The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 779 Make Xia Yan proud of me! (two in one)

The backyard of a mansion in Miare.

Under the colorful parasols, the sound of "crackling" typing on the keyboard can be heard endlessly.

This sound continued for a long time.

Hit the last key.

Picking up the glass to take a sip, it was already empty.

Fortunately, things are done, and it is not very necessary.

He stretched his waist long.

Xia Yan let out a long breath.

Finally, I finished writing some papers on the Fairy Department.

no way.

Xernias has recovered, and the fairy slate is still in Xia Yan's hands. The fairy energy in the entire elf world is abundant at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Some elves awakened to the fairy line and almost reached the critical point.

Xia Yan can only write and publish the types, characteristics, changes, etc. of these fairies.

In just seven days, Xia Yan published at least fifteen papers, all of which were related to goblins.

The sensation caused on the Internet is also getting higher and higher day by day.

For those who pay attention to the fairies and chase the elves of the fairies, these seven days are tantamount to their carnival.

Even in the future, these seven days will be recorded in the history of the league, and it will be a highlight.

Historically known as: Goblin's Carnival.

Of course that's all for later.

Anyway, after Xia Yan announced all these fairy-type elves, the whole elf world's pursuit of these fairy-type elves became extremely crazy.

Xia Yan has hoarded the elves for so long, and it's time to sell them.

But according to his meaning.

These hoarding elves didn't sell all at once.

According to his estimate.

In a short period of time, due to the shortage of monks, the value of goblin elves will continue to rise until they reach a peak.

after that.

Because people's understanding of the fairy system is gradually deepening, more and more fairy spirits are awakened, and after gradually becoming a normal attribute, the price will start to fall.

And all he needs to do is cash out at the highest point.

Then hide merit and fame deeply.

For these hoarded fairies, he paid a lot of money in advance, almost giving away his entire net worth.

Now it's finally time to harvest.

He glanced at his left hand.

The distinct five fingers are very flexible, and the petrified palm has been fully restored.

"Mr. Xia Yan, your coffee."

At this time, a girl timidly came over with a cup of coffee.

"Maggie, don't be so polite."

Seeing this shy girl with grateful faces and eyes, Xia Yan said with a smile.

She was the girl who was regarded as the spokesperson by Fradari, wearing the "E battle suit" and standing beside Kigurd.

It is also the missing girl that the handsome guy is eager to rush to the Carlos area to find.

Now Xia Yan is in the handsome man's detective agency, so Maggie Elle has acted as Xia Yan's assistant in the past few days, helping him collect information when writing a thesis.

Hearing this, Maggie'er blushed a little, lowered her head, and rubbed the corner of her clothes.

"I should, I should."

For these timid and shy girls, Xia Yan just smiled and didn't force anything.

"Police Xia Yan, the Carlos area is almost stable now, I should report back to the 'UB Countermeasures Department'."

The handsome guy who had packed his luggage said to Xia Yan respectfully.

The incident that happened in the Carlos area a week ago, in order to reduce the impact and cause unnecessary panic, the Carlos Union did not announce the specific situation at that time.

only know.

The two mythical beasts Xerneas and Yveltal were revived, and Zygurd prevented the disaster.

Most of Team Flare, who got involved, was arrested.

And Xia Yan doesn't seem to appear much in this rumor.

In fact, it was also the result announced by Yan Kai and the others after asking Xia Yan what he meant.

Xia Yan doesn't really need those so-called fame.

Excessive fame will only make things more inconvenient for him.

But well.

So many people participated in the battle at that time.

It is impossible to completely hide it.

Some people who have status in the alliance, or have a lot of connections, learned about the events of the day through various channels.

I also know how much role Xia Yan played in it.

So the handsome guy, who also knew about the incident that day, had a little more respect for Xia Yan again.

of course.

Not making a big deal of publicity does not mean that Xia Yan's actions have become useless.

As far as she knows.

Doracena, Yankai, and Carunai submitted detailed reports to the Carlos Alliance and the General Alliance at the same time, which even polished Xia Yan's efforts to a certain extent.

For Xia Yan's contribution, the alliance first gave verbal praise.

What exactly will be rewarded.

I'm afraid we will have to wait a while for results.

After all, the alliance is such a huge organization, and the various departments and procedures are extremely complicated.

At the beginning, Sakuragi had a doctorate award ceremony, and I don't know how long it took.

To this.

Xia Yan was not in a hurry.

Anyway, he can only use the goblin slate in the Carlos area, so why not take advantage of this time to settle it.

Exercise the elves and let them digest what they have gained in this event.

For example, the big needle bee that has successfully stepped into the king class needs the most time to settle.


With the blessing of the "bug" of the fairy slate, the precipitation speed of the elves is undoubtedly many times faster than usual.

Apart from being mentally exhausted, there is little to worry about physically.

Because they don't know when Arceus will take back the Fairy Slate, the elves have worked extremely hard in this short period of one week.

With their almost desperate posture, the effect of a week has even surpassed their usual efforts of a month.

"You go back, tell Minister Lila for me, I have something to do, I should go back later."

Xia Yan took a sip of coffee and walked out of the umbrella.

The spirit lifted a lot.

Looking at the elves who were sweating hard in the backyard, they couldn't help grinning.

"If there is any emergency, you can also contact me directly."


The handsome guy nodded.

He glanced at Xia Yan's elves in the backyard.

There was emotion in his eyes.

They are already so strong, but they still train so hard.

Xia Yan's strength is not without reason.

"Maggie, please help me get my clothes. I've written a thesis for seven days, and my whole body is almost rusty."

Xia Yan took off his hat and coat, rolled up his sleeves, and unbuttoned his collar.

The elves have been training hard these days, and he is working hard to write a thesis.

Now that the papers are finished, he can't help but want to join them.


Maggie took Xia Yan's clothes carefully.

Looking at Xia Yan who was mingling with the elves, his eyes were full of admiration.

It can be clearly felt.

Although the elves trained very hard and actively before, when Xia Yan joined, even if he just did the simplest running training, the elves became more enthusiastic and energetic.

Xia Yan seemed to be a catalyst between them.

Let the already good chemical reaction usher in a sublimation.

"Maggie, I'm leaving, and the detective agency will be handed over to you." The handsome guy stopped bothering Xia Yan, and after explaining to Maggie, he turned and left, and went back to the Alola area.


Lush and dense jungle.

Wild elves that can be seen at any time.

Bobo shuttles through the forest, green caterpillars crawling on the ground, and arrow eagles flashing past from time to time, making the already vibrant forest even more lively.

After a long enough rest, Xia Yan entered the forest in the Carlos area again.

Follow the map in your mind to find Xerneas.

at his feet.

Follow Eevee, Ice Six, Baby Dragon, and Goo.

Needless to say, Ibrahimovic and Bing Liuwei, the main ones are Baby Dragon and Sticky Treasure.

During this period of hard training and getting along with Xia Yan, they have established a good tacit understanding and bond with Xia Yan.

Compared with the stumbling block in the battle with the wild elves in the forest when they were looking for Xernias last time, they seem to be much more handy now.

Although Baby Dragon still looks naive, Sticky Bao is also cowardly.

But when they heard Xia Yan's order, their movements were not slow at all.

"I've been excited for so long, why do I lose my energy when it's approaching?"

Looking at the little Ibrahimovic with drooping ears at his feet, Xia Yan couldn't help asking with a smile.


Ibrahimovic opened his round and round eyes.

His bright eyes were full of apprehension.

"Haven't you already learned from the big needle bee? What did they say?"


Ibrahimovic pursed his mouth and said nonchalantly.

"That's right, they also said that it won't hurt or hurt, and it even feels very good."

Ibrahimovic nodded.

It also asked more than one elf, and the results were similar.

It has been excited for a long time for this.

But when it was really approaching, there was an inexplicable panic in my heart.

That is the ignorance of the unknown.

Seeing its appearance, Xia Yan slowly suppressed his smile, and said seriously: "Ibrahimovic, if we really don't want to, we don't have to evolve."

Little Ibrahimovic's worries.

It is its evolution.

Xia Yan had already told Ibrahimovic about this, and agreed to let him make his own choice.

No matter which one you choose, Xia Yan will support it.

But Ibrahimovic has been hesitant since he was still at the elite level, and now he is at the owner level, and even after staying at the owner level for a while, he still cannot make a choice.


When Xia Yan was dealing with Reggie Locke, he made Ibrahimovic use the "Z move" again, and it saw the shadow of the fairy Ibrahimovic.

I finally made up my mind.


Xia Yan solemnly said:

"Whether you choose to evolve or not, I will support you, and you will always have a place in the team."

This is his promise.

If Eevee chooses to evolve into Fairy Eevee.

Then Xia Yan not only got a chance to write Ibrahimovic's thesis again, as well as the goblin's thesis.

It can also be matched with suitable lineup and tactics according to the characteristics of Fairy Ibrahimovic.

If Ibrahimovic chooses not to evolve, it can still play a good role.

After all, only the form of Ibrahimovic has its exclusive "Z move", and even the extreme giantization of the Galar region.

The difference is.

If Ibrahimovic does not evolve, it will definitely play a supporting role in Xia Yan's team far more than other positions.

If it evolves, Fairy Eevee may be able to shoulder a more important burden.

but now.

Ibrahimovic has to make a choice.

Because it goes one step further, it is a quasi-king class.

Xia Yan, who has tasted the sweetness of building the system early, does not want to wait until Ibrahimovic enters the quasi-king level, or even the king level, and the tactics and lineup are completely fixed before making any changes and adjustments.

That is not a good thing for Xia Yan or Ibrahimovic.

In fact, Ibrahimovic's idea is simpler than Xia Yan's.

It is hesitating.

Before it evolved, its position in Xia Yan's team was fixed, and its role was also fixed.

Basically, it is the starting point of "taking over the baton", or a certain transition point, the purpose is to give benefits to key spirits such as the big needle bee.

It works great.

But also very limited.

Ibrahimovic is not very willing to become a pure support.

It is willing to help the rest of its companions, is also willing to give selflessly, and is more willing to become a green leaf.

But that day, when it saw Xia Yan's petrified palm, and he failed to provide any help, Ibrahimovic's inner positioning of himself has been shaken.


Xia Yan will be threatened with his life next time.

It is a pure support, unable to provide help, even standing in front of Xia Yan.

It doesn't even have the qualifications to block a gun for him, so what should it do then?


Even though Xia Yan assured it that it would have a place in the team in the future, Ibrahimovic's eyes became more determined.


Ibrahimovic raised his head, revealing its original arrogant appearance.

It can take on auxiliary responsibilities.

But it also hopes that when Xia Yan faces danger next time, it can stand in front of him like the big needle bee, like Hu Di, and like the shield and sword monster.

Instead of just shrinking back obediently after completing the function.

Hearing Ibrahimovic's sudden cry, Xia Yan froze for a moment.

He stared at it for more than ten seconds.

Suddenly, one person and one elf laughed at the same time.

"Little guy." Xia Yan fondly rubbed its head.

Ibrahimovic grinned, letting Xia Yan ruffle the hair that he usually cherishes so much.


Accompanied by crisp footsteps.

[Perhaps, you need me? 】

Xia Yan and Ibrahimovic raised their heads at the same time.

I saw Xernias in the "relaxed form", quietly appearing in front of them at some point.

"Zernias, we meet again." Xia Yan greeted it with a smile.

Xernias also nodded towards Xia Yan in a friendly manner.

His gaze slowly fell on Ibrahimovic in Xia Yan's arms.

There is a little emotion in the green and gentle pupils.

【Its will guides my arrival. 】

Xernias did not forget to explain.

Xia Yan froze for a moment.

He looked down at Ibrahimovic in his arms.

Seeing the little guy rubbing his nose arrogantly, he didn't forget to raise his eyebrows at Xia Yan.

It seems to be saying.

See how good I am?

Xia Yan couldn't help being dumbfounded.

"Zernias, I said I wanted your help."

【I see. 】

see you.

The body of Xernias began to change, and the simple branches above his head sprouted new branches, and the colorful rays of light flowed in them, and the hazy pink mist spread around it centered on it.

[Fairy Slate. 】

Listening to Xernias' reminder, Xia Yan spread out his palms.

From the pink fairy slate, a strong fairy-type energy gushes out.

Converging with the escaping energy of Xerneas.

in a short time.

In this small piece of forest, the energy of the fairy system is so strong that it is terrifying.

And all center.

It's Ibrahimovic.

[Little guy, make a wish? 】

Xernias looked at Ibrahimovic with firm eyes tenderly.

"I want to make Xia Yan proud of me!"

Ibrahimovic said the truth.

Zernias was taken aback when he heard the words, and looked at Xia Yan with a half-smile.

Xia Yan rubbed his nose, smiled and said:

"Little idiot, you have already fulfilled this wish."


A bright halo bloomed from Ibrahimovic's body.


PS: 1.1w asking for a monthly ticket~~

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