

Lusamine was a little surprised.

Lillie hasn't smiled since she was frightened that time.

It's fine if you don't cry in fear, where there is a smile.

This relieved Lusamine's hanging heart a little.

At least, she didn't rush to the doctor like this.

But they were relieved.

Zaobo, who was standing aside, had a less good-looking expression.

If Liliai recovered, he would probably be the first to suffer.

The ultimate hole was opened because he was eager for quick success.

Rather than something unexpected.

Although Lillie was frightened, it was actually not that serious.

It's just that in order to prevent Lusamine from knowing that Lillie was in danger because of his impulsiveness, Zaobo used some methods to seal part of Lillie's memory.

But Zaobo is not very skilled in this method. While sealing Lillie's memory, he didn't give her spiritual support, and had to magnify a certain fear in her heart.

This is similar to what Xia Yan once did to Joanna.

It's just that Xia Yan took advantage of the sword monster's ability to control people's hearts, combined with Hu Di's super power, amplified Joanna's inner support for Xia Yan.

Because it has the ability of the shield and sword monster, it is more thorough.

This practice cannot completely control a person, but it can guide a person's thinking.

Over time, some kind of inertial thinking can be formed.


It depends on the will of the person being manipulated.

Like Joanna, Xia Yan's ability to achieve that level is already the limit, and in the later stage, he will use his own actual actions and proofs to deepen her impression.

But Lillie was a little girl after all, and she was still in a coma at the time, so it's really hard to say how much will she has.

Maybe if it was replaced by Gladion, Zaobo would fail.

Besides, Zaobo only used Hu Di's super power and the "hypnotism" that lured the nightmare.

This seemed very rough to Xia Yan.

Maybe the traces will fade away with time.

But it's only been a few days, and it's not difficult for Xia Yan, a person with superpowers, to perceive it.

That is to say, Lusamine didn't let her go out much because of her guilt and because Lillie's condition was indeed not good.

Otherwise, whenever you encounter someone with a strong superpower, you will be more or less aware of the slightest problem.

Of course, it is also possible that Zaobo has mixed a few hands in it.

So when Xia Yan came, such an arrogant person as Zaobo followed Bi Ke to pick up the plane.

He was afraid that Xia Yan would have some bad influence on him.

"Then look again, don't bother them, and cancel all surveillance." Lusamine waved her hand decisively.

"Brother Yan Xia, did Princess Shanaido live happily with the seven little kabbies?" Lilia blinked her eyes, seeming to express her sympathy and yearning for what happened to Princess Shanaido in the story.

This is one of the stories Xia Yan told her.

The story of "Princess Shanaido and the Seven Little Snorlax".

There are also some such as "Miss Goth's Crystal Slipper", "Big Black Ruga and the Demon Fire Red Fox in a Red Hat", "Prince of Stupid Beast" and so on.

This not only allowed Xia Yan and Lillie to successfully draw closer.

It also made Lillie's fear of elves no longer so great.

At least.

Unknowingly, Liuwei and Ibrahimovic had slipped into Xia Yan's arms, and while listening to the story with relish, Lillie didn't appear to be stiff or repelled.

I want to heal Lillie.

She was sealed and memory was part of it.

But the fear in her heart is the most important thing.

Xia Yan, who does not have a Silver Companion Beast, can only choose this tricky way for the time being.

In fact, Xia Yan also has a simpler method.

But that seemed too simple.

And there may be a certain danger to Lillie.

No matter what the Ethereum Foundation is, no matter what Lusamina is, at least this little girl is a kind person from the bottom of her heart.

For kind people, Xia Yan naturally used kind methods.

After all, he's a "nice guy."

"Brother Yan Xia, tell me one more time, just one more time." Li Liai grabbed Xia Yan's arm, shook it slightly, and raised a finger begging.

Of course, this isn't the first time he's begged like this.

She had never heard of these novel stories.

Lillie's recognition of Xia Yan has skyrocketed.

"Buyi! Buyi!!"


The two little guys also begged.

You see, isn't this a united front and a common topic?

Even Lilia herself didn't realize it.

Xia Yan smiled helplessly.



PS: I went to eat New Year’s wine today, it’s a bit late, sorry~~

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