
The most troublesome thing about the "Winter Festival" of Ainduooke this time is that they cannot refuse the invitation to fight.

So many people gathered around, even if they weren't all trainers, each challenge was enough for Xia Yan to drink a pot.

Not everyone is going for the top three sides or the championship.

More people know that their strength is not enough, just to enjoy the battle.


When the crowd gradually dispersed, Xia Yan supported Jiang Ta's booth and took a breath.

There are dozens of wooden pendants in his hand.

Of course, the most tiring ones are Pokkisi and Ibrahimovic.

Although Xia Yan knew that this was a "fish pond" type game, seeing the elves sent by some young trainers was really unsightly, so Xia Yan could only send the little guy Ibrahimovic.

But even if Ibrahimovic is dispatched, it is very easy for most ordinary trainers.

Even if you encounter elite elves with similar strength, with Xia Yan's tactical accomplishment and command ability, it is not difficult for Ibrahimovic to win.

On the contrary, he used the elf Ibrahimovic to fight, which kind of confirmed his status as an "Ibrahimovic expert".

"Mr. Xia Yan, thank you very much this time."

After the crowd dispersed, after watching Xia Yan's twenty-odd winning streak.

Kalita came to Xia Yan with three evil dragons, bowing very sincerely.

"No, I should be the one thanking you. After all, you and your three evil dragons were the first to protect me." Xia Yan said with a smile.

Standing in the middle of the runaway banjiras and janta stalls was himself.

Kalita scratched the back of her head in embarrassment, "I didn't know you were Mr. Xia Yan at the time, but I was just worried that my mother and her booth would be affected."

But what Xia Yan said made Kalita very useful.

At least what Kalita was asked to do was not in vain.

"Mr. Xia Yan, thank you!"

It wasn't just Kalita who wanted to thank Xia Yan, but also the little boy in green clothes before.

Bankiras is the elf he summoned, but he can't command it.

If Xia Yan hadn't stopped Bankiras, I don't know how much damage it would have caused.

"Isn't that your elf?" Xia Yan shook his head and asked.

"Well, it's my father's Bankiras. I originally wanted to show off my prestige, but I didn't expect it." The boy looked embarrassed.


An elf like Bankiras is really not something that ordinary people can have.

I'm afraid the boy's father was no ordinary man either.

That Bakiras almost has the strength of a quasi-king. If you let it be destroyed, if you have enough time, Ainduooke can turn it over for you.


In addition to this little boy, the girl next to him, Kalita Xiayan, also recognized it.

She is the younger sister of Deredo in the original theatrical version, the "people of the earth" recognized by the black dragon or the white dragon, who intends to restore the "land of the earth" with the power of Victini.

"Pay attention next time. A trainer is not just a job that looks majestic. It also bears responsibilities and obligations. Take your elves to practice a lot. When you grow up, you will be recognized by Bankiras." Xia Yan patted the boy on the shoulder and said.


Responsibilities and obligations made the little boy feel the difficulty of being a trainer.

After bowing to Xia Yan again, the boy also gave Xia Yan his pendant, and then left with a few friends.

Kalita, who was standing aside, looked at Xia Yan who was teaching the boy, and couldn't help but think of her brother.

Mr. Xia Yan is really a good person.

"Mr. Xia Yan, this is mine."

Kalita removed her own pendant from her neck.

"No, keep it. Fight more with other trainers. Your three evil dragons have been trained well, but you lack combat experience. Fighting more is good for you and the three evil dragons."

Xia Yan stopped Karita's hand.

Then he waved his hands towards Kalita and Jiangta, and left with the exhausted Ibrahimovic and Pokkisi in their arms.

"Let's go, go buy macarons, and reward you."


'I want to eat twenty! No! Thirty! '

"Cha Ke Yi!"

"I want to eat forty!"


"Cha Ke Yi!"


As the sound of the two elves fighting each other faded away, Xia Yan also slowly disappeared from their sight.


Victini reappeared on the ceiling of Jiangta's booth, looked at Xia Yan's direction, and then looked down at his palm.


He obviously didn't use his strength.

Why does this guy keep winning?

Shaking his ears, he subconsciously flew in Xia Yan's direction.

"You are an amazing trainer, Karita, you have to study hard." Jiang Ta looked at the money Xia Yan put on the booth, and said with a smile.

"Yes." Kalita nodded in agreement.

"Oops! Forgot to ask for an autograph!"

A slap on the forehead.

"It's okay. With Mr. Xia Yan's ability, he can definitely win the final top three. Then you can ask him for it."


Kalita breathed a sigh of relief.

"What do you want?"

At this time, a young man with half black and half white hair walked over quickly.

"elder brother!"

Seeing someone coming, Kalita's eyes lit up instantly.

"Dredo, are you back?"

"Mom." Deredo greeted Jiangta first, and then rubbed Karita's head with a smile.

"Today is the time for the 'Winter Festival' and 'Winter Celebration', so of course I'm coming back."

As he spoke, he also showed off the pendant in his hand.

"You also participated?"

Deredo nodded.

Looking up at the "Sword of the Earth" not far away, he seemed to be whispering and talking to himself.

"'The People of the Earth' must complete self-salvation. All of this started with the 'Sword of the Earth', and it will end here."

"Here, you guys eat first."

Because the business of macarons is very good, Xia Yan had to give each of the two little guys a portion to eat first, and then wait for the boss to make it.

The two little guys were sensible, they sat in the corner of the booth with their bags in their arms, and ate "Kaz Kazi".


Victini, who was hiding in the dark, watched the seductive voices of Pokkisi and Ibrahimovic, and swallowed quietly.


Ibrahimovic seemed to notice something, and raised his head to look towards Victini.


Victini shuddered and disappeared immediately.


Ibrahimovic rubbed his eyes, and hurriedly tugged Pokkisi beside him.

Signaled to it that there was an elf that it had never seen before.


Pokkisi looked up and looked around.



Ibrahimovic's mouth bulged.

It really saw it, and it has done more than once.

Immediately, the small eyes rolled around.


'Let me show you. '

With that said, he grabbed a macaron and threw it into the air under Pokkisi's curious gaze.

The pink macaron draws a beautiful arc in the air.

The two little guys just looked at the macaron, watching it was about to fall to the ground.

As Xia Yan said, things that fall on the ground cannot be eaten. Wouldn't that be a waste of a delicious macaron?


Before they could show their regretful expressions, the macarons suddenly hovered in mid-air.

kaz kaz -

With the rustling sound, the macarons disappeared one by one.

"Cha Ke Yi!"

'It really is! '

Ibrahimovic raised his head and glanced at Pokkisi.

Didn't lie to you?

However, Pokkisi's experience is obviously much richer than Ibrahimovic.

It took a few steps on the ground with its two short legs, and didn't get too close. There was a piece of chocolate-flavored macaron on its wings.

next second.

Pokkisi felt his wings lighten.

Macarons were taken away.

And was chewed up in the air again.

"Cha Ke Yi~~"

Pokkisi and Ibrahimovic looked at each other.


The two little guys sat on the ground holding their respective macarons in tacit understanding, and stretched a macaron into the air from time to time.

And Victini in the invisible state naturally welcomes all comers.

After going back and forth, Victini's timid temper gradually became bolder.

Seeing that Pokkisi and Ibrahimovic have no hostility.

Even Pokkisi still exuded a faint atmosphere of friendliness and blessings, and finally he was no longer invisible.

It also slowly floated down from the air and sat with them.

Seeing the appearance of Victini, Pokkisi and Ibrahimovic looked at each other again.

There was a faint "success" smile on his face.

This routine, Pokkisi has learned seven or eight out of ten from Xia Yan.


Pokkisi passed it on to Ibrahimovic "by precept and example".

The smart Ibrahimovic has seen it before, and now he can learn it easily.

This skill.

It is the beginning of the "Flicker" move, which is called "Touching Close", also known as "Building a good relationship".


Although Victini has lived for thousands of years, he seldom interacts with humans. Of course, there is no such thing as the two little guys who followed Xia Yan's "influenced" thoughts.

Just sitting on the ground, eating his favorite macaron, bending his eyes, he was indescribably happy.


Even after eating happily, she was still swinging her little feet, looking comfortable and happy.


"Chakeyi?" Pokkisi spoke, but it didn't talk to Victini, but to Ibrahimovic.

‘Macarons are delicious, but I really want to eat ice cream now~’

Ibrahimovic rolled his eyes and nodded quickly.


‘Yeah, yeah, I’ve thought about it too~’

"Cha Ke Yi~~"

'It feels like ice cream is better. '

"Buyibuyi~" Ibrahimovic shook his head.

'I think macarons are better. '

'No, it's ice cream. '

'It's a macaron! '


Eating macaron victini and listening to their conversations.

An idea popped up in my heart.


'What is ice cream? '

"Buyi~" Ibrahimovic said in a timely manner.

‘It’s something cold, cool, and sweet. '

"Cha Ke Yi!"

Pokkisi nodded and added something at the same time.

‘It’s still soft, smooth, and waxy, and I like the vanilla flavor the most. '


'I like to eat strawberry flavored. '

Victini looked down at the macarons in his hands, and pursed his lips.

Although it feels that macarons are definitely the best.

But after hearing what they said, I suddenly want to try this ice cream, what should I do?

"What? What?"

'Really. Is it delicious? '

Pokkisi and Ibuqiqi nodded.

Victini did not doubt the authenticity of what they said.

But just listen to it, it can't eat it.

Pokkisi seemed to have seen through Victini's thoughts, stepped forward, patted it on the shoulder, and assumed a "big sister's head" posture.

'Don't worry, we'll take you to try it. '

Ibrahimovic brushed off the debris that fell into the hair force, and patted his chest and said:

‘That’s right, we’ll take you to try it. '

After finishing speaking, Pokkisi gave Ibrahimovic a look.

Ibrahimovic understands.

He ran to the shoulder of Xia Yan who was waiting in front of the booth with several bags of macarons in his hand.


Hearing this, Xia Yan was stunned for a moment, showing a helpless smile.

"Why are you so good, do you want to eat ice cream again?"

Even though he said so, the pampering in his smile showed that he did not refuse.

Ibrahimovic shook Xia Yan's head, and moved his gaze to the corner of the booth next to him.

Then see.

Pokkisi put his arms around Victini's shoulders as if he had come, and whispered something.

At the same time, because of its wide wings, dense feathers and tricky angles, it happens to be able to block the sight of people coming and going on the street.

Victini also nodded from time to time, sometimes puzzled, sometimes stunned, sometimes curious, sometimes surprised.


There was a momentary short circuit in Xia Yan's thinking.

Then Ibrahimovic recounted the whole process to Xia Yan.

The description may not be accurate, but Xia Yan understood.

His expression gradually became weird.

Pokkisi and Ibrahimovic help themselves to fool the elves?

And it's still "Little V" Victini?

Is this the ability of Po Kemeng, who has a full level of "communication" ability?

At this time.

Xia Yan's line of sight happened to be in contact with Victini's.

Victini first showed a look of fear, then suddenly changed from fear to curiosity, tilting his head and blinking his eyes.

I don't know what Pokkisi said to it, Victini, who has always been shy, is not afraid of Xia Yan.

What Xia Yan didn't know was.

Pokkisi's words are part of the reason.

But in fact, the more important thing is that Victini has already paid attention to Xia Yan, and is very curious about him.

It seemed like why Xia Yan could keep winning without its help.

As if blessed with victory.


Although there are not many people who can win all the time, it is not impossible.

What really attracted Victini's attention to Xia Yan was because of his super power fluctuations.

The last recognized human being in Victini was the king of the "People of the Earth" more than a thousand years ago, the old king who moved the "Sword of the Earth" here with the help of Victini's power.

The king is also a superpower.

Loved by elves.

Apart from age, there are many similarities with Xia Yan.

It was precisely because of these various reasons that Xia Yan did not know that Victini did not show much rejection.

After confirming that Victini would not leave, Xia Yan smiled and walked in front of it, squatting down.

"Would you like some ice cream?"

"Neemy, okmy!"

After a little hesitation, Victini nodded emphatically.

The smile on Xia Yan's face was even bigger.

"Then shall I take you there?"

"Ah, ah, ah, ah!"

Victini nodded very quickly.

"My name is Xia Yan, nice to meet you, little V."

Little V?

Victini tilted his head and blinked his eyes twice.

Gradually the light came on.

Little V!

It likes the name.

The little feet swayed again and again, the tail trembled slightly, and the body slowly floated up.

The round eyes blinked one by one, the three fingers made a "V" gesture, and the two small sword-tip canine teeth in the upturned mouth looked very cute.



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