The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 794 You are really a dream brother (three in one)

"Leader, leader?"

Bixias was completely stunned when he heard Xia Yan's words.

He knew Du and Dawu's identity, so he naturally knew Xia Yan's identity as well.

These few people are all super rookies who have risen in the league recently, and they are already able to deal with him now. Even Bishas can't imagine what kind of achievements they will have in a few years.

Xia Yan was actually an undercover agent planted by Sakamu in the alliance?

A super rookie who was vigorously cultivated by the alliance is actually Sakagi's undercover agent?

What height can Xia Yan reach in the league in the future?

Bishas deeply felt the terror of Sakagi.

It's just that he doesn't know.

Xia Yan was not an undercover agent placed by the Rockets in the league, but an undercover agent placed by the league in the Rockets.

"He asked me to remind you not to go too far in some things." Xia Yan said hoarsely.

"I, I know."

Bishas gritted his teeth.

lowered his head.

He had lost all hope of surviving.

But now that Xia Yan revealed his identity, he once again saw a slight chance to survive.


If Xia Yan is really Sakagi's person, he represents Sakagi's will and finds himself at this time.

Does it mean that Sakamu asked Xia Yan to keep his hand deliberately so that he could live?

After all, in Bixias' view, Sakagi still holds him in high regard, and even if he does a lot of things out of line, Sakagi just turns a blind eye.

This fueled his ambition.

Xia Yan's confession made him even more sure.

Sakagi Yosai.

I don't want to see him, a top cadre, just folded here like this.


Might just want to tap it.

Xia Yan slowly squatted down.

Looking directly into Bishas eyes.

The eyes that were wild and wanton before, have now been restrained by an unknown amount.


Bixias also showed an ugly smile at Xia Yan.

It's as hard as it takes.

Xia Yan couldn't help chuckling, "I have a few doubts, and I hope that Bixias cadres can answer them for me."

"you say."

Bishas tried hard to restrain his emotions.

Xia Yan's address to him made him a little more certain about his guess.

"What's going on with your Bankiras, Ma Yula before, and Heluga, those elves on the head of the crow?" Xia Yan asked.

Stare closely at Bishas.

In this case, Xia Yan can clearly perceive Bixias's emotional fluctuations.

But Bishas obviously wasn't going to hide it either.

"It's a research result of the Rockets. I don't know where it came from." Bishas said honestly.

After thinking about it, he added:

"At first the research was to deal with the dream, but later the leader gave up the research and even detained the researcher."

Xia Yan raised his eyebrows.

He can guess that Sakagi gave up this research on dreams.

On the one hand, it is because the results of this research are not outstanding, and it will cause the captured elves to lose control and go berserk, which is a failure. It is very likely that they will hurt themselves before hurting the enemy.

On the other hand, Sakagi took a different approach and developed Chaomeng based on the dreamy gene.

But as far as the word "Chaomeng" is concerned, beyond the name of the dream, you know how high Sakagi's expectations for Chaomeng are.

Now that there are better ones.

The obsession with illusory dreams is not so strong.

Moreover, the Rockets wantonly collected the genes of the mythical beasts.

Such as Gulardo, Kyoka, and even Necrozma have already absorbed part of it. If Chaomeng can really be born, the combat power alone will definitely be stronger than Dream.

But Xia Yan couldn't understand the fact that the researcher was detained.

For a person who cherishes talents like Sakagi, even if the results of the researcher are not what he wants, they will not be detained.

Seemingly seeing Xia Yan's doubts, Bishas explained:

"This is more or less a secret of the Rockets, not many people know about it. It was because the researcher conducted a research without the permission of the leader, which eventually caused heavy losses to the Rockets, and was detained by the leader in a rage. "

"What research?" Xia Yan couldn't help asking.

Bixias stared at Xia Yan for a while.

It was only then that he said dejectedly: "Mix different genes with different elves."


This is indeed a very bold study.

If you say it, you will probably be cast aside by an unknown number of people.

But it makes sense for the Rockets to conduct such research.

Hu Di it's not right.


Xia Yan seemed to have grasped something.

He continued to ask calmly:

"This is not out of the ordinary for our Rockets, is it?"

"Yes." Bishas nodded, "But what if those genes are human?"

Xia Yan's expression froze.

Humanity? !

Fusion of human genes and elf genes?

That's an ethical thing.

Xia Yan also admired the researcher's brain circuit a little bit.

I have already talked about this, it is about the secrets of the Rockets, Bixias is a little interested.

"That researcher has a lot of connections with outsiders, and the purpose of some of his experiments is open to question.

However, he wantonly injected a large amount of fantasy genes into some super power elves, which eventually caused an already powerful super power elf to go berserk completely, completely destroying the base of the Rockets at that time, and killing and injuring most of the members. "

This is something that Sakagi really can't stand.

Although Sakagi is not the kind of leader who cares about the life and death of the people below.

But Sakagi believes in one thing.

Especially after being defeated and retired by Lord Chi, he believed in one thing even more.

That is, the strength of a team can be stronger than that of a single person. No matter how strong he is, he must unite the strength of many people to achieve success.

Xia Yan's mind flashed through the special episode, the last conversation between Sakamu and his son Xiaoyin when he retreated, the picture of raising his hand and spreading his five fingers slowly grasping.


Team Rainbow Rocket appeared.

"You said, that researcher also did the research on the fusion of fantasy genes and super power elves?"

Xia Yan asked, but his attention fell on Hu Di behind him.

Hu Di's parents were also the product of that experiment.

"Yes." Bixias affirmed:

"Originally, for the purpose of the leader, even if it is impossible to recreate the fantasy, strengthening the super power elf with the fantasy gene is a means to strengthen the Rockets, and the ratio of the integrated genes is actually very stable. This achievement can be regarded as a success If it is shot, the researcher is enough to gain a foothold in the Rockets."

"Won't it get out of control?"

"No. Although the enhancement is not much, it is stronger than ordinary elves. The disadvantage is that these elves have lost their fertility due to genetic changes. Otherwise, as long as they are continuously cultivated for several generations, the strength of the super-power elves in Team Rocket It's going to be way above the league."

Bixias showed a little regret on his face.

Dreams are also sterile.

"This research started with the Rockets a few years ago, and it has already stabilized. It's just that the researcher colluded with outsiders in the end, and at the same time, he was not satisfied with such a conservative fusion method to drastically increase the number of dream genes.

It is said that the appearance of the elves born at that time has changed a lot, and they are no longer what they were before.

Of course, the strength is also several times stronger.

But precisely because of this, powerful forces have no way to check and balance, and eventually get out of control. Not only did it lead to the destruction of the base, but also caused heavy casualties, and even the previous research results of stable fusion genes were destroyed. "

Xia Yan was lost in thought.

So to say.

Reversing the time, Hu Di's parents were the product of the crazy strengthening experiment later. After all, the previous results, the elves were unable to reproduce due to genetic disorders.


Before Xia Yan could speak, Bixias laughed darkly twice.

"Hey, these are actually just rhetoric. Those stable data were destroyed by the researcher, not because of the turmoil. Otherwise, with the Rockets' computer data storage capabilities, how could there be no backup."

Xia Yan frowned, "Why?"

"Because in his opinion, it is a failure, a defective product, and a kind of stain on his ability."

"Another mad scientist."

Xia Yan shook his head.

Can barely understand.

"But he is indeed very capable and courageous. He mixes human genes and increases the amount of fantasy genes in order to preserve the fertility of those products."

Even Bishas admired that man's ability and courage.

Xia Yan narrowed his eyes.

What is the strongest fertility in the elf world?


Sure enough, so bold!

Ordinary elf + dream + human.

If such genes don't break down, Xia Yan goes to the toilet and eats three catties like crazy.

"The point is, he really stabilized at first." Bixias said leisurely.

Xia Yan was silent.


Otherwise, Hu Di would not be able to appear.

However, after Xia Yan knew that Hu Di had a dream gene in his body, he observed Hu Di's gene for the safety of Hu Di and the stability of the gene.

It is determined that there are only two gene fragments of Hudi and Mengmeng in it, and there are absolutely no human beings.

Otherwise, Dream would not be close to Hu Di, it would definitely feel the purity of Hu Di's genes, only its and Hu Di's.

He didn't even suspect that Hu Di was his child.

It will see that this is a "mixture".

But mythical beasts and phantom beasts basically have no fertility.

Because mythical beasts and phantom beasts are mostly gender-ambiguous.

Even if there are, most of them are similar to the method of division and reproduction, or children in name that are born with their own energy, genes, and flesh and blood.

rather than through birth.

What method did the researcher use.

Since Xia Yan is not even at the half-baked level, he can't tell.

But definitely a mad scientist.

Not inferior to Akromar's mad scientist, even crazier.

There is no shortage of mad scientists in the elf world, but this is the first time I have heard of such crazy scientists.

Xia Yan felt creepy even thinking about it.

No wonder Sakagi wanted to detain him.

Can't do it well.

That person finally created a new species.

think about it.

If Chaomeng has fertility

In a few hundred years, Chaomeng will be able to rule the elf world, right?

When any divine beast has the same reproductive ability as humans, no, even if it is weaker, it can rule the elf world.


Where to stay cool and where to stay.

"how do you know?"

Bixias pursed his lips, and said:

"Because I let him out, he told me himself."

You really deserve to die.

Xia Yan thought to himself.

"The last question." Xia Yan thought for a while, and then asked, "What does that elf that ran away and out of control look like?"

"What does it look like?"

Bishas blinked.

The previous question is easy to say, it is the secret of the Rockets, Xia Yan doubts that Bixias also understands, but what does the elf look like, what should I pay attention to?

But now people use knives and others use fish.

Frowning and thinking for a while, he said:

"I haven't seen what it looks like. But I heard from him that the appearance is almost perfect. It has a skin similar to that of a dream, but because the appearance of the basic elf is very different from that of a dream, it is also different. The whole body is silver-white. , mixed with a little purple.

The man also said that he named this elf Chaomeng? right! Mew-two! Beyond fantasy! "

The first generation Mewtwo!

Xia Yan couldn't help but look at Hu Di who was frowning behind him.

You are really a super dream brother.

Xia Yan has basically concluded that the runaway elf is Hu Dita's father.

In fact, Xia Yan still has a doubt.

That's where exactly the Dark Energy Rockets that make the Dark Balls come from.

But obviously Bishas didn't know.

Stand up slowly.

Bixias gaze followed Xia Yan's movements.

His life was in Xia Yan's hands.

After stopping to think for a while, Xia Yan suddenly grinned, and looked at Bishas with a little playfulness and sarcasm.

"By the way, I forgot to tell you one thing."


"Boss Sakagi said, you crossed the line, I will take your seat."

Bishas widened his eyes.

He opened his mouth and wanted to yell.

Why did you say that earlier, I am here to chat with you?

It's just that he has a long mouth but he can't make any more sound. Hu Di's super power has completely enveloped him.

Tell Bishas directly about your purpose?

Then how can he answer the question honestly?

Xia Yan turned around and walked directly in the direction of Du and the others.

The super power in Hu Di's eyes burst out suddenly.

A mass of objects fell heavily to the ground behind him.

Mengmeng, who was curled up in Xia Yan's arms, blinked and looked at Xia Yan.

Of course Dream also heard his chat with Bishas.

Humans are messing around with their genes?

"I'm the League's undercover agent for the Rockets." Xia Yan said after thinking about it.


Dream doesn't care much about this.

It doesn't even care much to hear that its genes are being studied.

Its thinking is not complicated, but also very simple.

It only knew that from Xia Yan, it didn't feel the slightest bit of disgust.

As for, say, the Union? Rockets? Which is good and which is bad?

That's not what it cares about.

But it was very happy that Xia Yan didn't lie anymore.

It means that Xia Yan listened to what it said.

"Have a rest first?" Xia Yan looked at Hu Di.

Hu Di hesitated, but still nodded.

Its head is a bit messy, and its train of thought needs to be sorted out.

Immediately Xia Yan took all the elves back.

With the return of Hu Di, the violent sandstorm finally fell silent.

"Xia Yan!"

Seeing Xia Yan approaching slowly, and the sandstorm completely dissipated, Du and the others let out a sigh of relief and greeted him.

"Where's Bishas?" Du asked.

"He has caused a lot of damage to the tree of the beginning of the world, let him be a nutrient." Xia Yan said, tightening the dream in his arms.

Several people glanced at Meng Meng in his arms, but didn't say anything more.

so far.

The destruction of the Rockets was finally completely over.

The dream returned to normal, the tree of the beginning of the world was preserved, and the surrounding wild elves gradually returned to calm, and the members of Team Rocket headed by Bixias also ended in a group destruction.

to here.

They were finally able to breathe a sigh of relief.

Sitting on the ground for a while.

Only a little recovery of the tired body.

Now that the sun is above their heads, they haven't slept all night.

Rao is Xia Yan, the superpower.

After being repeatedly tossed with superpowers, waveguide power, super evolution and Z moves, I couldn't hold on.

Just want to sleep right now.

But they looked up at the lush tree of the beginning of the world.

"Let's go." Du proposed.

The Rockets were found in Ouludran City. It is estimated that people from the alliance are already on the way or have already arrived in Ouludran City.

If they don't go back, Queen Irene may tell the secret of the world's original tree.

The alliance will definitely not look at the original tree of the world, and a place with such rich resources will silently stay in the corner of the world.

But the four of them tacitly don't want to destroy this place.

in this world.

There must always be such a small place where the elves can live carefree.

There must always be such a piece of pure land where a pure heart can be entrusted.


Xia Yan and Dawu nodded.


Dream blinked and floated up from Xia Yan's arms.

Eyes full of reluctance.

Are you leaving just now?

It hasn't had time to have fun with Xia Yan yet.

"You can go out and play with us." Xia Yan saw through Meng Meng's meaning and said with a smile.

heard the words.

Dreamy's eyes lit up.


After flipping twice in the air.

Superpowers enveloped them.

next second.

When sight was restored, they had already appeared in a secluded room.

Looking at the surrounding walls and decorations, you can tell that they have returned to the city of Orudran.

It's a dreamy teleportation.

It saved them from flying back slowly.

The condition of the elves is not very good.

Du and Dawu went to report the situation to Queen Irene, and at the same time contacted the alliance members who came to Oludran City.

Xia Yan didn't like this part very much, so he took the elves to rest in the hotel.

The elves of the three of Dawu were also handed over to Xia Yan, asking him to help restore them.

Fortunately, the hotel room is big enough to accommodate so many elves.

After Xia Yan dealt with all the elves, he fell heavily on the bed.

Physically and mentally exhausted.

However, he still supported his body and looked at Lucario, who was standing by the bed with a tangled expression.

Lucario's misunderstanding of Aaron has been resolved.

"Do you want to come with me?" Xia Yan asked, pressing his temple.

Lucario didn't speak, just stretched out his hand, and a soft waveguide force radiated from his palm.

Although he couldn't help Xia Yan recover, it also helped him ease his frantically beating temples and relax his mind.

"I want to stay and protect the city of Oludran."

Lucario's voice rang in Xia Yan's mind.

Xia Yan was actually not very surprised by this result.

Although he has a good relationship with Lucario.

But in the final analysis, the bond between Lucario and Aaron lasted for a thousand years, and the things they experienced together were much more than what Xia Yan and it experienced.

"Okay." Xia Yan nodded without forcing.

Lucario glanced at the gloves on Xia Yan's hands, and after a little hesitation, he still said:

"But if you need my help with anything, as long as you give me some information, I will be there as soon as possible."

It looked at Xia Yan with sincere eyes.

Although it doesn't want to be separated from Xia Yan.

But Aaron used his life to protect the city of Orudran for thousands of years, and Lucario wanted to protect it with his own hands for the rest of the time.

The city of Oludran approached the alliance, and Lucario wanted to contribute at this time.

"Okay, then I won't be polite." Xia Yan continued to smile and nodded.

Lucario pursed his lips, as if he had made a decision in his heart.

"I'll wait for Oludran City to stabilize, and I'll go find you!"

Xia Yan looked at Lucario with a little surprise, and expressed his understanding of the change in his attitude.


The three affirmations showed Xia Yan's respect for Lucario.

Lucario stared at Xia Yan for a while, then nodded heavily, and walked towards Pokkisi and Latios.

It wants to take advantage of the fact that Xia Yan is still here, and try his best to pass on his understanding and use of the power of waveguide to them.

After Lucario left, Xia Yan was finally able to sleep.

After the mind was completely relaxed, the eyelids began to fight uncontrollably.

It's a pity that I can't take the immediate combat power of Walker.

However, Lucario and Ouludran City have too deep a bond with Aaron. Even if he fools him away, he will not be able to become Xia Yan's elf wholeheartedly because he is worried about this place.

It's better to wait for the stability of Ouludran City, so that Xia Yan and Lucario can truly establish their bond.

If you want to gain the respect and love of elves, you must first respect their will.

Trust is mutual.

After thinking about it, Xia Yan didn't know when he fell asleep.

Raising the corners of his mouth.

After a while, there was a steady breathing sound.

After he fell asleep, the frolicking elves in the room all reduced the sound they could make.

All restrained.

From time to time, he looked towards the bed.

Whenever they saw the person on the bed sleeping soundly, the elves would smile unconsciously and then move more cautiously.


Dream has so many elves playing with it at once, don't mention how happy it is.

It's a joy to transform into the appearance of the fairy Eevee for a while, the appearance of Pokkisi for a while, and the appearance of the big needle bee for a while.

Playing around.


Dream suddenly looked at Xia Yan's backpack on the table with some doubts.

Drive superpowers.

The zipper was slowly opened, and an incubator slowly floated out of it.

A fiery red elf egg lay quietly in it.

Flickering and jumping, the texture on the surface of the elf egg shows that the elf egg is very active.

But Dream tilted his head.

He looked at the elf egg with some doubts.

It is very active.

But such activity.

But it just became the shackles of the spirit breaking the shell inside.

Notice the movement of the dream.

The elves hurriedly gathered around to prevent the little naughty Mengmeng from doing anything out of the ordinary.

At the same time, Pokkisi also explained the situation of this elf egg to Mengmeng, telling it what they experienced with Xia Yan.

Listening and listening, dreamy eyes showed longing.

At the same time it nodded vigorously.

Seems like a decision has been made.

The superpower opened the incubator and took out the elf eggs in it.

He gave the elves a look, indicating that it would not mess around.



Dreams call victini.

Whispered two words in its ear.


Victini glanced at it with some hesitation.

After making sure that Mengmeng was not joking, she thought about it and finally nodded.


Under the watchful eyes of all the elves.

Dream and Victini started their "operation" together.

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