The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 783 Dream: I have a child? (two in one)

Hearing this voice, Xia Yan froze for a moment.


Although Xiaochun recounted the story of "the brave man of Bird" Alang thousands of years ago, a large part of it was actually omitted.

As the "Bogus Messenger", Aaron has in his hand the "Stand of the Brave" that can strengthen the power of the waveguide, and at the same time he also has an elf, Lucario, who is like a friend and an apprentice.

At first.

The war between the two countries is about to break out, and the center of the outbreak is in the city of Oludran.

In order to protect the city of Orudran, Aaron decided to seek help from Dream who lived in the Tree of Beginning of the World, and poured all his waveguide power into Dream, prompting Dream to drive the Tree of Beginning of the World, burst out The power of waveguide to calm the emotions stopped this war.

And the price is that Aaron, who was over-consumed, lost his life.

So before Aaron went to find Dream, he sealed Lucario in this scepter.

In a flash, it is a thousand years.

Xia Yan originally wanted to try out the difference between superpowers and waveguide power.

But when he never wanted to use his super power, he touched the seal inside the scepter.

And the voice that rang in his ears belonged to Lucario.

Because Lucario didn't know the choice Aaron made, nor did he know his intention to seal himself in the scepter.

I just think that Aaron gave up his mission and forgot his ideal because he was afraid of the upcoming war, and chose to escape alone.


Even if a thousand years have passed, Lucario still can't forget it, and it has almost become an obsession in his heart.

Xia Yan slowly opened his eyes and pursed his lips.

Aaron is undoubtedly the owner of the very powerful waveguide power.

Lucario was able to possess the powerful waveguide power, which was also obtained under Aaron's teaching.


Zhiye and Lucario could barely help Mengmeng with their joint efforts, but Aaron accomplished this by himself.

To know.

That's Xiaozhi in the theater version, that's Master Zhi.

Not the silly stuff of the animated series.

Generally speaking, Zhiye in the theatrical version can easily crush the silly things in the animation series, and even Pishen rarely plays him in the theatrical version, and he explodes into a tough beast at every turn.

It can be seen how powerful Aaron's waveguide is.

"But this seal structure"

Xia Yan murmured, spreading his palms.

Under the control of its increasingly sophisticated superpowers, the threads of superpowers were slowly woven into a spherical structure.

It's a seal!

Obtained from the people of the earth, the king's relic of the people of the earth, the sage stone, obtained the enchantment and sealing technology.

"The two are actually very similar."

Xia Yan was a little surprised by this.

However, it has been considered that thousands of years ago, whether it was the city of Oludran or Ain Okto, they were all powerful kingdoms in the elf world, and it may be normal to have some connections.

"Perhaps, this could be the ancient elf ball?"

Xia Yan still remembered that he once encountered a huge elf ball carved out of rock, inside which was sealed a Nianli puppet.

He didn't go into it at the time.

Perhaps there is also such a seal structure in it.

"It's not possible to break the seal."

After whispering something, Xia Yan closed his eyes again and began to try to crack the seal.

He doesn't have the power of a waveguide, so he can only use this method.


Fairy Ibrahimovic saw Xia Yan close his eyes and open his mouth, but he couldn't say anything after all.

Obediently lying at Xia Yan's feet, the ribbon was wrapped around Xia Yan's waist, then gently arched his head, and fell asleep.

The sound of even breathing soon became one of the few sounds in the room.

The arena in the city of Orudran.

This is where the festivities take place.

The arena was full of people.

Whether it is the people who originally belonged to Ouludran City, or foreigners like Xia Yan, they all changed into the costumes of Ouludran City in order to fit the atmosphere of the celebration.

Coupled with the fact that the arena is like an arena, at first glance, it seems that it has come to ancient times.

In the lively atmosphere and celebratory shouts, Irene, the queen, also came to the high platform of the arena.

Dignified and elegant, she stood on the open-air viewing platform on the top floor of the arena, smiling and waving to all the audience.

And by her side.

In addition to the head maid who has been serving the queen, there is also Xia Yan who is dressed in luxurious clothes and holds a scepter in his hand.


Xia Yan's spirit was a little sluggish.

Originally, as a superpower, even if he didn't sleep all night, he wouldn't become like this.

But there is no way.

Last night he was cracking the seal inside the scepter, consuming a lot of superpowers.

After waving, Queen Irene sat on the chair and handed the audience over to the host.

Seeing Irene sitting down, Xia Yan also sat on the chair next to her.


He is the "Birdguide Messenger" appointed by Queen Irene.

Have the treatment of sitting on a high platform with the queen to watch the battle.

"Mr. Xia Yan, is the hotel room uncomfortable?"

Seeing Xia Yan's slightly sluggish look, Irene couldn't help asking after sitting down.

"No." Xia Yan shook his head, "I was just thinking about something."

The seal was still a little bit short, and he was going to take a good rest after breaking the seal completely.

"Your Highness Irene, if I don't have anything to do later, I want to take a break."

Xia Yan wanted to close his eyes as he spoke.

But I saw a little embarrassment on Irene's face.


Noticing Xia Yan's gaze, Irene said with embarrassment:

"That. Because there were too many things to do yesterday, I forgot to tell you, Mr. Xia Yan, that according to the rules of the ceremony, the 'Bird Envoy' will represent the royal family in the first match."

Xia Yan narrowed his eyes slightly.

Erin quickly explained:

"But don't worry, it's just a formality now, just perform it."

Hearing this, Xia Yan pressed his forehead with some headaches.

Then I heard the host below shouting:

"Next, let us welcome Mr. Xia Yan, the 'Bird Envoy'! And Mr. Bills, the head of our royal guard!"

The corners of his eyes twitched.

Irene leaned over and whispered, "Mr. Xia Yan, if you really don't want to participate, you can skip this part."

Listening to the cheers below like a tsunami, Xia Yan sighed silently.

"It's okay, it's just an exhibition match."

Say it.

Get up and walk to the edge of the terrace.

When the audience below saw Xia Yan, they immediately burst into louder cheers.

Xia Yan shook his head and gave Queen Irene a reassuring look.

Amidst the crowd's exclamation, he jumped directly from the high platform.

Cruel——! !

At this time.

A colorful elf, accompanied by rainbows, appeared above the arena.

"Is it Phoenix King?!"

Immediately someone exclaimed.

Immediately afterwards, more and more people noticed the appearance of Feng Wang.

Not many people paid attention to Xia Yan who thought he landed gracefully.

Even he was like this, and the head of the guard, Biers, who was wearing thick metal armor and couldn't even see his appearance clearly, was even more so.

"Feng Wang again?"

Xia Yan didn't care if anyone paid attention to him, but frowned and looked at Feng Wang hovering in the sky.

Some spectators even knelt down in the auditorium, praying devoutly.

The legend of King Feng began to spread from the Chengdu area. After the burning tower incident, there are not many people who believe in King Feng.

Except for those who believed in the Phoenix King and were shocked by the appearance of the Phoenix King, there were also some people wearing sunglasses who took action immediately after seeing it appear.


In such a lively and mixed celebration, their movements are not eye-catching.

Xia Yan's line of sight and Feng Wang's line of sight made contact.

He actually saw some mischievousness in it.

Xia Yan was taken aback.

Feng Wang is a more serious beast, and the naughty tone should never appear in its eyes.


This is a fantasy? !

Xia Yan immediately reacted.

after all.

Dream people call it "Little Ditto".

Dreamy is naughty.

It likes to turn into any elf, play in the city of Ouludran, and bring some small things and toys back to the tree of the beginning of the world from time to time.

After hovering for a while, "Feng Wang" flew away.

But its appearance immediately made people feel that this celebration was different.

In the high-pitched and passionate explanation of the host, the attention of the audience was once again drawn back to the arena.

Xia Yan and Bills who were standing opposite could finally start their exhibition match.

"Since the dream has come."

Xia Yan's eyes flickered slightly, and he took out the elf ball.

Because it is an exhibition match, there is no need for any referees.

But the two still threw the Poke Ball at the same time.

What appeared in front of Xia Yan was Hu Di holding two spoons.

What Bills on the opposite side summoned was a green elf that looked like a lizard and had lush leaves on its tail.

Lizard King!

The final evolution of the Gosanjia Elf Mu Shougong, who belongs to the Hoenn region, is also an elf with one of the super-evolved forms.

And being able to become the head of the guards of the Queen of Ouludran City, his strength is not weak, and this lizard king also has the strength of a quasi-king.

"Lizard King, parasitic seeds!" Bills took the lead in attacking.

Seeing the small orange ball-like things shaking behind the Lizard King, countless tiny spore-like things floated out, and with the flick of the tail, they all flew towards Hudi.

"Predict future."

Xia Yan's command was straightforward.

He raised the spoon in a hurry, a beautiful halo appeared in his eyes, and an invisible superpower poured into the Lizard King's body.

at the same time.

With Hu Di as the center, inextricable superpowers rapidly weave and spread, and the crimson "spiritual field" instantly covers the entire battle field.

At the same time, all the "parasitic seeds" thrown by the Lizard King were intercepted in the middle of these waving superpower threads.

Without nutrients, there is no rooting.


Bills was not surprised by this.

So after the lizard king used the "parasitic seed", he approached Hu Di at an extremely fast speed.

The leaves on both arms glowed with green luster, and as they stretched out, they formed the appearance of two blades.


Boom—! !

Accompanied by a crisp sound.

A "reflective wall" as transparent as glass appeared out of thin air.

It slightly blocked the progress of the Lizard King.

With superpowers covering his whole body, Hu Di appeared on the edge of the field with a "teleportation".

Swinging the spoon tightly, several pitch-black "spirit shock" balls attacked the Lizard King from all directions.

The Lizard King kept his "leaf blades" open and waved his arms, like a battle-tested swordsman, precisely chopping on these small balls. With the sound of explosions, the Lizard King appeared in front of Hu Di again. .

Hu ground squinted his eyes.

Suddenly, with the spoon in his hand, he clenched his fist, layers of ice crystals were instantly covered, and he faced the leaf blade of the Lizard King.

boom--! !

The collision of ice crystals and grass blades, coupled with the barrier of the "reflective wall" in the middle.

Hu Di staggered a few steps, but the Lizard King's "leaf blade" was covered with several layers of ice crystals.

Take advantage of this gap.

Hu Di's super power appeared again, and he was ready to distance himself.

"Lizard King, tie a grass knot!" But Bills made a sound in time.

Xia Yan and Hu Di's eyes were shimmering at the same time.

Boom! !

The Lizard King didn't even have time to move, and a muffled sound exploded in its body.

The aftereffect of "predicting the future" is still very strong.

Hu Di's superpowers are still there, but it doesn't want to use "teleportation" to distance itself, but an accumulated attack.

A black ball several times larger than before appeared, and the "spiritual shock" reunited.

Bang out.

The Lizard King didn't have time to stop it, and flew upside down in response.

But seeing this attack, Xia Yan and Hu Di were obviously taken aback.

what's the situation?

Although Hu Diben had already done a good job of blasting "predicting the future" and then charged up to make up for it.

But both it and Xia Yan noticed that this was different from its usual battle rhythm.

It's not that the tactics are different, nor is it that the order in which the moves are performed is different.


The condensing speed of the moves is different, and the final power of the moves is different.

The "spiritual shock" condensed faster and became more powerful.

This little change may not be felt by others.

But for Xia Yan, who has a particularly high requirement for rhythm, these slight changes can also be felt very clearly.


They were stunned, giving the Lizard King on the opposite side a chance to breathe.

In the dust, there was a green halo all over his body, and the Lizard King who had triggered the "luxury" feature stood up, refusing the "powerful vanilla" in his mouth.

A bright beam of light quietly fell from the sky.

Let the already imposing Lizard King become more intimidating.

At the same time Bills shouted:

"Lizard King, Sun Beam!"


The lizard king clasped his arms together, and from the leaves on his arms that had absorbed the sunlight, milky white beams of light suddenly burst out.


At this time, Hu Di finally reacted.

Without any hesitation, he mobilized all the superpowers in his body and quickly gathered them on the crossed spoons.

Just like before, Hu Di realized that the super powers he invoked this time seemed to have increased.

Not only that.

All the cells in its body seemed to be cheering and jumping for joy, and a steady stream of superpowers were drawn out along with its absorption.

The next moment.

A beam of "spiritual shock" that is not inferior to the "sun beam" and even more solid and thick bursts out.

In the uproar of the audience.

Not only resisted the "sun beam" of the Lizard King.

Even gained an advantage in the confrontation wave.

With the last ray of superpower brushing past the Lizard King, the Lizard King, who had little physical strength left, fell heavily to the ground.

Cheers erupted from the audience.

Hu Di looked down at his hands in a daze.

A proud swallow standing on the edge of the top of the arena tilted its head.

It looked at Hu Di with doubts in his eyes.

At the same time, the body blurred for a while.

Turned into a Hu Di appearance.

Playing with the spoon in his hand, the doubts in his eyes became more and more intense.

And this elf that changes back and forth is naturally a dream.

At this time, a strange and absurd idea suddenly popped up in Mengmeng's mind.

I have a child?


PS: 1.1w asking for a monthly pass! !

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