The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 834 Public opinion is correct (two in one)

Xia Yan and Sirona became acting kings?

Currently only Sinnoh's president Igor and the Four Heavenly King Juye know about this matter.

Judging from the current Sinnoh Alliance high-level situation, in fact, as long as the two of them make a decision, it is almost considered a decision.

But even if it can be decided, it is still necessary to hold a symbolic meeting with the rest of the high-level officials.


The two vacant positions of the Four Heavenly Kings will definitely become the sweet buns in the eyes of many people.

And Igor is indeed a more capable president in Xia Yan's opinion.

After Xia Yan and Sirona nodded in agreement, they began to increase their publicity for the two of them.

Try to combine alliances, public opinion, public opinion and other aspects to reduce the obstacles for them to succeed as acting kings.

So now there are a lot of people on the Internet.

Start to publicize the contributions Xia Yan and Sirona have made over the years, some amazing things.

For example, in the "Suzuran Youth Competition" and "Islands Competition", both of them won very good rankings.

In Hezhong Xiayan, he was recognized by Reshiram and became the current "true hero".

In Carlos, Xia Yan defeated Team Flame's plan, helped Ziggard recover, and suppressed Yveltal's destruction.

In Shenao Baiyang Town, Xia Yan found Giratina, stopped the Galaxy team's plan, and calmed the anger of Dialga and Palkia.

And his contributions to the study of elves.


Not to mention Sirona, since she is good-looking, her fan base is much larger than Xia Yan's.

Although the things he did were not as sensational as Xia Yan's, the number of things was much more than Xia Yan's.

The most important thing to publicize is this incident in Baiyang Town.

for a while.

The voices of the two on the Internet are very high.

"Mr. Xia Yan is too exaggerated. I really don't know if I don't count. Only after counting did I find that he has done so many amazing things."

"Yeah, you don't know. I was practicing near Baiyang Town at that time. I was so stupid when I saw Baiyang Town disappear out of thin air."

"Thanks to Mr. Xia Yan and Miss Sirona, Baiyang Town was able to recover as before, and there were not even any casualties."


But when the whole network praised the two, another voice came out.

Said Xia Yan actually has another purpose.

Look at the elves involved in what happened in Baiyang Town this time.

"Nightmare God" Darkley, that is the symbol of nightmares.

"Pluto Dragon" Giratina, anyone who knows the history of Sinnoh knows that it is not a good elf.

Being closely related to such elves, is Xia Yan really the hero who saved Baiyang Town?

At first, no one paid any attention to the inexplicable voice.

Until, on the social platform of the alliance's official website, someone posted a long article and a video with ten thousand characters, calling out to confront Xia Yan by name in the tone of a real participant in the Baiyang Town incident, and hoping that the people would keep their eyes open and not be deceived by others.

In fact, Xia Yan's popularity on the Internet is not low. He has published many papers and touched on major events, and there are many reports about him.

This lemony remark comes up every time.

As Xia Yan's supporters, they are already used to it.

But this time.

The person who made the speech not only has a small essay endorsement, but also a short video.

The content of the video is simple.

It was in Baiyang Town that Xia Yan stopped Darkley and at the same time directed the video of the elves to fight against the trainers who were affected by emotions.

It's just that this video has been maliciously edited.

It became Xia Yan and Darkley standing together, persecuting the group of trainers.

It vividly portrays its calm, indifferent and even cold appearance.

And that's just the beginning.

With the appearance of this small composition, more and more marketing accounts began to follow suit, publicize wantonly, and even exaggerate.

"Shock! The 'Master of Tactics' Xia Yan actually works with the 'Nightmare'! "

"Shocking! The person who operated in the dark became the biggest 'hero'! "

"It is rumored! Uncle Liu, the former king of the ice system in Guandu, colluded with the Galaxy team, and Xia Yan was actually a student of Uncle Liu! "

Such exaggerated titles quickly became one of the hot searches.

for a while.

Xia Yan's comments on the Internet are extremely polarized.

Only those Xia Yan's true supporters were trying their best to speak out for him.

This is obviously someone operating in the dark, taking the opportunity to suppress Xia Yan's reputation, perhaps someone has noticed the purpose of Chairman Igor's manipulation, trying to compete for the position of the Four Heavenly Kings by discrediting Xia Yan.

Xia Yan didn't care about these things at first.

He doesn't pay much attention to the Internet, and he has found someone to deal with most of the publicity.

So after coming out of the meeting room, I said goodbye to Sirona, and I was going to go back to have a rest first, and then go to see Arceus to ease the relationship between them.

Until Juye called Xia Yan who was about to leave, Sirona who left also turned around and came back.

Then, with his clouded expression, he persuaded him to calm down.

"I didn't expect that group of guys to have such a keen sense of smell. They probably got some news from the Galaxy team."

Chairman Igor's vision is very clear.

I understood the key at once.

He originally wanted to create momentum for Xia Yan in the public opinion, but happened to be used by others through the popularity.

Even they only suppressed Xia Yan and praised Gao Xirona.

The behavior of praising one and stepping on the other wants to worsen the relationship between the two.

Otherwise, once the two become the Four Heavenly Kings at the same time, they will be able to form their own forces in the Sinnoh Alliance.

To a certain extent, I want to mislead others.

After all, after Xia Yan's reputation was damaged, it was Sirona who benefited the most.

Xia Yan didn't speak, just watched the short composition and the video silently.

He knew that several people took the video at that time, but he didn't expect that someone actually posted it and was used by those who wanted to.

"Is this the energy of Sinnoh's entrenched family forces?"

Looking at the rapidly rising heat, and more and more uninformed people, joined the ranks of criticism and became part of the "conspiracy theory".

Those families have already smelled danger, so they want to save themselves.

Belittle Xia Yan, and then look for an opportunity to elevate himself, let himself stand on the moral high ground of public opinion, then it is impossible for Igor to stand up to the opposition of most people and force Xia Yan to go up.

And Xia Yan's mind flashed what Hoshino Ryuichi said before he died.

"They've got your eye on you."

Perhaps this is their first step.

"Xia Yan, don't worry, the black and white of this matter is actually that simple, they can only show off their prestige for a while." Igor assured.

He was still strategizing at first, but now that things are taking a turn for the worse, he, the president, can't stand it anymore.

Xia Yan still didn't speak.

He looked at the new hot reviews.

What to say? Maybe in the Carlos incident, Fradali, the director of the Fradali Institute, may also be a good person, but he was put on a hat and became the leader of the Flame team.

Seeing this, a chill appeared in Xia Yan's eyes.

He is well versed in the horrors of cyberbullying.

But it was the first time for the party being bullied by the Internet.

"In order to belittle me, I really can make up anything."

In the past, he was just a small role, unable to catch the eyes of others.

Now his existence has threatened the interests of many people, and these people will naturally jump out.

There are many people who like him, and there are many people who don't like him.

"Xia Yan, we all know that these remarks are false. You can't be used by them and get carried away. They want to see you do something out of the ordinary right now."

Sirona looked at him worriedly.

Sirona understood Xia Yan, and his expression at this moment didn't look like he wanted to read it before turning over the page.

"Don't worry, I'm not that stupid. Since they want to use this method, then I will use the same method to deal with them."

Xia Yan's indifferent tone surprised both Igor and Juye.

Those extreme remarks, even those of the older generation who are good at nourishing their spirits, will blow their beards after reading them.

How can his calmness make people feel like the calm before the storm?

But actually Xia Yan was really calm.

what is this?

For those who have experienced the Internet information explosion, what kind of Internet violence has not been seen?

If you can't think about it at this time, you just follow the wishes of those people.

"Xia Yan, leave this matter to me, don't be impulsive." Igor reassured.

Because this is the network of the Alliance General League, many addresses for sending messages are not actually in Sinnoh.

It is more troublesome to investigate.

Xia Yan found an excuse to go to the bathroom and dialed a number.

"Paqila, have you paid attention to the things on the Internet?"

On the other end of the phone, it was Paqila from the Carlos area, the former top cadre of the Flame team, who was later released for various reasons, and now hooked up with Xia Yan.

"Of course, this is my profession."

As a professional media person, Paqila's voice seemed a bit serious.

She quickly said: "Give me a little time, I can find them all."

Such a professional team of fans can't be done by one or two people, it must be operated by several groups.

To deal with professional gangs, of course, professional talents are needed.


hang up the phone.

When Xia Yan walked out of the toilet, he was surprised to see Sirona waiting for him outside.

But at this time, Sirona's expression was completely different from the previous worry.

"Xia Yan, look quickly!"

With that said, he handed over the phone.

"Stupid man, although the Baron still doesn't like him very much, it is undeniable that his appearance has changed the outcome of Baiyang Town. He is the hero of Baiyang Town!"

This person is Baron Albert of Poplar Town.

The portrait is still his arrogant face.

However, his comments were quickly overwhelmed by a flood of malicious attacks.

But not long.

Another person stood up and made a statement.

"The appearance of Diyaluka and Palkia has nothing to do with Mr. Xia Yan. These are all the charts of the time-space fluctuations in Baiyang Town. Long before Mr. Xia Yan came, the time-space fluctuations in Baiyang Town were already disordered."

This time, it was Dong Niou who commented. His remarks and charts gave enough theoretical basis.

"Darkley is a 'Nightmare God', but that doesn't mean it's an evil elf! It has been guarding Baiyang Town and the promise with my grandma. It is a kind but not good at expressing elf!"

Later, some pictures were attached, including the diary of the famous philanthropist Gaudí.

And the one who commented this time was obviously Alice.

More and more residents of Baiyang Town stood up to refute Xia Yan's rumors.

"A person who is willing to sacrifice for everyone without fear of life and death should not be treated unfairly!"

This person is a carriage driver from Baiyang Town, and his profile picture is a photo of him with his carriage and the Tower of Time and Space in the afterglow of the setting sun.

Residents of Baiyang Town, who have been involved in this incident and experienced it personally, stood up and spoke out.

A person's voice is weak, but when their voices come together, it is enough to move everyone.

Especially the people who spoke out this time were all participants in the Baiyang Town incident.

And it was an account with less than three fans that really finalized the outcome of this incident.

Below his remarks, a video is attached.

"As the photographer of the video, I am sorry. My video was used by others. The following is the full video I attached, and everything I saw from my perspective. I am very grateful to Mr. Xia Yan Help, if it wasn't for him, maybe all of us would have died in Baiyang Town."

The speaker is the photographer of this video.

People with a little common sense can understand the difference by comparing the two videos before and after.

Obviously malicious editing and wrong guidance of public opinion.

"Xia Yan is a trainer born in Kanto. His behavior has long been recognized by the vast majority of people. Malicious attacks and smears will be pursued by our Kanto Alliance News Department. Don't worry, even if the whole world doesn't believe it You, our Guandu is still your home! We welcome you home anytime!"

——Kanto Federation News Department.

"Thank you for the support of the Kanto Alliance! But our Sinnoh Alliance will never allow anyone to deliberately smear the real hero of the Baiyang Town incident! All malicious rumors, our Sinnoh Alliance has set up a task force to conduct a thorough investigation, and will definitely return Give justice to Xia Yan, the leader of our hero Sinnoh Alliance's random town gymnasium!

We will also become a new harbor for every trainer who comes to the Sinnoh area! "

——Sinnoh Alliance News Department.

"Our Carlos Alliance will definitely support Mr. Xia Yan! The matter about the Flame team has been confirmed, and there is no room for reversal. Xia Yan will always be our distinguished guest of the Carlos Alliance!

In addition, Mr. Xia Yan can actually consider our Carlos Alliance. "

- Carlos Union Press Department.

"The Fengyuan Alliance absolutely believes in Mr. Xia Yan's character! We will also try our best to help Mr. Xia Yan investigate all the reasons and give Mr. Xia Yan justice! Finally, the Fengyuan Alliance and the German company welcome Mr. Xia Yan at any time!"

——News Department of Fengyuan Alliance.

"Hezhong Alliance Speech: Same as above! Attached: Hezhong always welcomes Mr. Xia Yan!"

——United States Union News Department.

All of a sudden, out of the seven regions of the alliance, five alliances ended up helping Xia Yan make a statement.

The massive battle frightened all the idiots who followed suit and made bad remarks.

the most important is.

How did these statements change until the last sentence?

Even ordinary people seem to feel it, as if they are fighting over something.

Xia Yan had a weird expression.

Continue scrolling down.

"In my heart, Xia Yan is an upright, kind, brave, and helpful person. He resolutely shouldered the fate of the entire Baiyang Town as an ordinary person. Reasons and excuses! I will always support him!"

Seeing this remark, Xia Yan blushed.

Are we that good?

Aren't we "villains"?

Who knows to look at the profile picture of the spokesperson.


Sirona next to her blushed, and quickly grabbed the phone.

"Wait! I seem to have seen Du's comment." Xia Yan snatched it back again.

He glanced at her.

Sirona's fair cheeks were completely covered in blush.

"Do you know Xia Yan? Do you know him? Do you know him? Do you know what Xia Yan told me and Sirona when we faced Ryuichi Hoshino, who was colluding with the Galaxy team?

He said 'I'm sorry, you go first'!

Do you know what Xia Yan told us when facing Diya Luka and Palkia?

He said 'give me five minutes and I'll do it all! '

You don't know him at all, so what qualifications do you have to comment on him? ! "

Du's comments are so domineering.

Seeing this, Xia Yan was a little moved, but when he thought that this guy was ready to stab him in the back at any time, he was much less moved.

"Those who maliciously swipe the popularity and comments, how much did you charge? Contact me Zvqi Dawu, I will pay three times! My assistant's phone number: XXX"

Dawu's comments are more direct, directly using the "money ability".

After that, there was support from a series of Xia Yan's friends.

For example, Kona, Daye, Wusong, etc., as well as well-known doctors from all over the world, heavenly kings and even champions who have cooperated with Xia Yan from various places.

Even Xia Yan himself didn't realize it.

turn out to be.

His influence in the elf world is already so great.

No wonder Igor wants to use his and Sirona's influence to hedge against the defection of the two kings.

public opinion.

Before Xia Yan even exerted his strength, he completely flipped over.

And by the way.

Pushed him directly to the top of the hot search.

Completely out of the circle.

Although Igor's plan encountered problems, the final result was still the same.


The end result was far beyond his expectations.

But now there is a kind of "public opinion is correct" on the Internet.

Praise Xia Yan!

For most people, this storm of public opinion is over.

But for Xia Yan.

This is just the beginning.

In fact, some of those bad reviews are quite accurate.

He is indeed a "little man" who must take revenge.

Paqila will have that group out soon!

And he will personally come to thank them.


PS: Nearly 1.2W is asking for a monthly ticket~~

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