The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 789 Wait for me to come back! (two in one)

The four defeated the Sanshenzhu with difficulty.

Gain the opportunity to enter the interior of the world's original tree.

"Unfortunately, Registeel cannot be subdued."

Dawu had a look of emotion on his face.

After defeating Registeel, he tries to throw the Poké Ball.

The result was the same as when Xia Yan subdued Reggie Locke for the first time, the poke ball failed to be triggered.

It shows that the three divine pillars guarding the tree of the beginning of the world are the same as the original Reggie Locke, and there is some kind of guardianship contract with the tree of the beginning of the world.

"If you can see the dream, maybe you can talk to it."

After taking the precious recovery potion that Dawu took out, both Xia Yan and Du's complexions have recovered a lot.


Dawu raised his eyebrows.

"Because the Three Divine Pillars should have signed a contract with the Tree of the Beginning of the World, which is a bit similar to the ancient method of establishing contact between elves and trainers." Xia Yan explained.

"Signed a contract with the tree of the beginning of the world? A tree?" Xiao Chun looked puzzled.

Xia Yan pursed his lips and looked around.

Looking at the ray of sky like a tunnel, and the clusters of blue crystals densely covered in it, "I advise you, don't regard the tree of the beginning of the world as a tree."

"Huh? Why?"

This time Dawu and Du both showed surprise.

"With your wisdom, it is difficult for me to explain clearly to you. Anyway, you should just regard the tree of the beginning of the world as a special life form. Although it has only vague consciousness, it is not impossible to regard dreams as its consciousness."

"With our wisdom? I don't think you know the reason yourself."

Du rolled his eyes angrily.

Xia Yan's words were exposed.

Xia Yan shrugged.

If you insist on understanding it this way, it is not impossible.

"How do you know that Regis Chiru signed a contract with the World's Beginning Tree?" Dawu was still more concerned about this.

"Because I have a Reggie Locke."

Xia Yan said with a smile all over his face, with sincerity on his face.


Dawu and Du couldn't help chuckling.

"You think we'll believe it?"

The two couldn't help but sneer.

But the smile on Xia Yan's face remained unchanged.

Neither angry nor sarcastic.

After walking in silence for a while.

Dawu still couldn't help asking, "Really?"

Xia Yan nodded.

Dawu: "."

I can't talk today.

"The black air is becoming more and more obvious."

While they were chatting on the road, Lucario observed the changes in the surrounding crystals, and couldn't help but said to Xia Yan.

In fact, Xia Yan has been paying attention.

But he said helplessly, "I know, but I can't rush at this time, especially when I'm in the tunnel."

He noticed the puzzled eyes of several people.

Xia Yan thought for a while, and explained patiently:

"I said that the tree of the beginning of the world is a special life form. It is not just a tree. Have you seen these crystals? They are the embodiment of the life characteristics of the tree of the beginning of the world. They are usually quietly densely distributed in the jungle. Among them, while absorbing nutrients, we also give back to nature.”

"You mean, these crystals?"

Xia Yan ignored Dawu's surprised expression and continued to explain.

"Normally, these crystals will not change, only when"

Halfway through, he suddenly stopped.

"What?" Du couldn't help urging.

But Xia Yan swallowed quietly.


see you.

Several ancient elf-like creatures that seemed to be condensed by dark red liquid appeared around them.

Seeing Xia Yan running away without hesitation, although the three of Dawu didn't know why, they still ran to follow.

Those dark red ancient elves followed closely behind them.

"What are those?"

Xiaochun gasped.

"I just said that the tree of the beginning of the world is a special life form. Those things are equal to the white blood cells in our body, and they will attack things they think are dangerous." Xia Yan said without turning his head.

All the existences that may endanger the world's initial tree are their goals.

"For example, human beings?" Dawu asked tentatively.


Du and the others looked at each other in disbelief.


Is the tree of the beginning of the world really a special life form?

So they seem to be in the tunnel now, but they are actually in the "vessel" of the original tree of the world?

"How did the Rockets dodge it?"

"How do you know they weren't caught?"

Several people were silent.

Perhaps the Rockets sacrificed even more.

After saying this, Xia Yan immediately shouted: "Hu Di!"

Hu Di understands, super power to open it.

Wrap them up.

"What are you doing?"

Hu Di's superpowers failed to stop the pursuit of those dark red ancient elves, and they were still chasing after him.

And it is difficult for the elves' attacks to have much effect on them.

Xia Yan's face darkened.

"The Rockets have already activated the 'white blood cells' here, and there is a group of them rushing towards us."


"Take a deep breath."

But only Xia Yan said so.

next second.

Wrapped by Hu Di's super power, their figures immediately disappeared in place.

And those who were chasing after, and the white blood cells that were coming up in front, looked at each other in blank dismay, a little down.


Under the huge tree of the beginning of the world.

In a pool of clear water.

Xia Yan and the others poked their heads out of the water, breathing in fresh air.

"Xia Yan, have you been here?"


Under the support of Hu Di's super power, Xia Yan approached the shore with a blank face.

"No? Then how dare you let Hu Di 'teleport'?"

Du's face was full of disbelief.

"It's a bet."

"Bet, bet?"

Xia Yan glanced at him angrily, "Otherwise, why did you ask you to take a deep breath?"

Crossing: "."

Dawu: "."

"I'm lucky. It's in a pool. I thought I was going to be buried underground." Xia Yan said teasingly.

"You are so courageous." Dawu shook his head.

Casually using "teleportation" without coordinates?

The world of elves is not without fools who have done such things.

But none of them turned out well in the end.

In fact, Xia Yan didn't dare to do it before.

But after Hu Di's strength reached the level of a heavenly king, he gained a certain amount of confidence.


He's not completely random teleportation either.

Lucario guided him and Hu Di to the direction and location.

It can't be exact, but it's good enough.

If it really doesn't work, the king-level Hu Di also has the ability and opportunity to react.

Look up towards the sky.

Huge towering ancient trees soaring into the sky.

In this world.

Green mountains and green waters, flying birds and fish.

The ancient elves that can be seen everywhere have become extinct in the outside world, as well as rare elves such as the Qixi blue bird and the blue cotton bird.

Seeing such a scene, the four of them couldn't help being in a daze.

"Is this the original tree of the world?" Du murmured.

Compared with here, the Dragon's Cave of their Dragon Clan doesn't seem to smell good anymore.

"Let's keep this a secret, shall we?" Dawu said awkwardly.

This is the real version of Xanadu.

If developed, unimaginable wealth will be obtained.

But it still makes people can't help but feel the warm, comfortable, and peaceful heart that has no desires and no desires.

Listening to what they said, Xia Yan looked at the huge towering ancient tree with some deep meaning.

Does the original tree of the world really have no self-awareness?

It's just that they're near here.

The hint of indifference to the world that rose from the bottom of my heart was definitely not for no reason.

Even Xia Yan was already prepared in his heart, and he couldn't help but feel a kind of "this place is too beautiful, I can't bear to destroy it".


The original tree of the world really can't do whatever it wants.


The premise is that the dream is safe.

"Aren't the elves here affected?"

Du looked at the quiet and peaceful elves around him.


Xia Yan pointed to a blue crystal not far away.

Although the display is still blue and gorgeous.

But if you look closely, you can still find a strand of black thread like a hair in it.

"It's just that the impact is not that great. It seems that Mengmeng still has a certain degree of self-awareness, but it probably won't last long." Xia Yan said.


All these wild elves within the World Tree were affected.


Look at these sprites around you.

Several people couldn't help swallowing.

The wild elves here seem to be a bit too strong.

boom--! !

Just when they are thankful that the situation has not turned into the worst.

There was a loud explosion.

A dark mushroom cloud rose quietly.

The surrounding wild elves were frightened and fled in the opposite direction.

Xia Yan's expressions darkened.

They looked at each other a few times.

Without hesitation.

A group of wild elves going against the river.

Go in the direction of the explosion.

At the same time, I couldn't help but have doubts in my heart.

After seeing the scene here, they were all worried about the troublesome situation after the wild elves ran away.

Even if the Rockets wanted to destroy this place, wouldn't they think about the rampage wild elves tearing them to pieces?

With such doubts.

They finally approached the place where the explosion sounded.

I saw a burly middle-aged man wearing a golden mask and a red jacket, with a grim face, directing dozens of Team Rocket members to do things.

The members of the Rockets were more or less injured, and they looked a little embarrassed.

However, all of them ignored their injuries and were immersed in their work.

Place pieces of specially made explosives in specific positions.

"The tree of the beginning of the world and Dream are one, if it can bring enough damage to this tree, the strength of Dream will also decline!" Vixias shouted flamboyantly.

At the same time, this kind of destruction is also to attract the dream that hides out.

The four-person cat was behind a rock and did not act rashly.


Du directly named Bixias, and then added: "The top cadre of the Rockets."

"I didn't expect him to lead the team this time. That's not easy."


Du has also heard of the name Bishas.

He also knew of Bixias' cruel methods and character.

After briefly telling a few people about Bixias' behavior habits and means, the expressions of Dawu and Xiaochun were not very good-looking.

Although Xia Yan knew it was Bixias, he also pretended to be surprised.

his attention.

Most of them are still concentrated around Bixias.

That tyrannical ferocious cyan elf who roared out a mouthful of fiery breath from time to time.



It is not weaker than any one of the three divine pillars at the door, Bangiras!

The strength of Bishas may not be as good as a Four Heavenly Kings just now.

But it is definitely much stronger than the average king-level trainer.

It's hard to deal with that banjilas alone.

"Look at those elves."

Dawu pointed to the elves who were hovering around Team Rocket and the others, wreaking havoc.

There's even scythe helmets and primordial armor in there.

Obviously it wasn't Team Rocket's own elf, but the elf they captured after entering the world's initial tree.

But the state of these elves is very wrong.

Very grumpy.

"It's those pitch-black elf balls. The special energy contained in the dark balls will make the subdued elves violent and uncontrollable. This is why the wild elves around them dare not approach." Xia Yan explained.

"What should I do?" Xiaochun asked in a low voice while looking at the three of them.

And her question did successfully stump the three of them.

Hard punch?

They are not stupid.

The strength is obviously not equal.

Hard charging is almost the same as sending to death.

The Rockets increase their strength by forcibly capturing the surrounding wild elves. If they wantonly capture a large number of wild elves, no matter how rich Dawu is, he will not be able to withstand it.

Sakagi's words flashed through Xia Yan's mind.

Let him teach Bixias a lesson, or even kill Bixias?

Boss Sakagi thinks highly of him too much.


Did Sakagi include Zekrom?

Several people were silent.

There is no good way.

After a while.

Xia Yan regained his senses and noticed the gazes of the three, "What are you doing?"

"Think of a way, Xia Yan." Du couldn't help but said.

"When I am a god, there is such a huge disparity in strength, unless"

In the middle of speaking, he suddenly stopped.

"Unless what?" Dawu asked.

Unless he took out all the super-evolution stones and let Big Needle Bee and Hu Di perform super-evolution.

Then let Dawu's flashing golden monster, Boss Cordora, and the transferred charizard and tyrannosaurus all super-evolve, otherwise


Let's not talk about whether he has so many corresponding super evolutionary stones.

Even if there is.

Xia Yan also didn't think they could super-evolve the two elves at the same time.

It may be that Dawu's flashing golden monster will increase more combat power, and Du's fire-breathing dragon and Gyarados are still a little bit behind.

Kuailong can't super-evolve, and it really suffers.

But Xia Yan also made a simple calculation in his heart.

Big Needle Bee, Hu Di, Reggie Locke, Jiahe Ninja Frog, plus the Flashing Metagross and Kuailong, there are a total of six Heavenly King-level elves, which can barely hold Bishas.

The premise is that he does not have a strong system.

Otherwise the quantity is meaningless.

But the elves of the rest of Team Rocket, as well as the wild elves they captured, were still unable to deal with them.

Xia Yan didn't recover until Du pushed him.

Take a deep breath.

"Unless you really find a god."

"Why did you start talking nonsense?"

Xia Yan shook Kai Du's hand angrily.

"Don't forget what the purpose of our coming here is. The first thing is to protect the dream and the tree of the beginning of the world, and then deal with the Rockets. We can't put the cart before the horse."

"If the dream is restored, with its strength, or if it can command the elves under the tree of the beginning of the world, maybe."

They agree with Xia Yan's words.

But Dawu shook his head helplessly,

"The Rockets are now forcing Dream to come out. It's not easy to find Dream."

"What if I say, I can find it?" Xia Yan paused word by word.


Xia Yan supported Hu Di's shoulder and patted Lucario's back.

have them.

Finding a dream is not difficult.

The hard part is how to restore Mengmeng to normal.

"Well, let's split up."

Du suggested: "Xia Yan, go to Mengmeng and try to help it. I, Dawu, and Xiaochun are here to prevent Bixias and the others from causing greater damage to the tree of the beginning of the world."

It's not that Du is lazy.


He took on a greater responsibility.

after all.

It's hard to say what happened to the dream.

But if a conflict breaks out with Bixias and the others, it may be fine in a short time, but after a long time, the whole army will definitely be wiped out.

Xia Yan was lost in thought.

"Go, Xia Yan." Dawu said affirmatively.

"Go." Xiaochun couldn't help but say something.

The corners of Xia Yan's eyes twitched.


Can't you use a better word?

Why don't you have a "Birthday Song"?

But he still wiped it on his waist, and stuffed the elf ball into Dawu's hand.

"This is Reggie Locke. If a conflict really breaks out and fights around Reggie Locke, it should last longer." Xia Yan said solemnly.

Through the glass surface of the Poké Ball, Dawu's eyes lit up instantly when he saw the huge monster inside which was made entirely of stones.

"It's really Reggie Locke."

Xia Yan put one hand on Dawu's shoulder and the other on Du's shoulder.

The slight force in the palm made them feel a little pain.

But neither said anything.

"wait me back!"

Say it.

Looking at Lucario and Hu Di, he nodded.

Lucario's eyes were closed, and the power of the waveguide surged out.

The power of waveguide resides in the heart!

At the same time, Hu Di's super power also senses the connection in the dark.


PS: 1.1w asking for a monthly ticket~~

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