The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 859 The Master-Apprentice Battle

Xia Yan turned his head a little stiffly, and looked at Igor, the president of the alliance who was sitting in a wheelchair and looked sick.

Are you sure you're not playing with me?

The smile on Igor's face was still lukewarm.

At first, the opponent he arranged for Xia Yan was not Juzi either.

Only later, Chrysanthemum found Igor by herself and said.

As a teacher, Juzi can take on Xia Yan's opponent in this exhibition competition.

To this.

Igor naturally had concerns at first.

Because Chrysanthemum is too strong.

As a top powerhouse among the veteran kings, Chrysanthemum's strength is obvious to all.

For Xia Yan, a rookie who can't even be counted as truly possessing the strength of the Four Heavenly Kings, such an opponent is too strong.

Although exhibition games don't care about winning or losing.

But if the loss is too ugly, it is not suitable.

But he changed his mind.

Chrysanthemum is also well-known for her reputation as a short-term protector now.

He shouldn't let his favorite disciple stumble when he takes this step.


Chrysanthemum more means that she wants to pave the way for students in the name of a teacher.

think about it.

If Xia Yan defeated the well-known veteran Tianwang Juzi in the exhibition match, how exaggerated would the reputation be?

Even those who have thoughts about Xia Yan's position in the future will consider whether they are opponents.

Even if it's just an exhibition game.

But the initial image has been established, and later you want to reverse it. It is not so easy.


Igor not only did not refuse.

Instead, he agreed to Juzi's request, not to tell Xia Yan before the game started.

The battle between master and apprentice!

The audience was completely boiling.

The spectators, who were still hugging and watching casually, became excited at this time, and only felt how lucky it was to watch this exhibition match.

Do something!

but I like it!

The live broadcast on the Internet and the live broadcast on TV instantly ushered in a skyrocketing ratings.

And it is still rising continuously.

"Brat, why don't you come down?" Juzi was already standing on the other side of the battlefield, looking at Xia Yan whose body was stiff, she couldn't help shouting.


Xia Yan's body trembled slightly, he nodded quickly, and ran down the high platform in a hurry.

Although the heart is very resistant, but the body is very honest.

There is no way, he is too clear about his teacher's temper.

Chrysanthemum has already appeared, Xia Yan has no chance of stage fright.

The figures of Orochimaru, Obito, and Nagato kept flashing in my mind.

They are all master-killers.

A role model for my generation.

Just ran to the arena, looking at Juzi's gloomy face, Xia Yan gave up decisively.

Kill a fart.

Today's goal is simple, don't get beaten up!

Because it is an exhibition match, the competition system is quite special.

For example, when Juzi and Liu Bo played exhibition games, they used the 1v1 rotation rule.

It's just that today's exhibition match has a different meaning.

It was an exhibition match where Xia Yan and Sirona took over the power of the Four Heavenly Kings.

So there is not only a 1v1 rotation mode, but also a mixed battle mode for all the kings.

These unwritten rules are handed down from the previous exhibition games where the Four Heavenly Kings were appointed.

1v1 is to demonstrate the combat ability of the successor.

Hybrid warfare is to demonstrate the actual combat capabilities of the successor.


Today's exhibition match between Xia Yan and Juzi is divided into two stages.

The first is a 1v1 rotation battle with a maximum of three players per player.

Then there is a mixed battle of one person and three elves.

The advantage of using this form as the heavenly king exhibition match during the appointment ceremony is that it is easier to cover up the disadvantages of the newly appointed heavenly king.

In fact, anyone with a discerning eye knows that this is a compromise between the academic school and the practical school.

after all.

People from the academic school are better at rotating battles, while those from the practical school are better at mixed battles.

But standing on the huge arena.

Enjoying the cheers of tens of thousands of people in the audience, when being locked by countless fixed cameras, mobile cameras, and drones.

Xia Yanna gradually calmed down a little flustered in his heart when he saw Chrysanthemum.

Seeing the confident smile on his face again, Chrysanthemum nodded in satisfaction.

For this disciple, Juzi really likes him from the bottom of his heart.

Although she is not good at expressing.

But she was really happy.

"Xia Yan."

Chrysanthemum's hoarse voice sounded, and it spread throughout the arena under the broadcast of the special sound receiver.

"Teacher." Xia Yan also called out respectfully as a response.

"As your teacher, I'm not actually competent, and I haven't been able to teach you anything."

Chrysanthemum was a little emotional.

Xia Yan's progress was too fast.

Almost every time Juzi saw Xia Yan, she could see his progress visible to the naked eye.

In fact, it's not that Juzi doesn't want to teach Xia Yan.

Every time she took the initiative to find Xia Yan, she had some ideas in her mind.

However, whenever she was ready to go to Xia Yan, she found that Xia Yan had already mastered the things she wanted to teach.

It always ends up being nothing.

Xia Yan shook his head.

It can't be counted that way.

Although Juzi didn't teach him anything.

Unlike Dr. Oki, who gave him a lot of inspiration in elf research and paper writing.

It's not like Uncle Liu, who directly dissected his best tricks and passed them on to Xia Yan.

But the help given to him by Chrysanthemum is incomparable to both Dr. Oki and Liu Bo.

Chrysanthemum gave him space to survive and grow.

At first.

If it weren't for the existence of Chrysanthemum that made many people jealous, Xia Yan wouldn't be able to get so much room to improve.

Xia Yan could not bear the revenge of Ryuichi Hoshino alone.


Even if he failed to learn anything from Juzi, Xia Yan would not complain about Juzi, but was full of gratitude in his heart.

Sincere thanks.

Seeing that Xia Yan didn't show any dissatisfaction, Juzi sighed silently.

"Today, let me fulfill my duty as a teacher."

Xia Yan was silent.

Feelings, today is not an exhibition match, but the teaching bureau.

He is very familiar with this.

Xia Yan lifted his spirits.



The two stood still.

The referee standing in the center of the arena raised the flag in his hand after confirming that the two big men were ready.

Chrysanthemum moves faster.

In other words, she deliberately chose to throw the poke ball first.

The simple red and white ball opened, surrounded by red light.


What appeared in front of Chrysanthemum was a black ash inlaid with gold patterns all over its body. Its overall appearance resembled a human wearing heavy armor, except that it had no feet, but was suspended in mid-air.

That scarlet one-eyed seemed to have some kind of special magical power, and a strong sense of oppression swept over the audience, making the cheers of the audience stagnant.

Night Demon!

The evolution of wandering night spirits requires the use of special props "cloth of the spirit world" to evolve.


This night demon spirit, Juzi was also inspired by Xia Yan, and only collected the "cloth of the spirit world" from the spirit world to complete the evolution.

Starting with the night demon spirit, as the beginning of this master-student battle, is of great significance.

"The first elf of King Chrysanthemum is the wanderer of the spirit world, the night demon spirit!!"

The high-pitched voice of the host spread throughout the audience.

Xia Yan's breathing was also slightly stagnant.

But after he took a deep look at Chrysanthemum, he also threw the elf ball in his hand.

The strength of this night demon is actually not strong.

Quasi-king level.

As the first elf in the exhibition competition, this start is already relatively high.

Back then in the exhibition match between Uncle Liu and Juzi, the first elf that appeared was not even at the level of a quasi-king.

After a brief pause, Xia Yan also threw the elf ball in Xia Yan's hand.


In the red light, accompanied by falling crystals and fine snowflakes, the bright and clean little Liuwei took light steps and stood still in the field.

Ice six tails!

"The first elf sent by Mr. Xia Yan is the six tails in the form of Alola—!!"

Chrysanthemum looked at Xia Yan with a little surprise.

From the perspective of size and momentum alone, Night Demon completely crushes Liuwei.

Although they are all quasi-king-level elves, the overall quality of the Night Demon is much higher than that of Liuwei.

But this does not affect the excitement of the audience.

Shouting and cheering sounded one after another.

"This six-tailed one is an elf from Xia Yan's second echelon, right?"

In the auditorium, Dawu couldn't help asking.


Sirona nodded, looking at the petite and lovely Liuwei with her bright almond eyes.

She knew that Uncle Liu gave Xia Yan a top-quality "Ice Stone" in his collection.

She thought that when she saw it again, Liuwei would definitely evolve into Ninetails, and her strength would also be greatly improved.

Unexpectedly, Liuwei's strength has improved, but it still hasn't evolved.

Her gaze once again fell on the confident young man holding his hat.

Instantly understood his plan.

Can't help showing a smile.

Xia Yan's picture is not small.

"Showing the elves of the second echelon is also a part of the king. It is to prove to everyone that they not only have the present, but also the future."

Du, who understands the nature of the Tianwang exhibition game better, explained.

Du looked at the little Liuwei.

Feel the pressure.

Once it evolves into Nine Tails, it will pose a serious threat to him.

While they were discussing, the referee on the field had already lowered the flag.

"The battle begins!"

"Night Demon, Strange Light."

Chrysanthemum fully demonstrated the ability and experience of being the veteran Four Heavenly Kings.

see you.

The red light in the night demon's eyes jumped, and a small colorful strange and treacherous particle floated towards Liuwei at an extremely fast speed.

At the same time, the night demon spirit swelled up the black energy all over his body, like a big devil with monstrous power.

Xiao Liuwei fell on the ground, his limbs were tense, and he didn't dare to underestimate him.

Pieces of snow, slowly falling from the sky.

The arena is hazy and the line of sight is blocked.

But the small ball of "Strange Light" seemed so abrupt among the snowflakes.

"The strange light counteracts it, run!"

Xia Yan's order followed closely behind.

Xiao Liuwei whimpered softly, and the same treacherous ball, accompanied by colorful particles, floated towards the "strange light" of the night demon.

boom--! !

At the same time as Liuwei started to run, the black shadow under his feet suddenly exploded, and the night demon sprang out from the black shadow, raised his palms and slapped Liuwei.

Xia Yan's eyes twitched.

The chrysanthemum really did not leave any moisture.

The "strange light" is just a cover, and the subsequent sneak attack is the real move.

"Flame Fist!"

From the huge fist, there was a faint purple flame, accompanied by two completely contradictory auras of hot and cold, and smashed towards Liuwei.

"Aurora Curtain!"

Fortunately, Xia Yan's reaction speed is fast enough.

While Liuwei ran to avoid it, he swung his six fluffy tails, and the surrounding ice and snow were instantly mobilized by him, forming a snow-white barrier in front of him.

Boom—! !

The fist covered in flames collided with the extremely cold light curtain, making a dull sound, and at the same time, Liuwei hurriedly pulled away.

Chrysanthemum nodded secretly.

Xia Yan is indeed a person who has grown up from actual combat, with excellent adaptability and ability to predict danger.

Du and the others in the stands were silently speechless.

Chrysanthemum is really not going to hold back.

So ruthless.

"Night Demon, Shadow Ball."

Chrysanthemum's low voice came again.

But see.

The huge figure of the Night Demon Spirit slowly sank to the ground, and gradually disappeared from Liuwei's sight.

Little Liuwei bit his mouth, a little panic flashed in his eyes, his pure white pupils turned around, looking around.

"Calm down, make good use of the power of ice and snow, and use them to perceive the position of the night demon."

Xia Yan reminded.

Hearing this, Liuwei immediately had a backbone, took a deep breath, and calmed down.

The snow-white hair all over his body stretched freely, feeling the changes in the rich ice energy around him.

this moment.

The ice and snow in the entire site seem to be centered on it.

It seems to be scattered randomly, but in fact they are all in Liuwei's perception.

Features are well utilized.

People with discerning eyes expressed their views on this one after another.

next second.


A pitch-black round black energy ball quickly struck from behind Liuwei.

Liuwei felt the changes in the energy of the ice system around him.

Turning around abruptly, the tail suddenly opened, and a blue light beam shot out, aiming to hit the "shadow ball" that came.

The energy of the ghost system collapsed immediately.

But before Liuwei breathed a sigh of relief.

Another pitch-black energy ball struck from behind it again.

When did you move over there?

Six tails was slightly startled.

Turning around again in a hurry, condensing the surrounding ice, snow and hail into a beam of light to sweep away.

Aurora beam!

Boom! !

The "Shadow Ball" collapsed and disappeared again.


These two "shadow balls" seem to be just the beginning.

Immediately afterwards, the "Shadow Ball" struck from all directions and angles.

Even with the help of Liuwei's ability to perceive ice and snow, he can only sense the direction of the attack, but he still can't lock the trace of the night demon.

this moment.

The Night Demon seems to have turned into a real ghost, a ghostly ghost.

It may appear in any corner of the field, or disappear in any direction.

Can't catch!

Faced with more and more "shadow balls", Liuwei suddenly felt a little hard to parry.


Xia Yan's voice came again.

During the command, he subconsciously glanced at Chrysanthemum.

I saw a sinister smile on her face all the time.

As expected of Chrysanthemum.

Even if he was only commanding a quasi-king-level elf, Xia Yan felt great pressure.

at the same time.

This scene made all the audience and the audience in front of the computer and TV hold their breath.

In fact, some people were worried that someone would deliberately release water in the master-student battle.

But now, they have buried these thoughts deep in their hearts, and made a few steps to step on the soil tightly.


For those who think that Juzi is leaking water, please go and interview Xia Yan now, and ask him about the shadow layers in his heart at the moment.


Liuwei shook the hair all over his body, and the surging ice energy responded.

Surging ice and snow gushed out from its body, and the whistling cold wind mixed with thick ice crystal snowflakes, with Liuwei as the center, defeated all the "shadow balls" on the way.

A halo of superpowers appeared in Xia Yan's eyes.

I can't hold it any longer.

Otherwise, he would really be bullied by Juzi.

He had to use telepathy to try to smooth the gap between him and Chrysanthemum.

At the same time, a voice sounded from the bottom of Liuwei's heart.

"This is also an opportunity to use the 'Blizzard' to find the Night Demon."

Juzi on the opposite side glanced at Xia Yan.

Seemingly seeing through Xia Yan's thoughts, he grinned, revealing a mouthful of still white teeth.

The thick blizzard, mixed with the already surging weather, completely turned the whole site into a plain snow country.


No matter how focused Liuwei was, he still couldn't locate the Night Demon Spirit, as if he had completely disappeared.


Xia Yan frowned.

Shen Sheng said: "Stop all actions."

Liuwei was slightly taken aback.

I don't understand Xia Yan's meaning.

But it did so decisively.

for a while.

The ice and snow that was still surging a second ago stopped abruptly at this moment.

Countless snowflakes fell irregularly.

The field has been covered by a thin layer of ice and snow.

Little Liuwei stood in the center of the venue, as if echoing the surrounding environment.

But it doesn't do any action anymore.

He just bit his lip tightly and fell on the ground.

Chrysanthemum raised her eyebrows.

I was also a little surprised by Xia Yan's choice.

What is he going to do?

give up?

All the audience couldn't help but have this thought in their hearts.

On the field, it became extremely quiet.

At this time, if any black shadow appeared, it would become particularly abrupt.

Slowly, everyone seemed to understand what Xia Yan did.

The Night Demon must have turned into a shadow and disappeared.

Ice and snow can't feel intangible, so don't use ice and snow, just rely on vision.

Juzi laughed softly, and understood Xia Yan's intentions.

But her eyes flickered slightly.

"Night Demon Spirit, Shadow Fist!"

"It's now!" Xia Yan's eyes burst out with super power, and telepathy was transmitted.

I see.

Liuwei's limbs planed vigorously on the ground, and immediately raised a large piece of crystal snowflakes.

At the same time it turned sharply.

The clenched mouth suddenly opened.

A pale beam of light spit out from its mouth, passing through the snow dust it had raised.

And at this moment, from the shadow behind it, the Night Demon quietly emerged.

The fist wrapped in a dark halo swung out, and also passed through layers of snow and fog.

Ka Ka Ka——

The energy of the ghost system collided with the energy of the ice system.

There was the crisp sound of ice cubes freezing rapidly.

Changes in the blink of an eye.

Chrysanthemum stared, revealing a look of surprise on her face.

When the snow and fog fell slowly, the cheers and noise of the entire stadium were stagnated.

The barrage of watching the computer live broadcast also cleared the screen at this moment.

what did they see

night elves.


It is a night elf completely covered in ice crystals.

At this time, half of the night demon's body has just emerged from the shadow, holding up his fist, the ghost energy on it is surging, his eyes are sharp, and his eyes are cunning and fierce.

But all of this has stagnated.


Outside the body of the Night Demon Spirit, a thick layer of ice condensed, completely freezing it.

"Second, seckill?! Hei, the Night Demon is frozen! Even the shadow is frozen——!"

Rao, who is an experienced host, was also shocked by this scene. After a short silence, he stumbled and loudly told the result.

Wow -! !

The next moment.

The audience erupted into cheers like a tsunami.

It was more exaggerated than the cheers at any moment before.

The air in the entire arena was constantly trembling amidst their cheers.

Spike! !

During the computer live broadcast, the barrage that originally cleared the screen also appeared at this moment, densely covering the entire screen.

Among them, most of them are modal particles such as "Fuck", "I rely on", and "My God".

For those who type faster, words such as "frozen in an instant?", "even the shadow is frozen?", "second, second kill?" appeared.

Are the shadows frozen?


not only that.

At this time, the ghost energy on the night demon's fist is still alive.

Not only the shadow, but even the ghost energy of the Night Demon was frozen!

"Shadow! Energy! Body! All frozen instantly!"

"What kind of move is this? 'Absolute Zero'?"

"'Absolute Zero' is not so exaggerated, it makes me feel like"

"Uncle Liu's ultimate move!"

The older audience said this sentence with a face full of shock.

The surprise in Juzi's eyes gradually faded away.

She took a deep look at Xia Yan.

"Good boy, I didn't expect you to learn a little bit of that old guy Liu Bo's unique skills."

Chrysanthemum's words can be regarded as rectifying the name of Liuwei's move.

Xia Yan grinned and rubbed his nose.


Uncle Liu's trick?

Of course not.

This is "Absolute Deep Cold", a combined move of "Frozen Beam" and "Absolute Zero".

It was also Liuwei's biggest gain when he was in Xicui, besides raising his own strength to the quasi-king level.

The functions of "Icicle Slab" and "Eternal Ice" have been fully utilized by it.

after all.

After Xia Yan entered Xicui, the first stone slab he obtained was the "icicle slab", and Liuwei certainly benefited the most from it.


The Night Demon was instantly killed.

But the impact has only just begun.

Forget exhibition games.

Juzi, the veteran king of heaven, and Xia Yan, who is about to succeed the king of heaven (agent) for the first time, ended up being killed in seconds?

Experts of course know that Chrysanthemum had an absolute advantage before.

Xia Yan was just making the last gamble, and by the way, he won the bet.

But later.

People don't remember what complex processes are like.

They just remember.

In the end, Six Tails killed the Night Demon in a flash.

This first battle had already allowed Xia Yan to sit firmly with half of his buttocks.

The influence is so exaggerated.

no way.

The spike was too shocking.


Chrysanthemum also smiled.

Smile from the heart.

She really felt good.

His old friend Liu Bo's trick was learned by his students, and his mouth was crooked.

It took a long time for the shock to subside.

But the game still has to go on.

Xiao Liuwei squatted in the snow, and the image of the night demon's fist just one step away from him repeatedly flashed in his mind.

It was as if a deer was bumping against his chest.

Although Chrysanthemum smiled happily.

But the second elf she summoned made Xia Yan unable to laugh at all.

In the red light.

Appearing in the arena was an elf about the size of Liuwei.

But it's not cute at all.

Wearing a seemingly worn-out Pikachu coat, with his head drooping, the two small openings in his abdomen shone with faint black light.

Seeing it, Xiao Liuwei was shocked.

The hair all over the body is about to stand on end.

"King Chrysanthemum's second elf is a ghost-type and fairy-type elf that also comes from the Alola region, Mimi Q——!"

"Teacher, you don't have to be so serious, right?" Xia Yan twitched the corner of his mouth.

"Be serious." Chrysanthemum replied in a pretentious manner.

Xia Yan: "."

Liuwei's "absolute deep cold" instant kill ability is leveraged.

As long as the opponent's strength is not much stronger than it, the probability of being hit by an instant kill is still very high.

Although Mimi Q's strength is not much stronger than Liuwei, it is also a quasi-king.


Mimi Q's characteristic is "Painted Skin"!

Painted Skin: Consume part of Mimi Q's stamina, and use his coat as an absolute defense to block any attack.

Xia Yan felt the strong malice from Juzi.

But the game still has to go on.

He took a deep breath.

With the referee's flag down again.

The battle continues.

"Six Tails, Blizzard."

Let's break its "painted skin" first!

"Blizzard", which attacks in a large area, is the best choice.


Chrysanthemum's voice came at the same time.

see you.

The stick-like tail behind Mimi Q swelled instantly, surrounded by a mysterious deep purple aura.

Facing the six-tailed "Blizzard" with a huge stick, instead of retreating, it strode forward.

All the wind and snow were stirred up under this big stick.

Not only did it not have any impact on Mimi Q, but it narrowed the distance with Liuwei.

In terms of long-range ability, Liuwei wins Mimi Q completely.

But if close combat.


Six tails opened its mouth and spit out a blue light beam, trying to stop Mimi Q.

But at this time, the Mimi Q stick was extremely strong.

Not only disturbed the wind and snow, but also successfully resisted the "frozen beam" this time.

Bullying to get close.

Two pitch-black claws drilled out from under its painted skin, and swung towards Liuwei with a sharp momentum.

Shadow Claw!

"Dig a hole!"

Xia Yan responded immediately.

Hearing this, Liuwei pounced forward, his forelimbs burst out with all his strength, and instantly dug out a small hole, and his figure disappeared from Mimi Q's sight.

for a while.

Mysterious Q appeared momentarily in a daze.

But Juzi said with a smile, "Go in together."

Xia Yan: "."

MimiQ didn't hesitate, its size allowed it to make such a choice, and got into it headlong.

no solution anymore.

"Six tails, absolutely deep cold!"

Ka Ka Ka——

The entire ground was instantly covered by thick ice crystals, and snow-white cold air spewed out from the mouth of the cave.

In such a small space as the cave, Mimi Q cannot be avoided.


The "painted skin" feature still hasn't been broken in advance.

Boom—! !

There was a gap in the ground.

I see.

Mimi Q, whose whole body is covered in snow-white ice, has obviously been frozen, but under its painted skin, there are still two pitch-black hands, constantly attacking Liuwei.


"Six tails, Blizzard!"


Countless snowflakes burst from Liuwei's body held by Mimi Q.

Mibi Q's pitch-black hands were finally covered with a little ice and snow.

But Xiaoliuwei still failed to stop Mimi Q's behavior.

close combat.

For Xiaoliuwei, the disadvantage is too great.

boom--! !

Following Liuwei, he fell into the snow.

Mystery Q has just fallen from mid-air, and with it, there are snowflakes all over the sky.

"Six-tails lost the ability to fight!"

The referee announced the result.

Wow -! !

There are back and forth battles, and that's really interesting!

Facing the six-tailed elf ball, Xia Yan comforted softly: "You have done a very good job."

It was the first time for the little guy to play on the court, and he performed exceptionally well.

After a short pause, Xia Yan took out the poke ball again.

"I leave it to you, Flame Monkey."


Even the red light couldn't block the raging dark flames of the flame monkey.

The scorching heat instantly melted more than half of the surrounding ice and snow.

Mysterious Q is good at melee combat, and Latios and Fairy Ibrahimovic are not very good at dealing with melee combat. If neither has an attribute advantage, Flame Monkey is the most suitable.

As soon as he appeared.

The flaming monkey was wrapped in thick flames.

The fighting spirit is high.

Chrysanthemum laughed lightly.

The high temperature brought by the flame monkey also melted the ice covered by Mimi Q's painted skin.

Mimi Q's already treacherous appearance, now after the "painted skin" is offset, it is more like a broken head, quite penetrating.

"Mysterious Q, share the pain."

I'm coming.

One of the most troublesome moves of the Ghost family of elves.

Mimi Q stretched out a pitch-black hand from under the painted skin again, and grabbed the flame monkey rushing towards it at an extremely fast speed.

The inexplicable pain hit, and the flame monkey frowned.

The pain didn't make it retreat, but it rushed even faster.

The fist is wrapped in darkness, and the fire is shining.

Enhanced Flame Fist!

boom--! !

Not to be outdone, Mimi Q's pitch-black little hand collided with the "Shadow Claw" wrapped in black light.

The force of the collision caused the two elves to retreat at the same time.

Mimi Q's seemingly petite body seems to hide a huge power, which is not much inferior to the flame monkey.

However, the retreating flame monkey adjusted its state in mid-air by relying on its own physical fitness. After landing, it did not stagger, its legs exerted strength, and it ejected again.

This scene.

It fully demonstrates the flame monkey's control over the body and its superb fighting skills.

Chrysanthemum frowned.

"Leap up, scare!"

After landing, Mimi Q failed to react as quickly as Flame Monkey.

However, when the flame monkey rushed to it, with the help of its tail, it leaped into the air and avoided the attack.

At the same time quickly launched a counterattack.

The huge ghost face was condensed by the dark and strong ghost energy, and it rushed towards the flame monkey from top to bottom.

Frighten: There is a certain probability that the opponent will be frightened and fall into a cowering state.


The flame monkey is really not afraid.

Pokkisi's "air slash" training is also one of the daily training tasks of the flame monkey.

The difference is that Pokkisi uses "Air Slash", and Flame Monkey dodges.

Over time, the resistance to "flinching" strengthens.

In addition, the flame monkey's will is as tough as steel.

MimiQ's "scare" didn't work.

But the counterattack belonging to the flame monkey began.

It grabbed the black shadow under Mimi Q's painted skin.

Bear! !

With the flame monkey as the center, a huge wave of flames rose from the ground.

Hovering and burning, completely enveloping the flame monkey and Mimi Q.

"Flash Charge!"

"Share the pain!"

Xia Yan and Juzi responded almost at the same time.

The blazing flames and scorching high temperature instantly brought huge damage to Mimi Q.

But the other pitch-black arm stretched out by MibiQ stole a lot of physical strength from the flame monkey.


Xia Yan didn't panic at all.

He could even faintly hear Daye's passionate roar in the audience.

"Burn it, flame monkey!"

That's right.

Let it burn.

Xia Yan thought to himself.

The "Fire" feature is triggered!

boom--! !

In an instant.

The dense flames splashed like fireworks, and burst into bloom in the venue.

The blazing tide rose wave after wave.

Even if there is a special barrier protecting the auditorium, the audience sitting in the front seems to be able to feel the hot breath coming from the venue.

The wave of dark red flames with an annihilation and simplicity swept across the audience.

When the monstrous flames dissipated.

The flaming monkey gasping fiercely stood proudly in the field, and the flames above its head spread and rose, as if it was seven or eight meters high.

And the other side.

Mysterious Q, whose whole body was scorched black, fell on the field, losing the ability to fight.

"Mimi Q loses the ability to fight!!!"

The referee announces the result.

The fight starts and ends quickly.

But the audience just felt excited, uplifted, and exciting.


Chrysanthemum retracted the enigmatic Q and sighed.

Xia Yan nodded in response, not daring to be proud.

"Next, as a teacher, you have to show your true skills." Juzi reminded.

Xia Yan: "."

"Well, teacher, in fact, I think we can not."

Before she finished speaking, Chrysanthemum summoned her third elf.

"Damn..." Xia Yan couldn't hold back from swearing.

The old woman really didn't agree with each other.

"Just right—!!"

A purple giant python roared out.

The tail slammed the ground violently, causing the idiosyncratic playing field to groan in an overwhelmed manner.

The dense dark purple scales are shiny, the sharp eyes of the triangular snake are full of coldness and venom, and the lines on the abdomen are very bright and unusual.

As the fiery red snake letter entered and exited, a thin poisonous mist overflowed.

Disperse a faint stench in the air.


One of Chrysanthemum's signature elves!

Although Chrysanthemum is the king of ghosts, in fact, poisonous elves are also her specialty elves.

If it weren't for her "Ghost Legion" being too famous, perhaps Juzi, who had just become the Four Heavenly Kings, should be called the "Heavenly King of the Poison Department".

King class!

And it should still be the kind of king-level that is only one step away from the championship level.

"The third elf of King Chrysanthemum is one of her signatures, Abo monster——!"


The audience burst into cheers again.


Is it finally coming for real?

Although they also watched the previous battle with enthusiasm.

But compared to the real battle between the kings, they still prefer to watch this.

"Heavenly King Chrysanthemum, you are really serious."

In the auditorium, Du murmured.

"It just looks like it will be swallowed in one gulp." Kona also expressed his opinion, shrinking his neck.

Chrysanthemum has been in the Kanto area for a long time, and most of the younger generation are afraid of her.

Du squinted at her angrily.

"Of course, the 'intimidation' feature."

Kona immediately glared back.

"Why haven't I seen someone with such a powerful 'intimidation' feature?"

Du decisively chose to shut up.

"Which one will Xia Yan send? The Big Needle Bee, which is also a poison type, is a good choice." Dawu guessed.

Sirona shook her head.

"The subsequent mixed battle is the key to this exhibition match. As Xia Yan's strongest main attacker, the big needle bee should not be sent here."


The current rotation battle is at best an appetizer.

The subsequent mixed battle is the key to determine the quality of a king.

"I just didn't expect King Juzi to be so serious."


After Xia Yan stared at the Abo monster for a while, he decisively took out the elf ball and took the flame monkey back.

After a little hesitation.

He made a judgment.

Throw the poke ball.



Shield Sword Monster, here we come!

Seeing the Shield Sword Monster, the eyes of Du and the others lit up instantly.

"Has Xia Yan's Shield Sword Monster already reached the Heavenly King level? Then there's something wrong."

Dawu nodded.

"Steel type immune to poison type, not bad."

"Why do I think it's not that simple?" Kona whispered.

Sirona took a deep look at the calm Xia Yan.

Chrysanthemum's Arbo monster cannot be judged simply by poison-type elves.

Although the Shield Sword Monster has an advantage in attributes, the difference in strength cannot be ignored.

"The battle begins!"

"Sword monster with strong shield, sword dance!" Xia Yan seized the opportunity this time.

The "sword dance" was used at the beginning, which was very bold.

the other side.

The snake pattern on the Abbe monster's abdomen changed slightly, its body squirmed, and the electricity shot out.

With its soft body and smooth scales, it quickly reveals winding traces on the ground.

high speed!

"Just right!"

Almost in the blink of an eye, the Abo monster rushed to the front of the sword monster.

"Snake pattern."

Xia Yan's face darkened.

Is it really the Education Bureau?

The difference is that he used to teach others, and now he is taught.

Biting the bright flame, he bit straight at the shield sword monster surrounded by clanging dark red swords.

The Shield Sword Monster's "Sword Dance" is already very fast, not inferior to the Big Needle Bee, but with the help of the Speed ​​Snake, the Abo Monster is too fast.

As the Arbo monster raised its head, the snake pattern on its abdomen changed again, and its whole body seemed to swell a bit.

Between the muscle texture, it is full of explosive power.

This trick.

It must be endured.

Only when the Shield Sword Monster's "Sword Dance" succeeds, offsets the influence of "Intimidation", and evens out the gap in attack ability with the Arbo Monster, will he have a chance to continue the subsequent battle.


"Flame Fang" snapped together instantly.

The sharp teeth bit the shield of the sword monster with flames.

creak --

The ear-piercing grinding sound of teeth came, accompanied by the half-burnt shield of the sword monster.

Surprise appeared in Abbe's strange eyes.

What a solid shield!

Excuse me!

Strong Shield Sword Monster endured the pain, gathered the sword formation, and the purple eyes on the hilt swept towards Abo Monster disdainfully.

That's it?

Seeing the eyes of the shield sword monster, Abo monster was still in a daze, Xia Yan patted his forehead.

Brother, at this time, you should accept your supernatural powers.


Abbey reacted.

Flames burst into his eyes instantly.

"Abo monster, big snake stares."

A pair of sharp snake pupils seemed to be magnified several times in the eyes of the shield sword monster.

Orochi stare: will make the target into a paralyzed state.

Xia Yan was shocked from the bottom of his heart.

"Shadow sneak attack!"

The Shield Sword Monster just despises the enemy strategically, but it doesn't mean it doesn't pay attention to Arbor Monster tactically.

Based on the strength gap between it and Arbor.

Making the other person angry is a good option.

The Shield Sword Monster didn't react too slowly, its whole body turned into a shadow, while it broke free from the Abo Monster's bloody mouth in an instant, it plundered towards its shadow.

Chrysanthemum smiled.

Use "Shadow Sneak Attack" in front of the ghost king?

"Assault, counterattack!"

The snake pattern on Arbor's body changed again.

The soft body allows it to adjust its body shape extremely quickly, turning its head and rushing towards the shadow behind it.

Xia Yan narrowed his eyes.

Of course he knew that "shadow attack" alone would not work.

"King Shield!"

Clang! !

The Arbo monster's counterattack was completely blocked by the hard shield of the sword monster, making a dull clanging sound.

The huge impact force made the Shield Sword Monster, whose weight couldn't be measured by its size at all, inevitably take two steps back.

But the impact on Arbor is even greater.

It caused a brief trance in its head.

This is what Xia Yan is after.


"Sword monster with strong shield, sharp blade of spirit!"

Clang--! !

The long sword was unsheathed, and it was cold.

The shield brushed off the Arbo monster's head, and the long sword slashed to seven inches of the Arbo monster with spiritual force.

"Defense!" Juzi's cold and hoarse voice came.

There is a third change in Arbor's snake pattern.

Its muscles are tense, and all the purple scales on the surface of its body are densely stacked together.

Clang! !

The long sword fell.

Sparks fly.

"Just right—!!"

The Arbor monster actually only broke a few scales.

this defense

There is no one anymore.


Don't forget that this attack is a "spiritual blade"!

Abo blamed his head, which was still a little dizzy just now, but was shocked by the mental force again, and got into even greater trouble.

This is the last chance of the sword monster.

That is to say, as a steel-type elf, the Shield Sword Monster has the advantage of being immune to poison-type moves.

Otherwise, the Arbo monster's first attack, injecting poison, and the shield and sword monster may have lost the ability to fight by now.

But it can't be delayed.

One drag.

With the snake pattern, Abo's physical fitness is too perverted.


Xia Yan never hesitated in his decision.

The winner will be determined in the next blow!

He has right hand raised.

On the "Z bracelet" on the wrist, there is a purple-red pure crystal, "Super Z".

Xia Yan didn't expect that this "Super Z" would be used on the sword monster first instead of waiting for Hu to use it.

The rich natural energy, with the activation of "Super Z", submerged into the body of the sword monster.

The sword monster's eyes were sharp, and it also understood Xia Yan's intentions.

So the spirit is highly concentrated.

Countless superpowers carry all of its spiritual power, converging on that sharp sword tip.

for a while.

The long sword is rendered pink.

The brilliant halo condensed into a single point.

The training for the concentrated energy of the big needle bee also works on the body of the strong shield sword monster.

"Abo monster, power! Crushed!"

Chrysanthemum can naturally see Xia Yan's intentions.

But as it stands now.

To put it simply, it was like punching the old master indiscriminately, and Xia Yan didn't play cards according to common sense at all.

Who would rather "sword dance" to bear the attack when they came up, who would use the "King's Shield" for absolute defense early on, and who would use "Super Z" with a ghost-type or steel-type elf?

But Xia Yan did it all.

Hit Juzi, the old master, and was caught off guard.

Poison-type elves and ghost-type elves, there is one consumption that stands out.

Chrysanthemum is confident that although the Shield Sword Monster is immune to poison moves, the Arbo Monster can win by virtue of the changes in snake patterns and the diversity of moves.

But Xia Yan is also well versed in the difficulties of snake patterns.

We have to fight each other to decide the outcome.

Chrysanthemum can only fight.

the stands.

Du Leng said in a daze: "This pair of master and apprentice has no enmity or grudge, right?"

Played too seriously.

Those who know know that this is an exhibition game.

People who don't know think that they are cleaning up the master's school, and the other is deceiving the master and destroying the ancestors.

Kona gave him a sideways look.

"Will Xia Yan keep his hand when he fights with you?"

Du choked on his words.

Xia Yan's fight with him was more than relentless.

Every time you play him, you will reveal your cards, okay?

It seems that it is uncomfortable not to reveal the cards.


The shield sword monster that condensed all the natural energy of "Z pure crystal", the giant sword seemed to be multiplied several times invisibly, and slashed towards the Aber monster.

The Abo monster also completely gave up its defense, and just after recovering from its trance, it took all the energy of the evil energy and bit it towards the sword monster with a ferocious mouth.

boom--! !

The entire ground, at the moment when the giant sword of the sword monster fell, completely cracked, with dense cracks, and rocks and rubble splashed.

Click! !

But amidst the thick superpowers, a huge mouth bites on the body of the sword monster, not to be outdone.

Intense roar.

The audience couldn't help holding their breath, clenched their hands, and didn't blink their eyes. Even if their eyes were sore, they didn't dare to miss any second.

Wait until the dust gradually dissipates.

I saw the shield sword monster and the Abo monster completely entangled together and fell to the ground.

"Jian, Jianjian Sword Monster and Abo Monster lost their fighting ability at the same time—!!"

After a brief hesitation, the host roared.

Wow -! !

The audience is boiling.

This master-student battle can be summed up in only two words.



PS: 1.2w is full of sincerity, ask for a monthly pass! There are more tonight, finish today!

By the way, because of the activities of the starting point, solicit the extra episodes that everyone wants to watch, collect the topics first, and then find a chance to vote, write something you like to watch, not the main text~~

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