The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 741 The Fairy Blessed by Fortune (Two in One)

Mane Rock Werewolf in night form.

Xia Yan narrowed his eyes.

This form of mane rock werewolves like to play defensive counterattacks most.

The most classic is "double pay back" your "double pay back".

This is the characteristic of elves, and it will not change because of the trainer's philosophy.

Just like an elf who is good at physical attack, you just want it to go in the direction of special attack.

It's not impossible, but it will undoubtedly make the elves unable to exert their greatest strengths. This kind of training method that runs counter to the elves' compatibility is destined to not go far.


"Big Needle Bee, Sword Dance!"

Various thoughts flashed through Xia Yan's mind, and he found the most suitable choice he thought.

"Sizzling beer!"

The scarlet compound eyes of the big needle bee looked at the ferocious eyes of the mane rock werewolf on the ground, without any timidity.

The sword array surrounds the whole body.

"Mane Rock Werewolf, sharp rock attack!"

Naturally, Kukui wouldn't just watch the big needle bee bless him.

The Maneyan werewolf punched the ground, and a series of sharp and hard pillars rose from the ground, moving quickly in the direction of the big needle bee.

Big Needle Bee was restrained by rock-type moves.

"Cross scissors!"

Boom! !

Walking in front of the big needle bee, the stone pillar was directly split by the sharp long needle.

"So fast!"

Kukui was a little surprised.

The "sword dance" of the big needle bee is actually so proficient.

In less than a breath, the self-increasing was completed.

next second.

There was a breeze in the field.

The big needle bee turned into a golden arc and quickly approached the Maneyan werewolf.

The speed is so fast that it is difficult for the naked eye to catch it.

The Maneyan werewolf's eyes couldn't help showing a little panic.

Such a fast speed, even it is a bit difficult to capture.

"Calm down, judge by feeling, don't trust your eyes completely," Kukui reminded.

Under his comfort, the Maneyan werewolf quickly calmed down.


A golden arc flashed, and the Maneyan werewolf subconsciously raised his arms, and the dark red energy agitated around his arms, as if waiting for the arrival of the big needle bee.



The mane rock werewolf only saw the wisps of electric arc slowly dissipating in front of its eyes.


Boom—! !

A terrifying force suddenly came from behind, forcing the Maneyan werewolf to be unable to stand still, and rushed forward.

Then there was a tearing pain from his back.

The big needle bee unexpectedly appeared behind it at some point!

The eyes of the big needle bee with a strong aura surging around him flashed again, and his figure disappeared again.

Boom—! !

The Maneyan werewolf hadn't even landed before being hit hard again from the side.

Rolling on the ground.

It didn't stop until it was braked by its claws.

But after stopping, it didn't dare to stagnate in the slightest, and swung its claws towards the back.

Boom! !

The needle wasp's long needle collided with the mane rock werewolf's claw, making a metallic sound.

keep up!

"Random strike."

tuk tuk -

As soon as I felt rejoicing, another long needle of the big needle bee hit it again without hesitation.

The mane rock werewolf was beaten back again.

In the battle between Xia Yan and Dawu, the big needle bee's advantage was not shown at all.

In this battle with the Mane Rock werewolf, the speed advantage of the big needle bee was vividly presented.

"Xia Yan's big needle bee."

After handing the elf to the elf center, Du, who couldn't wait to come back to watch the game, looked at the ghostly bee on the field and whispered.

"It's close to the king level."

Sirona, who was sitting next to Du, heard his whisper, and said quite complicatedly.

Knowing that Sirona's judgment was similar to his own, Du couldn't help but slapped his mouth, "This is a bug-type elf"

"Yes, this is a bug-type elf."

Sirona's tone was similar to Du's, with a sigh.

They are very clear about the situation of the bug elves.

Except for very few insect elves.

Most of the insect-type elves are benchmarks for easy cultivation, fast formation, and low upper limit.

Therefore, those top powerhouses in the elf world seldom use insect elves as their main elves.

Except for those very few, such as Vulcan Moth and Dragon King Scorpion.

But Xia Yan's big needle bee is almost reaching the king level.

This is the reason for the sigh and admiration of the two.

Sakagi's big needle bee is not well known.

Even if it is Sakagi's Big Needle Bee, the upper limit can only be raised again and again under the continuous baptism of his "Forbidden Power".


With the help of Tapu Momoo, Xia Yan's Big Needle Bee also enjoyed some treatment similar to "Forbidden Power".

The battle on the field is still going on.

"Big needle bee, go straight to the drill!"

This should be the last hit.

Facing such a fast big needle bee, the mane rock werewolf's "double return" has nowhere to use.

"Maneyan werewolf, attack and surround yourself with sharp rocks!" Kukui hurriedly said with quick wit.

thump thump——

Under Kukui's gesture, solid rock pillars immediately sprang up around the Mane Rock werewolf's body, surrounding it.

Only a gap was left in front of him.

Waiting for the arrival of the big needle bee.

Stand by.

Xia Yan grinned, his eyes slightly erected.



He heard the sound of wings trembling, left and right.

The rock pillar not only blocked the attack of the big needle bee, but also blocked the sight of the mane rock werewolf. It can only be said that this is a double-edged choice.

"Here we come!" Kukui shouted, "Double refund!"

Maneyan werewolf mustered all his strength to parry in front of his chest, and the energy of fighting style surged up.


A golden arc appeared before his eyes.

Maneyan werewolf stared and did not dare to relax in the slightest.

next second.

The Maneyan werewolf raised his head suddenly, and blasted his fist towards the sky.

And the big needle bee did appear above it.

A little surprise flashed in the eyes of the big needle bee. I didn't expect that the mane rock werewolf would gradually get used to its speed and attack rhythm during the battle.

Both intuition and fighting sense are commendable.


So what if its attack is predicted?

The premise of "double return" is that you must first be able to survive the opponent's attack.

The ground-based energy wrapped in the long needle confronts all of the mane rock werewolf head-on.

Boom—! !

After a brief contact, all the rock pillars standing around the body of the Maneyan werewolf collapsed.

Ka Ka Ka——

The ground sinks.

Maneyan werewolf gritted his teeth, with a fierce look on his face.

But its ferocious appearance didn't last long, its eyes were in a trance, its body seemed to be drained of strength, lost its last support, and fell heavily on the ground.

It still failed to block the "straight drill" of the big needle bee.

"The mane rock werewolf lost the ability to fight, and the winner is the big needle bee!! The speed of this big needle bee is definitely the fastest among all the big needle bees I have ever seen!"

The host announced the result, and at the same time did not forget to praise the big needle bee.

This speed, not to mention comparing it with other big needle bees, is not comparable to that of ordinary elves.


Kukui took a deep breath and let it out long, taking the mane rock werewolf back.

This match was quite stressful for him and the Mane Rock werewolf.

The pressure given by the speed of the big needle bee is indeed a little bit bigger.

Pursing his lips, Kukui threw the poke ball again without hesitation as he looked at the big needle bee that was only panting slightly.


The fierce burning flames and the extremely deterrent roar shocked the audience, and the tiger's eyes were all around, quite ferocious.

"The third elf of the Royal Masked Man is the Blazing Roaring Tiger!!"

The arena, which was silent because of the roar of the blazing roaring tiger, burst into cheers again.

If the cheers are strong, the Flaming Roaring Tiger, an elf who is extremely susceptible to the influence of the surrounding environment, will be excited.

It likes it when everyone is cheering for it.

The louder the cheers, the more eager it is to fight.

The flame that looks like a belt around the waist is the best proof of its condition.

Facing the bug-type and poison-type Big Needle Bee, Kukui's choice of fire-type is indeed a good response.

"Blazing Roaring Tiger, Hell Spike is approaching it!"

Kukui chose to attack without hesitation.

see you.

The Flaming Roaring Tiger charged quickly, its sharp claws covered with a layer of strong evil energy.

"Big needle bee, cross scissors."

Xia Yan and Big Needle Bee didn't mean to avoid the edge temporarily.

Straight forward.

Boom! ! !

The collision of claws and long needles is a confrontation of strength and strength.

The Blazing Roaring Tiger staggered back two steps, and looked at the Big Needle Bee in surprise.

How strong is it?

With the blessing of "Sword Dance", the big needle bee is not inferior to the blazing roaring tiger in terms of strength alone, and even stronger!


The intimidating roar and oppressive aura of the Blazing Roaring Tiger did not put any pressure on the big needle bee.

Say it bluntly.

As long as it is not a beast, or its strength is far superior to that of a needle bee.

The big needle bee with the coexistence of the leader's aura and the overlord's aura will not be disturbed by the opponent's aura.


"Sizzling beer—!!"

The big needle bee shouted loudly.

The double aura burst out suddenly and swept past.

A brief trance flashed across the eyes of the blazing and roaring tiger.

As a tiger, the king of beasts.

Was actually affected?

"Big needle bee, go straight to the drill!"


The Big Needle Bee flew out, aiming at the Blazing Roaring Tiger who was in a daze.

"Blazing Roaring Tiger!" Kukui's voice made it recover from its trance.

But the big needle bee has already arrived in front of it, and hastily challenged it.

Flame teeth!

But see.

The ferocious mouth formed by condensing flames out of thin air was defeated by the "straight drill" of the big needle bee, and the long needle hit the blazing roaring tiger's chest.

Staggered back again.

"Flame Fang" resisted part of the damage, but the Blazing Roaring Tiger was still hit to a certain extent.

This kind of blow may be even greater in my heart.

"Blazing Roaring Tiger, don't be affected! Spray flames!"


Forcibly suppressing the struggle in his heart, Blazing Roaring Tiger put his arms on the belt, and the fiery flame poured into the pillar in the middle of the belt.

"Big needle bee, turn back quickly."

Xia Yan chose to avoid the edge temporarily.

After the big needle bee avoided the attack with an arc, it returned to the poke ball.

Immediately afterwards.

Xia Yan quickly threw out the spirit that he had prepared in his hand.

"Cha Ke Yi!"

Pokkisi spread his wings.

He met the ferocious eyes of the blazing roaring tiger.

I froze for a moment.

"Qa Ke Yi~~" Pokkisi sniffed, with crystals rolling in his eye sockets, looking aggrieved.

The Blazing Roaring Tiger was extremely aggrieved from the replacement of the big needle bee that had made him deflated before to the lovely Pokkiss.

But this elf has another characteristic.

Not only easily affected by the surrounding environment, but also by the opponent.

When encountering an elf that looks weaker, it will lose its will to fight, and it is easy to be taken advantage of.

Pokkisi's "acting like a baby" made Blazing Roaring Tiger feel at a loss.


This is Kukui's Blazing Roaring Tiger, so it wouldn't really be affected that much.

But "acting like a baby" reduces its physical attack ability, which is beyond doubt.

On acting.

Among Xia Yan's elves, no one can compare with Pokkisi.

"The magic shines." Xia Yan didn't look at Pokkisi's playful way of asking for credit, but just directed.

in an instant.

The fairy-type energy burst out a dazzling halo, directly hitting the blazing roaring tiger.

"Blazing Roaring Tiger, turn back quickly!"

Faced with this situation, Kukui also knew that he couldn't hold on, so he replaced the Blazing Roaring Tiger.

"Magic Flare" missed.

But unlike Xia Yan, Kukui was already ready to replace him.

Recalling the Blazing Roaring Tiger is an act of desperation.

So he failed to achieve the perfect connection of elves.

This gave Pokkisi another chance.


A cunning flashed across Pokkisi's eyes, and his own special attack ability was greatly improved.

Under the pressure from Pokkisi, Kukui had no time to think and threw the poke ball.


The sound of a fine electric current sounded.

"The Royal Masked Man contestant chose to replace the elves, and what he summoned again was—Magnetic Explosion!"

The evolution of the three-in-one magnet monster self-explosive magnet monster!

This also belongs to the elves whose evolutionary method was discovered not long ago.

Because of the special magnetic field possessed by the Pawnee Grand Canyon in the Alola region.

As soon as the self-explosive magneton appeared on the stage, the field made of golden electric current covering the entire field was the "electric field".

"Pokkisi, the mysterious guardian." Xia Yan reacted immediately.

A transparent and mysterious glass-like cover enveloped Pokkisi.

"Magnetic self-explosive, discharge!"

for a while.

It has already been rendered into a golden venue, and the thunder is brilliant.

A large amount of electric current wrapped up towards Pokkisi like strands of fine lines.

"Speed! Dodge! Then use the wave missile!"

Xia Yan concentrated.

Relying on the speed blessing brought by "supernatural speed", Pokkisi quickly shuttled through the crazy thunder and lightning, as if dancing on the tip of a knife.


Pokkisi avoided most of them, but was still hit by a few of them.

Fortunately, Pokkisi, who was enduring the pain, did not change his strategy because he was attacked.

A blue energy bomb was launched.

"Discharge, interference!"

The body of the self-explosive magnetite rotated, and a large amount of electric current surrounded its body, causing the wave missile to be defeated in mid-air and failed to hit it.

"Magnetic self-exploding, lock!"

Xia Yan's complexion changed slightly.

"Pokkisi, air slash!"

There seemed to be a large amount of data jumping in the huge eyes of the self-destructing magnetite, and it gradually locked on Pokkisi's position.

Locking: Greatly increases the hit rate, almost allowing the elf's next move to hit 100% of the time.

Coupled with high-power moves, it is very deadly to Pokkisi.

Pokkisi also heard a little haste in Xia Yan's voice.

Immediately swung two "air slashes", and under the gaze of the self-explosive magnet monster in the "locked" state, the air slash hit.

The damage is not high.

But what Xia Yan needs is not harm.


Pokkisi's luck is not bad, with a probability of more than 60%, he is on its side.

The self-explosive Magneto falls into a "retreat" state.

"Wave Missile!"

But the "lockdown" has been done and it must be fixed ASAP!

The blue energy bomb appeared again.


The levitating body of the self-explosive magneto staggered.

At the same time, Pokkisi quickly approached.

"Angel Kiss!"

Playful appearance, teasing eyes, sweet blowing kisses.

The self-explosive magneton fell into a state of "chaos".

"Magnetic self-exploding, thunder!"

Kukui continued to order with a sullen face.

The state of "chaos" is just a certain probability that the move will fail, so he can bet on it.


The lucky Pokkisi once again won the favor of the goddess of luck.

Sparks burst out from the body of the self-exploding magneto machine, and it seemed that there was a short circuit.

Xia Yan secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Pokkisi, air slash."

The bright white blade hit the self-explosive magneton again.

Make it fall into a state of "cowardly".

Then Pokkisi used the "wave missile" again without hesitation.

And so on and on.

Bet on whether "Air Slash" can make the self-explosive Magneto fall into a "cowardly" state.

Then bet on whether the self-destructing magnet monster in the "chaos" state can use its moves smoothly.

That is to say, the "electric field" prevents the elves from falling asleep, otherwise Pokkisi's "yawn" will definitely be of great use.

Boom! !

Luck has been on Pokkisi's side for a long time, but there are also times when he is unlucky.

The huge lightning hit Pokkisi, almost causing him to faint from pain.


After the self-explosive magnetite used "lock", it only successfully used one move.

After Pokkisi's control ability was fully utilized, it was staggering.

It's a pity that the electric elves can't fall into a "paralyzed" state, otherwise Pokkisi, who has learned "electromagnetic waves", will definitely control the self-exploding magneto and doubt his life.

The elves favored by luck are so confident.


PS: Counting chapters, there are ten chapters, but the word count has reached 2.2w! It can be counted as eleven chapters, right? I just want your monthly pass, isn't that too much?

Thank you "Dugu Yunj" for your rewards!

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