The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 623 Give the head to Master C!


The big needle bee, which had already faintly gained the upper hand, changed again.

It is familiar with Mega evolution, and when the energy of super evolution dissipates, it has already changed into a look that the opponent's big needle bee can't believe.

Can the big needle bee evolve again?

Not to mention the opponent's big needle bee, even the person who attacked Xia Yan was full of astonishment when he saw this scene.

Evolution never seen before.

However, the mega-evolved super needle bee did not give the opponent time and opportunity to be astonished.

It has no reservations about the big needle bee that is close at hand.

The big needle bee, who is still at the stage of the master level, can burst into strength that is not inferior to the quasi-king level after Mega evolution.

Now its own strength has entered the quasi-king level, how strong is Mega after evolution?

Boom! !

Still unpretentious "cross scissors".

But the effect this time was not the same.

The big needle bee was directly repelled by the terrifying force, and hit the tree behind him.

The tree was overwhelmed and made a cracking sound.


Will it be so much stronger at once?

This was the first thought that flashed through Big Needle Bee's mind.

It can't figure it out.

Even Xia Yan's Big Needle Bee has quasi-king-level strength, even if it suddenly has an evolution that has never been seen before, even if its inexplicable aura always suppresses Big Needle Bee, even if its speed is faster than itself at the master level, even if...

Nothing more.

It was cleverly avoided by Xia Yan's big needle bee in its previous attack.

But with the speed and strength of today's super big needle bee.

It just felt that when its eyes dazzled, there was a sharp pain in its abdomen.

The super big needle wasp's narrow and ghostly eyes, without any emotion, and the needles on the tail gave it the final blow.

Deadly needles!


Following the falling tree, the big needle bee hit the ground heavily, losing its ability to fight.


"Sizzling beer—!!"

The super big needle bee took a deep breath, and the tight, fierce and passionate voice spread throughout the dense forest.

The leader's aura and overlord's aura surrounding him blended together, and an unyielding aura swept over the surroundings, causing many elves to look sideways.




Among Xia Yan's main elves, finally one has successfully entered the quasi-king class!

The overall strength gap brought about by this back and forth is obvious.

After the super big needle bee simply vented his inner excitement, he turned around and threw himself into another battlefield.


"Cha Ke Yi!"

After sensing that the super big needle bee won, the tacit understanding between Hu Di and Pokkisi and the big needle bee came into play.

Hu Di made a "spiritual strong thought" to force open the forked bat.

Pokkisi's "Air Slash" compresses the dodging space of the crossbat.

When the cross-bat used its flexible body to avoid the attack, the big needle bee in the distance appeared beside the cross-bat in the blink of an eye, and the sharp and piercing cold light was only half a meter away from it.

what speed? !

Forked Bat can also be regarded as an elf with good speed, otherwise it would be difficult for Hu Di and Pokkisi's somewhat "rogue" defense system to be able to do a job with ease, and even interfere with the Big Needle Bee.

But this second.

It's also a little muddled.

Before you blinked, wasn't the super big needle bee still in the forest far away?

Why is it just a blink of an eye

It was too late to surface the remaining thoughts.

Boom! !

Although the forked bat is four times more resistant to insect-type moves, what it resists is only energy, and there is a kind of attack it cannot avoid.

That's pure power.

With such a fast speed, coupled with the strength of the super big needle bee itself, the forked bat had no time to react and could not resist, so it was slapped on the ground by the super big needle bee.

And once the flexible forked bat loses its flexible figure, it is the best target for Pokkisi and Hu Di.

Pokkisi's two "air slashes" caused the cross-bat to "retreat". Hu Di completely abandoned all tactical systems, turned into a super turret, and attacked the cross-bat with a fierce attack.

Hu Di has the blessings of "Spiritual Field", "Life Orb", "Curved Spoon", "Slate Shards" boost, "Fantasy Gene" awakening, plus superpowers to restrain poisonous elves, and incarnate as a simple output elf. It is fully capable of threatening quasi-king-level elves.

There is also Pokkisi assisting in the control from the side. Under the suppression of all-round firepower, it is difficult for the forked bat to turn over.

But Hu Di and Pokkisi didn't forget one thing.

Give the head to position C!

The super big needle bee used the "deadly needle" again to complete the harvest of the forked bat.

After the deadlock is broken, starting with the Super Big Needle Bee, the impact will be greater and greater!

And all of this happened in an instant.


The super big needle bee swept away again.

The increase brought about by the two "fatal needles", coupled with its own strength and speed at the moment, has changed from the point that was the easiest to break through to the most threatening and hardest existence on the field.

True assassin!

It is a one-hit must retreat.

But every hit is just right.

It helps the Snorkel to break free from the shackles of the Arbor, and helps the Wearing Bear to catch the weak point of the Poisonous Skeleton Frog.

And the liberated Pokkisi and Hu Di also helped Zhihua Gorilla suppress the cunning Geng Gui.

With the combination of the "master and apprentice" pair of Zhihui Gorilla and Hu Di, coupled with Pokkisi's control, Geng Gui didn't even have a chance to move.

All the elves, while turning the situation around, did not forget an unwritten tacit understanding with each other.

Give the head to Master C!

The situation has been completely reversed.

When the person on the opposite side was completely unexpected.

At this moment, the eyes under the pale mask were no longer calm and determined before, but were filled with panic and astonishment.

She knew that as long as the deadlock was broken even a little bit, there would be a chain reaction.

It's just that she didn't expect it, it was Xia Yan who broke the deadlock first, and in the way she least expected.

Boom! !

Woke her from unbelievable astonishment.

It was when the burly King Nido beside her was wiped by a golden thunder and fell to the ground with a single blow.

Goosebumps stood up under the black and purple tights, and the cold needles were only two centimeters away from her neck.

The long and narrow scarlet compound eyes didn't show any emotion at all, and killing King Nido in seconds didn't bring any mood swings to it.

He just silently stared at the woman in front of him.

The woman didn't even think about running away.

Running in front of a big needle bee at such a speed?

the other side.

Although the battle between Snorkel and the wearing bear is not over yet.

But after getting rid of the shackles completely, and no longer having to worry about restricting the other elves, the "magic space" opened, and the speed of the two elves soared, and the excellent support of the orangutan, it was a matter of time before they won.

Xia Yan came to the woman step by step.

Driven by superpowers, the woman's white mask was removed.

Underneath is a delicate face with three-dimensional features, but the complexion is a little pale.

Good-looking, although not at the level of Sirona, but with that bumpy figure, it can be regarded as a rather eye-catching skin.

Xia Yan scanned her face, making sure she didn't recognize her.

After pondering for a while, he asked coldly, "Who asked you to deal with me?"

The woman's face was unwilling, and she seemed to know what the result of today was, so she stuck her neck and didn't speak.

It's pretty tough.

Xia Yan winked at the Shield Sword Monster.

The Shield Sword Monster understood and came to the woman, and the purple satin wrapped around the woman's arm as he struggled.

For this kind of method, the Shield Sword Monster has used it a lot, and it has become a lot more proficient.


Although it is proficient, it still seems unable to completely control her.

I saw a change in the woman's expression.

Sometimes sluggish and sometimes ferocious, sometimes gentle and sometimes fierce.

The will is too strong, even the sword monster with a strong shield is a bit reluctant.

After all, the sword monster's means of controlling people still depends on the strength of the opponent's will. If it is given a longer time to exert a subtle influence, it is naturally the best.

But obviously there is not so much time now.

However, intermittent control also allowed Xia Yan to gain some sporadic information.

For example.

The three words "Four Heavenly Kings".

These three words are enough.

Xia Yan also understood who was going to attack him today.


Rather than saying it is a hands-on, it is better to say it is a temptation.

Well now.

There are only two choices left in front of Xia Yan.

One is to kill her.

But the result is that Hoshino Ryuichi must be sure that Xia Yan is the one who killed his grandson.

Even if he had no proof, the strength Xia Yan showed today couldn't make him think so.

The second is not to kill.

But the woman knew too many secrets about Xia Yan, and the hidden danger left by not killing her might be greater than killing her.

Unless it can be completely controlled.

But unfortunately, with the willpower shown by the woman, and Xia Yan's ability and the ability of the sword monster at this moment, unless they are given more than ten days or more time to exert a subtle influence, otherwise it is just empty talk.

So Xia Yan made a decision after a little thought.

softly said:



PS: 1.2w words ask for a monthly ticket~~

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