The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 804 Crouching dragon and phoenix chicks can't just have one (three in one)

"It's here, right?"

A figure slowly walked out of the sea.

When approaching the destination, Xia Yan gave up and flew directly from the sky, it was too ostentatious.

So he chose to approach from underwater and then go ashore.

catches the eye.

It is a huge and lush forest. Compared with the forest outside, the plants here are not only more lush, but also have many primitive trees.


This is an island that has not been developed.

Even before that, it was not an island that others could approach at will.

After all, according to the map drawn by the flame bird to Xia Yan, he did not know that there was an island here after comparing it with the alliance's sea chart.


The legendary flame bird, and even the entire flame bird clan inhabit this island, so it is understandable that no one can get close.

"But how do I remember that the three islands of the three god birds should be near the Asia Island of the Orange Islands? That's where they belong, and they have a way to call Rogia." Xia Yan muttered to himself. A sentence.

After removing the super power package, many water stains also fell off.

He took out his phone and looked at it.

Make sure there is no signal here.

This further confirmed his conjecture.

"No signal is a good thing, I can hide in the dark better."

Xia Yan thought to himself.

He walked out of the beach, and did not go straight into the deep forest, but sat under a tree, thinking about what to do next.

Dr. Oki asked him to find a helper.

But sometimes the more people there are, the harder it is to deal with this kind of thing.

Besides, if the enemy is really the Hunter's Guild, then he can use his identity to face it.

Xia Yan thought about the situation and analyzed the situation.

"First of all, I'm 90% sure that the Hunter's Guild is operating behind the scenes, and it can even be as accurate as Miss T's Tuomuqi."

"Secondly, the attitude of the flame bird, and the attitude of the freezing bird I met in Tianguan Mountain before, shows that the big needle bee, the "chosen one" in their mouth, is their own person, so I am not one of them. There are no allies, and those three god birds are all allies."

"Furthermore, the Rockets will not intervene. They will neither help me nor Thumchi. Judging from Sakagi's reaction and the Rockets' reaction, it should be that Chaomeng is about to be born, and all their attention is on it." In Chaomeng, otherwise Bishas would not dare to be so bold. Perhaps one of the purposes of Sakagi giving me the 'Silver Feather' is to use me to disrupt the situation."

"Finally, what caused the flame bird to become that irritable, trance-like state, I remembered that the dark ball and dark energy used by Bixias have the same effect. So the researcher who created the first generation of Mewtwo , is there any connection with Tom Luqi?"

Bishas is dead, but the whereabouts of the researcher he released is unknown.

"Maybe Bishas boldly took action against Dream, and he had the intention of attracting the attention of the Rockets and the league, but it was destroyed by us unintentionally."

Randomly twisted a branch from the side.

Write a few points on the ground.

One (the most important thing) is to determine what the "God's Chosen One" is, figure out the secrets of the big needle bee, and judge whether it can make a profit according to the situation.

Two, determine what the Hunter Guild wants to do, and then act according to its ability, destroy or obstruct it.

Third, determine what is going on with the group of the three god birds. The flame bird said that the frozen bird must not be in Tianguan Mountain anymore. It must have a reason for being so sure.

Fourth, the second and third points may point to the same goal.

Fifth, Thumuqi owns a Lightning Bird.

Scanned from top to bottom.

Xia Yan quickly locked on the key.

What is the group of three god birds going to do?

"So, we should collect information as soon as possible while we are still in the dark, and get more information. It is best to meet a three-sacred bird."

Flamingo lost his memory.

But Xia Yan didn't think the rest of the three god birds were like this.

"Then start by looking for other three god birds."

Xia Yan has a clear goal.

He stood up and patted the dust off his body.

Throw the poke ball and summon the pokemon.

This forest is not simple at first glance. The wild elves inside are probably not weak, so we still need to make the most basic preparations.

He looked up at the sky.

Thin black clouds gradually spread and shrouded.



The figure slowly hides in the lush vegetation.

"Pokkiss, Pokki missile."

Boom—! !

As the blue wave missiles collided with each other, a fiery monkey fell to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, Flame Monkey and Latios stepped forward.

One relied on strength and the other relied on superpowers to restrain the struggling Fiery Monkey.

However, it was injured a lot, the more it struggled, the more it hurt, and the strength of the struggle was not that great.

"Sword monster with strong shield."

The Strong Shield Sword Monster understood, separated a shadow from Xia Yan's shadow, and submerged into the Fiery Monkey's shadow.

Two purple ribbons emerged from the shadow and wrapped around the arms of the fiery monkey.

all of a sudden.

The fiery monkey's expression became a little dazed, and his resistance stopped.

At this time, Xia Yan used his super power to contact it with telepathy.

"Fiery monkey, where are the flame bird, lightning bird or freezing bird?" Xia Yan said in a deep voice.

What responded to it was Blazing Monkey's blank eyes.


Fairy Eevee puffed his mouth and walked towards the fiery monkey angrily.

But Xia Yan stopped him.

"Forget it, it shouldn't know."

Already confused by the ability of the Shield Sword Monster, coupled with his own poor condition, the Fiery Monkey has no ability to lie or hide in front of Xia Yan.

This is not the first time he has asked wild elves.

But Xia Yan was not satisfied with the result.

Many of these wild elves have seen the three god birds, but none of them really know where the three god birds' nests are.

I originally thought that elves like Fire Monkey had a slightly higher IQ than other elves, and they might know more things.


Even a quasi-king-level wild elf doesn't know the nest of the three god birds, Xia Yan can't think of any other elves who can know.


Xia Yan stopped the elves who were about to loosen their restraints.

He stared at the fiery monkey with burning eyes.

"You don't know, do other elves know?"

The fiery monkey looked blank.

It seems to be thinking.

After a while, it pointed to a hill that was not particularly high but was near the coast.


Xia Yan waved his hand, which signaled the elves to let go.

After all, some wild elves would know about it, but the fiery monkey didn't know, not because it wasn't strong enough, but because it wouldn't pay attention.

For wild elves, survival, territory, resources, and reproduction are all they have.

At the level of the three god birds, they have seen it, and there is nothing else to do except look up.

But it doesn't care, it doesn't mean that other elves don't care.

There are always people who like to gossip among human beings.

It is inevitable that there will be some empty ones among the elves.

And those who have eaten nothing, either have superior strength and do not need to run around for a living, or are superior in wisdom and idle.

Finally locked a small target.

Xia Yan led the elves towards the hill pointed by the hot monkey.

I don't know if it's because of the turmoil in the tribe of the three god birds that the elves on the entire island are particularly excited.

Xia Yan remembered that when watching the theater version of Rogia's "Egg Explosion", the weather in the elf world was completely out of balance because the three god birds were captured.

At that time, Dr. Oki also specifically described the role of the three god birds.

The main key lies in the undercurrent in the depths of the seabed.

I remember he said that the temperature difference between the flame bird and the freezing bird will produce an undercurrent, and the thunder and lightning of the thunder bird will stimulate the ammonia in the sea, so life will be born.

Therefore, the three god birds are the origin of life in the elf world.

He remembered that when he saw it for the first time, he suddenly felt that it was so tall, and the three gods were so important.

Only later did I slowly understand.

It's not that the three god birds are powerful, but because there were only dramas in the Kanto area, the Johto area, and the Orange Islands at that time, and there were only a few powerful ones.

Let Xia Yan see it now.

The Three Divine Birds are important, but at most they are similar to the Three Clouds in the Hezhong area.

The priesthood determines their upper limit, but also imprisons their upper limit.

"I still remember what Xiaojian said when he was following something, electrolysis of water H2O produces hydrogen and oxygen, and it will explode under the flame."

Xia Yan approached the hillside while recalling the episodes he still remembered.

It is thanks to his awakening of superpowers that he can have such a memory and be able to dig out information from the depths of his memory. Otherwise, he has been in the world of elves for so long, and ghosts can still remember so many details.

The obstacles along the way are not small.

However, under the protection of his elves, the impact of these obstacles is not great.

If it weren't for worrying that excessive movement might attract unnecessary attention, Xia Yan would have pushed him across the board.

Although this island is rarely set foot by humans, in the wild environment, it is quite remarkable to be able to grow to the quasi-king level, which is definitely a rare existence.

As for the quasi-king-level elves, there are not many elves that can cause trouble for other elves.


Latios suddenly let out a low cry.


In a lake in front of the hillside, there was a sound.


Azure blue body, thick carapace, two shining cannons.

Xia Yan's eyes brightened slightly.

Unexpectedly, there was a water arrow turtle here.

The elves of the Yusan family in the Kanto area are all very good elves, and the water arrow turtle can be regarded as the number one in the water system of the Yusan family.

The water arrow turtle didn't take the initiative to attack, but saw it walking out of the pool slowly, staring at them vigilantly.


"Cha Ke Yi~~"

As a "social butterfly", after hearing Blastoise's question, Pokkisi stepped forward to negotiate immediately, and at the same time expressed his intentions, not intending to disturb it, nor did he mean to grab the territory.

But when Pokkisi said that their goal was the hillside behind it, Blastoise's eyes suddenly changed.

boom--! !

Without warning, two turbulent water jets erupted from its gun barrel.

Fortunately, Pokkisi's reaction was fast enough, turning into a white light and avoiding the two water jets at an extremely fast speed.

"Cha Kei?!"

After avoiding the attack, Pokkisi looked at the water arrow turtle with some disbelief.

The social failure of the "social butterfly" still made Pokkisi uncomfortable.

"Is it a quasi-king level water arrow turtle?" Seeing the attack of the water arrow turtle, Xia Yan also made a judgment.

He squinted his eyes and looked at the hillside behind Blastoise.

"It seems that there is really something extraordinary on that hillside."

After muttering something, Xia Yan waved his hand.

A quasi-king-level water arrow turtle would not be able to cause him any trouble.

On the contrary, it was this well-developed water arrow turtle.

Can sell for a good price.


Missing a hit, Water Arrow Turtle swept over Xia Yan and his elves, and instead of flinching, he roared.


The water broke again.

Another azure blue spirit sticking to the surface of the water surfaced, with interlaced jagged scales, a bent and bent body, and an imposing manner that did not evade.

Wrapped in the water, it hovered beside the water arrow turtle.

Thorn Dragon King!

Seeing these two elves, who could completely dominate an area, stand side by side, Xia Yan became even more curious about the existence on the hillside.

Wild elves are not okay.

But a quasi-king level water arrow turtle and a quasi-king level thorn dragon king live in peace in such a small pond, Xia Yan doesn't think they have a good relationship.

Cruel——! !

A gust of wind blew, the surrounding weeds bowed, and the nearby forest leaves were hunting.

With sharp eyes and a majestic appearance, there is a strong wind between the wings.

"Quasi-king-level Bi Diao? Another one."

Xia Yan became more and more curious.

However, the call of Blastoise did not seem to stop there.

The flames flickered and the sparks swayed.

An orange elf came on the wind, wearing flames, but it didn't ignite the surrounding plants or trees.

"Wind Speed ​​Dog"

The ends of the strong limbs were still burning with flames, and they stepped on the wet grass, but their steps were extremely firm.


The "intimidation" feature hits the face.

"There are four, is there any more?"

Xia Yan turned his head and looked to the other side.

I saw the already lush grass soaring, and a huge and bright flower shuffled towards it. Under the huge flower, the purple body was like roots, and the two red eyes were full of scrutiny.


They are all quasi-king-level elves.

After waiting for a few more breaths and making sure that no wild elves came over, Xia Yan grinned and chuckled.

"It's getting more and more interesting."

Five quasi-king-level elves of completely different races united together.

Just because Pokkisi said they wanted to go to that hillside to have a look.


Among the five elves, apart from Water Arrow Turtle and Bi Diao, which do not need external objects, Thorn Dragon King, Wind Speed ​​Dog, and Overlord Flower all need special props to evolve.


Blastoise took a big step forward, growling.

It was saying that as long as Xia Yan and the others retreated and did not approach, they would not attack.

Xia Yan supported his hat and shook his head.

"I was just thinking of giving it a try, but your behavior has completely aroused my curiosity, sorry."

With this sentence down.

Xia Yan's elves immediately moved.


Seeing that Xia Yan and the others had no intention of retreating, Blastoise let out a low growl.

The five wild elves also took action.

The flame monkey took the lead.

Blazing flames, billowing heat waves.

"Enhanced Flame Fist" directly hits the wind speed dog rushing in front of him.

The dark red fist collided with the wind speed dog's mouth full of flames.

Boom—! !

Feng Speed ​​Dog staggered.

Some surprises.

But then two water jets swept from behind it.

The flame monkey's body was briefly blurred.

Clang! !

The huge shield stood horizontally, and the sword monster with a strong shield appeared at the position of the flame monkey. The surging water first passed through the "reflective wall" and then swept on the shield.

Except for the sound, the Shield Sword Monster didn't take half a step back.

Provocatively, he brushed the water arrow turtle at the shield that became more shiny after being washed by the water.

Pokkisi turned into a white light and shot towards the water arrow turtle.

Bi Diao's eyes were sharp, his wings flapped and bulging air flow merged into a hurricane, trying to stop Pokkisi's advance.

But Pokkisi's speed was somewhat beyond Bi Diao's prediction.

Successfully rely on "super speed" to break into the water arrow turtle.

The Spiny Dragon King standing next to the water arrow turtle puffed out his abdomen, and a mouthful of fiery dragon breath rolled in.

But the next second.

With Fairy Eevee at the center, the hazy pink field instantly enveloped all the elves. The Thorn Dragon King felt the suppression, his body trembled slightly, and the power of the "Dragon Wave" he spewed was halved.

But it still hit Pokkisi after all.

But Pokkisi directly ignored the attack, enjoying the joy of Longbo taking a bath again,


The Thorn Dragon King was in a daze for a short while.

Pokkisi seized the opportunity, cut out his double blades and hit the water arrow turtle.

Blastoise fell into a cowering state in response.

The Overlord Flower frowned, the huge flower kept agitating, and scattered dust.

But Pokkisi's body was also blurred at this moment.

To take its place is the flame monkey ready to go.

His fists were scattered, his limbs were full of weapons, and all the power of "close combat" was tilted on Blastoise.

Boom—! !

Blastoise was smashed to the ground and became the first elf to leave the battlefield.

The crisp attack was very fruitful.

After regaining his senses, the wind speed dog counterattacked towards the flame monkey, and Bi Diao's wings were flooded, and he also rushed towards the flame monkey.

It can be next second.

The figure of the flame monkey disappeared again, and the sword monster once again stood on top.

Why so fast?

A few wild elves were dazzled by the back and forth tactics.

I don't know which elf will attack next, nor which one will bear their attack.

Pokkisi and Latios in the sky looked at each other, winked playfully at each other, and understood.

Fairy Ibrahimovic blows a kiss and hits the majestic Wind Speed ​​Dog, causing him to be in a trance for a while and stop walking.

Clang--! !

The long sword of the shield sword monster clashed with Bi Diao's wings, making a clanging sound.

The next moment.

Pokkisi and Latios appeared beside the dazed Wind Speed ​​Dog at the same time.

"Air Slash" and "Clean Beam" swept out.

The wind speed dog fell to the ground.

the second one.


After recovering from "Longbo Bathing", the Thorn Dragon King attacked again, and the "water cannon" swept towards Pokkisi and Latios under the force of the water.

But see.

The figures of Pokkisi and Latios blurred at the same time.

The water cannon pierced through the air and hit the nearby tree.

The big tree was overwhelmed and collapsed.

Xia Yan smiled.

Sure enough, actual combat is the best way to run in.

Pokkisi's proficiency in using the "swapping venue" move is rising sharply.

Although the control of the situation is not as good as that of Hu Di, or even not as good as Latios, it is smart and has a quick learning ability.

That's right.

Pokkisi has also mastered the "exchange venue" move.

It's just that it hasn't been run-in, and it hasn't completely integrated into Xia Yan's system as a core.

But now that Hu Di is not on the stage, with Latios as the first core to control the overall situation, Pokkisi can barely take on the role of the second core.

The effect is obvious.

The same five elves, in a five-on-five situation, the five on the opposite side have no power to parry at all.

This is an excellent opportunity to run in.

As long as Pokkisi is given a little time, with Hu Di's guidance, Latios's precepts and deeds, and its own important position in this system, it is only a matter of time before he becomes familiar with the core role.

This was planned by Xia Yan long ago.

The third core is Pokkisi!

Because Pokkisi can also learn the "exchange venue" move.

The reason why it is not selected as the second core.

It is because it is not as talented as Latios in terms of superpowers.

However, it is more than enough to serve as the third core.

Most of the trainers of the same generation have not yet formed a lineup, and when Du and Dawu are also running around for their respective first cores, Xia Yan has already determined the position of the third core.

And a big step has been taken.

Now he can say that he is a two-and-a-half-core system.

The things that he had accumulated early on began to show up as he got closer to the level of the Heavenly King.

After the water cannon.

Only then did the figure of the shield sword monster emerge from the shadow.

Blastoise and Wind Speed ​​Dog have already lost.

With Bawanghua, Bi Diao and Thorn Dragon King left, it is even more difficult to stir up much trouble.

It doesn't even take much time to defeat them.

"Yah dong—!"


A strong but gentle superpower swept the package towards them.

The elves froze in their hearts, and immediately gave up pestering the three elves, retreated in unison, and surrounded Xia Yan's side.

Be wary of the powerful superpower that suddenly appeared, the superpower that made them feel palpitations.

Stronger than Hu Di's.

Heavenly King Level Elf!

Xia Yan narrowed his eyes.

Looking at the hillside not far away.

A pink elf, with hands behind his back and a crown on his head, walked towards them step by step.

The other party's expression was flat, and the depths of his seemingly dull eyes were full of profundity.

Great wisdom is like foolishness.

Dumb king!

Xia Yan showed a little dazed look.

It turned out that the existence that lived on the hillside was the King of Dumb.

This intelligence is not inferior to the existence of the Chiwi orangutan.

At the beginning in the Lalaola area, Zhihui Orangutan commanded a group of wild elves, and it is understandable that the King of Silly, who can sit and talk with Zhihui Orangutan, has a group of wild elves guarding him.

The superpowers it exudes are not hostile.

"Little brother, how about stopping?"

A lazy voice sounded in Xia Yan's mind.

Xia Yan had a strange expression on his face.

Little brother?

The king of dumb really dared to shout.

I saw it walking slowly, one step at a time.

Seeing that Xia Yan didn't reply, King Daidai was not angry, and continued: "They are all for me, and I apologize to you on their behalf."

The Dumb King came up close.

Xia Yan slowly licked his lips and narrowed his eyes.

"What if I say no?"

King Daidai was not annoyed, but said calmly: "Then you can try."

Xia Yan nodded.


Dudai Wang thought that Xia Yan chose to stop, and said rather old-fashionedly: "Little brother, know the current affairs."

Before he finished speaking, Xia Yan threw two elf balls.

In the red light.

Big Needle Bee and Hu Di appeared beside him.

"Try and die."

Xia Yan raised the corner of his mouth.

The elf world is crouching with dragons and phoenixes, and it is a pity to have only one of them.

Although this is a fake phoenix chick in front of him, it is more or less considered a phoenix chick.

Under the sharp gaze of the big needle bee, and Hu Di's surging super power, the smile of the Dumb King froze.

"Ahem, little brother, listen to me, civilized people don't move with swords. Listen to me! Listen to me. Ah!"


PS: Ask for a guaranteed monthly pass~~

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