The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 766 It's Respect (Three in One)

Meet Arceus.

For Xia Yan, the pressure is still a bit more.

The main Arceus is not a good talker.

Fortunately, the result was relatively good. Arceus did not hurt Xia Yan, who was "single-minded" to save the humans in the Carlos area, because of the betrayal.


It may also be based on the face of the gods and beasts such as reality, ideals, life, order, brilliance and sky.

Sometimes a bold idea would flash through Xia Yan's mind.

Gathering all these beasts, is there a chance to crush Arceus?

Turn over and become the master?

However, this bold idea only stayed in his mind for less than a second, and Xia Yan pressed it to the deepest part of his thoughts.

Just imagine it.

Let's not talk about whether those beasts can follow Xia Yan to do this "big event".

Even if it is done, who can guarantee that Arceus has no helpers?

"Unless Giratina, Palkia, and Dialga are all pulled into the chariot," he muttered in a low voice.

Then he glanced at the Fairy Slate with a feeling of fear.

Fortunately, no response.

[What pulls on the chariot? 】

Ziggard's core voice sounded in Xia Yan's mind.

Just now, Ziggard's core felt the dissociation of Xia Yan's consciousness, and he should have really seen Arceus.


Xia Yan shook his head.

There is no need to think about crushing Arceus.

There may be a chance for the fox to pretend to be the tiger and negotiate conditions with it.

Turn around and go to Reggie Locke who is lying on the ground.

After being defeated by the Big Needle Bee, Regirock's recovery speed was much slower. Now that Arceus completely cut off the connection between the slate and Regirock, its recovery speed became even slower.

【Its contract is gone. 】

This time, the core of Ziggard was really surprised.

Did Xia Yan really convince Arceus?

But doesn't Arceus hate humans the most?

Even Ziggard's core has made up the idea that if Xia Yan and Arceus can't agree, it will use up part of the power it has recovered so hard to keep Xia Yan.

Unexpectedly, Xia Yan was not only fine, but actually persuaded Arceus to terminate Regilock's contract.


Reggie Locke really became "no owner".

Xia Yan nodded slightly.

He knelt down and patted Reggie Locke's hard body lightly, thinking about how to place it.

cultivate it?


Xia Yan wouldn't do such a difficult and bad thing.

Since he was able to defeat Reggie Locke once, he would naturally be able to defeat it many times.

What's more, for more than three thousand years, Arceus arranged here, and his strength has not improved much. This is still under the care of the goblin slate. Xia Yan doesn't think that his "tiny" resources can train Reggie Locke to what extent.

He just felt that he had finally defeated Reggie Locke but couldn't subdue him, and he felt a little bit aggrieved.

But if you don't cultivate it, you don't cultivate it, Reggie Locke is also a very good combat power.

Without the containment and help of the rest of the elves, even if Big Needle Bee has super evolution and "Z moves", it is probably not Reggie Locke's opponent.

"The doorkeeper is still very good."

Let it be released at the entrance of the gymnasium in the future, hehe——

In this way, Xia Yan determined the role of Reggie Locke.



Hu Di's slightly anxious voice came.

Looking at the sound, Xia Yan was obviously taken aback.

see you.

The big needle bee that fell on the ground breathed smoothly and evenly, but the breath emitted from its body was extremely unstable.

It didn't even notice it, but the elves next to it all reacted.

Surrounded by the big needle bee one by one, I was a little at a loss, so Hu Di had no choice but to call Xia Yan.

Walking quickly to the side of the big needle bee, the super power surged, Xia Yan checked up and down, and made sure that there was nothing wrong with the big needle bee's body.

If there is, it is just that the body is a little weak and the energy consumption is too large.

The current situation only shows one thing.

Big Needle Bee.

It's time to step into the king class!

"Hiss—" Thinking of this, Xia Yan couldn't help but sighed.

So fast?

The Koga ninja next to him had a complicated expression.

It was the second to react after Xia Yan.

What the needle bee is experiencing now is exactly what it has experienced.


With the help of that special ability, the quasi-king-level big needle bee can no longer beat it. With the strength of the king-level big needle bee, is it still an opponent?

Originally, I was thinking of working hard to see if I could find a place on Big Needle Bee in the future.

Now it seems that it is too late.

The rest of the elves also slowly reacted.

If they were concerned, they would be confused. They thought that the big needle bee had suffered some kind of hidden injury in the battle just now.

for a while.

The elves also have different looks.

Some are envious, some are encouraging, some are sighing and some are serious.

The progress of the big needle bee is of course completely positive for the entire team.

But with that came pressure.

Especially the two Hu Di and the Sword Sword Monster.

Pokkisi was fine, he was heartless in the first place, but Hu Di and Sword Sword Monster felt a lot of pressure, the influence from the big needle bee, and the pressure they put on themselves.

It seems that I have to train harder when I go back.


After a while.

The fluctuating momentum of the big needle bee suddenly began to decrease, and there was no sign of rebounding, and it plummeted lower and lower.

The sleeping Big Needle Bee couldn't help frowning, as if he also felt uncomfortable in his sleep.

[It was consumed too much in the battle just now. 】

Kigard core reminded.

Xia Yan's footsteps are still a little vain now, his complexion is pale, and the big needle bee is not much better than him.

This led to the progress that should have been achieved overnight, because of the excessive consumption of oneself, the body and energy began to be unable to keep up.

"What should I do?" Xia Yan asked.

Although he was anxious, he had to remain calm so that he could think of a solution.

[No way, either you wake it up and immediately replenish a large amount of energy, or give up this time. 】

There is no good way for the Ziggard core.

If it was in its heyday, there might be some way to do it, but now it can't protect itself.

Xia Yan frowned.

give up?

I don't know if this will have any bad effects on the big needle bee.

But it is sleeping now, and it probably doesn't know what happened to itself. As long as everyone doesn't say anything afterwards, it shouldn't know.

【It's a pity that this is not with Xernias, otherwise it will be supported by its energy, perhaps.】

"The energy of Xernias is okay?"

Xia Yan frowned.

【Zernias is in charge of 'Life', so it is possible to restore it like this. 】

The Kigard Core is sure of that.

"Where's the Fairy Slate?" Xia Yan asked again.

Ziggard's core glanced at the goblin slab on the wall, and pondered for a moment.

[Perhaps it is possible, after all, the goblin slab also carries life. 】

"Then give it a try. I think if Big Needle Bee knew about it, she wouldn't be reconciled."

【How to try? Fairy slate it]

What else would Kigard core want to say.

In the next second, its only eye widened.

I saw Xia Yan beckoning.


The goblin slab embedded in the rock wall suddenly fell off, and under Xia Yan's call, it slowly hovered beside him.


I'm afraid that Ziggard's core didn't even think of it. It asked Xia Yan to try to contact Arceus, just for the purpose of rescinding Reggie Locke's contract.

That's it.

In Kigard's view, it is a very difficult thing.

It was already a surprise that Xia Yan managed it.

Now that Xia Yan was able to summon the goblin slate, this really shocked it.

To know.

Zernias, who is also a fairy-type elf, at most borrowed the power of the fairy slate, but he never got the right to activate it.

Of course it can also come hard.

But in this way, it is tantamount to offending Arceus and declaring war with Arceus.

It is estimated that apart from Liekongzuo who think highly of themselves, no elves dare to grab the slate with Arceus, right?

Arceus recognized this human being so much? . Ziggard core can not help but think.

If Arceus knew what Kigurd was thinking, he would definitely ask a question. Didn't you believe him first?

Xia Yan is still very good at wrangling things like foxes pretending to be tigers.

Bring on the goblin slate.

Some of the permissions granted by Arceus allowed Xia Yan to use some of the abilities of the Fairy Slate, which naturally included recovery.

A soft pink halo shone from the goblin slate and landed on the body of the big needle bee.

all of a sudden.

The momentum of the big needle bee's constant fall stopped.

Its brows gradually stretched in its deep sleep.

He even twisted his body a little restlessly, as if looking for a comfortable position.

After all, it usually hangs on trees or walls when it sleeps, and rarely sleeps on its stomach.

Seeing that the situation of the big needle bee was stable, the elves were all relieved.

With the light of the goblin slate, the aura of the big needle bee quickly rebounded and climbed rapidly.

Like bottoming out, the magnitude and speed of this climb is beyond imagination.

Even its special aura, which combines the aura of the leader and the aura of the overlord, emerged and benefited together.

Ziggard's core glanced at the combined aura with some surprises, of course it could feel its particularity.

The next thing is actually not complicated.

Without the shackles of the tired body, the momentum of the big needle bee has been rising all the way.

Until Koga Ninja couldn't help but twitched his eyebrows several times.

Only then slowly stopped.

so far.

Among Xia Yan's main elves.

The first elf that stepped into the heavenly king level and truly possessed the strength of the heavenly king level appeared.

Apart from joy, Xia Yan could also feel the emotions of the elves.

Among them, the atmosphere of deciding to work hard accounted for the bulk.

Even the lazy Pokkisi was infected by the Hu Di, the Sword Sword Monster and the Flaming Monkey.

The little guy Latios also pursed his lips with a serious expression on his face.

It has just caught up with Big Needle Bee and Hu Di, and it doesn't want to fall behind too much.

It is conceivable that Xia Yan may have to worry about how to better arrange the training of the elves in the next period of time.

But he didn't say anything.

Such healthy competition is still very necessary in a team.

Looking at the goblin slate in front of him, under the control of his thoughts, the slate gradually became smaller and hovered in his palm, like a piece of pink rubber.

"This thing, aside from the rest of the unopened permissions, is a bit like the power of the rock to me and the big needle bees." Xia Yan rubbed his chin.

Communicating with elves can be through telepathy.

Helping the elves recover their physical strength, even vitality, isn't it equal to the power of Changpan?

I guess Sakagi couldn't think of it either.

He originally thought that the cultivation method of his big needle bee could not be reproduced, but Xia Yan forcibly relied on the gift from Arceus and the help of the goblin slate to reproduce this method.

And although he didn't tell Xia Yan all about the method of cultivating the big needle bee, it also gave Xia Yan a lot of inspiration.

"Is it the same as bringing a Tapu Momo with you to help you recover?" Xia Yan couldn't help thinking.

It's a pity that Arceus also has great restrictions on his use of the goblin slate.

Not only can it not be used to deal with other things, it can't even be taken away from the Carlos area.

He took out the elf ball and put away the big needle bee.

This sleep, it is estimated to sleep for a long time.

Thinking of it waking up to find that it has already possessed the strength of a heavenly king, its expression must be very funny.

Other elves can't be obtained through hard training and active battles, so it's just fine.

Sleeping has successfully crossed a threshold that is very difficult for most elves to cross.

Among them, Big Needle Bee's own efforts, Xia Yan's help, Sakagi's guidance, and the goblin's care of the slate are all indispensable.

Smiling and shaking his head.

Xia Yan drives the goblin slate again to help the elves recover.

said with no exaggeration.

In the Carlos area, as long as Xia Yan has the goblin slate in his hand, as long as his elves are not killed in seconds, they will have the same strong recovery ability as Reggie Locke before.

When helping the elves recover, Xia Yan didn't forget the core of Ziggard.

One of the reasons it seeks out the slate is for this.

But despite its small size, it needs more energy than the Koga Ninja Frog.

While recovering, Xia Yan and it were also chatting about something.

"So, the lack of fairy energy in the elf world isn't just because of Xernias' deep sleep?" Xia Yan asked.

[Of course, although Your Excellency Xernias is in charge of the life representative goblin, it cannot completely determine whether a world is full of energy. The combination of the goblin slate and it is the fundamental factor. 】

The core of Kigard did not shy away from telling Xia Yan these "secrets".

Hearing this, Xia Yan really sighed.

"I thought it was just because of Xernias. I think Arceus put the fairy slate here to restore the ecology and damage in the Kalos area, which led to the gradual lack of fairy energy in the fairy world until it disappeared completely. ?”

[This is almost the meaning, without Your Excellency Xerneas urging the fairy slate, the fairy energy will naturally lose one of the main sources, and the more you use it, the less it will be lacking. 】

Xia Yan nodded.

Both Xernias and the Fairy Tablet are key.

At the same time, it also explained why other attributes of the elf world, even if the stone slab was broken, there was no reason for lack of energy.

One is that even if other slabs are broken, it is still in the spirit world.

Secondly, no other beast has slept for nearly a thousand years like Xernias.

"In short, the fairy type is about to reappear." Xia Yan sighed.

In this regard, the Kigard core has no objection.

This is already a trend and consensus.

"Then what should we do next? Use the fairy slate to speed up Xernias' recovery?" Xia Yan asked again.

【Well, that's what I planned too. ] Kigard said with some hesitation.

"turn out to be?"

Seeing that Kigard's core body had returned to its green and crystal-clear appearance again, and the energy released by the goblin slate was no longer being absorbed, Xia Yan stopped his movements.

[Let's go out and see. 】

Ziggard said something ambiguous at the core.

Xia Yan glanced at it a little strangely, but didn't continue to ask.

Go to Reggie Locke's side.

Reggie Locke, who already had a good recovery ability, was helped by the goblin slate again, and his damaged body quickly recovered under the wriggling of a large number of rocks.


Reggie Locke, who regained consciousness, slowly got up.

After the urgency and urgency of the voice did not contain anger, it even sounded a little naive.

I saw its thick arms rubbing its head, and the yellow light on the "H"-shaped eyes kept flashing, and it looked a little at a loss.

But after seeing the goblin slate in Xia Yan's hand, Reggie Locke calmed down, as if he had already realized his situation.

tuk tuk

With heavy steps, he silently walked behind Xia Yan, like a loyal guard.

"Is everything recovered?"

Xia Yan looked at the elves.

Got an affirmative answer.

"Then it's time to go back."

Hu Di's superpower wrapped Xia Yan and all the elves, and disappeared in place after dodging.

Not long.

He returned to the cliff where the Diamond Minister had been waiting.

"Princess Tianxi!"

Seeing that Xia Yan brought Tianxi back safely, the Minister of Diamond burst into tears, and hurriedly won.

God knows how worried Tian Xi was after he went down the abyss with Xia Yan.

Diancie is the future of the entire Little Diamond Kingdom, and its existence cannot be missed.

Facing the diamond minister's exhortation like an old mother, Tian Xi puffed her mouth and looked at Xia Yan calmly.

After making sure that he didn't despise him, Tianxi breathed a sigh of relief.

I don't know why.

Probably because he had seen the battle between Xia Yan and his elves, Tianxi didn't want to be underestimated.

After rolling his eyes twice, he whispered something in the ear of the Diamond Minister.

The Diamond Minister showed a little surprise.

Glancing at Xia Yan with a calm expression, and Reggie Locke standing behind Xia Yan, he swallowed, and then nodded heavily.

A few small broken diamonds left under the order of the Minister of Diamonds.

"Master Messenger."

The Diamond Minister approached Xia Yan.

"I sent you back Tian Xi, and I found what I was looking for, it's time to leave." Xia Yan said through telepathy.

"Are you leaving?"

Xia Yan glanced at it, and said with a half-smile: "Don't you just want me to leave quickly?"

Hearing this, the Diamond Minister had an embarrassing expression.

"Hehe. It's not that urgent."

"That's fine, let's go to your Diamond Kingdom." Xia Yan shrugged.

Diamond Minister: "."

Seeing Tianxi eagerly leading the way for Xia Yan, the Diamond Minister who was standing there blinked his eyes.

Minister Diamond thought he knew the world well.

But meeting Xia Yan's unscrupulous character, he could only be led by the nose.

The point is.

And a little "undercover" like Tianxi.

that's all.

Under the leadership of Tian Xi, followed by the drooping head of the diamond minister and the curious little broken diamond.

The Diamond Kingdom looks similar to Xia Yan's impression.

Although there are many crystals densely covered, there are also many pits.

It can be seen that the current resource reserves of the Diamond Kingdom are actually not sufficient.

However, in the center of the Diamond Kingdom, it can barely be called a hall-like place, and the crystals are still quite gorgeous.

Seeing that Ibrahimovic and these little guys have bright eyes, they can't wait to live here for a while.

Tianxi didn't know what she said to the little diamonds.

After taking something, he came to Xia Yan as if offering a treasure.

Spread your palms.

It holds two super evolutionary stones of different colors in its hand.

Seeing this super evolutionary stone, Xia Yan was taken aback for a moment.

"For me?"

Tianxi nodded repeatedly.

There is hope in the eyes.

These two super-evolutionary stones are estimated to have been kept by the Diamond Kingdom over the years through continuous mining or accidental encounters.

After Tianxi learned that Xia Yan was collecting super evolutionary stones, she paid attention.

After seeing the Minister of Diamonds, I told him about it as soon as possible.

For Little Broken Diamond and Tianxi, these two super-evolutionary stones are actually useless except for their good looks.

As for looking good.

No matter how beautiful it is, can it be more beautiful than pink rare diamonds?

Tianxi can create a lot with a wave of his hand.

Although these diamonds cannot be preserved for long.

Tianxi took out these two super evolutionary stones, which indeed exceeded Xia Yan's expectations.

He had just wanted to see if he could get a chance to take some diamonds back with him.

Although diamonds are of high value, they are not enough compared to the rare super evolutionary stones.

But Xia Yan didn't take it right away.

He just glanced at Di Anxi silently, then glanced at the Diamond Minister behind him with a disturbed expression, and asked:

"What do you want me to do?"

"Take me away!"

Tianxi almost blurted out.

Although the time spent with Xia Yan and his elf was very short, the desire to leave that Tianxi had hidden in her heart was immediately aroused.

He has almost unconditional trust in Xia Yan.

It really wants to see the outside world, and it also wants to fight like Xia Yan's elves to gain stronger power and protect all the little broken diamonds.

But after Tianxi spoke, Minister Diamond rushed up and grabbed Tianxi's hand.

Then he said to Xia Yan:

"Master Messenger, no, no, we would like to trouble you if you can introduce Lord Dernis for help. It may help our princess to gain power that has not been controlled for a long time."

Before Xia Yan said anything, Tianxi puffed up her mouth.

Using words that Xia Yan could not understand, he was talking to the Minister of Diamonds.

But it is estimated that it should be debated.

The Diamond Minister earnestly persuaded.


Xia Yan coughed lightly, interrupting their quarrel.

"Zernias is still sleeping. I don't know when it will wake up, but it probably won't be long. You can wait."

Hearing this, Minister Diamond showed joy and hurriedly thanked Xia Yan.

It was Tian Xi's eyes that darkened.

"As for talking about Tianxi you..." Xia Yan looked at it.

Hope appeared in Tianxi's eyes again.

But I heard Xia Yan say: "Take advantage of this time to think about it carefully, and discuss it with the Minister of Diamonds and your people."

"I should be back soon."

After finishing speaking, he picked up the two super evolutionary stones that Tianxi had left aside on the ground.

After signaling Hu Di.

Disappeared in the Diamond Kingdom.

Only the eclipsed Tianxi was left, and the diamond minister who was full of distress but still had a firm attitude.

With the help of Hu Di, Xia Yan and the others returned to the ground again.

at this time.

The stars dimmed.


On the way back, Ibrahimovic, curled up in Xia Yan's arms, couldn't help asking aloud.

Xia Yan smiled and rubbed its head.

Looking at the bright moon in the sky, he slowly explained:

"If Tianxi was alone, I would definitely take it away without hesitation. It is a rare Eudemons. Tianxi's ability is still very good."

Just like when Xia Yan subdued the flame monkey, which was still a little flame monkey at the time, he asked it what it meant.

At that time, although Little Flame Monkey was reluctant to leave his family, his attitude was very firm.

Under Ibrahimovic's puzzled eyes, Xia Yan continued:

"But it is not a person, it is the hope of the entire diamond kingdom, and it is their spiritual pillar. This decision must be made by themselves, and it cannot be made by me, an outsider. Otherwise, if something happens later, I will bear some responsibilities Sorry."

Ibrahimovic bit his meat pad, thinking about what Xia Yan meant.

But Xia Yan just grinned, and finally concluded.

"Don't persuade others to be kind before they have suffered."

It may not be very reasonable to use it here, but it actually means that.

Don't stand on your own subjective point of view to judge whether what you do is good or bad for others.

He mentioned many times that allowing Tianxi to go out and have a look, was considered as his best effort.

Huyou has been fooled, but the decision is still in Tianxi's hands.

Tian Xi's attitude was very firm at the beginning.

After facing the more determined Diamond Minister.

It hesitated, hesitated.

It shows that it has not yet understood its original intention and is not fully prepared.

The next thing to look at is Tianxi's determination and the attitude of the Minister of Diamonds.

It's a pity that Ibrahimovic completely didn't understand after listening to the last sentence of the good explanation.

'It's respect. '

Fortunately, the clever Hu Di gave an answer in time.

After all, this decision must be made by Tianxi herself.

This is the respect Xia Yan gave it.

After hearing Hu Di's explanation, the elves following Xia Yan, especially the main elves, couldn't help but raise the corners of their mouths.

is respect.

When Xia Yan treated them, he gave them absolute respect.

This kind of respect did not make the distance between them far away from each other, but because of respect, the bond between them became stronger.

For Xia Yan, and for the elves, the other party is not just a trainer and an elf, but even surpasses a partner.

It's family!

Jingle Bell--

Suddenly, Xia Yan's cell phone rang, and there were more than one, several of them.

Xia Yan hesitated for a while, but chose to take out the one that represented his true alliance identity first.

Bratano's slightly anxious voice came, "Xia Yan, something happened."


PS: In the previous chapters, "two" has been marked as "four", ahem, here are 7k words~~

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