The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 675 Team Plasma Meloetta (Two in One)

After leaving the temporary camp, Kyurem's Frozen didn't catch up.

Xia Yan couldn't help but secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

Traveling at night, no matter what strength you have, is not something worth advocating.

But Xia Yan had to do so.

He didn't know if Kyurem would follow behind.

When I stopped again, the white fish belly lit up in the sky was gradually dispelling the mist.

Facing the morning sun, witnessing the vibrant scene of this forest in the morning.


Liuwei stopped, and his crystal eyes reflected the beauty of the whiteness of the sky and the greenness of the forest.


Ibrahimovic jumped onto Xia Yan's shoulder, squinted his eyes, and took a deep breath of the breeze mixed with the fragrance of green grass.

The rest of the elves also smiled more or less.

The Hezhong area, especially the morning on the east coast near the Hezhong area, is still very different from the Sinnoh area.

On the tree behind Xia Yan and the others, there was a looming elf.

Wavy emerald green hair, a light blue gemstone in the center of the forehead, and a headgear that looks like a musical note but also looks like a microphone.

Blinking the pure eyes of the same color as the forehead gemstone, listening to the "rustle" of the leaves when the breeze blows by, the ethereal "ding dong" when the spring water drips, listening to the "laughs" of the early elves welcoming the new day, and the "praise" of Eevee and Liuwei.

Gently closing his eyes, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


As if paying attention, Duolong Baruto beside Xia Yan turned his head slightly.

But didn't see anything.

Frowning slightly.


Xia Yan couldn't help but also took a deep breath.

I don't know why, but suddenly I feel relaxed all over my body and mind, and I can't stop feeling a sense of joy in my heart.

This feeling made Xia Yan very strange.

He knew that he shouldn't have such emotions easily, but at this moment he wasn't vigilant at all.


He was wary, but he felt no malice.

Whether it's in his intuition, or in his superpowers.

The elves were all about the same as him.

The fatigue of the night seemed to be swept away.


Ibrahimovic, who was standing on Xia Yan's shoulder, opened his eyes, his ears trembling slightly.

Nuo Nuo's cry rang in Xia Yan's ears.

"Well, I heard that too."

Xia Yan slowly retracted the corners of his mouth. The immersion and relaxation of his mind just now actually made his superpowers slightly improved, and his perception became more sensitive.

So when Ibrahimovic gave him a reminder, Xia Yan also noticed it.

It was not far from where they were standing at the moment.

There are human voices.

Concealing his body shape, putting superpowers on his feet, he moved closer to the source of the sound.

The petite fellow in the tree behind them heard the sound too.

He puffed his mouth and showed a somewhat angry expression.

With approach.

The voice of the other party became more and more obvious and clearer.

"Quick! Although it's just a preliminary product, the effect is surprisingly good. We need to catch more elves. My lord needs more experimental products."

"Although it is very convenient to capture the elves in this way, it is all the idiots of the Hunter Guild. If nothing happens to them, we don't have to run out to do these dirty jobs."

"Oh, the Hunter's Guild? It's just that they are too greedy. Soon the Hunter's Guild will disappear completely in the Hezhong area. Do you know what our philosophy is?"

"Idea? That is, those ordinary members will believe it. You and I who have been following the doctor, don't you understand whose orders the doctor is doing? And the things the doctor does are comparable to the so-called ideas"

"Shut up, talk about the two adults behind your back, I think you are courting death."


Xia Yan, who was hiding in the canopy of a certain tree, looked at the two people below who were arguing while manipulating an inconvenient looking machine to gather wild elves.

Although the machine is half the size of a car, it looks like it's been built with precision.

the most important is.

With the light emitted by this machine, some wild elves who had just come out of the cave lost their ability to move after being irradiated by the special light in an almost indiscriminate manner.

The two have a clear division of labor, one is responsible for controlling the machine, and the other is responsible for subduing the elves.

And on their almost identical clothing, there is a logo printed on it.

It looks like a shield, divided into black and white sides, and in the middle is a character like a "P" and an upside-down "Z" made of blue lines.

Team Plasma!

Listening to what they exchanged, Xia Yan narrowed his eyes.

It seems that the identities of these two people are a bit special.

A member of Team Plasma responsible for Akromar, who knows much more than the average Team Plasma member.

Might also know something about the death of the head of the Hunter's Guild's Hezhong area.

And the "preliminary product" they manipulated should be the initial product invented by Akromar that can control the elf machine.

Continue to listen in silence for a while.

After confirming that only bragging and boasting remained between the two, Xia Yan waved his hand lightly.

The little ones understand.

The fiery monkey jumped directly from the treetops, the flames on its tail were burning, and flames overflowed from the clenched fists, enveloping the entire fist in an instant.

When they felt the hot breath approaching, the expressions of the members of the two plasma teams changed suddenly.

One of them reacted fairly quickly.

He casually picked up a Poké Ball in the bag behind him and threw it out.

A little Yorkie, who was a little less conscious, appeared in the path of the Fiery Monkey's fist.


However, Latios came later, passing the fire monkey and the little York that was thrown out as a shield.

Tight and super capable flashes.

Lattios and the Fiery Monkey exchanged positions, and the Fiery Monkey was not hindered at all, and Latios also took advantage of the opportunity to catch the little York.

boom! !

There was a violent explosion.

The fire monkey's fist missed the two of them, because its target was the machine.

Although this machine seems to be a very good tool for hunters, it is only a preliminary product after all, and its stability is not high enough, and sometimes it is more likely to cause riots by wild elves.

And with this machine, Xia Yan couldn't guarantee whether his spirit would be affected.

The two members of the plasma team rolled aside, looking at the fiery monkey walking out of the thick smoke with flames in its hands, with gloomy expressions.


"You dare to destroy the matter of the plasma team, are you mentally prepared to accept the plasma team's revenge?"

The two shouted loudly in unison.

However, there is only time to clamor.


Liuwei's "frozen wind" blew past, and the biting cold air blew across their waists, freezing the elf balls around their waists and the hands touching their waists.

This result finally made them look terrified.


Xia Yan's feet landed slowly.

In the eyes of the two of them, Xia Yan's appearance was completely distorted, and it was blurry, and he couldn't see the appearance and outline clearly at all.

this hand.

It was Xia Yan who learned it from Na Zi when she was in contact with her last time.

Nazi can use superpowers to distort the light, and even hide herself. Xia Yan can't do it to her level, but it is still possible to distort and blur her appearance.

"Six tails, hypnotism."


The fierce appearance of the little six-tailed milk was passed down by Pokkisi, and the two human beings who were not protected by the elves soon fell into a hypnotic state under its ability.

"What are you doing?" Xia Yan asked casually.

"Dr. Akromar asked us to capture some experimental subjects for him."

After a brief silence between the two, one of them spoke stiffly.

After confirming the credibility of their return, Xia Yan began to ask some more critical things.

"What does Team Plasma want to do to the Hunter's Guild?"

This time the two were silent for a longer period of time.

Just when Xia Yan was a little impatient, another person said bluntly:

"I don't know, but I vaguely heard Dr. Akromar and Lord Quecchis talking on the phone once. The Hunter's Guild is the most suitable organization for the plasma team. They won't stay for long."

Xia Yan frowned slowly.

If the Plasma team keeps preaching that humans and elves should live in peace, I hope the trainers can take the initiative to release the elves, and at the same time secretly use the power of the hunter guild to hunt the elves and expand their own strength.

It is estimated that in another five or six years, the power situation in the entire Hezhong region may undergo unpredictable changes.

The Plasma team is not only simply weakening the majority of trainers, but also constantly improving itself.

However, this is something that the United Alliance needs to worry about, and Xia Yan can't take care of it that much.

He continued to ask: "Is the death or disappearance of Hunter S, the head of the Hunter Guild, related to the Plasma Team?"

Sweat dripped from their foreheads.

"Sword monster with strong shield."

Xia Yan was too lazy to wait for the struggle of the two of them.

The Shield Sword Monster in the shadows pulled out two pieces of silk and wrapped them around the two respectively.

"Hypnotism" coupled with the control of the sword monster, the two completely lost their ability to resist.

"I just accidentally heard Dr. Akromar talking to a stranger quietly. The doctor said that the test was successful, but because Dr. Se, Se, and Dr. Se intervened, the experimental subject went out of control, and the Hunter's Guild fell."

Dr. Cy?

Xia Yan raised his eyebrows, "Dr. Seger?"

"Yes! Dr. Seger!"

Dr. Seger, the main person in charge of the Rockets in the Union area.

Also involved with the Rockets?

Xia Yan asked himself the last question.

"Where's Hunter S's body?"

"No, I don't know"

The strength of these two people was not strong, but they were lucky enough to be able to get close to Akromar. Although the information they provided was intermittent and not necessarily completely accurate, it at least gave him a clue.

"Since the body has not been found, and the plasma team has no intention of continuing to search, it means that they may not know what is on S, and there is a meaning to continue searching." Xia Yan whispered to himself.


The elves came to him and continued on towards the east.

And the speed is also accelerated a lot.

The petite elf who had been following them looked back at the two plasma team members with disgust in their eyes.

After Xia Yan and the others left, the two members of the plasma team gradually regained consciousness.

Didn't die?

The two breathed a long sigh of relief.

Ka Ka Ka——


Before they could think about how to take revenge on Xia Yan, they heard the sound of elf balls being opened one by one.

A sprite full of anger appeared from the poke ball.

Among them are some elves with violent personalities.

It's just that these elves are not hostile to each other now.

Their eyes were on the two plasma team members.

Seeing the wild elves gradually approaching them, the two suddenly broke out in cold sweat.

"Melo?" The emerald green wavy hair swayed, the little guy quickly covered his eyes with his hands, opened a gap and then quickly closed it.

In a flash, they chased after Xia Yan and the others in the direction they left.

The corners of his mouth raised unconsciously, and at the same time, he began to hum an unknown ancient song.

Vegetation in the surrounding woods quickly became lush.

It looks like it's in a good mood.

Quickly shuttle through the forest.

Chasing scattered traces.

after a while.

When Xia Yan stopped again.

According to the map, they are not far from Lianyi Bay on the east coast of the Hezhong area.

What made him stop was because of a stone monument standing in the forest.

At first glance, it looks like a special stone tablet carved to worship a certain existence, but there are no obvious traces carved on the stone tablet, making it difficult for Xia Yan to tell what it is.

If he hadn't been sure that he wasn't in "Three Cloud Island" now.

Nor is it at the "Harvest Shrine".

He would have thought it was a symbol of praying to the land cloud for a good harvest.

From the dense and chaotic footprints around the stele, as well as some not-so-obvious battle marks, it is known that the hunters of the Hunter Guild must have encountered something here.

Xia Yan hesitated and walked to the stone tablet.

Look at the special lines on it, and the moss covered with it.

Slowly raised his hand, wrapped in superpowers.

Intuition told him that the matter should have something to do with this stele.


Just when his palm was about to touch the stele.


A hurried voice appeared behind Xia Yan.

Xia Yan, who heard the voice, paused his palms.

next second.

The little guy who had been silently following him appeared in front of Xia Yan, and stretched his arms between Xia Yan's palm and the stone tablet.

Seeing the little guy who suddenly appeared, Xia Yan was startled, a little surprised.




Ibrahimovic and Liuwei, who were lying on Xia Yan's left and right shoulders, tilted their heads and looked at Meloetta who appeared.


But at the same time, Meloetta breathed a sigh of relief for stopping Xia Yan, and at the same time answered the two little guys in the tone of Ibrahimovic and Liuwei.

Seeing their surprised expressions, Meloetta covered her mouth and kept laughing.


looked very happy.

"Melloietta, who are you?" Xia Yan barely suppressed the surprise in his heart, and couldn't help asking.


It saw it shook its head very resolutely at Xia Yan.

"Don't touch it?" Xia Yan asked.

Meloetta nodded repeatedly.


Suddenly there was a slight tremor.

Xia Yan's feet trembled, and the stone tablet shook along with it.

I saw a crack in the ground.

Only then did they discover that the stele was only a part of the strange building.

The area below the ground is even greater.


Xia Yan and Meloetta stared and blinked.

Both of them were speechless about the existence of design.

Still playing like this?

Didn't wait for them to complain.

next second.

A strong suction force emanated from the stone tablet, Meloetta hovering in front of the stone tablet was the first to be sucked in, Xia Yan subconsciously stretched out his hand to grab it.

But he couldn't stand still by himself, how could he save Meloetta?

It was quickly sucked in.

"Baruya" Duolong Baruto's helpless voice dissipated after the stele wriggled like water.

The place was quiet again.

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