It was getting dark.

But on the lawn outside the institute, it was brightly lit.

It has to be said that the alliance still attaches great importance to Sakuragi, a talented scholar who can make outstanding contributions at a young age.

Just looking at the layout of the scene, it took a lot of energy, manpower and material resources.

Because of their identities, Xia Yan and Sirona were placed in relatively corner positions.

with them.

There was also Dawu, who came to express congratulations on behalf of Devon, and also to talk about the production and production of the "intimacy" testing equipment in detail.

As the most outstanding student in this batch of Baiyin College, he came to Kona at the scene with his doctoral supervisor.

And Du and Xiaochun who came to congratulate on behalf of the Yulong clan after receiving the news.

After the opening ceremony of Xia Yan Gymnasium, several people got together again.

But the atmosphere is kind of weird.

"Ahem. What do you mean by staring at me?" Xia Yan coughed, breaking the silent and awkward atmosphere.

"What kind of surprise is it? Ask the two of them, and they won't tell." Du couldn't help asking.

Xia Yan turned his eyes sideways, not looking into his eyes.

". You should know later."

After a short pause, he asked back, "Have you been so free recently?"

Du stretched for a long time, and said with a smile: "There are many things to do, and I happen to be free."

You just happen to be really good at picking your time. Xia Yan couldn't help but slander.

After Xia Yan broke the silence, the chatterbox of several people was also opened.

We started to chat about some topics about elf cultivation and battle skills.

Among them, the most talked about is about the configuration of the elf lineup.

Everyone knows the basics, so there is nothing you can't say.

Xia Yan suddenly felt a line of sight cast from behind him, and it was the kind of stare that did not leave for a long time.

He half turned his body and turned his head slightly.

Two tables away, a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl with long black hair, wearing a red tights, and a faint green halo in her eyes was staring at herself.

There was also a little green light on her hand, a wine glass full of fruit juice, like a playful elf, twirling at her fingertips.

But there was no sign of turning over, not even a drop of the juice in it.


The eyes of the two meet.

Nazi tilted her head, with a little doubt in her eyes.

Xia Yan's heart trembled slightly.

He knew that Nazi felt the super power in him.

But Xia Yan was not nervous.

His disguise as a hunter is not limited to appearance, including height, behavior habits, personality and even way of thinking. Naturally, he also made a certain disguise for his superpower.

Super power, in the final analysis, is the ability of a materialized spiritual force to manifest through different frequency bands.

If you want to fake it, you can still do it.

Immediately Xia Yan smiled slightly at Na Zi, and raised the wine glass in his hand.

Seeing Xia Yan's actions, Na Zi was stunned for a moment, then curled her lips and turned her head, as if she didn't want to have any communication with Xia Yan.

Xia Yan smiled and didn't care.

Nazi is such a character, a girl who can't grow up, who only does things according to her own preferences.

It is already a miracle that she can sit there obediently now.

Xia Yan glanced at the people around Na Zi.

Ma Zhishi, the owner of the Gymnasium in Dead Leaf City, who was wearing a military uniform, was pouring wine into his mouth. In his eyes, it seemed that what was in the glass was not wine, but boiled water.

Wearing a black tights and a red mask on his face, Aju, the head of the light red city gymnasium leaning on the back of the chair with his arms folded, was closing his eyes and resting his mind.

When he noticed Xia Yan's gaze, his eyes opened slightly.

But when he turned to the source of his sight, Xia Yan had already moved away.

And Li Jia, a girl in a kimono with a warm smile, is the head of the gym in Rainbow City.

It seems that that table should be the location of several gymnasium owners around Dead Leaf City.

Sakuragi's influence can be seen.

But there were three Rockets cadres on a table, and Xia Yan couldn't help but slapped his mouth.

The Rockets should pay more attention to a talented researcher like Sakuragi.

"What are you looking at?" Sirona noticed Xia Yan's gaze and couldn't help asking.

"No." Xia Yan smiled and took a sip of the slightly bitter wine in his glass, "Look at the important people present."


Sirona would obviously be wrong.

Hearing this, Xia Yan couldn't help but chuckled, looking very calm and composed.

But his mouth responded: "Yeah."

This is probably one of the ways to use the most arrogant posture and say the most cowardly words.

Seeing Xia Yan's understatement, Sirona thought Xia Yan was not nervous at all.

But hearing his words, Sirona couldn't help laughing.

"We're all here." Sirona said softly.

Xia Yan glanced over several people, and finally stopped on Du who was dealing with Xiaochun, and twitched the corners of his mouth.

You just said nervously.

Still, he nodded and heaved a sigh of relief.

while they chat.

Soon the ceremony began with the announcement of the host arranged by the alliance.

In fact, the ceremony is not complicated.

First, several doctors who have gained authoritative status in the elf research community were invited to give speeches one by one.

It doesn't matter what the content of the speech is, but everyone still gives Sakuragi face, and it's just a compliment when they come on stage.

Starting from Dr. Soraki, who is a young doctor, to Dr. Oda Maki, then to Dr. Yamanashi, Dr. Yew and so on.

Usually, there will not be so many doctors present at the conferment ceremony.

But because tomorrow is an academic conference, some well-known doctors from most regions have come.

The alliance can be regarded as supporting Sakuragi.

to the end.

The person on stage is the unique authority in today's elf world, Dr. Oki!

Dr. Oki was still very funny. He first told two cold jokes that made people very cold.

Almost directly extinguished the enthusiasm of the venue.

Fortunately, everyone more or less knew Dr. Oki's title of "King of Jokes", so they still gave a round of applause.

After Dr. Oki came to power, he didn't go down.

Amid thunderous applause, Sakuragi, who was dressed in a neat suit and had her hair combed meticulously, came onto the stage at the invitation of the host.

Not to mention.

When Sakuragi is not sloppy, he is still a little handsome.

It is undoubtedly an absolute recognition of his ability and identity that Dr. Oki awarded Sakuragi a doctoral certificate.

so far.

There is another great doctor of elfology in the Kanto area, and another great researcher with pioneering spirit in the entire elf world.

Dr. Oki stepped aside and gave up his seat to Sakuragi.

Sakuragi took out a piece of paper from his pocket, strictly followed the content on the paper, and thanked a large number of people from beginning to end.

Seeing his scene, everyone smiled knowingly.

Xia Yan couldn't help grinning.

You don't even need to think about it, he knows that this thank you list was organized by Jucai for Sakuragi.

After thanking the big and small people above, Sakuragi heaved a sigh of relief.

Then he officially started his speech.

It is as small as some small research he did when he was young, and he got inspiration from it.

It is so big that some studies have made outstanding contributions to the entire elf world, including the "intimacy" project with Xia Yan.

And I don't know whether Sakuragi mentioned the name "Dodo" many times, intentionally or unintentionally.

Xia Yan looked at Sakuragi, and the corner of his eye kept falling on Du, but fortunately, he didn't seem to feel anything.

Because the alliance made the scene very big this time, and there were too many doctors present, a large number of reporters also took pictures of this conferring ceremony on the spot.

The big and small things that Sakuragi said made many people who were hesitant to be a trainer or a researcher in front of the TV and computer quickly make their own decisions.

This can also be seen as a ceremony for Sakuragi to impart experience.

".So I hope that if you have your thoughts and opinions in your heart, you can put forward all of them, regardless of right or wrong, regardless of the result, what matters is the process of your search for the truth!

In fact, there is never an absolute truth, only a truth that is getting closer and closer. And our group, although we can't get the final and completely accurate conclusion, we can be used as a paving stone on the road of exploration.

No matter how big or small a stone is, it serves the same purpose! "

Sakuragi's last words resonated with many doctors and researchers present.

In another piece of applause.

Sakuragi's awarding ceremony is almost over here.

But Sakuragi stood on the stage without moving, instead, he turned his eyes to the direction of Xia Yan and the others in the corner.

Noticing his gaze, Xia Yan pursed his lips.

Dawu and Sirona also smiled and set their eyes on Xia Yan.

Du and Kona noticed their movements and looked at Xia Yan suspiciously.

What rhythm?

After the applause faded away, Sakuragi spoke again.

"Today, while everyone is here, I would like to introduce a good friend of mine to you. He is the most typical young man who put forward his views and opinions as I mentioned just now, and his views and opinions have now brought great benefits to the entire elf world."

After finishing speaking, Sakuragi nodded towards Xia Yan.

"Go, Xia Yan." Sirona said softly.

"Let's go." Dawu also said.

Du, Kona, Xiaochun: "???"

Xia Yan took another deep breath, stood up, fastened the buttons of his small suit, and raised his hat.

to be honest.

During the "Ling Lan Youth Competition", Xia Yan was never nervous, but this moment is really uncomfortable.

Watching Xia Yan stand up slowly, Du and Xiaochun looked at each other.

What's the meaning?

Kona's eyes flickered with gleams of splendor.

Pushing her glasses silently, she seemed to understand something.

He just looked at Xia Yan's back in surprise.

Xia Yan is his senior.

Walk slowly towards the stage.

At this time, everyone's eyes fell on him.

Most of the eyes are puzzled.

They did know Xia Yan, the runner-up of the "Ling Lan Youth Competition" and the gymnasium owner of Random Town in the Shen'ao area.

He can be regarded as a relatively top figure among the younger generation of trainers.

But that is a trainer, what does it have to do with what Sakuragi said?

Of course, some people saw Sakuragi's comments on Xia Yan's paper three days ago, and then thought of Sakuragi's behavior, they couldn't help breathing slightly.

It's him? !

Xia Yan stepped onto the stage.

"Don't be nervous. Although Sakuragi made the scene a bit bigger, the benefits to you will not be small."

When walking past Dr. Oki, Dr. Oki patted him on the back lightly.

Xia Yan nodded silently.


It's okay, but it's a little uncomfortable.

Came to Sakuragi's side.

Sakuragi patted him on the shoulder to show encouragement, and asked him with his eyes.

Who announced it?

Xia Yan exhaled slowly, with a smile on his face.

On the stage, he calmed down instead.

He strode up to the microphone and bent slightly.

After a brief silence.

".Sorry, it took up some public resources and everyone's time. It's actually not a big deal, but I really can't beat Mr. Sakuragi."

After giving a brief explanation, he said, "I am Xia Yan, and I am 'Dodo'."


What's the name?


Dodo? !

The audience was silent.

The next second was an uproar.

Not that they were surprised by the papers that were published.

Although he is very powerful, among the many doctors present, which one is not as powerful as him?

What really surprised them was Xia Yan's age!

Are you only in your teens?

What are they doing in their teens?

Still studying at school.

Not to mention doing research, it would be great if you can thoroughly understand your studies.

At this time, the Internet also exploded.

Tactician Xia Yan is the "dodo bird"? !

Many of the people who watched the live broadcast were also those who watched the live broadcast of the "Ling Lan Youth Competition" not long ago, but they couldn't connect the two identities.

On the one hand, he is a very good young trainer, and on the other hand, he seems to be an even better young researcher.


Some people don't know who Xia Yan and "Dodo Bird" are.

But in the Internet age, they can roughly get some information with a little research.

Xia Yan, the runner-up of the "Lily of the Valley Youth Contest", a master tactician, and the owner of the random town gymnasium.

"The Dodo" has published a number of influential papers such as intimacy, Ibrahimovic evolutionary conjecture, brief analysis and detailed explanation of Ibrahimovic's four new evolutionary types, ugly ugly fish and Menus evolutionary conjecture, and full analysis of Menus evolution process.

These two identities actually overlap?

"Damn it! Please allow that now only this word can accurately express my heart."

"Master of Tactics Xia Yan = rising star in the research world 'Dodo'? Sorry, I have to digest this information."

"How old is Mr. Xia Yan this year?"

"Place your bet! Guess how old Mr. Xia Yan can become a doctor?"

"It's over, what should I do if I completely become a fan?"

"It's already a fan."

"Didn't you just publish a few papers and get a runner-up?"

"Upstairs, may I ask if you have graduated from primary school?"

"The same question."



Du, who was sitting in his seat, stared blankly at Xia Yan on the stage, then at Dawu and Sirona who seemed to have known it for a long time, and Kona who seemed to have guessed a little bit with a twinkle in his eyes.

"You guys already knew about it?"

Sirona and Dawu looked at each other, smiled and did not speak.

A trace of "compassion" flashed in his eyes.

They didn't respond to the title when they first saw it.

It wasn't until one of their conversations later that Xia Yan said that most of Du's elves were of the flying type, that they suddenly realized it.

It turns out that the name "Dodo" originated from here?

"The one I guessed just now is indeed Senior Xia Yan." Ke Na said with admiration.

Kona had always admired Xia Yan, whether it was in battle, tactics or survival in the wild.

Unexpectedly, Xia Yan had such a high achievement in the study of elves, which made it impossible for Kona to conceal his admiration for Xia Yan.

So. I was the last to know?

Xiaochun: Cousin, don’t forget I’m still there.

It's not that Du didn't know that there was a guy called "The Dodo" who was very popular on the Internet recently, and he also read some papers published by the other party, especially about "intimacy", but they were very constructive.

But he couldn't associate Xia Yan with this "dodo bird".

wait a minute.

Why "The Dodo"?

Du's gaze fell on Xia Yan again.

If this title was given by someone else, Du wouldn't think too much about it.

But it is Xia Yan

Du finally understood a little bit.

Why everyone else knows this secret, but he doesn't know.

Xiaochun: Cousin, don't forget me.

Du: Xiaochun, bring me my forty-meter broadsword!

Xiaochun: Good!

Standing on the stage, Xia Yan suddenly felt a chill down his spine.

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