The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 763 I'm going to flip the table (two in one)


Large and small rocks collapsed like an overwhelming land.

If it was Xia Yan from the past, he could only choose to avoid this situation, for example, when he was exploring the dark ruins with Dawu and Sirona in Jinhuang City.

But to Xia Yan now, it was nothing more than a slightly bigger storm.


It is the best expression of growth.

The big needle bee has a long needle like a shuttle, and Hu Di's superpower can even completely control all the falling rocks. Facing these falling rocks, the sword monster is lying in front of Xia Yan. The stones without energy blessing make it even interested in actively defending I didn't even think about it.

Coupled with the ups and downs of Pokkisi, Latios, Flame Monkey and Jiaga Ninja Frog, the collapse of the rock wall did not have much impact on Xia Yan, that is, a layer of clothes was slightly covered dust.

When the dispersed dust slowly dissipated, there was another seemingly long tunnel among the messy rubble.


Xia Yan didn't dare to underestimate this tunnel this time.

The seriousness on the faces of the big needle bee and the Jiaga ninja frog is not a joke.


Stepping on the broken pieces of rubble, Xia Yan let go of Tianxi's hand and looked inside.

It's a pity that the back is still pitch black, and nothing can be seen.

Looking at Xia Yan's back, Tianxi felt a little empty in her heart.

At the moment just now, Xia Yan pulled it back calmly, so handsome

Just when little stars were shining in Tianxi's eyes, Xia Yan gave Hu Di a look.

Hudi understands.

The spoon in his hand immediately burst into dazzling white light, illuminating the surrounding environment directly near the abyss.

Immediately afterwards, Hu Di used his super power to control the spoon to approach the tunnel.

Under the light, it can be seen that the tunnel is actually not long, and there seems to be a wider space behind the tunnel.

Xia Yan compared the map in his mind.

This seems to be what Xernias said.


But I heard Hu Di yelling in a low voice.

boom--! !

Then the spoon it controlled seemed to have been hit by something, and it was thrown out of the tunnel shaking, and the light flickered on and off.

Fortunately, when Hu Di caught it again, the light slowly stabilized.


The big needle bee vibrated its wings, and appeared in front of Xia Yan in the golden arc-shaped electric light, and swung a long needle in its hand.

Boom! !

There was another muffled sound.

A huge rock that was thrown out of the tunnel collided with the long needle of the big needle bee and sparks burst out.

The rock cracked and shattered.

The big needle bee couldn't help but retreated a certain distance.

Shaking his slightly numb arms, he looked solemn.

The power of that stone is not so great.

Seeing this scene, Xia Yan was even more sure that there was definitely a powerful elf in the space at the other end of the tunnel.

After thinking about it for a moment, I decided to take a look.

"Hu Di, leave a coordinate."

In order to prevent the elf inside from being too strong later, leave yourself a way out first.

Hu nodded.

Leaving an "anchor" with superpowers is as simple as eating and drinking.

After finishing these preparations, Xia Yan walked in.

The elves guarded his side to prevent a sudden attack like the rock just now.

"Cha Ke Yi~~"

When walking into the tunnel, Pokkisi couldn't help shouting at Xia Yan.

Hearing this, Xia Yan was stunned for a moment, but then he realized it again.

"You said that the fairy-type energy inside is very strong?"

Pokkisi nodded again and again.

I didn't feel anything before, but after walking into the tunnel, the goblin energy that rushed towards me almost made it a little uncomfortable.

The elf world has never encountered such a strong fairy-type energy. Even when facing the sleeping Xernias in the Xernias Forest, it didn't seem to be so rich.

Xia Yan raised his eyebrows.

Looks like something really is in there.

The "God of Life" Xernias, who is a fairy-type beast, asked him to find something rich in fairy-type energy, which is very reasonable.

Not only Pokkisi, Bingliuwei, Ibrahimovic, and even Tian Xi, who was closely following Xia Yan, also felt it.

And the two elves, Baby Dragon and Sticky Treasure, showed uncomfortable expressions.

It feels like drowning.

It's hard for them to breathe.

Xia Yan thought about it and put them away.

The two little guys are still young, so there is no need to put so much pressure on them now.

Although Lattios was a little uncomfortable, Xia Yan only gave him an encouraging look.

It has now assumed the important task of the second core of the team.

With the promotion of fairy-type elves in the future, it is inevitable that they will encounter fairy-type opponents. Latios needs to start adapting now.

And Lattios didn't complain to Xia Yan, but just nodded solemnly, indicating that he was fine.



After Xia Yan and the others walked into the tunnel, the same rock as before flew over like a blockbuster.

The big needle bee, which had been prepared a long time ago, went directly to meet it.

The sharp long needle collided with the hard rock and made a piercing grinding sound.

Scarlet eyes shine brightly in the tunnel

Boom! ! !

After exerting all his strength, the rock cracked again, but it was not as easy as before.

"The elf inside is probably not as strong as usual."

Xia Yan glanced at the Koga Ninja Frog beside him who was also eager to try.

When the big needle bee resisted the attack of the Koga ninja frog, it didn't take so much effort, and the strength of the big needle bee has also improved.

That rock was shattered.

But this is not the end, just the beginning.


There was another sound of breaking through the air.

This time the rock being thrown was faster and more powerful. Most importantly, it was no longer an irregular piece, but as sharp as a rock spear.

Noticing this, Xia Yan's face changed slightly.

Hu Di had superpowers in his eyes.

Under the control of Hu Di, the invisible superpower silk thread was wrapped around the galloping rock spear, which relieved the pressure of the big needle bee.

With the help of Hu Di, although it was not easy, the Big Needle Bee managed to crush it.

"Go! If we do this, we will be living targets."

One person and many elves couldn't help but quicken their pace.

The attacks during this period have not stopped, and there is even a growing trend.

In the end, the elves teamed up and added the Koga Ninja Frog, and finally rushed out of the tunnel that was not too long but made Xia Yan think it was very long.

The milky white light diffused from Hu Di's spoon.

Lights up the entire area behind the tunnel.

Surrounded by rock cones on the towering dome, there are intricate jagged stones everywhere, and rock walls with weird textures and patterns.

And the one that caught Xia Yan's attention the most.

The tunnel entrance is directly ahead.

On the messy rock wall, inlaid with a magenta stone that is as square as a brick, the rich fairy-type energy overflows from this stone.


When seeing this stone slab, Xia Yan's breathing was unavoidably rough.

Fairy Slate!

And it's not the fragments of stone slabs or even fragments of stone slabs that he got before, this is a complete stone slab with strange lines engraved on it, I don't know what it means.

Unexpectedly, what Xernias and Kigard's core asked Xia Yan to help find was a complete goblin slate!

This is an alpaca thing!

It was the beginning of the birth of the universe, and its fragments were turned into various slates, and it can even be said to be the source of all power in the elf world.

Legend has it that if an elf obtains one of the alpaca slabs and has corresponding attributes, it can gain absolute strength and ability, as well as supreme authority.

This authority, let's call it a priesthood, is also reasonable.

And Xia Yan still remembered a comment on the goblin slate.

It's everywhere. It is also nowhere.

That is to say, the fairy slate is actually found in every corner of the world, but it cannot be found in every corner.

Facing such a thing, Xia Yan had already experienced a lot of things, and his heart couldn't help but feel hot.

Good stuff!

Absolutely good stuff!

Of course, a voice in Xia Yan's heart kept telling him that this thing was not his, and even if he dared to take it, he couldn't use it.

However, this does not hinder Xia Yan's fantasy.

If this goblin slate is brought to Pokkisi, it will completely usher in a qualitative leap, and it is not impossible to even break the wrist with the beast.

It wasn't just Xia Yan who was attracted by the slate.

Pokkisi, Little Liuwei, Ibrahimovic, and Diancie all stared blankly at the fairy slate.

There seemed to be faint voices in my ears, asking them to approach and remove this stone slab.


Xia Yan, who was the first to be drawn to the sight and fiery in his heart, was also the first to recover from this fatal attraction.

"Don't think about it!"

His voice rang in the ears of all the elves, pulling them all back from their endless fantasies.

As for the complete stone slab, just look at it, don't even think about it.

Do you really think that the slate is out of the alpaca's surveillance range?

at the same time.

Xia Yan, who looked away from the stone slab, finally saw the elf that blocked them from approaching.

Its whole body is made of brown and orange rocks, its huge arms almost hang down to the ground, seven round eyes like small balls are arranged in the shape of "H", and the red light that lights up from time to time shows that it is not too serious friendly.

Its huge arms are surrounded by dense rocks, which quickly condense into a sharp rock spear.

Seeing this elf, it was like pouring cold water from Xia Yan's head, completely awakening him.

The slightly dry mouth moved slightly, and murmured out the name of the elf.

"Reggie Locke."

Rock God Pillar Reggie Locke!

If you want to say how familiar Xia Yan is, I really don't see it, but if you say he is not, then he has seen Yanshenzhu at least a few times, even though it was in the shape of a pillar at that time.

Just like there is not only one Regichkas.

The Three God Pillars created by Regichkas are not the only elves in the elf world.

Let's say they are similar to the Sanshen Birds, they don't have the same ethnic group and reproductive ability as the Sanshen Birds.

Let's say they don't look alike, but in fact they are almost the same.

As far as Xia Yan knew, in addition to the sleeping Regichkas in the Xuefeng Temple in the Sinnoh area, there was another Regichkas sleeping in the underground of the Carlos area.

Except for the creator of Regi Chikas, the three pillars of Regi Locke, Regice, and Regis Chilu are the favorite guardians of many mythical beast bosses.

For example, the fantasy world tree has them.

The place where Regichkas sleeps in the Snow Peak Temple also has their guards.

There is a goblin slate here, so the appearance of a Reggie Locke is unexpected but reasonable.

But it's reasonable to be reasonable, and now Reggie Locke's appearance is not very friendly.

"Reggie Locke!"

Hearing Reggie Locke's growl, his arm was thrown out violently, and a rock cone made of countless boulders was thrown towards Xia Yan's direction.

There was a sudden sound of breaking through the air, and the strong wind cut the face.

"Sizzling beer!"

The one who reacted the fastest was the big needle bee, which precisely appeared on the path of the rock cone with a flap of its wings.

The two needles merge, and the energy of the insect system gathers.

As the fierce light flashed in his eyes, the crossed needles burst out with unrivaled power.

Boom—! !

With a muffled sound, accompanied by the forcibly dissipated green light, the figure of the large needle bee flew out backwards. Although it held the rock cone, it failed to stop its progress.


Hu Di was the second to react. The super power surged instantly, and the inextricable super power threads were wrapped around the rock cone, and at the same time, a force pushed on the back of the big needle bee.

Koga Ninja Frog is the third one.

It spread its palms, and several water shurikens were spinning at high speed in its hands, making a clanging sound.

Blast out, sweeping over the pitons.

The effect of the water flow and the precise hitting slowed down the speed of the rock cone again.

After that, the rest of the elves also responded one after another, contributing their efforts, supporting them, and assisting them.

With the help of so many elves, the retreating figure of the big needle bee slowly stopped, and there was even a posture of pushing back.

Boom! !

At this time, the big needle bee swung out the double needles, and the "cross scissors" split the solid rock into four pieces.

His chest heaved slightly, and the scarlet compound eyes only stared at Reggie Locke on the opposite side.

With just one collision and test, Big Needle Bee clearly realized that this Reggie Locke was much stronger than the Koga Ninja Frog.

Of course, it is not only it who understands this.

Reggie Locke, after all, he is a mythical beast!

Even if it has no priesthood.

Seeing that his attack was blocked again, Reggie Locke was more or less surprised.

Before it was just thrown around.

That moment just now was not a casual throw.

Seeing that Reggie Locke's attack was blocked, Xia Yan secretly heaved a sigh of relief, and hurriedly tried to contact the Kigard core on his back.

"Hey! Those who are not dead come out and say something! You didn't say you would meet Reggie Locke here!"

The Ziggard core didn't respond.

"I said, come out quickly, or don't blame me for running away! I said that if I can't deal with it, I will run away."

Still no response.

Xia Yan's face darkened.

"I really ran away!"


Still not getting any feedback, Xia Yan felt a nameless anger in his heart.

"Damn it! Everyone thinks that I'm easy to bully! Whoever is afraid of others, if the worst is the case, they will overturn the table, and no one will run away!"

After speaking, Xia Yan's eyes became serious and sharp.

Looking at Reggie Locke opposite, he couldn't help spitting, and rubbed his nervously sweating palms.

Then he took a deep breath.

It took a while to spit it out slowly.

Xia Yan, who still had no feedback, simply gave up.

"Reggie Rock, right? If I don't beat you to the ground today, I will take your surname!"

As for why he didn't run away.

Don't you see that goblin slab gleaming brightly?


Xia Yan was angry, but he did not lose his mind.

Judging from the feedback from the big needle bees, this Reggie Locke is strong, but not as strong as the ones in the Xuefeng Temple.

Fuck it!

PS: I have never appealed before. I appeal today. Please support the genuine version. The genuine version is at the starting point~~

Then I feel like I’m about to reach a one-star achievement. If you are capable, you can support me from the boss (squinting smile)

1.1w asking for a monthly ticket~~

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