The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 639 Wild steel snake! (two in one)

From Ono's mouth.

Xia Yan got a useful piece of information.

No matter how many crystals he collects, it is useless, because he lacks the key core.

A colorful spar.

Xia Yan was thinking before that he has collected more than two hundred crystals, but he can't put all these crystals on Latios, can he?

More than two hundred Latios can still bear it.

But it is obvious that only more than two hundred are definitely not enough to reach the peak of Tianzhu.

What if more than 300, 500, or even 1,000 were collected?

Xia Yan didn't react until he heard the colorful spar that Ono said.

Turns out that was the key.

But with his current strength, if he doesn't move the multi-dragon Baruto, trying to defeat the three-headed dragon at the level of a king is tantamount to nonsense.


It's only a little bit possible when all his main elves have reached the quasi-king level strength.

This is only a slight possibility.


A group of elves at the master level, coupled with a sufficiently smooth and sophisticated tactical system, can defeat a quasi-king-level elf.

It is undoubtedly much more difficult for a group of quasi-king-level elves to rely on coordination and tactical systems to defeat a king-level elf.

And this difficulty increases exponentially with the strength of the elves.

Xia Yan still remembered.

It was in Jinhuang City back then.

Chrysanthemum even used her ghost army, but it was difficult to deal with the flashing fire-breathing dragon that ran away.

Although it was because the flashing fire-breathing dragon ate a lot of over-stimulating energy cubes and potions, its combat power exceeded its own strength, and Chrysanthemum had to allocate part of its energy to deal with another elf who was a king-level trainer, so it was extremely difficult.

But that fire-breathing dragon also didn't surpass the Heavenly King level.

If so, Chrysanthemum almost let it run away.

You know, it's chrysanthemum.

Now in the Kanto area, it is almost equal to the existence of the four heavenly kings.

She played so hard.

It can be seen from this.

As the strength of the elves increases, the gap between each level of strength will become larger and more obvious.

If Xia Yan wanted to deal with the three-headed evil dragon at the level of a king, it might not be enough for his main elves to reach the level of a quasi-king.

It also depends on what level the three evil dragons belong to in the Heavenly King class.

of course.

It's not like Xia Yan has no chance at all.

At least.

The three evil dragons, which combine the attributes of evil and dragon, are four times restrained by the moves of fairy.

If the abilities of the fairy type can be used reasonably, coupled with the "mist field" of a doll, there is still a certain possibility.

But all premise is.

His main elves must all reach the quasi-king level.

At least.

Hu Di, Pokkisi, and Sword Sword Monster have all reached the quasi-king level.

Watching Ono and the stick-tailed scale armored dragon "wrestling" to compete for strength in the central open space, Xia Yan thought about the feasibility of the matter.

"Perhaps... you can also count the Staff-tailed Scale Dragon as one of the fighting elves. ’ Xia Yan thought in his heart.

It just so happened that Ono's goal was also the three evil dragons.

The possibility of cooperation exists.

After a while.

"Ono, do you know anything about the rocky area just now? Why are there so many wild elves there, and their strength is not weak."

Looking at Ono and the staff-tailed scale armored dragon who were sitting on the ground panting heavily and entered the intermission, Xia Yan couldn't help asking.

"I do not know."

Ono blinked and looked at Xia Yan very calmly and innocently.

Xia Yan: "."

All right.

He seemed to take it for granted.

"However, the guys in the rocky area will fight every day. Awu and I also went to fight them a few times, but there were too many of them, especially the three big guys who attacked you. They were very united, so we withdrew." Ono tilted his head, thinking while talking.

"Fight? Where?"

Xia Yan had a thought.

"Well, there is a place that goes a little deeper. There is a place that looks like a bowl. It's a very strange place, right, Wu?"

Ono faltered, her vocabulary made it difficult for her to explain clearly what she wanted to express.

While speaking, he also gestured.

In fact, Xia Yan was curious about Ono.

Since she has never had contact with her parents, who did she learn these languages ​​from?

It can't be self-taught, right?

Perhaps, there are some things in the middle that he doesn't know.

But now Xia Yan's focus is no longer on this.

After hearing her words, she frowned slightly.

Bowl-like place?

"Did you mean a ravine? Or a basin."


"Okay, tell me where the general direction is." Xia Yan pressed his forehead.

"Are you going? Those three big guys just now are so powerful. If the bad guys didn't come suddenly. They are really powerful."

It seems that she should have seen the strength of the three Boscodora.

"I want to go and see, maybe I can gain something." Xia Yan said calmly.

"Then you keep walking along this road, and it should be almost enough to go out at the end." Ono pointed to one of the intricate tunnels for Xia Yan and said.

She knows a lot about it.

If it wasn't for Xia Yan's appearance that these tunnels had existed for a long time, he would even wonder if she and the stick-tailed scale armored dragon dug them.


Xia Yan didn't hesitate, turned around and left.

To get the colorful spar from the three-headed evil dragon at the level of a heavenly king, it is very important to improve the strength of the elves.


After a month of precipitation, coupled with the continuous high-intensity battles in the past few days, the elves digested and learned quickly, and they were not far from the quasi-king level.

"Then you have to be careful of that bad guy, it may not be far away yet." Ono did not forget to remind.

Xia Yan had already walked a certain distance, and waved with his back to her.

Sitting on the ground with the stick-tailed scale armored dragon, watching Xia Yan's leaving back, Ono supported his head.

"Ah Wu, do you think there really is an outside world? People like me that A Weng said appeared."

"Roar—" the staff-tailed scale armored dragon roared softly, and nodded hesitantly.

Ono's eyes became brighter and brighter.

What is the outside world like?

"Then we have to hurry up and exercise. A Weng said that only by defeating the bad guys and getting the colorful stones can we have a chance to leave."

Ono stood up energetically.


The stick-tailed scale armored dragon is also full of energy.

It has been dissatisfied with the domineering three-headed dragon for a long time.

at the same time.

It can also be clearly felt.

Since eating those delicious cubes from Xia Yan in the past few days, the energy in its body that had been silent for a long time seemed to start to move again.

Go straight along the tunnel pointed by Ono.

When it comes to an end.

When I walked on the ground again, I was still in the rocky area.

look up.

It was easy to find the "bowl"-like basin that Ono said.

There are many wild elves nearby.

Most of them are rock-type elves with a milder personality, and they are still very peaceful when he doesn't use the "sweet aroma" honey juice.

Xia Yan released all the elves again.

Seeing that Xia Yan was fine, he was immediately relieved.

Ibrahimovic even jumped directly into Xia Yan's arms, his head gently arched against his chest.

After appeasing the elves, Xia Yan said to the side: "Duolong Baruto, can you deal with the three evil dragons just now?"

Duolong Baruto, who was invisible, slowly appeared.


While looking at Xia Yan suspiciously, he nodded without hesitation.

"Don't worry, I don't want you to make a move, I just want to know the strength of the three evil dragons." Xia Yan explained with a smile.

Duolong Baruto was stunned, and immediately said a few words softly.


Although the three evil dragons made Duolong Baruto feel some threats.

But that's because the dragon elves and the dragon elves already have a mutual restraint relationship, and the restraint of the three evil dragons and the ghosts.

According to the meaning of Duolong Baruto.

It might get hurt, but the three-headed dragon will definitely lose, and it's the kind that has no suspense.

When it said this, Xia Yan knew something in his heart.

The three evil dragons still have an advantage over Duolong Baruto in terms of attributes, but what Duolong Baruto said is "may be injured", that is, it may not be injured.

It can be seen that the strength gap between the three evil dragons and Duolong Baruto is still a bit big.

This made Xia Yan relax a little bit.

At least.

There's still a chance to hit it off.

If the strength of the three evil dragons is similar to that of Duolong Baruto, then Xia Yan feels that he can give up in the short term.

Because even if his main elves have been promoted to the quasi-king level, Xia Yan doesn't think they can be the opponent of Duolong Baruto.

Sometimes Xia Yan even wondered if Duolong Baruto had surpassed the category of Heavenly King.

It's just that he doesn't know much about this level yet, so he can't judge.

But since Duolong Baruto can lightly abuse the three evil dragons, Xia Yan felt that if he and the elves worked hard, some of them might fight.

Go down the rugged stone slope and come to the basin.


After arriving in the basin, the Shield Sword Monster narrowed his eyes comfortably.

Its body, which had been fully fitted with the body after the coating, had not changed much, a layer of silver-white streamer suddenly flickered on the surface.

Noticing the change of the Sword Sword Monster, Xia Yan narrowed his eyes.

The coating of the Sword Sword Monster is not an ordinary metal paint.

It is the special metal membrane that Regischikas was looking for in order to make Regischilu. It is a "metal membrane" that is buried deep in the earth, squeezed and tempered by nature, and combines the power of nature and Regischilu.

Here, there was a reaction.


There's a good thing hiding in this rocky area.


Hu Di pointed to a corner of the basin, where more than a dozen elves lived.

For the outsiders like Xia Yan, he watched vigilantly, but did not take the initiative to attack.

Moat Dragon!

A very docile rock and steel elf, likes to live in groups, and will take extra care of its offspring.

In the world of elves, it can be regarded as an extinct elf, similar to the monster-jawed dragon that Xia Yan once subdued.

Say something.

The moat dragon is also a "dragon", right?

Suddenly this thought flashed through, and Xia Yan couldn't help laughing.

Immediately waved his hand.

"It's okay, they don't take the initiative to attack, don't worry about it."

As long as they don't actively provoke the moat dragons and don't pose a threat to their children, the moat dragons will rarely initiate attacks.

Hearing what Xia Yan said, Hu Di relaxed a little.



As Xia Yan and the others approached the center of the basin, the ground began to tremble violently.

The moat dragons in the distance sensed the movement, and drove the shield-armored dragons back into the cave behind them, and used their face like a city wall to cast an iron gate.

While Xia Yan and the others were wrapped in Hu Di's super power, they slowly left the ground.

Click! !

I see.

Huge cracks appear in the basin.

A heat wave hit our faces.

Immediately afterwards, with the flickering of silver light, a gigantic creature suddenly emerged from the crack, roaring to the approaching Xia Yan and the elves, swearing its sovereignty.


This time it was really a behemoth.

It was even bigger than the three Boscodoras I met before.

A huge body of nearly ten meters, a thick body, metal blocks connected one by one, red eyes and a tail like a nail.

"Steel Snake"

An evolutionary form of the Big Rock Serpent, a steel-type and ground-type elf.

Xia Yan remembered.

It seems that the alliance has not announced the conditions for the evolution of the big rock snake into the big steel snake.

It may be that it was known but not announced, or it may be that it did not know.

It's not that there are no big steel snakes in the wild, they're just extremely rare.

A bit like Menus who was willing to go with him before.

A very rare elf.

Because without human intervention, it is very difficult for the big rock snake to evolve into a big steel snake.

The most normal and the most popular evolutionary method in the future is to "coat" the rock snake.

Make its body completely transform from rock to metal from the outside to the inside, and then it can evolve into a big steel snake.

But for big rock snakes in the wild.

If you are not lucky enough to encounter a formed "metal film", they also have a chance to evolve.

First of all, you need to find a piece of land or mining area rich in metal elements.

Then dig all the way down into the ground, it has to go to a very deep level.

Finally, he quietly buried himself deep in the ground.

Through the power of nature, the extrusion of the earth, and the rich metal elements in the soil and rocks, let yourself complete the transformation little by little.

It is more difficult but also more thorough to evolve than to use the "metal film" to evolve.

After all, the pure natural "metal film" was born under such circumstances.

The big rock snake just placed itself in such an environment, treating itself as a piece of ore, and using the power of the earth as a hammer.

Through the "tempering" of the earth.

Let yourself go from rock to metal.

It's an evolution from the inside out.

Therefore, it is more thorough than using the "metal film", and its strength is undoubtedly stronger.

But how long this process will take, no one can say.

Some big rock snakes succeeded and evolved into big steel snakes.

But most of the big rock snakes should have failed.

He couldn't bear the terrifying pressure from the ground, couldn't bear the long wait, and couldn't bear the pain caused by the transformation of his body.

In the end, it turned into a pile of loess and became a part of the earth.

Therefore, most of the big steel snakes were found deep underground.

But this one in front of me.

Although it looks fierce and strong.

But its groundbreaking time is fast, and it's clearly not very deep underground.

Combined with the reaction of the Shield Sword Monster when it just arrived in the basin.

Xia Yan has reason to suspect that there may be a pure natural "metal film" buried under this basin.

And the amount is not small.

Otherwise, the big rock snake has evolved into a big steel snake, but it can still make the shield sword monster react.


It may not be as simple as "metal film".

Otherwise, this rocky area wouldn't gather so many rock-type elves.

Xia Yan rubbed his chin as he looked towards the ground where the big steel snake ran out, at the steaming place.

"No matter what, we must deal with this big steel snake first."

Not easy to deal with.

This is a creature with stronger defense than Boss Kedora under normal conditions.

But like Boscodora, its shortcomings are also very obvious.

Quasi-king class

"Do it."

Following Xia Yan's soft voice.

The elves started to move.

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