The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 730 Sudden Attack of Alien Beasts (Triple in One)

the next day.

Yesterday, the top eight of this competition were determined, and today is the day to determine the top four.

It is impossible to say that it is not lively.

After all, it was just yesterday's game that made people excited to watch.

In addition, Xia Yan, who has stirred up the popularity of the fairy type, also showed more things related to the fairy type in this competition.

It makes people look forward to whether something will be shown again in today's game.

The strength and ability shown by Pokkisi give people a feeling that the goblin system seems to be particularly powerful, and may even surpass all other attributes.

no way.

Because it has always been dubbed the strongest dragon-type elf, and was crushed to death by the goblin-type.

And Xia Yan's tactics for Pokkisi made it show stronger strength.

Various blessings and buffs make Pokkisi's goblin moves give people a feeling of hurt by touch and death by touch.

After all, people are still visual creatures, they just saw the picture of Pokkisi killing the Merdan elf in seconds.

But he didn't think deeply about how many arrangements Xia Yan had made in order to allow Pokkisi to have such abilities, and how much tactical status he enjoyed.

Although some people who understand tactics understand that although the fairy system is not weak, it is not so outrageous.

After all, those who understand these are only a few people.

That's why people have the illusion that the fairy is superior to other attributes.

It is precisely because of this illusion that Xia Yan's pursuit of the elves and the exploration of the attributes of the elves gave Xia Yan more enthusiasm and attention.

Alliance decisions will not be swayed by public opinion, but will be influenced by public opinion.

According to the information disclosed by Dr. Oki, Xia Yan learned that the alliance has already discussed whether Xia Yan can be promoted to a doctor by virtue of his achievements in the fairy department.

Although it is only a discussion, it is still very early to decide.

But as long as there is discussion, it means that the alliance has begun to waver.

It is meaningful to work hard for controversial things.

Otherwise, everyone thinks that Xia Yan is not qualified to become a doctor, and there is no controversy at all, so no matter how hard he works, it will be useless.

At least.

Now some people think that Xia Yan is qualified.


These things have no effect on Xia Yan's competition.

There are fewer and fewer people resting indoors.

As of today, the remaining top eight are: Du, Kona, Dawu, Mikoli, Xia Yan, Sirona, Lizi and the Royal Masked Man.

Xia Yan and the others had good luck yesterday, all five of them advanced to the quarterfinals.

But today.

No matter how they are arranged randomly, at least two of the five of them will meet on the field, and there may be even more.

Fortunately, they did not feel sorry for this, but were eager to try.

As usual.

The heads of the eight people were projected on the big screen again, and they were arranged in a random match under the random arrangement of the computer.

And when the battle list of each group was listed, the auditorium would burst into cheers.

Because no matter how you look at it, you can predict that these battles will be more exciting.

The first game, Du VS Mikri!

The second round, Sirona VS Lizi!

The third game, Kona VS Royal Masked Man!

When the rosters for the first three battles were determined, the two of them in the last match were ready to come out.

Xia Yan and Dawu, who were sitting in their seats, looked at each other.

The two smiled at the same time.

"I didn't expect to meet them in the quarterfinals." Dawu sighed with a smile.


Xia Yan nodded, but he was not as calm as Dawu, and felt a little headache instead.

Against Dawu, he really doesn't have the slightest advantage and advantage.

Dawu's strength made him very afraid.

It is normal for a bad loser.

Although Xia Yan didn't participate in the simulated training and battles within their small group.

But Xia Yan could also see the battle between Dawu and Du, Sirona, and Kona.

Excluding Kona, in addition to having a great advantage when facing Du, whose attributes are fully restrained, Kona's winning rate is relatively low when facing Dawu and Sirona.

But in the simulated battle between Dawu, Du, and Sirona, the relationship between the outcome of the three is really hard to say.

Du's advantage lies in his elf's mobility, wide opening and closing, and good at attacking.

Dawu's advantage lies in his elf's defensive power, he is steady and steady, and he is good at continuous battles.

These two are like two extremes.

Sirona's advantage is that she doesn't specialize in one or two elves, has various tactics, and is good at being flexible.

Most of the three of them have their own victories and losses in normal training, and we can compare whether the elves' on-the-spot performance, the pertinence of tactics, and the trainer's first-read judgment are effective.

"However, compared to the last time when I didn't have a chance to fight, this time it's much better." Dawu rubbed the ring excitedly.

He had wanted to have a match with Xia Yan for a long time, but Xia Yan usually didn't participate in the simulated battle training, so they didn't have many opportunities.

But in Dawu's opinion.

Xia Yan's strength should be similar to theirs.

The relationship between victory and defeat should also depend on performance and luck.

Xia Yan smiled and muttered: "I thought I would meet you later, but I didn't expect it to be so early."

Compared with fighting Dawu himself, Xia Yan actually wants to see Du fight Dawu, or Sirona fight Dawu.

"It seems that we have to win another game before we can meet Xia Yan again." Du rested his chin thoughtfully.

approved by others.

Even Sirona really wanted to have a fight with Xia Yan.

The last time the two met at the end, it turned out that Xia Yan abstained.

Xia Yan stood up and glanced at the few people.

He said that these people had no good intentions, and everyone wanted to fight him.

All the troublemakers want to harm me.

He rolled his eyes and said angrily: "The host should chatter for a while, I'll go for a walk."

Say it.

He left the lounge and came to the aisle of the arena.

The loud cheers outside can be heard in the lounge, and the feeling becomes more obvious after coming out.

Fortunately, everyone's attention was now on the host and the huge screen, and no one noticed Xia Yan who appeared in the aisle.

"Fighting Dawu. It's not easy to fight, there is no advantage, and it is not easy to target." Xia Yan rubbed his head.

to be honest.

Compared with Dawu, Xia Yan prefers to fight with Du.

At least.

Du's weakness is quite obvious.

Although Dawu's explosive power is not as strong as Du, he has very few weaknesses.


He walked to the corner, took out his phone, and pressed the answer button.

The reason why he came out was mainly because of a phone call.

"Xia Yan is on alert!"

On the phone, a slightly hurried voice came.

Hearing the voice, Xia Yan was slightly taken aback.

"handsome guy?"

Looking at the phone, it was an unregistered number.

Even if Interpol had something to do, Lila should be the one to notify her.

Coupled with the handsome man's hasty voice, Xia Yan had a bad premonition faintly in his heart.

"Xia Yan is on the police, there is trouble, Lila is on the police"

"Stop talking nonsense! Get to the point!"

Lila's voice came from the side, and Xia Yan could faintly hear some fighting sounds.

Xia Yan's heart sank.

It seems that something really happened.

And the person who informed me was Lila and the handsome guy from Interpol, the "UB Countermeasure Department", so there was only one possibility.

Xia Yan asked in a deep voice, "Is it the ultimate beast?"


After the handsome guy was reprimanded by Lila, his answer became much more decisive.

At the same time, he immediately added: "It's almost here at the Manaro Arena, and the Ultra Beast is almost there!"

Manaro Arena?

Xia Yan was slightly startled.

Is there a flaw in the "baiting" plan?

Immediately afterwards, he threw the poke ball and summoned Latios.

Come to its back and lift off quickly.

look into the distance.


I saw a "tiny" figure approaching the Manaro Arena on the sea.

And around it, surrounded by more "small" figures, it seems that they are directing the elves to fight against it.

Seeing this scene, Xia Yan almost scolded his mother in his heart.

If you want to deal with the ultimate beast, before there is no conventional means today, you can only wait until the ultimate hole is opened and send it back.

The characteristics of the ultimate beasts are "beast promotion", and the number is difficult to play a role in front of them.

One is not good.

Not only can it not deal with the ultimate beasts, but it will also become the ration of the "beast enhancement" feature, which greatly improves the strength of the ultimate beasts.


Maybe she still felt that the handsome guy's narration was not clear enough, so Lila grabbed the phone and panted:

"Also, Barnett has detected abnormal fluctuations in the ultimate aura in the Manaro Arena, and she guesses that the ultimate hole is very likely to open in the venue!"

"Depend on!"

Hearing this, Xia Yan finally couldn't bear it anymore, and burst into a foul language.

Manaro Arena?

Do you know how many ordinary people and how many trainers there are in the Manaro Arena?

If the ultimate hole is opened, and a few ultra beasts come out along the way, then these existences will be the best nourishment!

Xia Yan fought against the Evil Food King and the Explosive Muscle Mosquito, and it seemed that they were not very powerful.

But that was when they failed to obtain enough "nutrients" to improve their abilities.

You try to let the King of Evil Eaters or the Explosive Muscle Mosquito harvest enough heads, what will happen.

"Xia Yan! You must let the people in the Manaro Arena leave as soon as possible. Although you didn't want to affect this competition, the attack of the ultimate beast is beyond our control."

"I see." Xia Yan responded quickly, and at the same time did not forget to remind, "Lila, be careful, don't let people rush up to fight against the ultimate beast fearlessly, the ultimate beast has the ability to absorb other elves Strengthen your own means!"


There was a brief silence on the phone.

Presumably, after Xia Yan's reminder, Lila also understood why the ultimate beast in front of her became more and more difficult to deal with.

She didn't ask how Xia Yan knew, but just said, "I understand."

hang up the phone.

Xia Yan took a deep breath.

Thoughts flashed through his mind quickly.

Gradually, I also understood where the cause of the matter came from.

There is no doubt that Lila is a "Fall".

In order to ensure the safety of the Manaro Arena, the Interpol was also recruited to maintain the law and order of the Arena some time ago to prevent some troublesome emergencies.

And after she stayed in the Manaro Arena for so long, she must have left a lot of "Fall" in the arena.

That's fine.

but now!

There is more than one "Fall" in Manaro Arena.

Xia Yan looked in the direction of the organizing committee office.

There, not only the members of the organizing committee, but also two of Xia Yan's students, Gladion and Lillie.


Lillie was once attacked by the Ultra Beast Void.

As a result, Lillie's body must also carry the breath of the ultimate aura just like Lila.

And the Ultra Beasts have a mysterious obsession with the ones they failed to capture.

Two things add up.

It is strange that the ultimate hole does not open in the Manaro Arena.

And Xia Yan, who was riding Latios into the air, was also noticed by some spectators in the arena.

They raised their heads one by one, looking at Xia Yan in the sky.

Don't know what he is doing.

The arena is forbidden, Xia Yan's behavior is not a good behavior.

However, Xia Yan can't care so much now.

Signaled Latios to fly in the direction of the organizing committee.

Under everyone's gaze.

The audience in the Manaro Arena must be dismissed as soon as possible, but the reason cannot be directly stated, otherwise the panic and panic may cause the accident before the Ultra Beast appears.

And for such a big matter, Xia Yan had to tell the organizing committee first.

"Xia, Xia Yan, what are you doing?"

The host below held the microphone, and only halfway through his passionate opening remarks, he watched Xia Yan fly over his head.

Xia Yan ignored him.

Come to the window of the organizing committee.

Directly control superpowers to open from inside.

jumped in.

His behavior made the audience talk a lot.


Gladion seemed a little excited, and he was the first to greet him who was already close to the window.

"Old, teacher."

Lillie seemed more timid, but she trotted over after Gladion and hid beside Xia Yan.

"Xia Yan, what's wrong?"

It was Dr. Oki who spoke.

As one of the top leaders of the organizing committee, Dr. Oki asked with a frown.

The rest of the people in the office also turned their attention to Xia Yan, all of them had bad expressions.

If there is no reasonable explanation for Xia Yan's behavior, he may not be able to participate in the following competitions.

That is to say, seeing the faces of Dr. Oki, Chengya Oki, and Lusamine, they didn't immediately yell.

"Teacher, all the audience must be dismissed as soon as possible." Xia Yan spoke quickly, and he didn't care about other people's opinions, just said in a deep voice.

"Why?" It was Chengya Oki who raised doubts this time.

Xia Yan's behavior gave him a very bad premonition.

Taking a deep breath, and leaning against the heads of Gladion and Lillie, Xia Yan continued:

"Our 'UB Countermeasures Department' has detected that the ultimate aura is too active in the arena, and the ultimate hole may open at any time, so it is uncertain whether there will be an ultimate beast.


"Ultimate beast?!"

Lusamine stood up excitedly.

I don't know if it was because of surprise or because of surprise.

at the same time.

Xia Yan could also clearly feel the whole body of Lilia under him tremble, and the movement of her palms gripping Xia Yan's pants became tighter.

When it comes to Ultra Beast, it's what she fears and dreads the most.

"Yes, more than that, there is currently a known Ultra Beast approaching the arena at full speed, and Lila's vigilance is doing its best to stop it.

If the Ultra Cave is opened and no Ultra Beast appears, our "UB Countermeasures Department" will send the Ultra Beast back to the Ultra Cave, but if a new Ultra Beast appears."

This moment.

Dr. Oki and the others understood the seriousness of the matter.

"I see. All personnel must be arranged to leave immediately!"

Dr. Oki did not doubt the authenticity of Xia Yan's words, and it is impossible for Xia Yan to talk nonsense in this regard, otherwise the impact would be too great.

With that said, Dr. Oki pressed a special button belonging to the organizing committee.

With the button down.

Red lights flashed throughout the arena.

The sudden change took all the audience by surprise.

Because when this light is on, it means an emergency exit, and the event is temporarily suspended and postponed.

Picking up the microphone in the office, Dr. Oki thought about it, and handed the microphone to Xia Yan.

He is a doctor and the head of the organizing committee.

But Xia Yan was more aware of the specifics.

He just said when he handed the microphone to Xia Yan, "Don't create too much panic."

Xia Yan pursed his lips.

he understands.

You can't create a big panic, but you can't make all the audience slack, let them have a little sense of urgency.

After pondering for a while.

Xia Yan's voice resounded throughout the arena.

"Sorry everyone, I'm Inspector Xia Yan, deputy director of Interpol's UB Countermeasure Department.

There is an unexpected situation now, and there is an uncontrollable danger in the arena. All spectators are requested to leave the arena in an orderly manner. Today's game is temporarily postponed. Please wait for the announcement on the official website of the league for details. "


Xia Yan's words caused an uproar in the entire arena.

When they saw Xia Yan rushing towards the organizing committee in a hurry, some people more or less guessed the particularity of the situation.

But I didn't expect it to be because of danger in the arena?

Nor did it say what the specific danger was.

But when they heard the danger, people still couldn't help feeling a sense of urgency and wanted to leave.


The deputy head of Interpol's UB Countermeasure Department?


Mr. Xia Yan?

When did Mr. Xia Yan still have such a title?

In the hearts of the audience who were about to leave.

This idea inevitably arose.

A trainer, a researcher, and now even Interpol?

It's not just an ordinary Interpol, the police rank has actually reached the police station!

"I would like to trouble all the spectators to leave the arena in an orderly manner. The staff at the arena must maintain order on the scene. Don't panic! Also, all the alliance police stationed at the arena."

As Xia Yan's voice sounded again, the staff members of the arena nodded their heads one after another.

Although Xia Yan is not a member of the organizing committee, everyone has seen him enter the organizing committee office, which shows that his behavior has been approved by the organizing committee.

Moreover, Xia Yan is still the police officer of Interpol, no one dares to fake this.

Therefore, Xia Yan who spoke was equivalent to temporarily taking over the actual command and control of the arena, and he could order all the staff.

As for those who heard Xia Yan's order, the alliance police officers who were present to maintain order stood at attention and saluted, waiting for the order seriously.

Xia Yan's words continued.

"All the Union police, I need your help to maintain the order of the scene, and set up a 50-meter cordon with the outside of the arena after everyone leaves. Without my permission, or the organizing committee and Interpol Before you allow it, don't take a step closer!"


There were tidy voices in the arena.

Although not big.

But in the panic and noisy arena at this time, it seemed particularly abrupt.

And precisely because of Xia Yan's hosting, the alliance police intervened, and the exit was very fast, without too much panic breaking out, and the chaos was orderly.

After saying this, Xia Yan took a deep breath and said again:

"All the kings and queens of the island present, as well as the top eight contestants, please gather at the organizing committee. The rest of the top thirty-two contestants, please cooperate with the alliance police to maintain order on the scene, and the top sixty-four contestants cooperate The establishment of a cordon."

He didn't forget to use the power of these players.

After all, compared to so many spectators, the Alliance policemen present were only a minority, so it was necessary to use the strength of the players.

The only thing that makes Xia Yan more fortunate now is that.

They are well staffed.

As long as the audience is dismissed and there are only a few ultra beasts, it will not be troublesome to prescribe the right medicine.

Of course, the premise is that there are only a few of them.

At this time, the contestants also started to move according to Xia Yan's actions.

The exit of the audience was accelerated and the order of the scene was maintained.

Xia Yan stood at the window, holding a microphone, with a serious expression, taking a panoramic view of the scene in the arena, and issuing instructions one after another.

"Daye, at the East 3 exit, the passage is moving slowly, please help."

"Wusong, exit West 2, the traffic is too heavy, use your super power spirit to escort out."

"Miss Cattleya, please use your super power to send some elderly people with handicapped legs away."

"Mr. Zhimi, please take care of the North 4 Exit."


Like a commander, Xia Yan temporarily took over all the order in the Manaro Arena.

Under his mobilization.

Spectators leave more quickly.

Standing in the office of the organizing committee, Dr. Oki and Chengya Oki looked at each other.

They both saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

They had to admit that Xia Yan's command ability was good.

If it was them, I'm afraid they might not be able to do better than him.

After all, there are many players, they may not know their names, they don't know what their elves are like, and they don't know where they can play a greater role.

So it seems.

Dr. Oki felt that it was a very correct decision to hand over the command to Xia Yan.

Ka--! !


Just when everything was in order, a huge crack suddenly appeared in the sky above the arena.

Moreover, the movement caused by the birth of the crack is not small at all.

It's like the sky is falling apart.

Such movements undoubtedly attracted everyone's attention.

And everyone suddenly realized it.

The reason why Xia Yan didn't say what the danger is is probably because of this danger, which is not easy to deal with.

For a moment, the crowd panicked.

Looking at the cracks in the sky, Xia Yan frowned.

but just continued:

"Everyone calm down! In the name of 'heroes', I guarantee that as long as everyone leaves the venue in an orderly manner, there will be absolutely no danger, but if anyone does not obey the order and mess around... Huh! I also guarantee that the Interpol prison is still very empty! "

True heroes!

People remembered Xia Yan's other title.

Combining the guarantee with the faint threat, no one dared to mess around, and the panic that had just appeared was immediately calmed down.

And the cracks in the sky are getting bigger and bigger.

at the same time.

Du and the top eight contestants finally came to the office of the organizing committee.

"Du, please escort everyone from the organizing committee out." Xia Yan entrusted.

"how about you?"

Xia Yan narrowed his eyes and looked up at the sky, "Let me see what is going to come out this time."

Then he said again: "Mr. Hara, Mr. Merdan, Miss Lizi, please help me to deal with the ultimate beast that may appear at any time."

Ultra Beast? !

Everyone was shocked.


No one regards Xia Yan as an ordinary player, he is the deputy head of the "UB Countermeasures Department", and he is a vigilante Xia Yan!

Before the king of the island and the queens of the island became the Four Heavenly Kings, there might not necessarily be Xia Yangao in terms of the power of the alliance.

And looking at Xia Yan's appearance, he seemed to have a certain understanding of the ultimate beast.

As for crossing them.

Xia Yan continued:

"You escort the organizing committee out and then come back, I need you."


Du and the others also understood the priority of the matter.

"I do not go!"

Lusamine put a few people aside, walked to the window, and looked at the growing crack in the sky, revealing a secret eagerness.

Xia Yan waved his hand, indicating that the members of the Protected Ether Foundation should not force it.

Lusamine still has a certain fighting power.

At the same time, Lusamine whispered: "You escort Gladion and Lillie away."

So they wanted to bring Gladion and Lillie.

But Xia Yan pressed Liliai's shoulder, and said in a deep voice, "Liliai can't go."


Xia Yan also looked up to the sky again, "She is the safest here."


PS: The state is not good today, the update time is a bit late, sorry (bow.jpg)

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