The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 792 The advantage is mine (three in one)

Meng Meng actually has a coquettish side.

It's a pity that now Xia Yan is not in the mood to talk to the coquettish it.

The Big Needle Bee was worthy of being the assassin Xia Yan cultivated with all his heart, and with lightning speed, before several members of Team Rocket could react, he killed them without hesitation.

Scarlet bloodstains appeared on their necks.

when they reacted.

It was too late.

Because most of their elves were subdued by the dark ball, they didn't dare to take them with them at all, and just threw them at them, forgetting their own safety.

And Du and the others were also tired of dealing with the crazy raid elves.

Can't move his hands to deal with these members of Team Rocket who are almost defenseless.

Xia Yan's sudden appearance.

They were caught off guard.

Or Bishas is better at protecting himself.

He didn't have all his strength to suppress them, and there were enough elves guarding him to ensure his safety.

He even reacted, and immediately sent elves to stop the massacre of the big needle bee, and saved a few members of Team Rocket.

Although he has a cruel temperament, he doesn't put other people's lives in his eyes.

But at this time, he still needs some men to come and do things for him.

But even so, more than half of the dozens of Team Rocket members fell down in an instant.

"Sizzling beer!"

Returning to Xia Yan's side, the big needle bee stared at a Geng Gui with a playful smile.

It was this Geng Gui who stopped it just now.


most notable.

It was still the vicious-looking Bankiras standing beside Bixias, whose body was a circle larger than normal Bankiras.

Just by looking at the dark blue armor with the naked eye, one can feel its thick defensive ability.

Especially the black holes on its chest and legs.

Faint wisps of black air emerged from it.

Moreover, after seeing the big needle bee, Bankiras couldn't help but want to shoot several times.

If Bixias hadn't stopped it, it might have rushed up immediately.

The mood of this Bankera is not very stable.

It may also be affected by dark energy.

Xia Yan narrowed his eyes.

Make a judgment at the first time.

But he didn't act rashly.

He just leaned towards Du and them.

at the same time.

Mengmeng also started to act after coquettish with Xia Yan.

I saw a green light glowing on its body.

A waveguide force full of goodwill erupted from it.

And with it as the center, it spreads towards the surroundings.

Wherever you go.

The wild elves affected by the dark ball stopped their movements one after another, and after blinking, the tyranny in their eyes faded away.

They are a little overwhelmed by the situation at this time.

He stared blankly at the elves in front of Du and the others.


The wild elves didn't react until the dreamy voice came.

Immediately scattered like birds and beasts.

Thousands of years ago, Yalang used the power of dreams.

Combined with the world's original tree, the war that was about to break out was quelled.

Although Dream didn't use the power of the World's Origin Tree this time, it was enough to deal with the group of violent elves in front of him.

And without the help of the tree of the beginning of the world, it will not over-consume the dream.


Bankiras growled.

Bursts of sound waves spread towards the surroundings accompanied by the faint black light.

The strands of black thread resisted the power of the dream waveguide, so that it would not affect the few elves on his side.

But enough.

Without the interference of the group of wild elves under the Tree of the Beginning of the World, Team Rocket members on the opposite side had no elves, and only Bishas and his elves were left to deal with.

Bishas, ​​who saw this scene, stared at Mengmeng.

With a dark face, he cursed in a deep voice.


The members of Team Rocket next to them were all silent, shrinking their necks and not daring to make a sound.


However, the power of such a large-scale waveguide consumes a lot of fantasy.

After all, it has just recovered from a bad state.

He staggered down from the air and landed in Xia Yan's arms.

Dream is not big, just like a weak kitten, soft and boneless.

Holding Xia Yan in his arms, he felt like holding the softest toy in the world.


Meng Meng blinked at Xia Yan.

Like say it again.

I'm doing well, right? Praise me quickly.

Seeing its appearance with a sullen face, Xia Yan couldn't help laughing.



Dream held his head high, a little proud.

Then she shrank into Xia Yan's arms, arching her head against his chest.

Dream consumption is not small.

But in fact, it is not impossible to even fly.

It is purely to act like a spoiled child.

Xia Yan didn't expose it either.

Seeing the ferocious wild elves fade away, Du and Dawu also let out a long sigh.

They really couldn't hold on any longer, and even the special potion that Dawu was carrying had been exhausted.

If Xia Yan and the others came later, they might not be able to persist.

"Are you ok?"

Xia Yan looked at them and asked.

Du grinned, supported the wound on his shoulder, and said with a smile: "It's still in time, as long as you don't die."

Even Dawu, who hadn't seen a trace of embarrassment in the battle with Regis Chilu before, looked a little embarrassed at this time.

The small suit on his body was damaged a lot.

"It turns out."

Dawu stood up tremblingly.

Under Xia Yan's puzzled eyes, he continued: "The potions I brought are still short."

Xia Yan: "."

In fact, with Dawu's strength, he wouldn't use any potions against ordinary, even stronger opponents, so he definitely didn't take less, but took a lot.


The opponent this time.

Whether it is the Sanshenzhu or the Rockets, they have far exceeded their tolerance.

If they are fully grown up, let alone Du and Dawu, even Xiaochun may have the ability to deal with it alone.

The fully grown Du and Dawu are estimated to be able to solve it easily.

After all, they are too young.

"Dream recovered?"

Du asked with Xiaochun's distressed face.


Xia Yan gently stroked Meng Meng's back.

Obviously there is no hair, but it gives people a soft and fluffy feeling.

Looking at the well-behaved Mengmeng in Xia Yan's arms, several people also nodded.

But none of them looked completely relaxed.

Because there is another person on the opposite side who is difficult to deal with.


Bankiras, Geng Gui, Hei Lujia, Crow Head, and Super Armored Rhinoceros.

Including Ma Yula who died in the city of Ouludran before, the six elves in total should be all the main elves of Bishas.

Because he was consumed by wild elves before, his elf state was maintained very well.

There was a tendency to turn corners indistinctly.

With Bankiras at the center, a Super Armored Rhino led the way, Hei Lujia and the Crow held them back, and Geng Gui responded from the side.

It is a very standard all-hands battle formation.

With just one glance, Xia Yan knew it was difficult to deal with.

"Can you still fight?" Xia Yan asked.

"What do you think? Hiss—"

Du raised his eyebrows, grinning in pain because he moved too much and involved the wound on his body.

Xiao Chun frowned.

Although distressed, it didn't stop Du from trying to be brave.

"Xia Yan, your Reggie Locke" Dawu said a little embarrassedly.

"Yeah." Xia Yan nodded.

Reggie Locke had lost the ability to fight, and Xia Yan saw it fell beside him.

It doesn't fit with Dawu and Du's tactical system, nor does it cooperate. If it is simply used as a meat shield, it is inevitable that the first one will be consumed until it loses its combat ability.

Xia Yan took it back.

"Reggie Locke, you are doing well, go back and give you another meal."

He glanced at the remaining elves of Dawu and Du.

The condition is not very good.

Xia Yan silently calculated in his heart.

Big Needle Bee, Hu Di, Dawu's flashing golden monster, Du Kuailong, and Lucario.

A total of five Heavenly King level elves.

Although there are five on the opposite side.

But there should be very consistent tactics with each other.

Especially that Bankera.

I'm afraid it's not an ordinary king-level elf. The black mist surrounding it is the same as the dark energy entangled in the dream before. The strength of Bankiras is probably much stronger than it is under normal conditions.

Didn't give them much time to think.

Bixias on the opposite side was no longer silent after confirming his dream state.

In his opinion.

As long as Meng Meng's condition is not good, Xia Yan and the three little ghosts will not be difficult to deal with.

What's more, how much combat power Dawu and Du have left is open to question.


The patter of yellow dust slowly emerged.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the pattering dust turned into a sandstorm all over the sky.

Vision is blocked.

The sharp sand slapped on the body, making a "rustling" sound.

Scratched on the face, just feel raw pain.

Even some fast gravel can leave bloodstains on the face.

The four of Xia Yan leaned back against each other, and the elves surrounded them, guarding against sudden attacks.


Dream stretches superpowers.

An energy hood built with superpowers enveloped them, isolating the intrusion of sandstorms.

But the line of sight was still greatly affected, and only a few dark shadows could be seen vaguely.


Lucario closed his eyes, sensing the power of the waveguide.

Slowly, in the sandstorm all over the sky, the silhouettes of several elves on the opposite side appeared in its perception.


see you.

Lucario rushed forward with a stride, his clenched fists shrouded in dark red light.

Boom—! !

The huge stone collided with its fist.

The stone exploded with a bang, and Lucario staggered a few steps.

"Do you believe me?" Xia Yan asked suddenly.


Du rolled his eyes angrily.

"Hurry up." Dawu also said.

Xia Yan couldn't help curling his lips.

Really boring.

When getting along with them, I can't find any pretentious sense of superiority.

But Xia Yan did not hesitate.

close your eyes.

The power of waveguide resides in the heart!

The scene in the entire sandstorm is presented in the mind.

It's not that I don't want to use superpowers.

But Bankiras of Bishas was very abnormal. As soon as Xia Yan's superpower spread, he felt a strong malice, and couldn't perceive the scene inside the sandstorm at all.

You can only learn from Lucario.

Learn now and sell now.



There was Lucario next to him, and while dealing with the offensive, he instructed Xia Yan how to better use the power of waveguide.

Just like Aaron taught Lucario back then.

It still remembers the scene when Aaron took it with his eyes closed in the forest and exercised his dodging ability in the forest with swaying stakes.

Now Lucario is teaching Xia Yan as a teacher.

And Xia Yan also learned quickly.

On the one hand, it is because he has experience in using superpowers.

On the other hand, the pair of gloves left by Yalang made Xia Yan's use of the power of waveguide not like a person who awakened the power of waveguide for the first time.


Their counterattack also began.

"Quick Dragon, at three o'clock on the right, the wave of the dragon!"

"Megan monster, ten o'clock on the left, Comet Fist!"

"Big Needle Bee, at twelve o'clock, cross-cut!"

"Hudi, overhead, mental shock!"


Commands came from Xia Yan who closed his eyes one by one.

Needless to say, Xia Yan's elves, they will do what Xia Yan says, and they will do it without hesitation.

And Dawu's giant golden monster and Du's Kuailong also responded quickly because of their endorsement.

Although they have no tacit understanding with Xia Yan and have never cooperated with each other, their tactical literacy is quite high and they can understand Xia Yan's meaning.


Xia Yan also knows the two elves very well, knows their abilities, and can use them effectively.

Du and Dawu couldn't help but looked at each other.

Xia Yan knows their elves a little too much, isn't it?

To deal with them?

Just when this thought came up, the two shook their heads almost at the same time.

Now is not the time to think about these things.


Isn't everyone the same?

Bishas' offensive was blocked.

But it still doesn't work like this.

"Xia Yan, in terms of consumption, we can't compare to the other side." Du reminded.

Neither his Kuailong nor Dawu's giant golden monster can be said to be in poor condition, but there is no difference between them.

"I know."

Xia Yan, who closed his eyes, also replied while commanding.

But he was unmoved.

It is to command the elves to resist the offensive.

Facing the attack of Bixias.

They were all blocked.

It went on for about five minutes.

Metagros and Dragons are in even worse shape.

"about there."

Xia Yan murmured at this moment.

The next moment.

Although Xia Yan still had his eyes closed, his expression suddenly became serious.

"Yawn, air cut, grass knot."

A series of instructions for three moves.

But the elves all know what they correspond to.

see you.

Fairy Eevee let out a long yawn, and a round transparent bubble appeared on the edge of the dreamy superpower shield.

Pokkisi came later, and the two air slashes quietly smashed into the sandbag.

There was obviously nothing there, but a black shadow suddenly appeared.

Hei Lujia, who was in the yellow sand all over the sky, was also taken aback.

It hasn't launched an attack yet, and the opposite side that has been defending has captured its attacking position!

bang bang! !

"Air Slash" was far more powerful than the sandstorm, hitting Hei Lujia's ankle.

Although the additional effect was not triggered to make Helujia cower, it also affected its actions because of the location of the hit.

Immediately afterwards.

The belated "yawn" quietly broke in front of Hei Lujia, and the feeling of deep sleep invaded its consciousness.

But after all, Hei Lujia's strength is very strong, so he won't just fall into a deep sleep.

But then the thick vines that spread from the ground, under the control of Latios, became the last straw that overwhelmed the yak.


Such interference will not make Helujia lose his ability to fight.

But the next attack was enough.

Fiery meteors roared out of its round orange mouth, and under Xia Yan's signal, Kuailong summoned up his last strength and spewed out a mouthful of "meteor clusters".

When it used the "meteor swarm", the light spots of sparks floating quietly from Xia Yan's shoulders did not enter Kuailong's body, giving it "help".

The fierce yellow sand was smashed and hit Hei Lujia with precision.


With shrill screams and whimpers, Helujia endured an irresistible attack.

When the heat dissipated and the smoke drifted away.

Hei Lujia did not directly lose his fighting ability.

Black mist rose from his body.

The entanglement, intertwining, and tumbling look are like evil spirits from hell.

Intense energy.

Unexpectedly, there was a faint stance to make Hei Lujia stand up again.


But see.

A sharp golden edge passed by.

Like an unmistakable bullet, it pierced through the chest and hit the heart.

Boom—! !

The black mist dissipated suddenly, revealing the hideous Hei Lujia underneath. His body curled up into a strange arc, but he couldn't stand up again.

The big needle bee, who succeeded in one blow, returned to Xia Yan's side.

"Damn it!"

Noticing the lifeless Heluga, Bixias let out a low growl, like a roar from hell.

Although he was angry on the surface, he couldn't hide the astonishment in his heart.


Putting away Kuailong who made the final blow, Du and Dawu also looked at Xia Yan with some surprise.

"Are you touching his bottom?"

Xia Yan, who had his eyes closed, smiled at this moment.

"Bixias is not weak. But he has a violent personality, especially after all his elves are injected with some kind of weird energy. Although this greatly strengthens the destructive power of these elves, it also affects some of their detailed operations. capabilities, and the ability to execute sophisticated tactics."

"So, he seems to have carried out a sandstorm tactic, but in fact he just used the sandstorm as a cover to cover up these details."

Dawu followed Xia Yan's words and continued.

"It's just that he didn't expect Xia Yan to have the ability to see through sandstorms and capture these details." Du Ye continued along this line of thought.

"Therefore, as long as he can judge his offensive habit and seize this habit as a breakthrough point, there will be a chance to erase one of the points after the outbreak."

Several people's eyes lit up.

No wonder Xia Yan is called a "Master Tactician".

His ability in field battles far exceeds his ability in competitions.

It is not possible for an ordinary person to judge an opponent's behavior and combat habits in just five minutes.

Xia Yan smiled without saying a word.

He analyzed Bishas' fighting habits, but he wasn't that exaggerated.

Much of the credit for that.

In fact, it is still due to the Rockets and the support of Sakagi.

When Zhenniao sent Bixias' information to Xia Yan, there were many Bixias' fighting videos among them.

Through these videos, plus the five minutes of contact just now.

This is the key to Xia Yan's ability to pinpoint Bixias' flaws all at once.

It is estimated that Bishas himself would not have thought of it.

His real loophole comes from the Rockets.

The bold behavior of the person above who can't see him touching the dream privately and trying to capture the dream is the real reason for Bishas' current situation.

of course.

Just defeating a black Luga does not mean the end of this collision.

The Kuailong who crossed also lost the ability to fight.

It can only be said that the limit is one for one.

Kuailong who doesn't transition can't last long, and such an exchange is very profitable.


Meng Meng in Xia Yan's arms looked at his shoulder, and there was also a playful little guy blinking at Meng Meng.

Won't you make a move?

Victini turned his head away, shaking his feet.


It doesn't like fighting.

So Xia Yan has never let it fight, at most it is using its best help ability, which belongs to the help of the victory star.

Therefore, Victini likes to get along with Xia Yan very much.

A trainer who is considerate of himself makes Victini depend on him a lot.

Dream's eyes crossed Victini and looked at another empty place.


It doesn't make a move, and you don't make a move either?

Doron Baruto blinked his eyes twice.

During this time, it has followed Xia Yan to many places and experienced many things.

But as Xia Yan grew up, he no longer needed Duolong Baruto to take action.

At the beginning, Xia Yan tried his best to make himself forget the existence of Duolong Baruto, so as to avoid unnecessary dependence.

He's pretty much done it now.

Duolong Baruto grinned and took a deep look at Xia Yan.

His mouth moved slightly, but he didn't make any sound.

But Dream understood.

Doron Baruto said with a smile: I am waiting for him to subdue me.

Xia Yan's strength is getting closer and closer to subduing Duolong Baruto.

Watching him grow little by little, Duolong Baruto even faintly looked forward to what kind of responsibilities he would take and what kind of role he would play after being truly subdued by Xia Yan.

I also look forward to fighting side by side with Xia Yan under Xia Yan's command.


Meng Meng nodded her head, glanced at Xia Yan's resolute chin from bottom to top, and arched in his arms.

It didn't make a move because it saw Duolong Baruto.

Unexpectedly, Duolong Baruto would not make a move.

But Xia Yan still seemed to have broken the game.

What an amazing person.

"It's still difficult."

Although a black luga was replaced.

But Bixias will definitely be more vigilant and careful, and the unfavorable situation is still on their side.

If you cross.

The joyful expressions of several people were restrained.

But Xia Yan didn't change much.


"Now four vs. four, I have the advantage." Xia Yan said slowly.


Dawu and Du were a little surprised.


Are you so confident?

The point is.

They actually think so.

Xia Yan is not bragging.

No further explanation was given.

His operation came quickly.


It was deliberately released by Bishas in order to block his line of sight, in order to make his attacks more concealed, and to better implement tactics and offensives.

But at this time.

The sandstorm has also become a tool that Xia Yan can use.

His hands reached for his pockets.

Grab a warm stone in your inner pocket.


For the safety of several people, he is ready to expose the super-evolution.

Although super evolution can bring him immeasurable benefits.

But compared with a few good friends, Xia Yan did not hesitate in his choice.

But now.

Sandstorm in Bishas.

Gave him more room to play.

at the same time.

Defeating Hei Lujia is not just for one-for-one, but also to verify whether the information given by the Rockets is completely reliable.


Xia Yan waved his hand.

Big Needle Bee, Hu Di, and Lucario rushed into the sandstorm without hesitation.

Lucario and Hu Di are not affected by the sandstorm, although the big needle bee will be hurt.

But for it, these injuries are not fatal, and it has enough time and opportunity to establish a victory.

"Xia Yan, the giant metal monster."

"It's what keeps us safe."

Latios, Pokkisi, and Fairy Ibrahimovic also rushed into the sandstorm following the big needle bee.

next second.

Xia Yan's body burst out with surging waveguide power.

Meng Meng curled up in his arms and blinked.


It is to cover the abnormalities brought about by super evolution.

Under the cover of the power of the azure waveguide, and in order to command the giant metal monster, Dawu's attention was all on this side.

At the same time, Du and Xiaochun's attention had been focused on the sandstorm, and they failed to notice the strangeness on Xia Yan.

"Big needle bee, Mega!" Xia Yan thought to himself.

He said it.

The battlefield of the initial tree of the world is the right time, the sandstorm is the right location, and Bishas's information is enough to understand the harmony of people.

The right time, the right place, and the right people.

I have the advantage!

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