Tokiwa City.

Team Rocket's secret base under the Viridian Gym.

"Go and investigate this person, the more detailed the better." Sitting on the chair, Sakagi said in a calm tone while petting the cat.

"Yes!" A voice came from the shadow in the corner.

"I need to know his complete and accurate information, allowing you to use some special relationships in the league, even if it will expose a few people."

The shadow in that corner seemed a little dazed.

It was a little unexpected that Sakagi was willing to pay such a high price.

But he didn't ask, just a little more solemnly.


After the person in the shadow in the corner seemed to be gone, a smile slowly appeared on Sakagi's face.

"Is this the person Nazi said is similar to me? It's a little bit."

A restaurant in the black market.

A restaurant in the black market is not an easy place.

Because some of the dishes, the materials used are elves!

For example, the outrageously expensive "Charcoal Roasted Scallion Duck" is one of the store's signatures.

There are also things like "steamed slow-witted beast's tail", "fried carp king" and so on.

Xia Yan didn't order these, but ordered some vegetarian dishes and waited silently.

The three evil dragons have been put away by him.

But based on the time shown just now, even if he didn't order a single dish, no one dared to say anything.

He didn't make Xia Yan wait long.

A wave of super power.

A little girl with a playful expression appeared in front of Xia Yan.


But the people around couldn't see Na Zi's appearance clearly, they could barely see a outline.

Nazi sat on the chair, flexibly swinging her calves, tilting her head and blinking her eyes, as if she wanted to get to know Xia Yan again.

"What?" Xia Yan raised his eyebrows.

"No, it's just that I saw a person who looks a bit like you in the superpower frequency band."

Xia Yan couldn't help but smiled.

Immediately, he took out two special small boxes from his pocket.

"Are you here to get something? It's all here."

Seeing that Xia Yan didn't respond, Na Zi immediately felt bored and curled her lips.

However, he still wrapped the two boxes with superpowers, and he was more careful in his movements.

"Have you seen Boss Sakagi?"

Nazi didn't shy away from it at all, and directly said Sakagi's name.

Although this is not a particularly big secret among today's high-level league leaders.

But now Sakagi is still the gymnasium owner of Tokiwa City, and even the Rockets have made Tokiwa City their base camp.

It can be seen that there is still a tacit understanding between the league and the Rockets that ordinary people cannot understand.

Recently, the frequency of the Rockets' troubles has obviously come down, and I believe the league also hopes to see this kind of calm.

Even if it's just a brief moment of peace.

And there may be some unforeseen consequences lurking beneath the calm surface of the lake.

Xia Yan shrugged, noncommittal.

"How is it? Isn't Boss Sakagi very powerful?" Nazi's eyes were filled with admiration, like a little girl chasing stars.


"What do you mean 'really'?" Nazi pouted, obviously not very satisfied with Xia Yan's answer.

The fork in Xia Yan's hand paused.

"He invited me to join the Rockets and promised the top executive position."

Nazi's eyes lit up instantly, with a little hope in them.

"Then do you agree?"

"I said think about it."

Hearing this, Na Zi stared slightly, and stood on the chair, as if she wanted to stand up and hit Xia Yan on the forehead, her face flushed with anger.

But in the end it still didn't fall.


After a muffled grunt, Nazi's figure disappeared from the seat.

Looking at the empty chair, Xia Yan couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

shook his head.

After Na Zi left, Xia Yan didn't eat anymore, and quickly left the black market, left the golden market, and rushed to the dead leaf market.

If it wasn't for what Juzi explained, he wouldn't have traveled back and forth between the two cities in one night.

When they returned to the guest room of Sakuragi Laboratory in Dead Leaf City, the sky was already bright white.

Push open the door.

The letterhead on the ground is still there.

With a casual glance, the fragile paper was turned into fine powder under his super power package.

The content of the letter is very simple.

He didn't mention that it was the Rockets, he just said there was a good project and asked Xia Yan if he was interested.

Ruoyou Ruowu also clicked on it, which is not allowed by the alliance.

Xia Yan naturally didn't pay much attention to this letter.


When he just stretched and was about to go back to catch up on sleep, the door next to him suddenly opened.

"Xia Yan, so early?"

I see.

Sirona, who was wearing pajamas, gently rubbed the corners of her eyes, her long blond hair was bound by a cute rubber band and fell behind her head, without any mess.

Presumably, Xia Yan didn't hide his movements when he came back, and it was indeed the time for some people who like to get up early to get up.


When Sirona was wondering why Xia Yan didn't answer her, she suddenly heard Xia Yan's uncontrollable laughter.

Follow his line of sight and look down.

When she saw a cute and playful Pippi printed in the middle of her black pajamas, her face blushed involuntarily.

Regardless of Xia Yan's reaction, he hurried back to the room.

Because she was also in the research institute, she was temporarily living in Dr. Yamanashi's research institute before, but this time she was living in Dr. Sakuragi's research institute. For a while, she forgot her usual habits and opened the door subconsciously.


Xia Yan looked at Sirona who ran into the room in a hurry, and couldn't help smacking her mouth.

Unexpectedly, the cold-looking Sirona also hides a girlish heart.

"What laughing?"

At this time.

Du, who was already fully dressed, appeared behind Xia Yan.

"So early?" Xia Yan was a little surprised by Du's appearance.

"I usually get up at this time to do tasks. Besides, don't you get up too?"

Xia Yan twitched the corner of his mouth.

Du got up early, so he didn't sleep well all night.

Fortunately, he is a superpower, even if he didn't sleep all night, it would not have much impact on his energy.

"Good morning, Senior Xia Yan."

It seems to be the same as the agreement.

Kona was already up too.

She even came from outside with a book in her hand.

It is estimated that it has been outside for a while.

This is the real master.

It's no wonder that he is the face of Baiyin Academy today and the representative of academic figures in the future.

Excellent talent, coupled with hard work.

It is not without reason to become the door panel on the road to becoming a champion.

"Morning, Kona." Xia Yan also greeted with a smile.

When Kona came over, Du also wanted to say hello, but Kona directly shook the back of his head.

Du raised his hand, which was embarrassing.

creak -

Sirona's door opened slowly.

Sirona, whose blush had not completely faded, also came out.

Everyone greeted her, and she responded one by one.

Just seeing the intentional or unintentional smile on Xia Yan's face, Sirona shook Xia Yan's head back.

Du arched Xia Yan with his elbow, and said in a low voice, "What's wrong with them?"

Xia Yan rolled his eyes angrily.

"how could I know."

Du couldn't help but smacked his mouth.

Women are amazing creatures.

"Good morning everyone."

The last one to appear at the door was Dawu who was twisting his cuffs.

Judging by his energetic appearance, he probably slept well last night.


The housing conditions in Sakuragi's new research institute are pretty good.

Seeing how they all got up early, Xia Yan couldn't help but sigh.

Don't be afraid of geniuses, but be afraid of hardworking geniuses.

These few belong to the group of exceptionally talented people, and they all work so hard, there is a reason for their achievements.

Du's rich combat experience, Kona's solid knowledge reserve, and Dawu's money-making ability.

Although Sirona is not the strongest among the few in terms of experience, knowledge, and financial ability, she is the most average, and she is not weak in any of them.

The reason why it doesn't stand out is just because the objects of comparison are too outstanding.

Now that they were all up, Xia Yan gave up the idea of ​​catching up on sleep.

A few people went to have breakfast together.

Then they came to the lawn in the backyard of the Institute to prepare breakfast for their elves.

At this time, Du proposed that everyone have a duel, which can be regarded as morning exercise.

For Du, morning exercises can be a good way to stimulate the elves' enthusiasm for a new day.

He seldom returns to live in Yanmo City.

So most of the time he lived in the Kanto Alliance headquarters.

And there was only one person who made him develop this habit.

That's Sheba.

Only a guy like Xiba who is also a training madman can get along well with a task madman like Du.

Even sometimes.

Shiba's enthusiasm will be a bit overwhelming.

Du's proposal won the approval of several people.

After all, for them, battles are a common occurrence.

Only Xia Yan.

Looking at their sights on him, he couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth.

Especially the meaningful smiles on their faces.

He had every reason to doubt whether this group of people had discussed it in private.

There is always a feeling that the unscrupulous people want to harm me.

Xia Yan breathed out silently, his answer was beyond everyone's expectations.


"Eh?" Kona adjusted his glasses and looked at the other three, "Senior Xia Yan. Agreed?"

Xia Yan smiled without explaining.

He is no longer the ordinary trainer who could only look up to a few people.

After Lie Kong's journey through the space, Xia Yan also wanted to see how much difference there is between his strength and theirs.

In terms of the main elves alone, there must be a gap in overall strength.

After all, both his Fiery Monkey and Latios are only at the elite level.

But when it comes to the top-notch main elves, Xia Yan thinks he still has a chance.

His reaction was beyond everyone's expectations.

But since he agreed, it would be great.

"Then it's simpler, one-to-one cycle?" Du said.

This means that everyone has to fight at least four other people.

Since Xia Yan didn't refuse, the next thing will be easy.

Through lottery, five people got their own numbers respectively.

Xia Yan caught No. 5, and the remaining No. 1 to No. 4 were Du, Kona, Sirona, and Dawu.

That is.

Du wants to take turns fighting Kona, Sirona, Dawu, and Xia Yan.

Then there was Kona fighting the three people behind her.

and so on.

Xia Yan, who caught No. 5, only needs to be responsible for meeting the challenge.

The Sakuragi Research Institute is newly built, and the backyard has a large open space. The elves of the research institute have not moved here yet, giving them enough space to fight.


Xia Yan, Dawu, and Sirona who were sitting under the nearby tree looked at Du and Kona who were standing not far away.

When he learned that the two of them were going to fight first, Du's face was tangled, and his previous excitement was gone, but Kona was in high spirits, and looked like he couldn't wait.

As for Xia Yan and the three of them who knew the relationship between the two, the smiles on their faces couldn't be restrained.

In Xia Yan's words.

This wave is called lifting a rock and hitting yourself in the foot.

Because it was just a private discussion, naturally no referee was needed.

After standing still, the two looked at each other and nodded, then summoned their respective elves.


With a roar, an elf covered in brown and gray with an ancient aura about the huge cattail wings appeared in midair.

Every flap of the wings is accompanied by the ups and downs of the lawn on the ground.

Fossil pterosaurs!

"Oh? Du unexpectedly summoned a fossil pterosaur. I thought he would summon a tyrannosaurus." Dawu said with a smile.

Xia Yan glanced at him, pursed his lips and said, "Water-type and flying-type Gyarados, facing the elves of Kona, that is to say, smooth out the weakness of ice-type, and lose the advantage of water-type. But if you and Sirona meet, the attributes of Gyarados may prevail."

"Ah, here." Dawu's expression froze.

Immediately a bigger smile appeared.

Doesn't seem to be worried about that.

Xia Yan continued to cast his gaze on the field.

A quasi-king-level fossil pterosaur.

Du's progress is really fast.

On the other side of Kona, the movement is not as big as that of the fossil pterosaur.

Mixed with red light, what appeared in front of her was a spiny shell.

Although there was not much movement, compared to the fossilized pterosaur, the aura of this spiny shell was not weak at all.

Sirona frowned slightly.

"Isn't this the stinging shellfish from Kona, newly cultivated, so fast?"

Xia Yan raised his eyebrows.

Is it also a quasi-king class?

It hasn't been long since he told Kona about "Tulongbei".

Less than half a year.

Can the thorn shell be cultivated to the quasi-king level?

Although Kona is highly talented, he also has the full support of the Silver Academy.

But Xia Yan also didn't think Kona could grow a big tongue shell from scratch to quasi-king level in such a short period of time.

The only explanation is that when Kona started cultivating this spiny shell, its strength was not weak.

In fact, it is true.

After learning about "Tulong Bei" from Xia Yan, Kona was looking for a big tongue shell with good talent and corresponding characteristics.

And the Silver Academy, who knew Kona's intentions, directly opened the entire training base of the Silver Academy to her.

Among them are many big tongue shells of varying strength.


Kona finally found this one among the big tongue shells.

When subduing it, it has the strength of the master level.

The evolution of the big tongue shell requires the "water stone", so even if it reaches the level of the master level, it is still just a big tongue shell.

But only relying on the food fed by the Silver Academy, coupled with his own efforts, he can reach the level of the owner of the museum. It can be seen that the talent of this big tongue shell is very strong.

In addition, these big tongue shells are bred, so there is no such thing as wild elves, where it is difficult to get along with trainers when their strength reaches a certain level.

At least, the running-in process is much simpler than that of wild elves.

So Kona followed Xia Yan's prompts, and did not use the "Water Stone" to evolve the big tongue shell until it learned the move of "breaking the shell".

In the end, he obtained the current quasi-king-level stabbing shell.

Of course, it is undeniable that this spiny shell and Kona have not been together for a long time, and the tacit understanding between them is definitely not as good as Du and the fossil pterosaur.

Moreover, this thorn shell is also slightly inferior in strength.

But in any case, a quasi-king-level thorn shell, or "slaying dragon shell", is the main reason why Kona agreed with Du's proposal today.

And this is what Xia Yan has always wanted to have, but he couldn't get it at all.

Whether it is Kona, or Du, Dawu, and Sirona, although their current strength may have been almost chased by Xia Yan.

But the background they have means that they have much better conditions than Xia Yan in cultivating new elves.

The Silver Academy, which is well-known in the Kanto area and even in the entire elf world, let alone Xia Yan's background, I'm afraid his teacher, Juzi, may not be able to match it.

But this way.

Xia Yan raised the corner of his mouth involuntarily.

This first battle became very interesting.

He also didn't expect that Du's "nightmare" would come so soon.


PS: I went back to my hometown today, worked hard all day, loaded a truck full of things, and was exhausted~~ so the update is a little late

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