The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 738 Final Score (Two in One)

"Latios has lost the ability to fight!"

The referee raised the flag representing Xia Yan's side.

Xia Yan was not surprised by this result.

Because in terms of strength alone, Latios is indeed no match for Dawu, the flashing golden monster.

And there is no advantage in attributes, the dragon type is twice as resistant, and the super power type is even more resisted by four times.

It is difficult for Latios to deal much substantial damage.

The reason why Xia Yan thinks that Dawu's flashing golden monster is difficult to deal with is because the resistance of elves like golden monster is really excellent.

Among Xia Yan's elves, there were indeed very few elves that could cause effective damage to him.

A series of three, Dawu has completed one third.


Knowing this was the result, Xia Yan still played Pai Latios, because Latios' role was still crucial.

An elf like Metagro is good at physical defense, but its special defense ability is not weak either.

It's just that compared to physical defense, special defense is relatively weaker.

Therefore, when you don't have an elf whose attributes can restrain it, attacking the opponent's relatively weak point is the best choice.

Xia Yan's thinking was very clear.

Beat consumption.

I have more elves and a stronger recovery ability. Whether it is the current Latios or the future Pokkiss, they all have the ability to self-recovery, but Dawu's flashing golden monster does not. This is Xia Yan's advantage.

With the efforts of all the elves before, the advantages established

And Lattios also understands the significance of his playing, which is to create opportunities for his teammates behind him.

So even if he loses, Latios will not feel frustrated.

As long as Xia Yan can win in the end, then all his sacrifices will be worthwhile.

This kind of all-hands battle requires not only the individual strength of the elves, but also the strength of the team. Otherwise, even if the strength of one elf is outstanding, it is unrealistic to want a series of six.

As the second core of Xia Yan elves, Lattios knows that the team is greater than the individual.

It can be dedicated.

In other words, any of Xia Yan's elves can make selfless sacrifices.

"You did a good job, Latios."

Xia Yan said softly to the elf ball in his hand.

It has indeed been done well.

Looking at the flashing golden monster opposite, its originally shiny metal shell has become dull, rough, and fragile. This is the result of Latios.

Ever since.

In order to live up to the efforts made by Lattios, Xia Yan quickly completed the replacement of the elves.

It was Pokkisi who appeared again.

It's just that this time, Pokkisi came on stage with the purpose of defeating the giant golden monster, not as an intermediate player who "takes over the baton".


When Dawu saw Pokkisi on the stage, his expression was also very solemn.

He also understood Xia Yan's tactics, using the number of elves to slowly erode and gain an advantage.

But there was nothing he could do.

With only one elf left, he had no choice but to believe in the golden monster.

As long as Pokkisi is defeated, Xia Yan's last remaining elf must be the big needle bee.

And the big needle bee is an elf who is good at physical attack, and the giant gold monster is more powerful in defense, so if he faces the big needle bee in the end, the giant gold monster still has a certain fighting power and has a chance of winning!


Now what he and the golden monster have to do is to defeat Xia Yan's Pokkisi as soon as possible!

Be sure to move fast.

"Megan monster, Cannon Light Cannon!"

Dawu was the first to attack.

"Pokkisi, dodge quickly, and then cut through the air!"

Xia Yan's order followed closely behind.

As the battle between the two continued, sometimes the order between each other was in the blink of an eye, and the reaction speed of each other's moves was extremely fast.

"Cha Ke Yi!"

Pokkisi had a rare serious look on his face.

Latios used up the team, and Pokkisi knew it too.

So absolutely can't live up to Latios' efforts.

See Pokkisi turned into a white light.

Dodging the light beam full of steel energy at an extremely fast speed.

While waving its wings, two "air cuts" slashed out.

But "Air Slash" is a flying move, and it is twice as resistant to the flashing golden monster.

"Giant metal monster, use your superpowers!"

Dawu has lingering fears about Pokkisi's ability to control "Air Slash".

He is too familiar with Xia Yan and Sirona who own Pokkis in their group.

As a super power elf, the giant metal monster has super power assistance, and has advantages in terms of movement and protection compared to other steel elves.

boom! !

The super power barrier propped up successfully resisted one of the "air slashes" for a moment, buying himself some time to finally dodge.

Although the other one successfully hit the glittering golden monster, it didn't make it fall into a "cowardly" state.

In response, Pokkisi couldn't help puffing his mouth.

Dawu secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

But he knew he couldn't go on like this, otherwise it would be too scary for him.

So in the constant turbulence of thoughts in his mind, he made a judgment and a decision in an instant.

Raise your arms.

The "Steel Z" on the "Z bracelet" shines brightly.

Elegant movements, calm expression.

Xia Yan, who was always paying attention to Dawu's movements, had a solemn expression.

But my heart is very peaceful.

Because this is the result of his plan.

Let Latios create opportunities for Pokkisi, and then let Pokkisi put pressure on Dawu, the purpose is to let Dawu use his last hole card.

Xia Yan's winning rate will be high only if Dawu's last hole card is forced out.

So when seeing Dawu's actions, Xia Yan didn't hesitate at all.

Raise your arms.

"Fairy Z" also burst into light.

"Contestant Dawu chose to use 'Z-movement'! Contestant Xia Yan was not to be outdone, and also used 'Z-movement' to attack!"

You can see the collision between the "Z moves" again!

Watching today's game, the audience was so excited that they saw almost everything they wanted to see.

Tactics, hand-to-hand combat, confrontation, consumption, and even "Z-movement" collisions, etc.

It's all on display in this fight.

It can be predicted that no matter what the outcome of this battle is, it will definitely be posted on the Internet and used as a teaching material to imitate, learn, and refer to.

This is simply the best teaching material.

If you can understand the tactics used by Xia Yan and Dawu in this battle, and then understand their mutual moves, then it will definitely be a great gain for any trainer who needs to learn.

boom--! !

The flashing golden monster and Pokkisi, wrapped in natural energy at the same time, exerted far more destructive power than the moves they presented should have.

The spiral metal vortex collides head-on with the pink fairy energy.

The same is the "Z move", and there is also an attribute restraint relationship between them.


When the "Z-movement" of the fairy type collides with the "Z-movement" of the steel type, the steel type has the upper hand.

And the flashing golden monster successfully approached Pokkisi.

"Mega monster, metal claw!"

In the bursting energy collision, the flashing golden monster stood out.

After crossing the aftermath and dust of the collision, Pokkisi was locked.

The impact on Pokkisi is obviously much greater than that of the flashing golden monster.

Boom! !

The sharp claws, with sufficient strength, directly slapped Pokkisi from the sky to the ground.

Pokkisi was deeply trapped in the dilapidated and rugged site.

"Megan monster, use metal claws again!" Dawu clenched his fists.

As long as Pokkisi can be solved.

"Pokkiss, triple attack!"

Xia Yan's voice came.

Immediately afterwards, three beams of different colors pierced out from the ruins and met the flashing golden monster falling vertically.

The three energies complement each other, continuously colliding with the claws of the flashing golden monster, bursting out with flames.

this time.

Good luck was finally on Pokkisi's side, and its "Heavenly Grace" feature was triggered.

Golden arcs of light jumped from the body of the flashing golden monster.

Although the characteristic of Dawu's flashing golden monster is "permanent and pure body", it will not be reduced in ability.

But one thing to note is that the attack power is halved when falling into the "burning" state, and the speed is halved when falling into the "paralyzed" state, which are not included in the ability of the "permanent body" feature.


Pokkisi got a little respite.

"Take the baton."

Xia Yan squinted his eyes and spoke again.

Pokkisi immediately turned into a flash of white light and disappeared into the field.

boom--! !

Then the "metal claw" of the flashing golden monster hit the ground.

Destroy the already dilapidated site even more thoroughly.


mild tinnitus.

A golden arc was seen, approaching the flashing golden monster quietly at an extremely fast speed.

"Big Needle Bee! Player Xia Yan chose to keep Pokkisi at the last moment, and the replacement was Big Needle Bee who had accomplished a series of three feats!"

Boom! !

A bright white cross mark appeared on the body of the glittering golden monster.

Accompanied by the Glittering Metagro's painful growl.

Dawu sullenly.

In the end, the giant golden monster still failed to achieve the instant Pokkisi, which led to a troublesome "paralysis" state.

This is even worse for the flashing golden monster whose speed is already a bit stretched.

As Xia Yan's last hole card, the big needle bee, is best at speed!

Hum——! !

There was another muffled tinnitus.

I saw the big needle bee, which was rendered with golden fine electric current, shuttled wantonly throughout the field, but the flashing golden monster could only stay in place, guarding against the big needle bee that might approach at any time.

an instant.

Dozens of giant needle bees appeared on the field.

Shadow clone!


Almost as soon as they appeared, these avatars all attacked the flashing golden monster.

"Giant metal monster, use superpowers to distinguish it!"

The fluctuations of superpower spread around the flashing golden monster.

"Find it and use Bullet Punch to approach it!"

The advantages of super spirits are definitely not reflected in the game.

The flashing golden monster locked the position of the big needle bee under Dawu's signal.


Before it could use "Bullet Punch", the Big Needle Bee had already attacked in front of it.

Xia Yan noticed.

After the Metagross using "Electromagnetic Levitation" fell into a "paralyzed" state, it seemed to form a vague magnetic field around it.

As for the magnetic field, the charged feathers of the echidna have a strong attraction.

Just like the group of stag beetles encountered on Ula Ula Island.

The Big Needle Bee seems to have possessed some qualities that electric elves possess.

Boom! !

"Straight Drill" slapped the head of the shiny golden monster head-on, and slapped its body back to the ground after finally lifting it up.

And after the attack was over, the big needle bee didn't have the slightest consciousness to stay, and in the blink of an eye, it had disappeared near the flashing golden monster.

The speed is too fast!

Dawu looked solemn.

He knew that the needle bee was fast.

But why does it feel like the big needle bee now is faster than the big needle bee a few days ago?


The mastery of energy has also been raised to another level.

Once it "drilled straight", the giant metal monster actually needed to take several breaths to recover from the painful blow.

"Sword dance."

In good time, the Big Needle Bee, who had distanced itself from the giant golden monster, was surrounded by the sharp sword array, and its attack power was greatly improved.

But at this time, the giant metal monster had just recovered.

The advantages are already obvious.

The giant golden monster that has fought three times in a row has consumed a lot of physical strength.

In the end, it was interfered by Pokkisi's "triple attack", which caused him to fall into a "paralyzed" state, and the already disadvantaged speed became the biggest shortcoming.

more importantly.

After Xia Yan successfully "tricked" out of the "Z move", the threat to the big needle bee has been reduced to the minimum.


Dawu didn't want to give up.

He just whispered: "Calm down, take a deep breath, and stare at the big needle bee, we still have one last chance."

For Dawu's persistence, the giant golden monster responded with his own attitude.

Xia Yan narrowed his eyes.

next second.

The big needle bee flapped its wings again.

The arc reappears.

There are winding and winding lines left on the huge arena.

The speed at which the current dissipated could not keep up with the speed of the big needle bee.

As if there is a net quietly woven.

"This is."

By the time Dawu realized it, it was already too late.


The huge power grid specially prepared for the giant metal monster fell like a dome, covering and restraining it.

Immediately afterwards.

The Big Needle Bee appeared above the arena.

straight down.

The speed continued to increase and climbed crazily.

A dark red mixed aura woven by the leader's aura and the overlord's aura floated around the body of the big needle bee.

The sharp scarlet compound eyes locked on.

Dawu gritted his teeth.

"Megro, the final ultimate impact!"

One from top to bottom and one from bottom to top.

With the help of "Ultimate Shock", the golden monster broke free from the shackles of the "grid".

Like the collision and intersection between meteors.

boom--! ! !

There was an overwhelmed muffled noise throughout the arena, and all the audience's ankles went numb.

The arena, which originally had a chance to be "rescued", was finally turned into ashes in a terrifying collision at this moment.


After the collision, the mixed figures fell vertically.

A large cloud of dust was raised again.

Who's winning?

The audience couldn't help poking their heads out, scratching their hearts.

next second.

"Sizzling beer—!!"

There was a strong wind.

All the dust was blown away by the flapping air of the wings.

The big needle bee surrounded the audience and stood in the middle of the field.

And Dawu's flashing golden monster, lying in the ruins, has already lost the ability to move.

"The giant gold monster loses its ability to fight, and all the elves of Dawu player lose their ability to fight, so the winner is player Xia Yan!!"

boom! !

The arena burst into cheers.

Not only for Xia Yan, but also for Dawu.

Thank them for being able to present such a wonderful game.

"Let's congratulate Xia Yan!! At the same time, thank you Dawu too!!"

it is finally over.

Xia Yan let out a long breath.

When he raised his head, he saw that Dawu opposite him also let out a sigh of relief.

Both of them were taken aback.

Immediately looked at each other and smiled.

This battle.

They played really well.

For them, it seems that the outcome of the final game is not so important.

They walked towards each other tacitly.

Hug together in the ruins.

Amidst the cheers of the audience roaring like a tsunami, they praised each other.

"Xia Yan, you are really good, I am convinced." Dawu patted Xia Yan's back in relief.

And Xia Yan just smiled and said:

"It's a bit of a tactical advantage, otherwise it's hard to say."

This is the truth.

If Xia Yan hadn't used the "insect monkey" tactic to catch Dawu by surprise.

With the strength of Dawu's flashing golden monster, and his long-hidden Benjilas, Xia Yan really has no chance of winning without using super evolution.

"A tactical advantage is part of the battle," Dawu said.

He is really convinced.

If Xia Yan said so, wouldn't his "money ability" be more advantageous?

Xia Yan grinned, and was no longer humble.

He just said without thinking, "Wait a minute, I think we should have a good chat."

Dawu was stunned for a moment, as if he understood what Xia Yan meant.



PS: Keep your word, it will explode today, as much as it can explode (currently 4.6k words), just ask for a guaranteed monthly ticket~~

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