The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 786 What if Sakagi Knows I'm an Undercover Agent? (triple)


Before the real bird could find the result, he heard a majestic voice.


Matori's eyes lit up when he saw Sakagi in a nightgown wiping the water stains on his head.

Even as Sakagi's secretary, it was the first time she saw Sakagi like this, Sakagi who just took a bath.


Because it is convenient to find information, Makoto turned on the speaker, so Sakagi also heard Xia Yan's question.


Xia Yan's respectful voice came from the phone.

"The elf your kid gave you last time has not been returned to me."

Sakagi casually threw the towel on the sofa next to him, and said with a smile.

"Uh, hasn't this been used yet, we can't waste your thought, leader."

Listening to Xia Yan's words, Sakagi couldn't help but shook his head with a smile.

Pick up the communicator on the table.

Makoto looked enviously at Sakagi who was sitting on a chair talking and laughing with Xia Yan.

In today's entire Rockets team, there are really not many Rockets members who can make Sakagi smile.

Nazi is one.

But Sakagi's treatment of Nazi is a bit like the pampering of a father to his daughter.

Only for Xia Yan.

The relationship between the two is not only superior and inferior, but also seems to have a teacher-student friendship, and there is a little bit of friendship.

Such a way of getting along makes Matori, who is a little secretary, very envious.

However, after what happened in the Carlos area last time, Xia Yan helped them escape and stopped the alliance members, and let them deal with the leader of the Flame team, Fradari. The little secretary Matou admired Xia Yan more, and was less jealous .

Perhaps, only subordinates like Yan Xia can make the leader happy, Zhenniao thought in his heart.

Silently put away the towel that Sakagi threw on the sofa, and obediently made a cup of coffee.

The little secretary is still very caring and competent.

The two talked and laughed for a while, and then got back to the business that Xia Yan asked.

"Exactly, if you are going to Yuejian Mountain, you should go to Ouludran City by the way."

Sakagi said suddenly, narrowing his eyes slowly.

Seeing Sakagi's expression, the little secretary Matori's heart skipped a beat.

Every time the leader shows this appearance, it means he is a little angry.

Bixias cadres made the leader unhappy?

You know, Bishas is one of the top cadres of the Rockets and has a very high reputation in the Rockets.

Although he is fierce and cruel, these behaviors are not actually bad characters in the Rockets.

On the contrary, it respects the leader Sakagi very much, and the efficiency and success rate of completing tasks are very high, which is highly valued by the leader.

The only bad thing may be that the death rate of each mission is a bit high.

What's more, Bixias seems to have attracted Sakagi's special attention recently.

"Ouludran City?"

"A relatively small feudal country with a history of thousands of years, just preparing to approach the alliance. It is said that the city of Oludran is inextricably linked with the tree of the beginning of the world, and the legendary dream of elves." Sakagi said simply explained the sentence.

dream? !

When the little secretary Matori heard the name, his expression paused.

She knew how obsessed Sakagi was with dreams.


As a cadre, Yan Xia should also know. The little secretary thought to himself.


After pondering for a while, a voice came from the phone.

"Do you want to try to capture the dream?"


But Sakaki laughed lightly.

There was no answer for or against it, just saying:

"Bixias has been a little restless recently, you can help me warn him."


Hang up the communicator.

Sakagi smiled and looked at the little secretary standing aside respectfully.

The little secretary really jumped up and called out respectfully, "Boss."

Sakaki waved his hand.

"I asked you to check last time, did you get any results?"

The real bird nodded again and again.

"The investigation is clear. Recently, a batch of dark balls have been called, which is what Bixias cadres want, and..."


Sakagi frowned when he saw the hesitant expression on the little secretary Makoto.

The real bird swallowed lightly, and said cautiously:

"Also, the researcher you ordered to be detained by the leader last time was also taken away by Bixias cadres."

Then hastily added:

"No record was left."

If records were left, she would not need to investigate many things at all.

heard the words.

A dangerous cold light shone in Sakagi's narrowed eyes.

that researcher.

It is a researcher who advocates transforming other elves with fantasy genes to strengthen those elves.

It's just that he thought he was a genius, so he did some research outside the scope of Sakagi's regulations without authorization, and caused a lot of losses, so Sakagi locked him up in a fit of anger.

The reason for not disposing of it is because that person does have some talent, and Sakagi cherishes talent more.

Unexpectedly, before he made a decision, Bixias relied on Sakagi's respect and did something without authorization.

However, Sakagi's expression quickly softened.

Stand up slowly.

He said lightly: "Destroy all those dark balls."

The little secretary was shocked, and subconsciously said: "But the leader, those dark balls cost us."

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Sakagi.

"A batch of defective products, no matter how much money is spent, there is no value in using them."

It would make the subdued elves lose control, and such a result was worthless in his opinion, no matter how high its capture success rate was.


How can the defective product be used as a container for that elf?

Thinking of that elf, even Sakagi couldn't help feeling hot.

"Yes!" Makoto replied cautiously.

Sakagi who walked to the door of the room paused.

"By the way, tell Yan Xia that if Bixias doesn't cooperate, then Bixias will take his place."

After speaking, he pushed the door open and walked in.

The little secretary, Makoto, was full of surprises.

Although Bixias did something that made Sakagi dissatisfied, is this going to get rid of him?

Not long ago, Bixias was a cadre valued by Sakagi.

Some distraught little secretaries were going to tidy up the messy materials on their seats.

But I saw a document that was not there before, and it was placed directly above all the materials.

There is a picture in the file.

printed on it


The little secretary exclaimed, and then hurriedly covered her mouth tightly.

His eyes stared anxiously at the closed door.

Make sure you didn't open your mouth, and let out a long breath.

Then, she saw another figure in the picture.

It is the top cadre of the Rockets, Bixias!

to here.

The little secretary, Makoto, reacted.

With Sakagi's mind, as long as you are able to do things, you can get some privileges.

For example, Xia Yan can talk to Sakagi directly, and even get teaching from Sakagi, and chat with him like a friend.

For example, in Bixias, he directly recruited a group of dark balls without going through Sakagi, and even released the researchers ordered by Sakagi to be imprisoned. In fact, Sakagi can turn a blind eye.

But these tolerances are preconditions.

The current Bishas has touched Sakagi's bottom line.

After thinking about it.

The little secretary hurriedly dialed Xia Yan's communicator again.


After putting away the second call from Zhenniao, Xia Yan looked at the night sky and muttered to himself.

He still knows about Bishas.

A top cadre of the Rockets.

In the original book, the Rockets cadre who chased Rabbi in the theatrical version.

This man is quite ambitious.

And very restless.

What was he arresting the rabbi for?

To rule the Rockets!

Then with the power of Team Rocket, rule the world!

It can be said.

He is a rebel boy.

And obviously.

Sakagi has long understood Bixias' ambitions.

Having ambition is a good thing in Sakagi's view.

How can a person without ambition become strong?

How can one be strong without ambition?

If he is not strong enough, how can he be qualified to be his subordinate?

Even if this ambition is to defeat him, Sakagi.

Then occupy the Rockets.

In this regard, Sakagi has absolute confidence that he can suppress Bishas.

So Bishas thrived in the Rockets.

Only this time.

Bishas seems to have touched Sakagi's reverse scale.

After looking at the sky for a while, Xia Yan slowly retracted his gaze.

"Sakagi is indeed a hero, even if he knows that Bixias has ambitions, he dares to use it."

But Xia Yan was thinking about another thing.


It seems to be talking to himself, "If Sakagi also knows that I am an undercover agent of the alliance, can he use me boldly?"

As soon as this idea arises.

Xia Yan was thrilled in his heart.

No need to think too much, he already has the answer.

Although the answer was a bit absurd, he felt that Sakagi was really that kind of person.

Because the answer is yes!

Sakagi is such a person who has absolute confidence in himself and is also quite charismatic.

If he knew that Xia Yan was an undercover agent of the alliance, Sakagi might not only not suppress or even get rid of him, but would boldly use him instead.

Regardless of whether it was Xia Yan's rebellion in the end, or his rebellion in the end, Sakagi is confident that he can get rid of or promote him in time.

At least in the middle, Xia Yan made a lot of valuable contributions in order to climb up to the top of the Rockets.

He's already shown some value for the Rockets.

"This is a daunting self-confidence when you think about it carefully"

He forcibly suppressed this uneasy thought.

Back to this matter.

"So, whether it's from the perspective of the league or the Rockets, this trip to the World's Initial Tree must go."

Good thing this call is over.

It was he who found out about Bixias and learned enough information.

At the same time, he also took Shang Fang's sword from Sakagi.

"Then let's go." Xia Yan adjusted his clothes a little, "Regardless of success or not, at least if we go, we can stop many people's mouths."

"Mr. Xia Yan, Mr. Du, Mr. Dawu and Miss Xiaochun, I'll leave it to you."

In the darkness of night, Queen Irene handed over matters related to the fate of the city of Orudran to their hands.


According to Queen Irene's intention, she wanted Bills, the head of the guards, to take a team of guards together.

But Bills said.

Not all the members of Team Rocket have gone to the Tree of Origin of the World, their duty is to protect the Queen's safety.

Xia Yan and the others also expressed their support for this.

There are too many people to act, and in turn, it may even slow down.

The four of them are just right.

Whether it is action or retreat, it is more comfortable.

Xia Yan took Lucario who was going with him, and sat on Latios' back.

Du Ze took Xiaochun to sit on the tyrannosaurus dragon, Dawu rode on the armored bird, and a group of people quietly left the city of Oludran from the balcony on the top floor of the castle, and flew towards the tree of the beginning of the world.

In the hazy night.

The speed of the three elves is very fast.

Not long after, it was already close to the mountains surrounding the world's original tree.

Originally in the city of Ouludran, the outline of the tree of the beginning of the world could still be vaguely seen.

Can be approached later.

The thick fog made it hard for them to even tell the direction.

The surrounding magnetic field was abnormally disordered, and all directional devices, including mobile phones, lost their effectiveness.

Even Lucario's waveguide power seems to be disturbed by some strange ability in the air, making it impossible to distinguish the direction.

This may be the reason why the tree of the beginning of the world has not been discovered so far.

It can also be regarded as a kind of self-protection of the initial tree of the world.



Latios spoke seriously.

The Tyrannosaurus and Dawu's armored bird that crossed at the same time also stared at the thick fog with serious expressions.


Accompanied by several beeps.

They saw a group of red-eyed owls rushing towards them.

Affected by the waveguide power full of malice emanating from the tree of the beginning of the world, the wild elves began to become berserk.

There were so many owls. At first glance, it looked like a huge black shadow appeared in the mist, sweeping towards them like covering the sky and blocking out the sun.

"Violent Dragon, Wrath of the Dragon!"

"Armor Bird, Air Blade!"

Du and Dawu responded immediately.

But the seemingly ferocious attack did not cause any impact after disappearing into the shadows.

Only a few owls fell.

Dawu and Du's expressions darkened.

"Too many, let's go down!"

Xia Yan hurriedly said.

A shot of Latios.

Take the lead towards the mountains below.

Born to be unable to tell the direction at all, maybe he turned a big circle in the fog, and finally circled around the periphery of the tree of the beginning of the world.

It's better to go from below.

Xia Yan also remembered that if he wanted to enter, he needed to pass through a long and narrow tunnel among the mountains.

But they wanted to go, but the group of owls would not agree.

Accompanied by a sound of chirping, it was like rain, chasing and hitting them hard.

As a last resort, Xia Yan and the others could only fight while falling.


Lucario gave a lot of help.

It didn't shoot.

However, the power of the waveguide released by it made some of the owls who were closer to it regain their sobriety and consciousness, and did not continue to pursue them.

Has been hit from high altitude to the ground.

Until the dense canopy covered the view, the owls left angrily.

"So many owls."

Xiaochun wiped his forehead.

They fought for so long, at least dozens of owls were hit and lost their fighting ability, but it didn't seem to have brought much change to their overall number.

"The resources provided by the original tree of the world are too generous, so even if the place is not big, the wild elves don't have to compete for resources, naturally there are a lot of them."

Xia Yan took out the energy cube and stuffed it into Latios's mouth, and said while stroking its neck.

From the corner of Lucario's eyes, he kept paying attention to Latios who was chewing the energy cube with a contented face.

Xia Yan smiled and took out some and handed it to it.

But Lucario was very arrogant, turned his head and said that he didn't want it.

In the end, it was Xia Yan who stuffed it into its arms, and it reluctantly accepted it.

After eating one under the direction of Latios, he couldn't stop.

"So once the tree of the beginning of the world is polluted, I'm afraid not only the city of Ouludran will suffer, but the surrounding large forests will also suffer." Du couldn't help but said.

"You still have to hurry up."

Dawu tidied up the clothes that were blown a little messy by the wind.



After landing, Lucario's waveguide power is no longer affected by the inexplicable magnetic field, and he can recognize the direction.

Xia Yan summoned Flame Monkey and Hu Di.

"This is the case in the sky, and I'm afraid it will be even more troublesome on the ground."

Several people nodded in agreement, and they all summoned their own elves.

Although there are only four of them.

But the strength is very strong.

Ordinary wild elves really can't pose much threat to them.

The only trouble may be some groups of elves.

For example, the group of owls just now, and the group of fiery monkeys that appeared in front of them at this time.

On the ground, on the trees, and in the bushes, a large number of fiery monkeys and monkey monsters surrounded them while chirping and chirping.

"Here, you broke the monkey's nest."

Dawu looked helpless.

After the number of elves reaches a certain level, strong strength may not have much advantage.


Among the hot monkey group, there are still a few hot monkeys who are not weak and have reached the quasi-king level.

"Don't try."

Xia Yan stopped Lucario who was trying to appease him with the power of Bird.

Under its puzzled gaze, he explained: "The Fiery Monkey is not a gentle elf. After being affected, it becomes more irritable, and it is not so easy to appease."

Lucario looked up at Xia Yan's profile.

Although there are at least hundreds of fiery monkeys and monkey monsters around, his expression is very calm, and he can even see a faint smile.

Let Lucario's vision a little trance.

Xia Yan doesn't have the power to guide.

But except for the power of Bird, he is very similar to Aaron.

The same calm, the same gentle attitude, and the same words as teaching.

At first.

When Lucario was training with Aaron, Aaron, his teacher, also taught it in this tone.

"Going up."

Xia Yan's words brought the dazed Lucario back to his senses.

Shaking his head, he waved away the figure in his mind and concentrated his attention.

Seeing Xia Yan grinning at several people, he said, "While advancing while fighting, let's see who can defeat more?"

Du and Dawu looked at each other.


Both of them also smiled.

This makes the boring rush a little more fun.

"How about a gamble?"

Dawu was taken aback.

"What are you betting on? Damn! You are so stupid!"

Before he finished speaking.

Seeing that Xia Yan and Du had already commanded the elves to launch an attack.

Xiaochun is mainly responsible for protecting their safety, and the task of cleaning up the surrounding area is handed over to Xia Yan and the other three.

Xia Yan looked at Du in surprise.

But Du raised his eyebrows at him.

"I've been with you for so long, don't I know you?"

Xia Yan was dumbfounded.

Du really learned badly.

Look how simple Dawu is.

But he still said: "It's useless to know."

Because his cleaning speed is definitely the fastest.

Although the big needle bee was not summoned, the flame monkey took the place of the big needle bee to some extent.

Plus the two cores of Hu Di and Latios.

As long as they are there, even if there are no other elves, at most there will be less control and defense in the system, but the system is still there.


Today's Hu Di is super brave!


A fiery monkey jumped down from a tree and attacked Xia Yan and the others from an extremely tricky angle.

And Xiaochun's elves are entangled by other fiery monkeys.

But the next second.

Space is blurred.

boom--! !

The flame monkey holding the "Enhanced Flame Fist" punched the flame monkey flying.

Accompanied by splashing bright sparks and blazing hot flames.

The flame monkey raised its own attack power to the extreme.

And the fiery monkey couldn't even block the flame monkey's punch. After breaking a big tree, it fell to the ground and lost its fighting ability.

It made the fiery monkeys and monkey monsters next to them scream strangely, and they didn't dare to get close to the flame monkey.

The flame monkey didn't even land on the ground.

After his figure blurred for a while, he exchanged places with Hu Di.

The next moment.

A superpower burst out from Hu Di.

Taking it as the center, while enveloping Xia Yan and the others, it spread ferociously towards the surroundings.

Swept by the tyrannical super power, a large number of fiery monkeys and monkey monsters were defeated under the sweep of this super power.

for a while.

Actually cleared a vacuum area.

Xiao Chun's face was full of embarrassment, "I"

Being approached by a fiery monkey was her refusal.

"It's okay, Hot Monkey is also a very smart elf." Xia Yan waved his hand indifferently.

Fortunately, he has never been used to completely entrusting his personal safety to others.

Don't care about that either.

"Xia Yan, your Hudi, are you hanging up?"

Du Wei stared, his way of speaking was gradually infected by Xia Yan.

It was still playing well.

Although Xia Yan's system cleaning speed is very fast, they are not weak, and they still have a chance to compete.

But Hu Di made such a big move, and the field was cleared.

More than a fart?

Xia Yan was also a little surprised.

Hu Di's super power is a bit stronger than during the day.

mouth said:

"You lose, remember to bet."

Watanabe and Daigo: "."

Hundreds of fiery monkeys and monkey monsters, including some quasi-king-level elves, were completely wiped out within a few minutes with the joint efforts of the three of them.

This kind of strength can't be said to be very strong, it can only be said to have been completely crushed.

Du pouted.

"I don't seem to agree?"

"The majestic 'Messenger of the Dragon' Yulongdu actually reneged on his debt."

Xia Yan stared.

"It seems that I didn't agree either." Dawu said quietly.

Xia Yan: "."

He strode forward angrily.

"You have learned badly."

Dawu and Du smiled at each other, and quickly followed.

Xiao Chun's eyes swept over the three of them.

She kind of doesn't understand the fun between the three men.

In fact, a man's happiness is very simple.

Maybe a girlfriend's "Dad" can make them happy all day.

It was correct not to let the guards come with them.

Because the cleaning speed of so many people added up, maybe it might not be as fast as them.

Xia Yan even summoned the baby dragon and sticky treasure.

I want them to see how dragon elves fight.

The object of reference is the Tyrannosaurus crossing.

Although the blocking of the wild elves was very troublesome, they finally came to a long and narrow line of sky not long after.

A large number of blue crystals are densely covered in it, exuding a faint light, illuminating a ray of sky.


In these crystals, strands of black air became more intense.

And here.

It is really close to the tree of the beginning of the world.

Xia Yan's expression rarely became serious.

If he remembers correctly.

Guarding the tree of the beginning of the world, there are three three god pillars.

Just when this thought came to him.


The roar was accompanied by violent tremors on the ground.

A khaki-colored Reggie Locke emerged from the soil, stretched across the sky, and stopped in front of them.

Immediately afterwards.



Dawu's eyes glistened.

Looking at Reggie Locke and Registeel who appeared in sight.

This thick blocky body, I don't know what the texture of the stone on Reggie Locke's body is.

And that body with a metallic luster, that is the beauty of a steel elf.

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