The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 694 The Trial of the Dragon (Triple in One)

"Oh, I didn't expect Xia Yan that you are really strong."

Shiba grabbed his head and put away the strange force that fell to the ground.

After being controlled by Xia Yan's Pokkisi with "air slash" for the first time, it becomes very troublesome to break free later.

It depends not only on the willpower of the elves, but also on luck.

Obviously, Pokkisi's luck is on its side in most cases.

Moreover, as an elf of the flying type, he already has attribute restraint on the fighting type, and after being subjected to the strange force of the "bird slam", he couldn't persist until the end of the "cowardly" state.

"Mr. Xiba is also very strong." Xia Yan said.

That's not a compliment.

But really strong.

This strange power is probably not his strongest.

Being able to become a reserve of the Four Heavenly Kings at least shows that Xiba already has four or more Heavenly King-level elves.

As one of his main elves, the strange power must also be at the level of a heavenly king.

Being able to win him was because he didn't even think about winning any awards or rankings.

"It's yours."

Saying that, Xiba stuffed a lot of pendants into Xia Yan's arms.

Then, from nowhere, he took out another "angry steamed bun" and stuffed it into his mouth.

"I'm going to take the strange power to the elf center, and I won't participate in the subsequent celebrations."

He waved his hand.

Very chicly walked towards the direction of the elf center.

"Where are you?" Victini blinked his eyes twice and was shocked, "Where are you!!"

It was only then that it suddenly reacted.

You won without boosting Pokkisi?


It didn't see any signs of weakening the victory halo on Xia Yan's body, nor did it see any change in the sun-like victory halo on Xiba.

A dumbfounded fight is over.

Xia Yan rubbed its head calmly.

Being recognized by Victini means victory.

He didn't really want Victini to cheat for him, so it wouldn't be interesting to win.

Holding the pendant that Hibassah gave him.

If there are so many, it should be possible to determine the top three, right?

"Xia Yan." Du came up, and was interrupted just as he called out his name.


Du was stunned.

"Don't you want to go and see what's going on in the 'Sword of the Earth' castle?" Xia Yan asked.

Du raised his head and looked at the towering quaint castle not far away, exuding a different charm under the afterglow of the setting sun.

Thinking is thinking.

"You can play at any time, I want to go up and have a look." Xia Yan suddenly had a serious expression.

An invisible victini on his shoulder hugs his cheek.

"If you think the prize is not good, you can give it to me after you take it."

After finishing speaking, he walked towards the platform in the center of the square.

As long as the registration is completed, it is confirmed to be over.

"I" Du opened his mouth.

Always feel like there is something wrong.

Xia Yan shook his head secretly.

If Du can't enter the "Sword of the Earth", who knows if Du can get Reshiram's approval?

It's all for his own good. Xia Yan was talking to himself.

clang clang clang——

But when Xia Yan was walking towards the stage, a melodious bell sounded in the square, announcing the official end of the "Winter Celebration".

More and more people came in this direction, and the trainers registered their results one by one.

As long as you still have pendants in your hand, even if there are only one or two, you can still get the gifts from the town.

As small as some exquisite specialties, as large as the evolution stone of elves and so on.

And as the mayor, Mo Mengdo, came to the stage, the top three rankings had already been determined.

First some general rhetoric.

"Next, I announce the top three winners of this 'Winter Celebration', they are 'Master of Tactics' Mr. Xia Yan! 'Emissary of the Dragon' Mr. Yulongdu! And our 'People of the Earth' Deredo!"

This champion came a bit randomly.

boom--! !

As his words fell, gorgeous fireworks rose outside the town as the end of this "Winter Celebration".

"Three gentlemen, please come to the castle tomorrow, and I will take you to receive the prizes and accept the most noble ceremony of our 'People of the Earth'."

on the square.

A bonfire was lit, and dances with ethnic characteristics were performed.

Not only the "people of the land", many trainers and elves also participated in it.

On a chair by the square.

Xia Yan couldn't help but smile when he saw Pokkisi and Ibrahimovic jumping around happily in the crowd.

Victini is also among them, but it is invisible, and only Pokkiss and Ibrahimovic can play with it.

But it still had a good laugh.

"Xia Yan." Du, who was leaning on the railing like Xia Yan, also had a smile on his face.


"Being able to become a trainer, growing up with the elves, and witnessing each other's progress is really an amazing thing."

Xia Yan glanced at him in surprise.

I thought Du was going to ask about the battle again, but I didn't expect him to say such an emotional sentence suddenly.

But in Xia Yan's mind, the whole process of meeting, getting along, getting to know each other and trusting the elves flashed through Xia Yan's mind.



No matter how hard the training is, how difficult the battle is, and how sad the growth is.

As long as I can bear the bitterness and share the joy with the elves, I always feel that everything is not as difficult as imagined.

"you say."


"When can I fight with you again?"

Xia Yan: "."

He pursed his lips.


It won't be long, the Alola region should be developed soon, and Dr. Oki has already received the news.

At that time, I'm afraid it will be even more difficult than the "Lily of the Valley Youth Competition"

"Have you heard? Last night, the entire Kame Town was frozen, even the houses were frozen."

"I know that not only Kagome Town, but even Ssangyong City has been affected, and the whole city is almost paralyzed."

"The most serious thing is the 'village bridge' between roads 11 and 12. Not to mention the entire river is frozen, even the bridge has become an ice sculpture."

"It's still Ainduooke. It's like spring all the year round. The cold outside has nothing to do with us."

"I just feel sorry for those people in Kagome Town and those wild elves."


Early the next morning.

Xia Yan, who went to the "Sword of the Earth" with Du, heard what the residents said.

The two looked at each other.

"Xia Yan, do you think so?"

"should be."

Xia Yan's expression was a little dignified.

If nothing else, it should be that the Plasma team has already fought Kyurem, and maybe they have already finished fighting.

The result is not yet known.

The alliance should not announce all these things.

What the specific situation is, no one can say.

Anyway, Xia Yan has already guessed, known, and told the police Lila what he should say, and also reminded Xia Ka.

No matter how much, he, a small gymnasium owner, can't do much.

Because of the chat content of the residents, the mood of the two of them, which was not bad at first, became a little heavy.

When they came to the "Sword of the Earth" castle, the mayor Momundo and Deredo were already waiting for them at the door.

"Two, please follow me."

The mayor, with a wide body and a fat body, smiled very kindly, and led the three of them into the castle.

The castle is not empty, and there are still many staff members who maintain the sanitation of the castle.

It's just that they can only be active at the bottom of the castle, and only a few people can go up to the top of the real "Sword of the Earth".

Deredo didn't say much along the way.

But judging by the look on his face, he was more or less excited.

For the "People of the Earth", it is an honor to be able to climb to the top of the "Sword of the Earth", a place that only the royal family could go up to.

But Momundo still led them to the middle level of "Sword of the Earth".

On a quaint bronze table, there are all kinds of items.

"Three, this is your prize this time. Each person can only choose one, and the champion, Mr. Xia Yan, will choose first." Mo Mengdo said with a smile.

Xia Yan walked to the table.

He found that there were still many things on it that he didn't know.

Among them, what caught his attention the most was undoubtedly the two palm-sized scales, one black and one white, placed in the middle.

no doubt.

This is the dragon scale that Reshiram and Zekrom once shed.

Although it is not Nilin, it is definitely not what ordinary "dragon scales" can measure just like the dragon scales that Lie Kongzuo left for Xia Yan.

The only pity is that I don't know how long these scales have been off, so the energy on them is more or less dim.

But even so, their value is still beyond doubt.

Mo Mengdo also enthusiastically introduced these things to Xia Yan.

Some have a practical purpose, while others simply have a name, and legends left behind.

"This is the treasure left by our last king in the 'Sage's Stone'. It is said that the old king deliberately left it before mobilizing the 'Sword of the Earth', but no one knows the specific function." Mo Mengduo laughed With the introduction.

Xia Yan's gaze fell on this deep purple crystal.

On the surface of the streamer's crystal, there seems to be a special force inside.

And this crystal shell seems to have been specially treated, and there is no sign of any loss of energy inside.

If someone else.

Perhaps it can only be regarded as a good stone with high collection value, such as Dawu.

But for Xia Yan.

He felt the energy in it.

It's a superpower!

Pure superpower.

But what is the specific role, I am afraid that you have to think about it before you can know.

Two dragon scales, and this "sage stone".

Xia Yan rubbed his chin.

at last.

He still grabbed the deep purple spar on the table.

It doesn't take much thought and hesitation.

Not to mention the energy of Ssangyong's scales gone, he still has a dragon scale of Lie Kongzao in his hand, which is a bit redundant to him.

On the contrary, it was something the old king deliberately left behind, which made Xia Yan feel that it had an unusual effect.

The old king's superpowers and his understanding and use of superpowers made Xia Yan speechless. In terms of using them alone, Nazi might not be able to compare with him.

And it was deliberately left before death, it must be to leave something or tell future generations.

At least.

Xia Yan remembered that Deredo, who was recognized by Reshiram or Zekrom soon after, used Victini's power again to control the "Earth Sword".

Perhaps it has something to do with this "Sage Stone".

After Xia Yan finished the selection, it was Du.

He was very straightforward, and directly took Reshiram's scales.

And Deredo took the "Earth Stone" that has special meaning to the "People of the Earth", and the specific effect is not known for the time being.


The three of them walked to the top floor of "Sword of the Earth" again under the leadership of Mo Mengdo.

"I can't go up after that, it's up to you."

After Momundo opened the stairs leading to the upper floor, he stood still.

The three of them did not hesitate.

Climb up the stairs.

Walk through the spiral staircase, pass through the hollow area in the center of the castle, and come to the uppermost floor of the "Sword of the Earth".


It is the place where the old king once overlooked the whole country, and it also represents the highest glory of the "people of the earth".

Deredo's body trembled slightly with excitement.

Du walked to the balcony, looked into the distance, and had a panoramic view of the entire Ainduouk.

And Xia Yan's attention was attracted by the altar-like building in the middle of the top floor.

Four stone pillars with patterns similar to those of the Sealed Victini but much smaller stand around the altar.

Eyes flashed.

Superpower coverage.

Xia Yan felt the fluctuation of energy.

"It's here"


Victini's mood seemed a little depressed, and it recalled the pictures and scenes of the old king's death.

Xia Yan comforted in a low voice: "Let the past be the past, the people in the past keep him in the bottom of their hearts, but this captivity that lasted for thousands of years should end."


Victini nodded emphatically.

Then I saw Xia Yan striding towards the steps of the altar.

"Wait! That's"

He wants to destroy the altar?

When Deredo came back to his senses and saw Xia Yan walking up the steps, he hurriedly tried to stop him.

Xia Yan kept his eyes fixed on the center of the altar.

Regarding Deredo's obstruction, I heard him say without any emotion: "To keep a little guy who helps your entire nation to continue being imprisoned in this square inch of land is what you 'people of the earth' call Honor?"

Deredo choked.

He didn't know why Xia Yan knew about Victini being imprisoned here.

After all, even the current "people of the earth" only know about this matter.

He also came across the story about Victini by accident when he was looking through the collection of mayor Momundo.

Most of the "people of the land" only know that the old king used Victini's power, and they thank Victini for his help, but they don't know what Victini paid for it.

As for the few people who knew about it, they did not dare to disturb the enchantment left by the old king, for fear that the whole of Ainduouk would once again become as barren as the former "Land of the Earth".

Seeing Xia Yan who was getting closer to the altar, Deredo's eyes kept changing.

He has read ancient books.

When I was traveling, I saw those "people of the earth" tribes who still left their homeland and lived in the barren "land of the earth" with difficulty, so I came up with a very bold idea.

He wanted to repeat what the old king had done, move the "Sword of the Earth" again, and bring the dragon's veins back to the "Hometown of the Earth".

Return the "people of the earth" a brand new homeland.


He had to rely on the arrangement left by the old king and the power of Victini.

So he couldn't allow Xia Yan to destroy the altar.

"I'm sorry, but for my nation" Deredo whispered in a voice only he could hear.

Immediately his eyes became firm.

Reshaping the homeland is my truth!

Two poke balls appeared in the hand, and they were thrown together.

What appeared was Deredo's elven artificial cell egg and the symbolic bird.

"Stop him!" Deredo said in a deep voice.

The artificial cell egg and the symbolic bird agitated their superpowers and rushed towards Xia Yan.


Victini exclaimed.

Xia Yan, who felt the super power fluctuations and heard Victini's voice, frowned.

Two red lights flashed across his waist.

"Sizzling beer!"


Big Needle Bee and Hu Di appeared.

The sharp long needle is like a sky-piercing spear, sweeping horizontally to dispel the two superpowers.

Hu Di crossed the spoons, and also surged superpowers to attack the two elves.

"Xia Yan!"

Noticing the movement here, Du turned around in astonishment.

I saw Xia Yan staring at Deredo coldly.

"Even if you know that doing this is hurting a little guy who is willing to be lonely and dedicated for you for thousands of years, you still choose to do this?"

Deredo showed guilt and entanglement, but was quickly replaced by firmness.

"Although I'm sorry for Victini, but wait for me, when I complete the self-salvation of our 'people of the earth', I am willing to return everything to Victini!"

Hearing this, Xia Yan couldn't help laughing.

I didn't say anything more.

It is everyone's nature to think about things from their own perspective.

In Xia Yan's opinion, Deredo might be stupid.

But in the eyes of himself and some "people of the earth", he may be a hero.

Since they all stand on their own angles and positions, there is no right or wrong.

The final thing to look at is their respective strengths.


Victini appeared with a flustered and bewildered expression.

One side is what it recognizes, and Xia Yan who is trying to help it get out of trouble.

The other party is the representative of the "People of the Earth", a nation that it was willing to sacrifice everything to save thousands of years ago. It once guarded.


Deredo was surprised to see Victini appearing beside Xia Yan.


Xia Yan patted the little guy's head with his palm and rubbed it vigorously.

"give it to me."


Victini looked into Xia Yan's eyes, and after a brief absence, he still nodded and chose to believe in Xia Yan.

Xia Yan looked at Deredo again.


Deredo's choice, and what he will do in the future, can really save "Land of the Earth".

That right and wrong cannot be discussed.

But the prophetic Xia Yan knew it.

Deredo just thought that what he did was right, but in fact, when the "Sword of the Earth" moved, the dragon's veins would run wild.

Not only will the "Land of the Earth" not recover, but the entire Aindo Oak will be completely destroyed, not to mention all the surrounding mountains, rivers and forests will be swallowed up by the out-of-control dragon veins.


Xia Yan pressed Victini's head, and said words that sounded like truth, "Pictini will definitely break free!"

After a brief astonishment, Deredo also came back to his senses, listened to Xia Yan's words, and put on a posture.

boom! !


A milky white beam of light rose into the sky from the deepest part of the castle.

The pure light beam was free of any impurities, even ignoring all rocks and walls, and went straight into the sky.

Xia Yan and Deredo were enveloped in it.

Du, who was standing by the side, saw this scene and couldn't help shouting: "Xia Yan!!"

However, just as he approached, he felt the barrier, as well as a fiery heat.

This scene.

Not only Du saw it, but all the residents of the entire town of Ain Duo Ouk also saw it.

Xiba, who was waiting for the boss to make steamed buns at the old place, silently swallowed the steamed buns in his mouth.

Smacking his mouth, "Du and Xia Yan, what kind of mess did they make?"

"what is that?"

"So bright, but also so warm."

"I've participated in Aindo Oak's 'Winter Festival' several times, haven't I seen such a show?"

Many foreign tourists talked about it.

Only a small number of older "people of the earth", or people who have a better understanding of the history of the "people of the earth" watched this scene in astonishment.


Kalita, who was helping Jiangta tidy up the booth, murmured when she saw this beam of light.

The three flashing evil dragons beside her also stared blankly at this beam of light, with a little longing and respect from the heart in their eyes.

Jiang Ta's expression was not much better than that of Kalita, but she recovered much faster than Kalita.

The tone was quite heavy, and a noun was said in a complicated way.

"Trial of the Dragon."

"Trial of the Dragon?" Kalita said that she had never heard of such a thing.

Jiang Ta sighed silently, "It can also be called 'True Trial'."

"Mom, you mean." Kalita's eyes gradually widened.

Jiang Ta nodded.

"Legends, when the old king exhausted his life and died, the two princes woke up, and Ssangyong also turned into a 'light stone' and a 'dark stone' because of the exhaustion of power. It is said that they each chose a place to bury it deeply, and no one knew. Where is Ssangyong hiding?

Some people say that Ssangyong is just under the castle, while others say that Ssangyong doesn't want to see the "people of the land" again, so they won't appear with Ainduook again.

did not expect."

"The 'Bright Stone' is under the castle?" Kalita added to Jiang Ta's words.

Jiang Ta looked at the beam of light again, "This phenomenon only happened once in the history of the kingdom.

But at that time, not only the white beam of light rose, but also the black beam of light."

"Brother, he's also up there." Kalita suddenly thought of her brother Deredo.

"There are also Mr. Xia Yan and Mr. Du."

"Mom, are they all right?" Kalita asked.

Jiang Ta shook his head, "I don't know."

at the same time.

The mayor, Momundo, who just walked out of the castle, also saw this scene under the castle.

Open your mouth wide.

"Trial of the Dragon!"

Those who are recognized become heroes, while those who cannot be recognized are regarded as blasphemy, and will be burned by endless blue flames.

As the mayor of the town, he can read much more documents than ordinary "people of the land".

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