The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 688: World Slayer! (triple)


The elves who lived in the elf world 300 million years ago are known as the "strongest hunters".

Insect-type and steel-type elves.

They are not only super ancient elves, but also phantom beasts!

Possesses extremely strong strength.

Deep inside the P2 laboratory of the plasma team, five Genesects are kept for research, and it is from them that Akromar has gained a lot of inspiration.

It is said.

They were originally fossils, but after being resurrected, they were transformed by Akromar's technology, so they became what they are now.

As for whether Genesect possessed steel-type attributes in ancient times, and whether it gained ability enhancement through the power of "downloading" the cassette as it is now, it is already unknown.


Xia Yan glanced at the Genesects that appeared suddenly, frowning slightly.

The quantity does not match.

Most importantly, their leader, the Shiny Genesect, is not here.

Ka Ka Ka——

Only a few mechanical clangs were heard, and Genesect's appearance changed. From the flying disc before, he became able to walk upright with two feet.

The purple thick unknown metal armor, the insect-like head and eyes, the most eye-catching is undoubtedly the giant cannon behind them.

Above the cannon there is a special groove.

But now these grooves are all empty.

Apparently Akromar also knew their abilities, and didn't load them with cassettes of different attributes.

Perhaps the cassette has not been researched yet.

To know.

In the not-too-distant future, when the five Genesects break free from the lab and load the cassettes.

Under the leadership of their leader, the flashing Genesect, they can be tough on Mewtwo, and they can still perform Mega Evolution Mewtwo at will.

Of course, Chaomeng releases the sea is also a large part of the reason.

However, the Genesect loaded with a cassette is called the "Destroyer", which is enough to show its destructive power.

Now four Genesects broke out of the cage-like biosphere.

Naturally, the first time they targeted those members of the plasma team.

"Damn it!"


The huge movement caused some lighting circuits in the laboratory to be destroyed, and four bright golden lights flashed.

The flocculent fine currents quickly converge at their muzzles.



An Jie glared at Xia Yan and the others viciously, and threw two elf balls.

What appeared was a toad king and a rogue crocodile.

Two ground-type elves should be able to withstand the bombardment of four Genesects in turn.

Xia Yan took two steps back and stood with Du and the others.

Just as he expected, after Genesect appeared, he would definitely attack the plasma team members who imprisoned them immediately.

And what he needs is this time.


With a low drink.

Hu Di's super power wrapped them up.

next second.

Before the four "electromagnetic guns" were fully fired, they disappeared from An Jie's sight.


The terrifying light beam that suddenly lit up swept across Toad King and the rogue crocodile.

The two elves immediately let out a painful roar.

Although ground-type elves can be immune to electric-type moves, just like rubber can ignore electric current, but once the current is too terrifying, the rubber will melt instantly, and ground-type elves can't conduct current to the ground faster than the current they carry, of course they will also be hurt.

But these have nothing to do with Xia Yan and the others.

With the guidance of the Sword Sword Monster, Xia Yan already knew the location of the control room.

Anjie looked at the four recharged Genesects with dark faces.

But she didn't just walk away.

Instead, he took out a special communicator and shouted to the other end: "Dr. Akromar! There are intruders in the laboratory! The target is the data of the laboratory."

And at this time.

Far away on the [Plasma Destroyer] outside Kagome Town.

Sitting in the control room, Akromar, who was flipping through the data on the small computer in his hand, received the message transmitted through a special method.

He frowned.


"What's the matter, Dr. Akroma?"

Queches, who was standing on the command podium at the forefront of the destroyer, noticed Akromar's strangeness.

Akromar chuckled, "It's okay, a few mice came in the lab."

In his hand, Quekis held a plasma team staff that was both like a sword and a scepter.

"It may be the Interpol. They have been looking for our intelligence all this time. Don't let them succeed, Akromar."


Akromar bowed slightly.

Immediately, his fingertips quickly operated on the screen, and finally pressed the "Delete" button.

A progress bar immediately appeared on the screen, proceeding at a not slow speed.

He was very decisive.

Precious experimental data, if you say no, don't.

Akromar raised the corner of his mouth.

The most precious thing in the entire laboratory is his brain, all the research is stored in his brain, the so-called data, even if it is destroyed, it will not have much impact.

Press and hold the headset at the same time, and say slowly:

"I put a spare instrument in the No. 2 control room. Although it's not perfect, it should be enough for you to get rid of those mice."

"Doctor, the ones that escaped..." An Jie's voice was very messy, obviously there was a lot of movement over there.

"Leave a few if you can, and destroy the ones that don't work."

Uncontrollable experimental materials, it would be a pity to ruin them.

An Jie, who listened to the order, shuddered.


After finishing all this, Akromar put down the small computer in his hand and looked out the window at the clouds and mist.

Just wait for the advance exploration team to finish investigating the situation of the "Giant Cave".

after that.

Akromar glanced behind him.

In a huge transparent container.

A fiery red elf lay quietly.

The appearance is exactly the same as the Genesect that Xia Yan and the others saw, but the color is different.

"Akromar." Queches said suddenly.


"You said these guys are very strong, but why did you only bring one?"

Akromar smiled.

"Because I can only control one perfectly for the time being, and this guy is the strongest among the five, and I only temporarily made a special cassette for Kyurem to experience."

Immediately, he said to himself: "Of course, even if it's just one, it should be enough to achieve our goal."

"That's good." Queches nodded to express his satisfaction.

Meanwhile on the other side.

Xia Yan and the others finally came to the control room.

And knocked out several guys who were ordered by An Jie to come to the control room before.

"Not good! Data is being deleted!"

The handsome guy immediately discovered the situation on the controller screen.

Xia Yan and the others no longer hesitated.

Jump on the controller, plug in the Interpol's special download device, and start copying the data in the computer.

The data is being downloaded and deleted at the same time.

Xia Yan frantically tapped on the keyboard with both hands, but with little effect.

"No, the computer has set the highest authority, how much can be downloaded depends on luck."

Xia Yan shook his head and gave up resistance.

As for whether some key information can be downloaded, it depends on luck.

Akromar, who noticed the situation here, finally changed his face slightly.

"They are downloading data, move fast!"

An Jie who just got the spare equipment immediately replied: "Yes! I have already got the equipment!"


Four Genesects broke through her elf defense and appeared at the door of the No. 2 control room.


An Jie controlled the spare instruments, and smiled ferociously at them.

next second.

A scarlet beam shot out.

Affected by the light beam, the eyes of two of the Genesects immediately turned red.


Turning around, he suddenly rushed towards his companions, making the remaining two unable to react for a while.

"Can you only control two?"

An Jie looked down at the upper limit of the instrument, and couldn't help curling her lips.


This instrument was the one Akromar used to disrupt the thunder cloud.

It can't have a big impact on the thunder cloud, but it can control two Genesects. It doesn't mean that the Genesect is much weaker than the thunder cloud.

It's entirely because the elf controllers made by Akromar are originally made based on the signal frequency bands that the Genesects pass between each other.

Because he discovered that Genesect, as the leader, has the ability to completely control the other four Genesects.

Passed, is a special frequency band.

In the end, Akromar analyzed this frequency band, tested it on different elves, and created his own Akroma controller.

that's all.

The light wave frequency band released by this controller is just like the orders given by the leaders of these Genesects, so it is possible to control the two at the same time.

And it's not perfectly controlled.

"But two are enough." An Jie murmured.

The sneak attack was successful, coupled with the fact that her companions did not dare to kill, the two Genesects controlled by her immediately gained the upper hand, and the other two retreated steadily.

An Jie didn't intend to hold back the slightest bit.

She did exactly what Akromar had ordered, and planned to wipe out the other two Genesects entirely.

And Xia Yan and others who were still waiting for the data download in the main control room also heard a lot of movement from the side.

Du and the handsome guy stood vigilant at the door, while Xia Yan rummaged through the control room.

"If there are no accidents, this thing should and may be here."

Xia Yan was talking to himself, opening drawers and cabinets one by one.

Not long.


Looking at a special transparent box placed in the locked cabinet, there are four palm-sized cassettes of different colors inserted in it.

The cassette is connected to the computer in the control room, and it seems that some special data has been loaded not long ago.


They are the four cassettes of Water Flow, Flame, Freeze, and Lightning.

Fits perfectly with the grooves on the back of the Genesect.

A Genesect with a cassette loaded is the real Genesect.

boom! !

Just as Xia Yan put away the cassette, a big hole was suddenly blasted out in the wall of the control room.

Two Genesects were slammed against the wall not far from Xia Yan, and some jerky and incomprehensible sounds came from their mouths.

On the other side of the hole, the other two controlled Genesects had red eyes, and the cannon behind them was accumulating energy.

But An Jie saw the special device plugged into the computer in the main control room, and instantly understood that Xia Yan and the others were backing up data.

"Destroy the computer first!" An Jie shouted angrily.

The response of the two Genesects was a little slow, but they turned their cannons immediately.

Xia Yan's complexion changed slightly.

Activate the superpower and try to get the device back.

Du and the handsome guy standing at the door also reacted.

"Quick dragon! Fire-breathing dragon!" Du immediately commanded two elves to try to interfere.

The handsome guy even threw the poke ball directly in front of the two Genesects, and the poisonous skeleton frog that appeared in the red light raised its red arms and smashed at the ankles of the two Genesects.

boom! !

Two bright "electromagnetic guns" shot out.

Although due to the interference of the poisonous skeleton frog and the fast dragon, the "electromagnetic gun" failed to directly hit the computer.

However, the super-strong current and electromagnetism inevitably caused the computer to emit black smoke.

Xia Yan let out a long breath, and put the device that was recovered in time into the inner pocket of his clothes.

His eyes swept across the opposite side, and the two Genesects lying beside him, they were still trying to wake up their companions in their own way.

Only with little effect.

"Don't try, they're under control."

Xia Yan's voice came into the minds of the two Genesects.

Hearing the sound, they froze for a while.

Look in Xia Yan's direction.

"The only way to save your companions is to destroy the equipment that controls them!" Xia Yan asked hastily.

But the two Genesects didn't have the slightest trust in Xia Yan, a human being.

They are the first to attack the members of the plasma team, but it does not mean that they can get close to Xia Yan, a human being.

"I can help you find your way home."

There is no way, Xia Yan can only make a promise first.

"Who are you? Where is this place?"

One of the Genesects finally tried to give Xia Yan a reply.

There is an obvious hierarchy and division system among elves like Genesect, and the superior can order or even control them, but without the flashing fiery red Genesect, they seem to have lost their backbone.

The communication speed of telepathy was very fast, and after getting a reply from one of them, Xia Yan was slightly relieved.

At least, there is still communication.

Without the cynical flashy Genesect, they can still understand human speech.


He took out the plant that he had stored in the laboratory before from his pocket.

The purpose is to prevent actually encountering Genesect, at least there is a theory.

In the original book, among the five Genesectes, there is still one that doesn't like to destroy, has its own opinions, and can communicate with others.

Even if these four Genesects are not the strongest ones, their strength should not be underestimated, and they cannot be dealt with by Xia Yan and Du working together.

The handsome poisonous skeleton frog has lost the ability to fight.

The only way to deal with the controlled two was the two Genesects who were still awake.

Seeing the plant in Xia Yan's hand, the two Genesects who fell to the ground were stunned.

Even Genesect, who was accumulating strength on the opposite side, couldn't help feeling a little dazed.

This plant, which once spread throughout the lakes in their habitat, is one of the few memories they have left.

"go home."

A voice sounded in Xia Yan's mind again, looking a little immature.

Like a boy's voice.


These Genesects are not yet fully grown.

"I'll take you home!"

Xia Yan said solemnly, holding the plants and walking towards them step by step.

Hu Di and Pokkisi stood by Xia Yan's side to prevent the other party's sudden outburst.


When Xia Yan came to the side of the two Genesects, they did not move for a long time.


Anjie saw the two Genesects lose control for a short time, and immediately turned on the power of the instrument to the maximum.

Timely blocked the attacks of the fast dragon and the fire-breathing dragon at the last moment.

Because the space is too small, it is impossible to summon more elves to fight.

But just relying on the fast dragon and the fire-breathing dragon, it won't last long.

"You guys go first, take your things out, I'll come to the rear!" Du Chen said in a loud voice.

He once again decisively assumed the responsibility of the queen.

Xia Yanli who heard him ignored him.

Throw the device to the handsome guy.

"Hu Di, take him out."


Hu nodded.

No matter what the handsome guy said, he grabbed his clothes and teleported out.

It didn't take long to come back immediately.

Xia Yan looked at the two Genesects.

"You are going to save your two companions, and I am also going to save my one-sided friend, so join hands? After the end, I will take you to find your home."

Hearing this, the two Genesects looked at each other.

One of them hesitated.

Although the other one also hesitated, it still gave Xia Yan an affirmative answer.


After getting the reply, Xia Yan couldn't help but smile.

Take out the two cassettes.

One red and one yellow.

They were respectively inserted into the grooves of the cannons on the backs of the two Genesects.

At the same time, grab two energy cubes with relatively strong recovery ability and a good wound medicine spray.

They were transformed into mechanized ones, and after a flash on their backs, they were loaded with the power of the cassette.


The two Genesects who were chewing the energy cube stood up, their relatively lively eyes gleaming, obviously very surprised by the taste of the energy cube.

Standing up from one left and one right, standing beside Xia Yan.

"Follow my command."

They are best at following orders, so they didn't refuse.

Xia Yan, who promised to take them home, healed their injuries, empowered them, and gave them delicious food, temporarily acted as the commander of the two Genesects.

"Du, let Kuailong and the fire-breathing dragon go away!" Xia Yan shouted at Du.

Then he ordered via telepathy: "High-tech light cannon!"


Strength began to accumulate.

An Jie, who was on the opposite side, saw the two Genesects who had been severely injured stood up. She didn't know what method Xia Yan used to command the two Genesects here, and her heart trembled for a while.


She can only control two Genesects with Akromar's highest-tech instruments.

Why did the opposite party not do anything, but still make the two Genesects act according to his orders?

But there was no time for her to think about it.

The special energy of one red and one yellow has gathered at the muzzle of Genesect.

She also immediately directed the two condensed energies on her side.

When Du heard Xia Yan's words, he immediately called back the elves and came to Xia Yan's side.

Looking at Genesect standing beside him, he was still a little curious about these elves he had never seen before.

Hum——! !

The fiery red energy contains terrifying scorching heat, and the pure golden beam of light rushes with fine electric flocs.

High-tech light cannon!

Ganosact's exclusive move is also the strongest attack method they have after loading the cartridge.

Xia Yan installed the "Flame Cassette" and "Lightning Cassette" on them respectively.

Make their move attributes become fire and electricity respectively.

But what the two Genesects on the opposite side released were only "electromagnetic cannons".

The "electromagnetic gun" move is powerful, but it has a fatal flaw, that is, the hit rate is too low.

boom--! !

The three beams of electric systems collided, and the terrifying electric current that burst out destroyed all the electrical equipment in the control room in an instant.

However, the flame energy passing through the middle of the "electromagnetic gun" poured on the bodies of the other two Genesects.

As a bug-type and steel-type elf, Genesect has absolutely excellent resistance, but the only one that is four times weaker is fire.

That's why the "high-tech light cannon" released by Genesect with the "flame cassette" inflicted heavy damage on them with just one hit.

bang bang! !

Two Genesects were blasted to the ground.

The scorching flames burned their bodies into crimson in a short time.

Anjie stared blankly at the fallen Genesect.

For a while, I didn't understand where I lost.

It wasn't until Xia Yan approached with two Genesects and a group of elves that she noticed the cassettes installed on their backs.

Recalling Akromar's conceit after completing the transformation of five Genesects.

"They already have bodies that carry the strongest power. When I research the suitable attribute cassettes, they will become one of the strongest weapons of our plasma team, code-named 'World Destroyer'!"

She didn't understand it then.

But now she finally understood a little bit.

For example, the five Genesects were all equipped with cassettes of different attributes.

Not only can they have extremely strong destructive power, but they can also respond differently to different enemies.


Then doubts arose.


Why does the man in front of me seem to be very familiar with Dr. Akromar's research results?

Whether it's the power of the cassette or these Genesects.


What awakened An Jie from her trance was a pair of metal chains sent by Du.

"You're under arrest." Du said expressionlessly.

An Jie's face was ashen, but the realization still stayed on Xia Yan who walked past her.

I only heard him mumbling, whether it was intentional or unintentional.

"I thought it was a finished product. I didn't expect these cassettes to be half-finished products. No wonder they weren't taken away."

Semi-finished products?

Can only a semi-finished product possess such destructive power?

Angie couldn't help but be impressed by Akromar's talent.

Immediately afterwards, she heard her yelling towards Xia Yan with a little madness and hysteria:

"It's useless, you can't control them! As long as that guy is still in the hands of the doctor, you can't control them! They will become one of the strongest weapons of our plasma team, and they will help us destroy the entire Hezhong area and establish a new order! The new order belongs to the plasma team!"


Crisp button click.


Hearing her words, Xia Yan suddenly stopped and looked at her with a slightly playful smile.

An Jie froze for a moment.

I saw Xia Yan take out a specially processed recording device from his pocket.

All the previous words were recorded.

"Your words will become the most favorable evidence that the Qualitative Plasma team is an evil organization. Thank you for your contribution. I think Quecchis and the others should be happy."

He stared blankly at the tape recorder in Xia Yan's hand.

You are a real dog!

"Yes, Xia Yan!" Du's eyes lit up.

He didn't expect Xia Yan to still hide this trick.

Now, even if the incomplete data backed up from the computer is not enough to characterize the plasma team, adding this recording is enough.

Xia Yan shrugged.

He was just trying. Generally, villains talk too much, and obviously this cadre, An Jie, is no exception.

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