The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 716 A Little Warning (Three in One)

At noon, I had a simple lunch with Du and the others at the players' restaurant in the Manaro Arena.

Continue to qualifying in the afternoon.

Because it is necessary to reflect the ultimate "fairness and justice", no one can skip the qualifiers directly.

They are the same even if they are the king of the island.


Although there were many people participating in the competition, most of them were not very strong, and none of Xia Yan and the others encountered any accidents.

Xia Yan ended the first day of the game with a wave of three consecutive victories.

He still attracted a lot of attention.

Although during the period he only sent Ibrahimovic and Ugly Ugly Fish to join the battle.

In most cases, Ibrahimovic is only a "successor" hand, and the main battles are handed over to Ugly Ugly Fish.

Ugly Ugly Fish did not disappoint Xia Yan either.

Although it looks dull, it is not relentless in fighting. After Ibrahimovic's increase and blessing, it has reversed many people's contempt for elves like ugly ugly fish.


Xia Yan's result of the battle was not surprising, and it made those who supported him very happy.

"Mr. Xia Yan is a good person. Others study elves through observation and research, but Mr. Xia Yan really leads by example. When he wrote a thesis on Ibrahimovic, he tamed an Ibrahimovic himself. He wrote Ugly Ugly Fish And the thesis of Menus, I also tamed a Menus."

I don't know who said this statement first, but it has been recognized by many people.

"Not only subdue them, Mr. Xia Yan also cultivated them very well. Before that, I would not believe anyone who said that ugly ugly fish can have such fighting power."

"Is this the 'true hero'? It's definitely real enough."

Unlike the "Lily of the Valley Youth Competition", this time Xia Yan gained enough attention from the beginning of the competition.

Known as one of the players with the best chance of competing for the top three.

As the competition continues, it is bound to bring more attention and support.

So that night.

Xia Yan published a similar paper titled "On the Relationship between 'Z Move' and the Alola Region's Natural Environment", but it is more like an initiative article.

It caused quite a bit of heat.

Since he promised Tapu Mingming to make a certain contribution to the protection of the natural environment in the Alola region, Xia Yan took advantage of his current influence.

And this proposal was unanimously approved by the residents of the Alola region before it was seen by most people.

It was directly hung up on the homepage of the official website of the Alola Alliance by the newly established Alola Alliance that night.

As more people watch it, although there are some voices of opposition, more people still support it.

Among them, well-known doctors such as Dr. Oki, Dr. Yamanashi, and Dr. Yew expressed their opinions, and most of them were supportive.

There are also rising star trainers like Du, Dawu, and Sirona who also reposted this article to express their support.

Because of the increasing attention it brought, it attracted the attention of the Alliance and the Ethereum Foundation.

The league has yet to comment on this.

He simply expressed support for Xia Yan's behavior of caring for the environment.

The Ethereum Foundation is different.

That was hype, and it spread the article throughout the Alola region.

It is said.

That night, Lusamine, the president of the Ethereum Foundation, printed this article and stared at it happily for over an hour.

The kind with a smile on his face from start to finish.


The popularity of this initiative can't cover up this competition, nor can it reverse the true attitude of the alliance.

If the alliance really wants to develop the Alola region aggressively, even if he is a new star trainer or a new star researcher, it is impossible to influence the attitude of the alliance.

It's more like planting a seed, slowly germinating, waiting for fermentation.

When the alliance really sees the power of the "Z move", it may change its mind to a certain extent.

In a short time, Xia Yan can only do this.

He's not good enough to really sway the upper echelons of the league.

Even if he becomes the Four Heavenly Kings, he may not be able to affect the decision of the highest level of the alliance.

Four days later.

The qualifiers are finally over.

no way.

This time, too many regions were covered, and too many players participated. The preliminaries lasted for four full days before officially ending.

A total of 128 people participated in the main competition were determined.

The venue for the players has finally been transferred from the preliminaries to the main match venue of the Manaro Arena.

The competition party divides the entire large field into four battle fields with different attributes, which can be used for four games to be played at the same time.

The audience can finally watch the battle of their idols up close.

It was at this time that the popularity of the entire competition ushered in an explosive growth.

In the shouts of cheers like a tsunami.

In the passionate speeches of supporters.

In the excitement of the players.

The main race of the "Islands Contest" has also officially started.

Players bench.

"Alora is really too bad."

Seeing Merdan standing on the rocky ground with a decadent and lazy face, Xia Yan couldn't help but sighed, smashing his mouth.

Let the kings of the islands end, and I don't know how Lusamine from the Aether Foundation persuaded them.

Forget about others, even the laziest Merdan went to "fry fish".

The truth is a bit unreasonable.

"But don't tell me, I really want to fight them." Sitting next to Xia Yan, Du seemed a little excited.

Xia Yan squinted at him.

"You will always meet."

Du grinned and rubbed his hands.

"No matter what the final result is, being able to play against them is enough."

Fighting against trainers at the level of the Four Heavenly Kings is not something that can be encountered all the time.

What's more, the Four Heavenly Kings whose strength is suppressed at the quasi-king level, if they can learn a little bit from them, they will benefit a lot.


Xia Yan looked at Mir Dan on the field again, and there was a neat series of three

Then you go and fight, we don't want to meet for the time being. Xia Yan cursed inwardly.


In this 128-to-64 competition, there are already many familiar people and even Xia Yan's acquaintances.

Don't think that the top 128 is not considered strong.

Randomly pick one out of these 128 people and throw them into the competitions in their respective regions, and they are all people who started at least in the top 16.

During the "Lily of the Valley Youth Competition", the elves at the master level were considered ace elves.

can now.

There are not a few quasi-king-level elves, among other things, the top 32 will definitely not be able to enter anyway.

In Xia Yan and the others chatting with each other, the four games in the first round came to an end very quickly.

Four of them were eliminated, and four advanced to the round of 64.

second round.

According to the lottery, Xia Yan is about to end.

"Come on." Sirona said.

"Be gentle." These were Du's words.

And this sentence aroused the extreme dissatisfaction of Kona next to him.

"You tell others to be gentle, why have you never considered being gentle?"

Facing Kona's rather "resentful" eyes, he was defeated.

Xia Yan was also assigned to a rocky field, but he didn't play in the water anymore.

When Xia Yan walked towards the field, he happened to meet the lazy Merdan who was wearing a police uniform, pockets, and slippers.

"Mr. Merdan."

Since they happened to meet, Xia Yan, as the senior of Interpol, still said hello.

Merdan glanced at Xia Yan with drooping eyes, and nodded silently in return.

When walking past Xia Yan, Merdan suddenly stopped in his footsteps.

"Xia Yan." Mo Dan said suddenly.

Xia Yan's expression remained unchanged, and he smiled and said, "It's me."

"Lila, is she okay?"

Hearing this, Xia Yan was stunned, "If Mr. Modan cares about Minister Lila, why don't you ask him yourself?"

But Merdan waved his hand.

"Forget it, it's too troublesome. She, the head of the 'UB Countermeasure Department', has a lot of things to do."

Xia Yan nodded.

He doesn't know why Merdan quit Interpol.

Perhaps in most people's eyes, it was because Merdan was bored, and it was because of his lazy temper.

But Xia Yan felt that this was the root cause.

"Your article is good, I read it. It's good." While talking, he walked slowly to the end of the contestant passage.

But when Merdan was about to disappear from Xia Yan's sight, he suddenly turned around and asked.

"By the way, have we met somewhere before?"

"Mr. Murdan was joking."

"Yes. Go, good luck."

After saying this, Merdan completely disappeared in the player channel.

Xia Yan also walked towards the arena silently, his expression unchanged.

But my heart is not peaceful.

Of course they've seen it before.

When Xia Yan came to the Alola region as a hunter.

Is this the intuition possessed by the truly top Interpol? Xia Yan was secretly on guard.

And back to Merdan in the Alola player lounge.

Walk into the exclusive lounge of the island king and island queen.

The white-haired Hara was sitting in a chair drinking tea.

The tall and bumpy Lizi played with her mobile phone, and she logged into a marriage seeking website. She watched with great interest the men who were looking for marriage.

Hapuwu, the youngest, gnawed listlessly at the carrot in his hand.

An absent-minded look.

Merdan stopped at the door for a moment.

He rummaged through his pockets and took out his favorite Kendama.

Playing with it "dongdong", sat beside Hapuwu.

"Mr. Merdan."

Only then did Hapuu see Merdan.

Merdan didn't look at her, but just stared at the Kendama in his hand.

"It's time for Mr. Sofuwu to rest. Since he chose you, you should show his energy in this competition. Don't be preoccupied at a young age, show your vitality to the world. Look at the old man on the hospital bed."

Although his tone was very lazy, Hapuwu could hear his comfort.

Thinking of his grandfather who was still in bed in the special hospital of the Ethereum Foundation at this time, and the image of his grandfather teaching himself flashed in his mind, Hapuwu nodded emphatically.


The eyes recovered a little.

look at the screen.

"Eh? The second round of the competition has begun, Mr. Merdan, why did you come back?" Hapuwu suddenly realized.

Merdan glanced at the screen, and said to himself in a very low voice like a whisper:

"It's nothing, I gave this little guy a little warning."

"Little Chrysanthemum——!"

"Miss Ju'er——!"

"It's so beautiful!"

Listening to the cheers from the audience, the model Xiao Juer, who was riding sideways on the thunder zebra, took off her fluffy and fluffy coat.

Showing his tall figure in a bikini, it even attracted a burst of "wolf howling".

The warm climate of the Alola region.

Still more suitable for wearing a bikini.

Xiao Juer, who works as a model and is the owner of the gymnasium in Leiwen City in the Hezhong area, is also very good at showing off her figure.

Xia Yan's first opponent in the race is this famous model, Xiao Ju'er.

"Mr. Xia Yan, be gentle——!"

"Mr. Xia Yan, please be gentle!!"

This was the voice of Xia Yan's supporters.


Xiao Ju'er, who showed off her figure, almost made his supporters "rebel".

After all, this is a beauty whose appearance and figure are comparable to Sirona.

Xiao Ju'er has a lot of supporters not only in the Hezhong area, but also in various areas.

Whether it is the model catwalk she participated in, or being published on the cover of a fashion magazine, it will definitely bring a lot of heat.

Xia Yan couldn't help pressing down on the brim of his hat.

Although Xiaoju'er didn't wear the "maggi suit", she couldn't bear it.

If you fight against such an opponent, many male fans will lose their fans, right?

Da da da--


Xia Yan waited for the referee's prompt, but when he raised his head without success for a long time, he heard the crisp hooves of the Thunder Zebra.

A faint fragrance penetrated into the nostrils.

And that delicate face so close at hand.

The blue eyes looked straight into his eyes.

Xiao Ju'er suddenly came to him.


"'True Hero' Mr. Xia Yan?" Xiao Ju'er's voice sounded like an oriole.

"Uh, it's me." Xia Yan froze for a moment.

Confirm Xia Yan's identity.

Xiaoju'er rolled her eyes and said sweetly, "I'm your fan, can you sign me?"

As he said that, he took out a notebook from nowhere.

On the cover, there was a photo of Xia Yan riding Lashiram, the one that even Xia Yan thought the person who took the picture had a good skill.

Looking at the cover, Xia Yan was speechless.

They didn't give me endorsement fees and copyright fees!

However, under Xiao Ju'er's eager eyes, Xia Yan still left his name on it.

"Okay." Return the notebook to her.

He decided to go back to this competition, and he must investigate those people who abused his photos for profit. This is definitely a violation of portrait rights!

"Can we take a photo together?" Xiaoju'er continued.

"Little Juer, please return to your position immediately, the match is about to begin!" The referee couldn't stand it anymore and couldn't help reminding.

"Soon, I guarantee it will be very soon." Xiaoju'er said in a hurry, jumped off the lightning zebra, and stood beside Xia Yan.

Pull him to turn ninety degrees, facing the auditorium.

The flashes of "Ka Ka Ka" continued to light up.

Is this a flashlight?

This is the heartbreaking voice of the majority of male fans.

Finish these.

Xiaoju'er finally returned to her place contentedly, and left a message for Xia Yan at the same time.

"Mr. Xia Yan, please don't hold back. Although I'm your fan, I won't let go in battle."

After Xiao Ju'er left, Xia Yan finally let out a long breath.

He still somewhat underestimated the influence of the title "True Hero" in the Hezhong area.

When Xiaoju'er returned to her position, the referee finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately instruct the two to start the match.

The race is also divided into several stages.

It still belongs to the first stage now, so the game adopts the form of 3v3.

It is said that after reaching the top 32, it will become a 6v6 all-hands battle rule.

"Please send elves from both sides!"

When it came to the battle, the expressions of Xia Yan and Xiao Ju'er became serious at the same time.

In two red lights.

The one who appeared in front of Xia Yan was Ibrahimovic, and the one who appeared in front of Xiao Juer was an electric dragon.

The owner-level electric dragon.

When seeing Xia Yan's Ibrahimovic, Xiao Ju'er frowned slightly.

My heart is more or less resentful.

Xia Yan used Ibrahimovic and Ugly Fish to sweep all the matches in the qualifiers. She knew it.

This Ibrahimovic is also very supportive.

But after all, Ibrahimovic is only an elite class, and he was sent out when facing her. Doesn't it look down on her a bit?

Just now he told Xia Yan not to keep his hands.

If Xia Yan knew what Xiaoju'er was thinking, he would definitely call him wronged.

It's not that he looks down on her, it's because his tactical arrangement is like this.

As the referee's flag fell, Xiao Ju'er, who felt somewhat displeased, immediately directed Dianlong to launch a fierce offensive.

"Dianlong, charging beam!"

The red balls on the top of the electric dragon's head and tail glowed brightly, and the golden electric current surged up, turning into a sharp arrow and rushing towards Ibrahimovic.

next moment.

The electric current swept past, leaving a ravine on the rocky ground and kicking up dust.

However, Ibrahimovic avoided this attack by relying on his vigorous movements, sensitive body, combined with "a flash of lightning".

Distance is a factor, and Ibrahimovic himself is already close to the owner level is another factor.

While running, Ibrahimovic's eyes glowed with a halo of super power.


It's still the old routine, but with a little bit of tactical change in the middle.

However, Xiao Ju'er was also lucky. Although Dianlong's "charging beam" missed a hit, it triggered a buff effect, and Dianlong's special attack was improved.

Seeing that Ibrahimovic used "meditation" successfully, Xiao Ju'er knew that the next step was to "take over" tactics.

So decisively did not let Dianlong continue to attack, but chose to accumulate strength.

But soon.

She realized that she had judged wrongly.

Ibrahimovic's run did not end, it continued to use "Meditation" while running.

"Contestant Xiaoju'er made a mistake in judgment, and contestant Xia Yan didn't directly let Ibrahimovic use the 'take over'. This is a flexible use of reality!" The host shouted excitedly.

Because Xia Yan and Xiao Ju'er received a lot of attention, the host explained the game on this venue.

"Tsk, Master Xia Yan is so cunning."

"What do you know, this is a tactic."

"But this tactic"

"This is Master Xia Yan, is this your first time watching him play?"

"Dianlong, discharge!"

Xiaojuer reacted and immediately directed the electric dragon to attack again.


This time, Ibrahimovic's eyes were sly, his body turned into a white light, and he left the field quickly.

Let the electric dragon's attack fail.

"Xia Yan's Ibrahimovic is very good at seizing the opportunity, it used 'take the baton' to avoid this attack, the elf that Xia Yan sent again is Latios!!"

Wow -! !

The audience was in an uproar.

Latios? !

Divine beast? !

Is this the "true hero"?

Will there be Rashiram in the final?

This was the first time Xia Yan dispatched Latios in a game under the watchful eyes of so many people.


Latios was very excited after playing.

Xia Yan told it yesterday that it would play today, which made it almost sleepless last night.

Finally, I can fight openly and aboveboard, and participate in the battle on behalf of Xia Yan!

"Concentrate." Xia Yan reminded.

Latios understands.

It's just exciting, but that doesn't mean it's not calm.

'Sister is right, my heart beats so fast when fighting under the watchful eyes of so many people. '

Latios drew an arc on the field like a jet, with dots of scales scattered all over the place. Only when nailed to the ground can one see the crystal clear and hard "dragon scales".

Speed ​​is improved.

At this time, Xiaojuer finally realized.

His expression became extremely serious.

Xia Yan is not releasing water, this is his tactic!

Latios, who has received two "meditation" boosts, should not be underestimated.

"Dianlong, thunder!"


A golden lightning burst out from the electric dragon at an extremely fast speed, and its tyrannical power made the entire arena brighten up.

But I saw Latios driving the air flow around his body, and the speed increased again.

A turn in the air skillfully avoided this attack.

"Beautiful roundabout, so fast! With the blessing of 'scale shot' and 'tailwind', Latios' speed is faster than thunder and lightning!"

Latios narrowed his eyes.

The tactics it practiced were finally used on the field.

Avoiding "Thunder", and rushing straight towards the electric dragon, milky white light spit out from its mouth.

Clean light!

Xiao Ju'er looked solemn.

With the current speed of Latios, using electric moves with a low hit rate was another mistake of hers.

But so flexible Latios

The electric dragon who was hit by the "clean light" backed away in pain, and his body was slightly burnt black.

The two "meditation" increases are too obvious, and the moves are very powerful.

Special defense has also been weakened.

Xiao Ju'er's eyes locked on Latios tightly, Dianlong's chances were running out.


After Latios's attack ended, an arc was drawn in the air, and the direction was changing to a key node that could not be moved in a short time.

"It's now! The electric dragon, the wave of the dragon!"

Taking advantage of the moment Latios turned around.

Blue-purple energy spewed out, and the electric dragon used its greatest strength.

"Dianlong's timing is also quite good! Latios is turning around, this is an excellent opportunity!!"

boom! !

The energy blast explodes in the air.

The electric dragon also received a special attack buff once, if the wave of the dragon hits this time, Latios will definitely not feel good.

But, is it a hit?

Like the audience, Xiaojuer looked at the smoke and dust brought by the explosion in the air.

But see.

Latios, who was swaying with a special rhythm, only had a little dust on his body, and his eyes were still bright.

"Beautiful! Cleverly using the 'Dance of the Dragon', he forcibly interrupted his flight direction in the air, and the electric dragon made a mistake in his prediction!"


Instead, he used "Dragon's Breath" to fight back, accurately hitting the exhausted electric dragon who was still panting.

Lattios' body stopped suddenly, suspended in the center of the field, receiving the cheers of the audience.

Take a deep breath.


Seeing Lattios wantonly venting, Xia Yan also smiled.

Let you hide for so long, I wronged you, let's vent it today. Xia Yan thought to himself.

"The electric dragon loses its ability to fight!" The referee lowered the flag.

"Contestant Xiao Ju'er please send out the second elf!"

Xiaoju'er took Dianlong back in a daze, and looked up at Xia Yan and Lattios.

The corners of the mouth slowly rise.

A sweet smile.

That's right.

Immediately afterwards, the second high-level ball was thrown.

Roentgen cat!

Du in the player seat couldn't help shaking his head.

"Let Lattios get so much boost, this Xia Yan directly pushed the team."

"The opponent's strength is not weak. Senior Xia Yan didn't send out the big needle bees. He had already kept his hand. This pushing team is a result of tactics, which is normal." Ke Na thoughtfully.

Du looked at the swearing Kona.

Double standard?

It's normal for Xia Yan to push the team, but I'll be fine if I hit harder.

"Hmm." Sirona nodded in agreement.

Du pursed his lips and did not speak again.

You are many.

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