Brimwen of the quasi-king class can't afford to turn up much trouble against the three quasi-kings of Pokkisi, Big Needle Bee, and Hu Di.

Besides, elves like Brimwen are extremely slow.

Standing in place like an elegant lady, it is difficult to fight back against the big needle bee and the other elves who rely on speed to output output.

Moreover, as long as Brimwen does not use some fancy moves, its "Magic Mirror" feature will not be able to play a role, and the weakness of slow speed will be exposed.

That is to say, it happens to have a restraint relationship with the lampshade night mushroom, otherwise it would definitely not be able to live here so peacefully.

But the appearance of Brimwen also allowed Xia Yan to find the most suitable special attack elf for the "Space Team" as a hunter.

The premise is that this Brimwen can be completely tamed.

Xia Yan didn't expect it.

I have worked so hard to study and ponder my main elf system, which has not yet fully formed.

The system that is casually structured according to the model of the "Space Team" is taking shape first.

of course.

In order to display a certain combat effectiveness, they still need a certain amount of running-in.

Put away Brimwen's Poké Ball.

An elf like Brimwen belongs to the psychic and fairy type, and should have been a registered elf in the Galar region.

They only have one gender, which is female, which is similar to elves like Warrior Eagle and Vulture Na.

The elf corresponding to Brimwen is the long-haired troll. Among the elves known so far, the only elf with a combination of evil and elf attributes.

The Brimwen caught by Xia Yan has the characteristic of "Magic Mirror", which is the hidden characteristic of Brimven among elves like Brimwen.

The effect is that it is always in the state of "magic reflection" only when it is present.

Therefore, the "mushroom spores" like lampshade night mushrooms not only can't affect it, but can even be reflected, making you fall into a deep sleep.

Therefore, even Xia Yan felt a little tricky, and the lampshade night mushrooms, who could only attack with strong means, were almost no threat to Brimwen.

"Has the 'acting' come down?" Xia Yan looked at the almost doll beside him.

"Buduo." Almost doll nodded.

Its property has temporarily changed to "Magic Mirror".


It's unrealistic for Brimwen to tame it immediately, after all, it was beaten violently by Pokkis and the others.

But as long as almost the doll "plays" its characteristics, and then through "characteristic swap" and then repeat the method of "playing" and "characteristic swap", all the characteristics of all elves can be turned into "magic mirrors".

In this way, it won't be so troublesome to clean up the group of lampshade night mushrooms later.

Then Xia Yan looked at Pokkisi who was flying towards him excitedly.

Smile and open your arms.

Pokkisi was stunned for a moment, and then his small eyes rolled slyly.

Then flap the wings vigorously.


With a pounce, Xia Yan fell directly on the grass.

Then the head rubbed and rubbed hard against his chest, with an attitude of not letting go until his clothes were completely messed up.



Ibrahimovic and Latios, who saw this scene, couldn't bear it, and stepped forward one after another, joining Pokkisi's "squeeze" embrace plan.

The big needle bees couldn't help smiling when they saw this scene.

It took a while.

Xia Yan was able to get up from the ground.

Clothes were messed up, hats were off, and both hairs were messed up.

People who didn't know thought he did something in the wild.


But Xia Yan didn't complain about them, he just knocked on their heads in turn.

Stare into Pokkis' eyes.

Solemnly said: "Don't keep things in your heart from now on, tell us and let's bear it together, this time I was negligent."

For the rest of the elves, no matter if it's Big Needle Bee or Hu Di, or Lattios or Flame Monkey, it's generally difficult to hide their inner thoughts. Even if they are hidden, Xia Yan can basically see them at a glance.

He has enlightened Big Needle Bee, Hu Di and Sword Sword Monster more than once before.

Only Pokkisi, Xia Yan never worried about its psychology.

And it is the happiest and naughtiest guy in the team, whose laughter makes a good cover for himself.

Fortunately, Xia Yan didn't notice it all at once.

In fact, if he observes a little more carefully, he should be able to notice it.

It's just that he never thought that Pokkisi, a carefree little guy, would put so much pressure on himself because of the progress of his companions and Xia Yan's expectations.

If it wasn't for Brimwen, who was extremely sensitive to elves' emotions this time, taking the opportunity to invade Pokkisi's consciousness, Xia Yan might not have noticed it.

heard the words.

Pokkisi stuck out his little tongue and nodded obediently.

In fact, it is not a cover-up.

It's just that it has always been careless, and I don't understand why such thoughts and emotions have arisen in my heart. I don't know how to express it, so I can only try to maintain the previous appearance.

I should really thank Brimwen.

It can be regarded as using a relatively "deviant" method to let it vent this emotion.

Pat the dust and weeds on his body.

Xia Yan stood up from the ground.

Straighten the hat.

He smiled and said: "Then the next goal is very clear."

"Hiss beer!" Big Needle Bee looked serious.


"Cha Ke Yi!"


The four elves expressed their views at the same time.

'Hit it back! '

They followed Xia Yan until now, and they haven't suffered such a big loss yet.

Then the four elves looked at Fire Monkey, Latios and Eevee together.

"Hey!" Fierce Monkey was excited, and immediately expressed his opinion.



have a look.

The four big brothers and sisters are still very tight in the position of "emperor".

Ibrahimovic also slowly gained a deeper understanding of the content of "The Little Brother".

After looking at each other, the elves all laughed happily.

"Before that, take away those lampshade night mushrooms."

Xia Yan stepped on the big steel snake again.

At this time, the Big Steel Snake was really not good at being honest.

It didn't even dare to think that these guys were actually going to challenge that ferocious guy, the three-headed dragon?

I don't know if it has changed or the world has changed.

As a qualified landing mount, after these days of contact and understanding, Big Steel Snake can be regarded as a shallow reading of the book "The Little Brother".

With Brimwen's "magic mirror" feature, cleaning up the group of lampshade night mushrooms became very smooth.

Especially when there is not even a leader at the quasi-king level among this group of lampshade night mushrooms.

The fierce fire monkeys are all crazy.

Punch a kid.

Xia Yan didn't let any one go this time, whether it was the lampshade night mushroom or the sleeping mushroom.

Clean it up.

A total of 89 lampshade night mushrooms were harvested, including 3 at the main level and 78 sleeping mushrooms.

In an instant, it surpassed the sum of Xia Yan's previous captures of elves.

There are not too many elves of the fairy type anyway.

If it is operated properly, the price will be skyrocketed during the period when it first appeared.

But after this group of Lampshade Night Mushrooms and Sleeping Mushrooms were captured, they could clearly feel that the energy of the fairy energy in the entire forest began to pass away at a very fast speed.

Xia Yan estimates that within a few days, the energy of the fairy energy here will return to a concentration similar to the average level in the different space.

When he returned to the camp again, he saw that Ono had fallen asleep curled up in the arms of the staff-tailed scale armored dragon.

I was thinking about something when I was dreaming.

Xia Yan could only vaguely understand a few words such as "barbecue", "flying", "Awu".

But the stick-tailed scale armored dragon opened its eyes slightly when it sensed them approaching, and closed them again after confirming that it was Xia Yan.

Xia Yan didn't do anything else that night, and took the elves to rest.

In the next few days, let the elves get familiar with the changes in strength as soon as possible, and at the same time collect some crystals and elves.

Xia Yan had a hunch.

After defeating the three evil dragons and getting the seven-color spar, his trip to the different space of Lie Kongzao will almost come to an end.

So seize the last few hours and collect more resources.

Try to fill up all the poke balls you bring.

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