The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 699 I Can't Think of a Reason for Zekrom to Ignore You (Two in One)

[Kona preparing to graduate]: This photo

【Let it burn! Daye]: Now it is everywhere on the Internet, Xia Yan has become a "true hero" in the Hezhong area.

[Dawu who loves rocks]: You didn't understand the point of what Kona said.

[Never work overtime]: Yes.

【Sirona】: (picture.jpg)

A photo that was popular at the time was posted by Sirona.

It was the scene of Xia Yan riding Lie Kongzao.

[Never work overtime]: (Picture 1.jpg), (Picture 2.jpg), compare yourself.

Wu Song is worthy of the name of having the ultimate memory device.

Directly sent out the two photos with the key points circled together.

[Kona preparing to graduate]: It's a hat!

【The Most Beautiful Dragon Messenger】: P's.

Just looking at Xiaochun's speech, it seemed as if she could hear her sour tone.

【Let it burn! Daye]: Coincidence? Although not many people wear hats, there are actually quite a few.

[Sirona]: But the actions should be very different, but these two pictures are too similar.

【Dawu who loves rocks】: In other words

【Let it burn! Daye]: Xia Yan rode Liekongzao and Reshiram? !

[Never work overtime]: Your verb, cough cough.

[Dawu who loves stones]: @never work overtime, something is wrong with you.

[Never be left behind]: @Everyone, [Link - "True Heroes" Destroy Team Plasma, Live! ]

Team Plasma's castle was in ruins.

And the members of the plasma team died, were injured, and ran.

Although this is the headquarters of the plasma team, many cadres are stationed here, and their strength is quite strong.

But in the face of absolute power, the gap is still too obvious.

Except for Kui Qisi, who Xia Yan deliberately let go, of the remaining six sages, one died, four were arrested, and only one managed to escape.

lost heavily.

To say that it was a heavy loss is not enough to describe the damage Xia Yan and Rashiram have done to the Plasma team this time.


It is somewhat unrealistic to completely destroy Team Plasma at present.

If Akromar is also here, then Xia Yan promises to take Akroma and Quecchis as the first targets without hesitation.

Even if the others ran away, it would be difficult to cause much trouble.

But without Akromar, Xia Yan had no choice but to change his strategy, let Quecchis go and destroy the plasma team's high-end combat power.

The results are still good.

Xia Yan and Reshiram fell passionately outside the castle, watching the castle burnt out bit by bit in the flames.

The firelight reflected the face.

In front of his eyes, besides the burning castle of Team Plasma, there was N kneeling on the ground with absent-minded eyes.

And the two girls guarding him, watching Xia Yan and Reshiram vigilantly.

They are N's two older sisters, and they are both adopted children of Quecchis.

However, their childhood experience was much better than that of N, but the ideological damage they suffered was not as great as N's.

In the original book.

N slowly realized the mistakes of the Plasma team and the mistakes of Quecchis through two years of traveling.

This slow acceptance process is undoubtedly much better than the sudden collapse of belief now.

"Stand up." Xia Yan said coldly.

Hearing this, Babena and Helena looked at Xia Yan more vigilantly, biting their lips.

Even though they knew they were not Rashiram's opponents, they had no intention of retreating.

However, Xia Yan's voice still had a certain influence on N at this time.

As if grabbing a life-saving straw while drowning, N looked towards Xia Yan almost subconsciously.

The green eyes are full of confusion and a trace of hope.

He prayed that someone would come and save him at this moment.

Two lines of tears flowed down his cheeks, and he said in a hoarse and low voice:

"Am I wrong?"

Xia Yan was silent.

Is N's philosophy wrong?

It's wrong, but not entirely wrong.

"Only you know the answer." Xia Yan said calmly.

N's eyes dimmed.

"I ask you a question."

Suddenly, Xia Yan spoke again.

N's head, which had just been lowered, was raised again quickly.

"You said that you believe in the freedom of elves, and you don't want them to be used as a tool for humans to fight and use, then I ask you, if a situation arises——

When an elf likes to fight, likes to be with the trainer, enjoys the joy of success, and is willing to share the pain of failure, do you think that elf is happy in this situation? "

Xia Yan spoke quickly, but articulated clearly.

After listening, N was taken aback.

In fact, Queches had taught him this question before.

But after Quecchis' incident was exposed, his status in N's heart has plummeted, and Quecchis' words have become unreliable.

So the only one who can make the judgment now is himself.


N's mind flashed back when he saw Xia Yan for the first time, Xia Yan who was standing on the street, in the sunshine, accompanied by Ibrahimovic and Liuwei.

They laughed so happily and liked Xia Yan so much, this feeling moved N at that time.

Slowly, N's trembling heart gradually calmed down, and he looked into Xia Yan's eyes.

He solemnly said: "If that's the case, I think this elf is happy."

[His belief is being reshaped. 】

Reshiram's voice sounded in Xia Yan's mind.

It looked at Xia Yan with some surprise.

This is something it has never seen before.

It has only seen people whose beliefs have collapsed and who have never recovered.

But I have never seen a belief that can be quickly rebuilt after it collapses.

Xia Yan: There is no one else, only fooling you.

After receiving N's answer and Reshiram's prompt, Xia Yan showed a smile on his face.

He rubbed the little head of the playful and carefree Victini beside him, and stuffed a macaron into its arms.


Victini's eyes lit up, and he sat on Xia Yan's shoulder and started to eat.

Another line of sight came.

"I haven't forgotten you." Xia Yan said with a smile, took out some energy cubes and sent them to Reshiram.

Although Reshiram is an older brother, he is also a proud older brother.

N cast an envious look.

"Is this the happiness shown by the elves who are not restricted by the elf ball?"

His words were only halfway through.

Xia Yan summoned Liuwei and Ibrahimovic, choking his subsequent words.

"Elf ball?" Xia Yan played with the two red and white balls in his hand with a half-smile, looked at the word N and paused: "Do you think this is a bondage?"

N pursed his lips.

"Could it be that without the elf ball, these two little guys will leave me and turn their backs on me?"



Ibrahimovic and Liuwei shook their heads in unison, clutching Xia Yan's trouser legs tightly, and looked at N with unkind faces.

Although N gave them a good feeling, letting Xia Yan give up their elf balls was their enemy.

Sensing the hostility from Eevee and Liuwei, N was stunned again.

This was almost the first time he felt hostility from the elves.


Obviously the poke ball is bound, isn't it?

"Yes, I admit that some people are indeed doing some bad things with poke balls." Xia Yan said.

It also includes me. At the same time, Xia Yan added something in his heart.

Reshiram glanced at him, but said nothing.

Just listen to Xia Yan continue:

"But if you simply regard the Poké Ball as a bondage, it will be a bit one-sided.

If an elf is enduring the severe cold and may die at any time, and the elf ball is the only shelter, what will you do? "

"Protect it" N almost blurted out.

But it was only when he said those words that he realized it himself.


The role of the Poké Ball is fixed, but to what extent it can be used depends on how it is used.

"It's not so much a bondage as a Poké Ball, but rather a bond that connects the trainer and the Pokémon emotionally."

"A bond?" N muttered.

"Don't be confused by one-sided thoughts and self-awareness. People who are immersed in their own world cannot truly fully understand the hearts of others, including elves." Xia Yan took the elf ball back to his waist.

He waved his hand and continued: "Go for a walk, go to the outside world and see, you will understand."

"You won't catch me?"

Xia Yan chuckled softly, "Arrest you? Have you committed any crimes? The affairs of the Plasma team are all under the control of Quecchis, and even you, the so-called 'King', are nothing more than him. a pawn.

If someone else made a mistake, should the victim be arrested together? "

N is silent.

Although what Xia Yan said was not very pleasant to listen to, the smart N understood that what Xia Yan said was the truth.

True heroes don't lie.

With the help of Babena and Helena, N's eyes gradually recovered when he stood up.

He solemnly bowed ninety degrees to Xia Yan, with a very sincere and respectful attitude.

"Thank you! I will find the results and answers myself. After all, what I get from others is one-sided. Only when I experience it myself is the most real."

In N's heart, Xia Yan who enlightened and preached to him, Xia Yan with a stern tone, is really like his teacher.

The figures of the three gradually disappeared from Xia Yan's sight.

After the thin mist dissipated, they had completely disappeared.

The fluctuation of super power is still obvious.

Babena and Helena's Miss Goth and Xanadu are pretty good and should have the ability to protect themselves.

【You really are not just real. 】

After N left, Reshiram's voice came to Xia Yan's mind again.

Xia Yan looked at it.

I saw Reshiram looking at the direction of N's departure.

"What about him?" Xia Yan asked.

Reshiram was silent for a moment.

It took a while before he spoke again.

[The intertwining of reality and ideals, he has the qualifications to become a hero, the premise is that he must clarify the true goal in his heart, recognize himself, and...]


Reshiram thinks highly of N.

In fact, Xia Yan also spoke highly of N.

[He is only qualified when you are not around. 】

Xia Yan: "."

Blinked twice.

Looks like Rashiram thinks more of him.

Think about it too.

N is still in a period of confusion. As Rashiram said, he has the "talent of a hero", but it is just a qualification, not the present.

But Xia Yan is different.

Not only does he clarify what he wants, needs, and goals in his heart, but he can even use it to teach others.

Just being able to teach others is nothing N can compare to.

【Your truth manifests your ideals. 】

Reshiram suddenly said something thoughtlessly.


I saw it tilting its head with a puzzled expression on its face.

[I really can't think of a reason for Zekrom to ignore you. 】


Xia Yan smiled a little embarrassedly.


At this time.

The shadow transformed by the Sword Sword Monster came quickly from afar.

Excitedly poking his head out, he blinked at Xia Yan.

Seeing the reaction of the sword monster with a strong shield, Xia Yan gently pressed his hand down, signaling it to keep quiet.

It's actually not a big deal.

The plasma team's castle is going to be destroyed anyway, and the members of the plasma team probably won't have time to salvage the various materials inside.

With the mentality of not wasting money, Xia Yan deliberately let the shield sword monster take advantage of the chaos to try to see if he could touch something good.

Just looking at the expression of the sword monster now, you can tell that there should be a lot of benefits.

The Shield Sword Monster nodded, and after understanding Xia Yan's consciousness, he quickly returned to his shadow.

Not long.

After paddling for a long time, heck, Adek, who has been busy for a long time, finally found Xia Yan again.

Because of the region-wide live broadcast of the Plasma team, the United League was taken aback.

The materials and recordings submitted by Lila were reviewed immediately, and the organization Plasma Team was classified as an evil organization.

The appearance of Xia Yan and Reshiram later also surprised the United Alliance.


Xia Yan called on Adek to play a role.

So when the Plasma team's castle was destroyed, not only Adek, but Xiaka in Ssangyong City, which was relatively close to here, and the investigators of the United Alliance were dispatched.

They arrived just in time to see Team Plasma's castle burnt to the ground.

Catch some fish that slipped through the net, and the task can be regarded as completed.

"Mr. Adek, I will leave it to you later." Xia Yan said.


Xia Yan has done all the business, is it even worse?

Xia Yan, who got on Reshiram's back again, looked at Du.

Before Xia Yan could speak this time, Du spoke first, and waved his hands, "I won't go back with you, I'll help you hand over the mission report, and then go straight back to Guandu."

"So fast?" Xia Yan was a little surprised.

But Du rubbed his nose.

"Mr. Adek told me that the Alola region will open soon, and in order to promote friendly exchanges between regions, the 'Islands Contest' will be jointly organized by the local ether foundation in the Alola region and the Alola Alliance, inviting all Regional trainers will compete."

Is it possible to make a definite announcement?

Xia Yan glanced at Adek.

But when Adek heard the words "friendly communication", he was more or less weird.

"So in order not to lose too badly at that time, it's time to go back and work hard." Du Rate was a little emotional.

Xia Yan pursed his lips.

The meaning of this competition may be completely different from the nature of the previous exchange competitions.

What this game may ultimately affect is the alliance's right to speak in the Alola region.

So this competition will definitely be more difficult than before.


The degree of attention will inevitably be higher.

Xia Yan nodded, "It seems that I should go back and prepare."

"Then I'll be waiting for you at the competition."

With that said, Du turned on Kuailong, and flew towards the United Alliance with Adek.

Xia Yan, who was sitting on Reshiram's back, gently stroked his cloud-like hair.

After thinking for a while, he said softly, "Let's go."


Reshiram flapped his wings and soared into the sky, leaving a snow-white arc in the air.


PS: Ask for a monthly pass~~

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