The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 677 Senior brother, Master has been captured by monsters! (two in one)

Hunter S may not be dead.

It's just that he was sucked into this special space by the thunder cloud and couldn't go back for the time being?

Xia Yan couldn't be sure either.

Because his main purpose of going out this time was to find the body of Hunter S, or more precisely, to find the things he was carrying.

This is the information he learned from Hunter M who is in Shuanglong City.

If there are still hunters S and other hunters on this island, then Xia Yan needs to be more careful.


You also need to be careful about the wild elves living on this island.

The elves who can survive under the violent thunder and lightning of the thunder cloud are either very strong, or have special abilities or characteristics, or can use the thunder and lightning of the thunder cloud to improve themselves.

After raising his vigilance, Xia Yan continued to walk towards the hillside where the stele was located.

The woods, shrubs, and all the plants here seem to be able to isolate the impact of the current to a certain extent.

For example, what Xia Yan saw was that when a huge thunderbolt fell, the tree that was struck was undoubtedly turned into charcoal and dust, but the nearby trees and vegetation did not seem to be affected in the slightest.

When the fine electric current touches these plants, it seems to be absorbed, or in other words, the electric current is introduced into the soil through its own way.

This is the magic of evolution in nature.


After entering the dense woods, I was finally able to see traces of wild elves.

A golden thread shot out from the treetop, blocked by the Fiery Monkey's flaming fist.

But this silk thread seems to be very resistant to flames, only the part that touches the flame is burned, but the flame does not spread along the thread, but is blocked by the floc current wrapped around the thread halfway through burning.


This is no ordinary silk thread.

If the big needle bee was summoned by Xia Yan, he would definitely be able to recognize that this is a live silk thread, or the "grid".

Ka Ka Ka——

With the crisp sound of joint collisions, golden elves like spiders appeared on the treetops and among the bushes.

Electric Spider!

The silk thread before was spit out by one of the electric spiders.

Immediately afterwards.

As if they had received a certain order, all the electric spiders spit out electrified silk threads at the same time, weaving into a huge "grid" in an instant, wrapping towards Xia Yan and the others with a strong adhesive ability.


Flames rose from the fierce monkey's body.

A stream of flames snaked out of its mouth, forming a burning vortex, burning a hole in the spider's web.

Although the silk thread of this group of electric spiders seems to have a relatively strong resistance to the flame, it is absolutely impossible to block the direct contact with the open flame.

As a fire elf, Fierce Monkey finally gradually showed his advantages in the forest as a fire elf.

This group of electric spiders lived in the outskirts of the island. Although they had a strong ability to cooperate, there were no individuals with outstanding strength.

It is not difficult to deal with them as long as you are careful about their "grid" and "sticky web".

With the connection of Latios, the already flexible movements of the elves have become more dexterous, and it is difficult for these silk spider webs to touch them.

After both Ibrahimovic and Liuwei joined the battle, Meloetta naturally moved from Xia Yan's embrace to its shoulder.


As the last electric spider fell, the fire monkeys also stopped moving.

The value of electric spiders is not bad, because the requirements for the living environment are relatively high, so even in the forests of the Hezhong area, they are not very common.

It's just that the strongest of these electric spiders are only at the elite level, and they haven't reached Xia Yan's minimum standard, so he didn't try to subdue them, but just left them where they were.

on the road afterwards.

I also met many electric-type elves like electric spiders. They lived in such an environment, even if they didn't eat, the rich electric-type energy that filled them could still replenish them.

For example.

A few lamp monsters encountered by the creek in the island, not only did they not avoid the electric current, but even took the initiative to meet the electric current.

Because of their "electricity storage" characteristics, the current of these thunder clouds has become the best nourishment.

These lamp monsters didn't take the initiative to attack, so Xia Yan didn't bother them.

And with the deepening.

It can be clearly felt that the falling thunder has become more frequent and more powerful.

This caused the wild elves on the entire island to show a very obvious upward trend.

The closer the wild elves live to the inner area, the stronger they will be.


The wild elves who took the initiative to attack them ranged from the elite level to the best of the elite level, and occasionally even encountered one or two hall masters who acted alone.

The appearance of the hall master-level spirits doubled the pressure on Fire Monkey and Latios.

But under Xia Yan's superb command and the excellent cooperation of several elves, the ordinary hall master-level elves only brought some troubles to them.

Not to the point of being unbearable.


The more powerful opponents you fight, the more things the elves will gain.

Xia Yan could clearly feel that the fire monkey had entered a state of extreme excitement.

This may be due to the encouragement of Meloetta, because Latios and the others are also very excited.

It's just that their excitement is different from that of the fire monkey.

This is a sign that the fire monkey is about to evolve, and the raging flames in its body can't help but start to rush out from the inside out.

After high-frequency battles in the different space of Liekong Sitting, following the hard training of fighting skills wearing a bear, and a period of precipitation after returning, the Fiery Monkey has reached the edge of evolution.

at this point.

Xia Yan, who has seen elves evolve more than once, feels especially obvious.

In fact, it wasn't just the Fiery Monkey, Latios' aura also became a little more frequent.

But compared to Latios, the fire monkey was the one who reacted the most.

Maybe Flamingo didn't realize it himself.

It all goes on and on.

The Fiery Monkey is at the moment of crazily accumulating energy.

So Xia Yan intentionally increased the frequency and amount of their energy cubes provided to ensure that they can maintain their best state at any time.


When encountering a wild elf, both Fiery Monkey and Xia Yan realized that the opportunity might have arrived.


Meloetta sat on Xia Yan's shoulder, holding a small metal box in her hand, happily twisting the energy cubes in her hands, and threw them into her mouth one by one.

Feeling the deliciousness blooming in the mouth stimulates the taste buds, humming a special tune loudly from time to time.

As a phantom elf that can infect or even control elves' emotions with singing, its voice inspires Xia Yan's elves.

its existence.

It is simply a top-notch mobile inspiration halo, the kind that encourages the whole team.

Encouraged and already approaching the critical point, the fire monkeys shuttled quickly back and forth in the trees.

Gulu Gulu——

A bone boomerang with dark green flames at both ends drew a superb arc in the air, targeting the fire monkey jumping from one tree to another.

Facing the sudden attack, the Fierce Monkey, who couldn't use its strength in the air, could only raise its arms to resist.


The huge force directly smashed the Fierce Monkey out of the air.

After rolling several times on the ground, it barely stopped.


However, the Fiery Monkey moved very quickly. Enduring the pain in its arms and the pain in its back after landing, a carp quickly stood up and stood up.

His fiery eyes stared at the direction the bone boomerang came from.

I saw that the bone boomerang did not stop after hitting the fire monkey.

Instead, it passed through the obstacles of many branches in a very smooth way.

Returned to the hands of an elf.

Gala Gala!

And it's also Gala Gala in Alola form!

The shape change that the elves have to adapt to the environment does not only appear in a specific area.

On this small island of thunder clouds, the dense thunder and the flames ignited from time to time due to thunderstorms make the Alola-shaped Gala Gala more adaptable to this environment than the ordinary Gala Gala.


Gala Gala, who caught the bone stick, stared closely at the fiery monkey that fell on the ground, his wrist shook slightly, the bone rubbed against the ground, and a dark green flame ignited again at the end of the bone stick during the friction.

Not to be outdone, the Fiery Monkey clenched its fists, and flames also rose from its fists.

But this time.

Not only on the fist, but the whole body of the Fierce Monkey was ignited with flames, as if it had entered a state of "fierce fire".

Gala Gala is a very warlike elf, and it just so happens that the fire monkey needs to fight more urgently than it does now.



The two elves seemed to be in a tacit understanding. After each roared, they rushed towards each other.

Latios and Ibrahimovic also wisely did not get involved.

Especially Eevee, it stared at the two elves with burning eyes.

It doesn't like water the least, and it has also experienced electricity after entering this small island, and it doesn't like the feeling of fried hair very much.

Bing also learned a lot from his contact with Liuwei. Although Ice is good, he actually doesn't like to be like Liuwei.

Now it's the fire's turn, and it has to look more seriously.

Boom! !

The Fierce Monkey and Gala Gala, who were rushing rapidly, came directly head-on.

The fiery monkey's fist collided with Gala Gala's bone stick, the red flame collided with the dark green flame, and dots of two-color flames burst out.

In terms of strength, the Fiery Monkey was at a disadvantage as soon as it made contact.

But in terms of flames, the Fire Monkey did not lose too badly.

And its advantage lies in its flexible grasp of fighting skills, and it has learned a bit of the essence of fighting in bears.

The flame on the fist was shattered by the bone club. After staggering back two steps, it did not retreat but advanced, and rushed towards Gala Gala again.

The bone rod rubbed and ignited the flame again during the high-speed rotation, and threw it at the oncoming Fiery Monkey.

But when the bone stick rotating at high speed was about to meet the fire monkey head-on, it suddenly chose not to be tough.

A short body deftly avoided the attack, and rushed towards Gala Gala again.

A Gala Gala without a bone stick is like a tiger without teeth.

But Galagala didn't panic, its whole body also burst into dark green flames, and the flames revolved around its body, forming the shape of a wheel.

But the action of the fire monkey once again made Gala Gala's preparations useless.

I saw the fiery monkey jumping in front of Gala Gala, taking big strides with its left foot, splashing a lot of flying sand, and at the same time turning its body around 180 degrees by virtue of the inertia of the impact, and appearing behind Gala Gala.


The contact between the orange flame and the dark green flame was like the contact between the flame and cold water, making a "hissing" sound when it was extinguished.

The fire monkey's arms wrapped in flames stretched into the dark green flames, and its bulging, muscular arms firmly grasped Gala Gala's arms, not only forcibly breaking its "flame wheel", but also allowing Gala Gala to face the bone club that was whirling towards him at this moment.


Gala Gala couldn't accept the power that the fire monkey had exploded at this moment.

Even if its flames had already burned the arm of the Fierce Monkey to pieces.


The bone stick collided with the skull, and Gala Gala's eyes flickered with double images.

Not dizzy.

Instead, when Gala Gala slammed on the ground and caused the ground to collapse, the Fierce Monkey broke free at the same moment when its feet were unsteady, and at the same time it caught the falling bone stick, and heavy black shadows appeared on the bone stick.

Shadow Bone!


A whirling stick carries an assault on the soul.

Pulled the Fiery Monkey out.

It smashed heavily into a certain bush.




Xia Yan supported the hat, preventing the strong wind from the collision from blowing the hat off.

The halo of superpowers flickered in the eyes.

He is always in touch with Fiery Monkey through telepathy, and perhaps he is more aware of his state than Fiery Monkey himself at this moment.

Wait until the strong wind passes.

Xia Yan slowly opened the backpack.


The energy cube in Meloetta's hand slipped.

He stared blankly at the huge dark red stone that Xia Yan took out from his backpack, and then watched him take out a cyan palm-sized scale.

Using the scales as the blade, it easily cut off about one-third of the size of the stone.


Using the scales of Liekongzao as a knife to cut Gulardo's carapace fragments, it is estimated that this is the only one in the entire elf world, right?

"It's almost there, Fire Monkey." Xia Yan said softly.

Under Meloetta's suspicious gaze, she threw the stone she had cut into the bushes.


Seeing the fierce fire monkey perform a nimble front flip, jump out of the bushes, and catch the stone thrown by Xia Yan at the same time.

Both feet stepped on the ground, and the flames left a deep scorched black on it.

The "fire" feature is actually triggered!


"Melo?!" Meloetta covered her mouth, her face full of disbelief.

It saw the fiery monkey walking towards Gala Gala step by step. At this moment, the stone in its hand seemed to be an ordinary fruit, and it chewed it mouthful by mouthful, and swallowed it into its stomach with the movement of its throat.

Who are these people and what elves?

Meloetta couldn't help but have doubts in her heart.

After the stone was eaten, the surging flames on the Fire Monkey's body became more intense, and even the color of the flames quietly changed.

It got darker and darker, becoming a very deep dark red.


Gala Gala could feel that the fire monkey's breath was completely different.

If the former Fire Monkey was the best in the elite class, then it has reached the master class now.

Xia Yan narrowed his eyes.

Didn't evolve, but broke through its own limit first, did the shackles of the body enter the master level?

As the last piece was swallowed by the Fire Monkey, its footsteps quickened, and the flames surrounding its body became more and more surging.

Xia Yan's eyes brightened slightly.

"Flash Charge."

The fiery monkey wrapped in flames rushed towards Gala Gala at an extremely fast speed, while Ga La Gala set up a bone stick and burned a dark green flame to resist.


The contact of the flame inevitably made a sound.

This time the result was completely different from the previous ones. The fire monkey's flame instantly took over, and it was knocked out directly under the stunned expression of Ga La Ga La.

The Fiery Monkey stood still and did not pursue.

"Hey——!!" An imposing roar sounded from it, accompanied by milky white light bursting from the inside out, mixed with strands of dark red airflow.


The evolution of the fiery monkey is very fast this time, which seems to confirm the saying that it will happen when it is a matter of course. When a fist that seems to be wrapped in a dark red armor-like flame stretches out, the white light of evolution suddenly dissipates.

Flame Monkey!


Ibrahimovic blinked, and it suddenly thought of a story that Xia Yan often told them before, "Master was captured by a monster".

Isn’t Jie the big brother? !

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