The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 657: The Least Important Person in the Gym (Two in One)

Who is the man riding Raykon's back?

Opinions vary.

In short, whether it is online or offline, this matter is extremely popular.

Almost every ten people, at least three people are discussing this issue.

Even the Alliance, are trying to find him.

But fortunately, Yuanzhi is still very reliable, and he helped Xia Yan keep this secret very well.

And as the center of the incident, what about the most discussed mysterious person, Xia Yan?

He quietly returned to Sinnoh.

Hidden merit and fame.

two days later.

Xia Yan was completely busy with all the trivial things, and went back to his gymnasium in Shuran Town to sleep for a whole day and night.

Sitting in the gymnasium's study, he finally had time to sort out the harvest of this incident.


It is the most important to him and the most influential.

The three elves, Hu Di, Pokkisi, and the Shield Sword Monster, all successfully entered the quasi-king level.

Although Fiery Monkey and Lattios have not improved in terms of strength level, they have also gained a lot and have begun to prepare for entering the main level.

Ibrahimovic has successfully entered the elite level.

But choosing its evolution type has become Xia Yan's most troublesome thing recently.

In addition to the strength of the elves, which had a profound impact on Xia Yan, there are also a few elves that can be used as a supplement to the identity of the hunter and perfectly fit the characteristics of the "space team".

The second space hand is almost a doll, the first physical shield is the big steel snake, and the first special attacker Brimwen.

It can be regarded as completely filling the vacancy of Xia Yan's hunter status as an elf.

It also succeeded in completely distinguishing the identity of the hunter from the real identity.

As for the elves caught, the one Xia Yan valued the most was undoubtedly the three-headed evil dragon at the level of a heavenly king.

It's just that the three-headed dragon has a bad temper, and Xia Yan hasn't tried to subdue it yet.

after that.

Those are the elves that can be sold for money.


6 quasi-king-level elves, including three Boscodora with excellent dragon blood.

64 hall master-level elves, with different quality, strength, and value levels, but the average value is at least one million alliance coins, and there is even a chance to sell for one and a half million alliance coins.

It mainly depends on the demand of the market.

Adding up all these elves, Xia Yan's gain in money this time is probably close to two small goals.

For him, it is definitely a huge sum of money.

It can help him greatly relieve the financial pressure.

In fact, there was also the Quasi-Tianwang-level trainer sent by Hoshino Ryuichi to kill him, her five quasi-Tianwang-level spirits, and one pavilion master-level spirit.

Although the risk of selling these elves is not great, it cannot guarantee absolute safety.

So in the end Xia Yan chose to hand them over to some professional executioners of the Hunter's Guild, and replace them with necessary materials, such as poison sacs.

As for why there is a risk.

Because he couldn't guarantee who the elves sold would fall into.

If it is said that Hoshino Ryuichi or the organization that person belongs to deliberately paid attention to the movements of these elves and bought them.

There are still some means to understand the situation at that time through their memories, descriptions and other aspects.

The elves who have had trainers are different from the knowledge reserves of ordinary wild elves. They can give a general idea of ​​things to a certain extent.

Xia Yan and Hoshino Ryuichi were almost torn apart, and he was not afraid of being known if he killed someone.

The main reason is that there is a possibility of exposure in super evolution.

Although this possibility is not even a one in ten thousand probability.

After all, a long time has passed, and the elf world is so big, Xia Yan chooses to sell it in different regions, and the possibility of being bought by them is very slim.

In fact, part of the reason is that Xia Yan wanted to use these poison sacs to increase the toxin of the big needle bee.

The poison sac of a quasi-king-level elf is not something you can buy if you want to.

In addition to these things to be sold, the remaining value can be used, and naturally there are a large group of lampshade night mushrooms and sleeping mushrooms.

Xia Yan wanted to place them in his ranch, to see if he could reproduce the scene of the fairy forest in Liekong's different space at that time.

When the fairies appear, their value will soar.

These are all gains from the elves.

Also on items and props.

The most important thing is those few pieces.

A dragon scale of Lie Kongzai, Latios' super evolutionary stone, two heavenly king-level "dragon scales", two evil-type pure crystals, and the "membrane of the earth" that was used by the sword monster on the spot.

List these.

Xia Yan stretched long on the chair.

Holding a cup of coffee, turning the chair and looking out of the floor-to-ceiling windows, smelling the faintly bitter but very refreshing mellow aroma, a smile appeared on his face.

Although the existence of a different space is dangerous, every time he enters it, it is a huge refreshment in terms of strength or resources.

"High risk but also high reward."

Xia Yan has already decided to use a large part of the money he is about to get in exchange for the top-level energy cubes characteristic of elves.

outside the window.

Random Town has entered a period of rapid development.

Almost looking up in the town, you can see at least two or three construction sites of Devon Company.


In every corner of the town, advertisements for "The Little German Cup" were posted.

Although the planning time this time was much longer than Xia Yan imagined, it also made him just in time for the start time of the cup.

tuk tuk -

"Please come in."

"Mr. Xia Yan."

It was Chrysanthemum who pushed the door open.

behind her.

Followed by a slightly thin, but very calm middle-aged man.

He was chosen by Xia Yan before leaving Shuran Town as the butler of the gymnasium to take over Jucai's job.

I saw that he was wearing a meticulous housekeeper's uniform, with one hand on his stomach and the other behind his back, his eyes were lowered and he did not look directly at Xia Yan's, his expression was calm and his attitude was very respectful.

He is not the most educated, nor the most capable, nor even the most experienced in Jucai's list for Xia Yan.

A very mediocre looking guy.

But one of his resumes made Xia Yan pay more attention to it.

He briefly served as the butler of the Ruri Gym in Ruri City, Hoenn District.

Although it didn't last long.

The main reason is that he is not from the Hoenn area, his hometown is in Sinnoh, and he chose to return to his hometown in the end.

Xia Yan knew Mi Keli, so he made a special call to ask about his situation.

The evaluation given by Mi Keli can be summed up as follows: he has a clear background, is a very honest person, and has good abilities, but lacks the sense of pioneering.

Immediately Xia Yan finalized him.

Xia Yan doesn't need to be very capable, his background is clean and clean, and he can manage the daily life of a gymnasium well, that's enough.

"Chrysanthemum, Yamato." Xia Yan smiled and nodded.

After getting a hint from Xia Yan and Jucai, Yamato took a step forward to report the income of the gymnasium during this period, as well as the progress of the cup match being arranged.

Jucai will leave after this cup match, so some transactions are already being settled now.

"Thanks to Mr. Xia Yan's reputation, the attention paid to this German Cup has exceeded our expectations. This is the list of players who have already signed up. Some of the players are well-known, so I marked it emphatically."

Yamato respectfully put the list on Xia Yan's table.

"Thank you." Xia Yan said politely.

Putting down the coffee cup, he picked up the list and looked at it from top to bottom.

Therefore, Yamato's ability is still there, and he has done some research on the origins of these players, and the people he circled are naturally the ones that Xia Yan pays the most attention to.

But when he saw the names of these people, he felt bad.

Daye, Ah Liu, Wu Song, Dianci, Ah Li.

The corner of his mouth twitched.

"Can I refuse their registration?"


Turn a small cup into a preliminaries for the "Lily of the Valley Contest"?

Look at who these people are.

Are they here for the Cup?

Their purpose is to get a chance to beat him violently!

"I'm afraid not, sir, their participation is also a promotion for our small cup.

At present, almost all the audience seats in our venues, whether they are package tickets or individual tickets, are almost all reserved.

Even, many companies have already invested in advertising space, and all the divided booths outside the gymnasium have also been rented out.

Even the German company did not expect the popularity of this cup, so it increased its investment in this cup.

And took the initiative to apply to build a temporary broadcast screen outside the gymnasium, so that those spectators who did not get tickets but still came to watch the game could feel the atmosphere of the scene. "

Yamato directly rejected Xia Yan's words, and then listed some benefits obtained by the gymnasium before the competition started, and listed them on the paper one by one.


Through this cup competition, the gymnasium directly got rid of the deficit income.

And it has also received a lot of financial support, which is enough for the gymnasium to not need to worry about financial issues for a long time to come.

Xia Yan waved his hand.

Of course he knew it, but he was just joking.

Most of these people have their own traffic.

Xia Yan, who has experienced the era when traffic was king, knows the value of these people's competition.

"Besides that, the entire random town has also received a lot of business stimulation, and the income of various shops and hotels has increased significantly. This is also a long-term income for our gymnasium."

As the official organization of the alliance, the gymnasium is responsible for part of the security, management and teaching obligations of a city, so part of the tax paid in the city every year will be allocated to the gymnasium according to a certain percentage.

And the more developed the city, the greater the annual income of the gymnasium.

Like Xia Yan.

I spent a lot of money early on, and bought a large number of shops at the entrance of the gymnasium, and bought them all under my own name when the prices were not high.

Random town has developed, and the rental income alone is enough for him to earn a lot of money.

Not to mention those projects jointly developed with Devon.

Xia Yan opened the gym to make money, for which he invested a lot of money out of his own pocket.


The money is finally starting to flow back.

Yamato made a report on the total income of the gymnasium during the recent period and gave it to Xia Yan.

"Thirty million, is that much already?" Looking at the number above, Xia Yan was more or less surprised.

How long has it been?

It's only been a month since he left the gymnasium.

It was still a deficit before leaving, but now it has turned from a negative to a positive, and it has earned 30 million alliance coins.

"This is only the early income. Many companies have only paid a deposit for the advertising space reserved, and the final payment has not yet been paid. However, it will be credited in the next few days. After my calculations, the final actual income of the gym may exceed 60 million alliance coins."

Yamato looked very determined.

"Of course, it's mainly because Devon has borne most of the expenses. If we want to hold a cup match in the future, if there is no support from big companies, the income may not be so high, but it will not be less."

Xia Yan nodded.

No wonder those who opened gymnasiums never thought of resigning after they opened, and most of them passed the gymnasiums to their descendants, and they renovated and expanded them at every turn.

Who would give up such an income.

But in fact, not every time a cup is held, the income will be so high.

This time they took advantage of Xia Yan's name, the popularity of the "Ling Lan Youth Competition" that has not completely faded, and the strong support of Devon Company.

But don't forget that this is Random Town, if it is held in a metropolis like Jiayuan City or Binhai City, it is estimated that the income will only be high but not low.

Xia Yan just knew that the gym made money, but he didn't expect the gym to make so much money.

From this point of view, there is still a certain confidence and reason for those gymnasiums to recruit apprentices in large quantities.

"Mr. Xia Yan, there is one more thing that must be finalized by you. Miss Jucai and I have no such right."


"Recruitment." Yamato handed over another document.

The above is a list of all the staff of the gymnasium today, including Kikuna and Yamato, a total of 134 people.

As big as the acting gym owner like Linghua, as small as the aunt who is responsible for the daily sanitation and tidiness of the gymnasium.

And their respective monthly salary expenditures, ranging from high to low.

For example, an agent owner like Linghua.

Although she doesn't want a penny even if she volunteers.

But she is also a trainer after all, and the cost of cultivating elves is not a small sum every month.

Xia Yan allowed her to use most of the resources in the gym, and also offered her a monthly salary of 500,000 union currency.

For Linghua's status and strength, a monthly salary of 500,000 is just a plus, which means nothing.

The resources of the gymnasium that Xia Yan allowed her to use were not comparable to 500,000 yuan.

There is also Yamato, for example, which is managed as a gymnasium. Because it has just joined, the monthly salary is 200,000 alliance coins.

This is definitely not high for a person who is responsible for managing the entire gym and also includes event operations, daily task arrangements, and other tasks.

Maybe after this event is over and he becomes a regular, his salary will get a big increase.

There are also technical personnel such as the daily cultivation of elves in the gymnasium, the daily maintenance and repair of the gymnasium venue, and referees with professional certificates. The monthly salary also ranges from 50,000 to 100,000.

There are a total of 134 people, and the gymnasium will spend nearly 5 million alliance coins every month.

This is not counting the material expenses required for gym maintenance and elf maintenance.

Look at it this way.

The reason why gymnasiums were in deficit before is clear.

The tens of millions earned by holding the cup match doesn't seem like a big sum.

But fortunately, random town is developing rapidly, and it is estimated that the tax share in the future will not be low.

"We obviously don't have enough manpower for the cup competition, so I think our gymnasium needs to recruit new people. But it should not be too many, so as not to overstaff the phenomenon after the cup competition is over. This is a plan I made, and I need Mr. Xia Yan to take a look."

Xia Yan looked at Jucai.

Chrysanthemum lowered her eyes unobtrusively.

It seems that managing the gymnasium is really not an easy job.

It's similar to managing a company.

If Xia Yan is the chairman, then Yamato is the CEO.

But as Mikri said, Yamato has the ability, and he is honest.

But also because of sincerity, in fact, he is not popular in this industry.

It's just that Xia Yan likes to use honest people, it doesn't matter even if they speak a little harshly or be a little rigid.

"Okay, I see, you can arrange to recruit new ones."

After reading it, Xia Yan decisively chose to sign.

He is not the material for this line of work, as long as there is nothing wrong with the approximate expenditure, he doesn't bother to care about it.

Anyway, there are quite a few gym owners like him, so every year the alliance regularly arranges people to check the financial situation of the gym.

"By the way, I need these materials in the near future. If the gymnasium's finances allow it, please help me purchase some."

Now that the gym has started to make money, the purpose of Xia Yan's opening of the gym can be brought into play.

Gather resources.

"Also, what are the real nurturing masters of Sinnoh, please try to contact me, I want to visit."

"Okay, sir."

After that, Kikuna and Yamato explained some things and reported some content, and then they continued to work.

Judging from the current situation, Yamato took over the gym affairs from Kikuna very smoothly.

When Chrysanthemum is gone, there will be no problems with the operation of the gymnasium.

In Xia Yan's opinion.

In his gym, the seemingly least important person is himself? !

Shaking his head self-deprecatingly.

It doesn't matter if it's not important, he just spends money and entrusts the money to those who are capable.

Leaving from the back door of the gymnasium, striding towards the ranch.

Holding a slightly shaking Poké Ball in his hand.

He wants to try to see if he can tame the three evil dragons.

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