The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 868: Xia Yan VS Athena (Three in One)

Yuanzhu City was deliberately blocked.

Moreover, it is estimated that no one in Yuanzhu City knows this situation at this time.

It is also because of the special geographical location of Yuanzhu City.

It is located in the northernmost part of the Johto area, backed by the vast forest and wild fields, and even the whole city is surrounded by mountains. The Leibo Mountain on the east side is the famous high mountain in the Johto area, which separates Enju City from the city. Kaji Town.

If you want to enter Yuanzhu City, there are actually only a few roads.

Therefore, it is not difficult to block the road to Yuanzhu City.

Just don't know who did it.

At this time, Yuanzhu City was obviously not a safe place, preventing the flow of people from entering, and even protecting those people to a certain extent.

But even if no one enters, the Yuanzhu City at this time is still very lively.

The quaint buildings, high-hanging flaming lanterns, dense street vendors, crowded heads, dotted with cherry trees full of gorgeous cherry blossoms are an extremely harmonious picture.

But in the unnoticed place of this picture scroll, in the dark alleys, as the light gradually fades away, it seems that there is a tendency to swallow the entire Yuanzhu City.

"Burning Festival" is a large-scale festival held every three years in Enshu City.

To commemorate the elves who died in the burning tower, and also to pay homage to the great beast Phoenix King who saved the three elves.

Xia Yan, who landed in the dense forest outside Yuanzhu City, squinted his eyes involuntarily as he looked at the brightly lit city in front of him.



Soroya, who had snow-white hair in Xia Yan's arms, heard his call, and couldn't help raising his head and pricking up his ears.



Hearing this, after Sorolla stretched out his small tongue and licked Xia Yan's cheek lightly, he disappeared into the dense forest in a flash and fell into the darkness.

At the same time, Xia Yan tidied up his clothes a little and stepped into Yuanzhu City.

To determine the situation in Yuanzhu City first, it is best to be able to catch those people's feet.

Xia Yan familiarly found the entrance of the black market in Yuanzhu City.

Although it is difficult for outsiders to come in now, there are quite a few people who arrived in Yuanzhu City a few days ago.

So the black market is just like the streets outside, crowded with people.

The difference is just.

Most of the people here are dressed in black cloaks and pale masks, hiding their identities.

Xia Yan went straight to the place where the Rockets were stationed in the black market.

In the two major regions of Kanto and Chengdu, the Rockets have done a good job of infiltrating, so it is also the Rockets who are responsible for maintaining the order of the black market in Yuanzhu City.

When Xia Yan was about to walk into the Rockets' base.

At the door, two burly men standing like soldiers with their hands behind their backs immediately blocked his way.

"Buy and sell things and go to other places, this is not a place to approach casually."

There was no emotion in the husky words.

The tone was quite polite, and he didn't directly drive people away.

After all, those who hang out in the black market are all desperadoes. If Xia Yan is a lunatic, it may be counterproductive to speak too aggressively.

The Rockets aren't afraid of things.

But the black market is the Rockets' assets after all, and it can provide the Rockets with a lot of money every day.

Random disturbances have brought damage to the black market, which the Rockets do not want to see.


If someone provokes willfully, the Rockets will not be soft.

However, with the current strength and ability of the Rockets, they don't bother to do things like extortion by those sloppy organizations.

"I want to see Athena."

Xia Yan was not angry either, but after speaking hoarsely and lowly, he took out a badge of the Rockets.

This is the identity card of his top cadre.

Seeing this badge, the two strong men guarding the door straightened up immediately. After saluting, one of them hurriedly said:

"My lord, wait a moment!"

With that said, he turned and trotted towards the base.

Xia Yan stood still and did not move, but glanced at the strong man who was leaving and still sticking to his job from time to time.

'Four generals. Is this the soldiers of Athena's legion? '

Team Rocket is the only underground force known to Xia Yan that has a legion system.

The reason why it can compete with the alliance to a certain extent is also because of the influence of the Rockets Legion.

Seeing one of them for the first time, Xia Yan's sense of quality is not bad.

Athena is pretty good.


The three major cadres represent the personal strength of Sakagi's subordinates, and the four generals are the representatives of the team strength of Sakagi's subordinates.

Not long.

The strong man who left before came back.

"Master Yan Xia, Lord Athena is already waiting."

After all, he was ready to lead Xia Yan in.

Xia Yan raised his eyebrows slightly.

There was an involuntary smile on his face unconsciously.

This base is not that big.

After a few simple turns, we came to the deepest point.

inside the room.

A red-haired woman dressed in a white costume of the top cadre of the Rockets, with her legs crossed, her lips pursed to outline the corners of her mouth, looked at Xia Yan who appeared at the door.

"Officer Yan Xia, I didn't expect you to come so soon, it really surprised me."

This woman who is about twenty-seven or eight years old is naturally Athena, one of the four generals.

The appearance is not bad, and there is a bit of the temperament of a high-ranking person.

But her attitude is somewhat intriguing.

"Athena, is there anyone suspicious in Zhushi, the closest relative?"

Xia Yan didn't bother to talk nonsense to her, so he went straight to the point.

Athena raised her eyebrows, and said with a half-smile:

"Suspicious people? The entire black market is full of suspicious people. I don't know who Yan Xia is talking about?"

Xia Yan was silent.

The eyes under the brim of the hat looked at the woman with a playful smile in front of him.


Sakagi valued him, Xia Yan, and provided him with a lot of help.

But it doesn't mean that all Rockets will treat him like Sakagi.

Even Makoto, who is Sakagi's secretary, was skeptical of Xia Yan when he first met him.

Not to mention the top cadres with real power like Athena.

The competition between the cadres of the Rockets was originally allowed by Sakagi.

It has nothing to do with loyalty or not.

After all, if every cadre of the Rockets Sakagi is united as one, then Sakagi may have to think about whether to change a group of subordinates.

Among the Rockets, the conflict between the three cadres and the four generals was almost open.

Xia Yan does not belong to the fourth general, nor does he belong to the three major cadres, but Sakagi's reliance on him in the recent period is enough to make Athena pay attention.


Xia Yan showed a smile.

"A fight?"

Since it's the Rockets, don't talk about unreasonable things.

Sakagi asked Xia Yan to find Athena, but he didn't say that Athena would definitely help him with all her strength.

If Athena doesn't work hard, Xia Yan will also have a headache.


It is easier to speak with fists.

Listening to Xia Yan's words, Athena was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled even more happily.


This is what she wants.

She was very curious about Xia Yan, and didn't understand why Sakagi valued him so much.

He was clearly a member of the Hunter's Guild, but he was recruited into Team Rocket.

And entrusted with the important task of top cadres.

Moreover, Xia Yan became famous within the Rockets because of Sakagi's reliance, not his strength and ability.

Although it was rumored that he killed Bishas, ​​the rumors were just rumors after all.

Athena wanted to see if he was qualified to be equal to herself.

The voice fell.

One wall of the room moved slowly, revealing a wide training ground behind it.

The potholes in the training ground have not been repaired so neatly, it can be seen that the people training here are not very law-abiding.

Without any hesitation, Xia Yan raised his foot and walked in.

Athena laughed lowly, and stood opposite Xia Yan.

"How does Officer Yan Xia want to fight?"

Xia Yan shrugged indifferently, "It's up to the host."

Hearing this, Athena's eyes flickered.


As he said that, he flipped his slender palm, and there was an extra elf ball.

Throw it directly in front of you.

In the red light—


A vicious dog with shiny black hair and a pair of white bones and pointed horns appeared in front of her.

Black Luga!

King class!

As soon as he appeared on the stage, Hei Lujia bent his limbs, his muscles tensed, and he was ready to rush forward at any time.

Just by looking at this black Luga, one can tell that Athena has trained very well.

But Xia Yan still put his hands in his pockets, and the brim of his hat blocked his sight, unmoved.

Athena raised her chin slightly, and said crisply, "Officer Yan Xia, it's your turn."

But Xia Yan said slowly: "One is not enough."


Athena showed surprise.

I saw Xia Yan slowly raised his head, revealing the slightly crazy cold eyes under the brim of his hat.

The voice without any emotion sounded again.

"I said, one is not enough."

this time.

The smile on Athena's face could no longer be maintained.

His complexion instantly sank.

I have never seen such arrogance.

Are you confident?

Or posturing?

Athena's thoughts kept churning.

In fact, Xia Yan's purpose is very clear.

He knew that there were constant disputes within the Rockets, and he didn't bother to get involved in those bullshit things. Athena just couldn't understand one of his top cadres.

Since his reputation is not obvious, let this time let his reputation resound in the Rockets.

Otherwise, it is Athena this time, and it should be Apollo next time. What about next time?

It's not Xia Yantuo.

The positions of the four generals and the three cadres are different.

If the opponent was Ah Ju, he would definitely not do this.

But the Four Generals dared him.

Because the four generals are more responsible for commanding the Rockets' legion, the requirements for personal strength are relatively not that high.

It is also because of this that Du, who was still in the period of the Four Heavenly Kings, was able to single out Apollo and Athena at the same time.

Athena's Black Luga is good, but only good.

He needs the cooperation of Athena, showing his fist, and a very hard fist, is the best choice.

"How courageous!" Athena couldn't help laughing and cursing.

But it didn't follow Xia Yan's intention.

You say one is not enough?

She is also one of the four generals, one of the top cadres.

"Hei Lujia, tear him apart!"

heard the words.

Hei Lujia, who was lying on the ground, jumped out immediately, running on the potholed ground with his strong limbs, picking up a large amount of dust.

During the rush, a thick black color appeared on the ferocious sharp teeth.

A sudden attack, and the target was directed at Xia Yan himself.

Athena was not at all worried that Xia Yan would die in this raid.

If he really died, it can only be said that Xia Yan is not strong enough and is putting on airs. Such a person does not deserve to be sheltered by Boss Sakagi.

But obviously.

Xia Yan belongs to the side with confidence.

A red light suddenly appeared.

A ferocious dragon that was also as black as ink flew out from behind Xia Yan.


Between the flapping of the huge cattail wings, the dust raised by Helujia was blown away in an instant.

A deep purple halo rose from the sharp claws covered with shiny black scales like metal.

Dragon Claw!

The ferocious claws collided with the ferocious mouth.

boom--! !

The fierce vigor swept across.

The fire-breathing dragon spread its wings and hovered in the air, and Hei Lujia spun a few times in the air before barely staggering and standing still.

On its dark face, three sharp scratches were extremely eye-catching, and after it stood still, bubbling bright red slowly oozed out.


Hei Lujia's fierceness remained undiminished, but when he looked at the fire-breathing dragon, there was a little more fear in his eyes.

This fire-breathing dragon is very strong!

Athena who saw this scene was also a little startled.

Just a face to face, Hei Lujia fell into an absolute disadvantage.


Slapping Heluga into the air, the fire-breathing dragon's mouth overflowed with scorching flames, roaring.

The loud dragon chant echoed in the training room, and the dust on the ground trembled continuously because of this sound.

Xia Yan promised to help it find Mashaduo, so it will choose to obediently obey Xia Yan's orders for the time being.

But no matter whether it was defeated by Masha Duo and disappeared, or it was deflated in Xia Yan's hands, it made the already grumpy creature suppress the anger in its heart.

Facing Hei Lujia now, the raging anger completely erupted.

"I said, one is not enough."

Xia Yan glanced calmly at the unstoppable back of the fire-breathing dragon fluttering its wings, and said slowly.

Fight Athena.

On the one hand, I really want to save some trouble for my future self.

He serves in the Rockets, but he does not fight or grab, and will not affect their authority.

on the other hand.

I also want to vent the flames of the fire-breathing dragon.

This guy has been suppressed for too long and is too uncomfortable.

Although he is obedient now, Bao Buqi impulsively disobeys the order the next time he really meets the real master who captured Machado, which ruins Xia Yan's plan.

So just find someone to let it vent.

It would be much better if all those angers were vented out.

And hearing Xia Yan's words again, Athena knew that Xia Yan was not talking nonsense.

With only one Hei Lujia, it is really no match for this fire-breathing dragon.

Athena gritted her teeth.

Throwing a Poké Ball again.

The second elf that appeared was a crow head.

The neat feathers are black and shiny, and it is another elf at the level of a heavenly king.

Xia Yan grinned.

Eyes squint.

"not enough!"


Athena stared at Xia Yan.

But seeing two scorching white gas coming out of the fire-breathing dragon's nose, it seemed that it agreed with Xia Yan's words very much.

Taking a deep breath, Athena grimaced.

But she no longer cares about it.

Throw the third Poké Ball again.

"Xu**************************** is a Ma Huanla.

The three evil elves, representing what Athena is in charge of, are the Rockets' army of evil.

Seeing the three heavenly king-level elves, the fire-breathing dragon finally showed a serious and dignified expression, with flames in his eyes.

After summoning the three elves, Athena no longer had any hesitation.

With a wave of his hand.

"Crow Head, Tailwind! Heluga, Thunder Fang! Ma Yula, Freezing Beam!"

The three elves came out together.

The crow rolled up the airflow and surrounded the three elves, reducing the resistance of the air to them.

Hei Lujia charged again, fluffy thunder and lightning densely covered the gaps between its teeth, and the golden light was accompanied by continuous jumping humming.

Ma Huanla's figure became more vigorous, and disappeared in the sight of the fire-breathing dragon after a few dodges.

The cold light beam struck from behind the fire-breathing dragon.

"Dance of the Dragon!"

Xia Yan calmed down, calmed down, and tried to use his state to influence the state of the fire-breathing dragon.


It turns out.

He was thinking too much.

There is no tacit understanding between the fire-breathing dragon and him at all, and he can't affect the mentality of the fire-breathing dragon like he affects his elves.


The strength of the fire-breathing dragon is indeed superior to these three elves.

Flying with special rhythmic wings, accompanied by the rapid rise of its own momentum, and the flexibility to rise.

The fire-breathing dragon turned away Ma Yula's "Frozen Beam" in the air, and rushed straight towards Helujia with its fists clenched.

Xia Yan twitched the corner of his mouth.

He also frankly gave up his plan to influence the fire-breathing dragon.

Since you can't change it, go with it.

Xia Yan quickly adjusted his thoughts and changed his strategy.

Anyway, there is only one elf, the fire-breathing dragon, and Xia Yan can still command it according to its habits and fighting methods.

"In that case, then Dragon's Dive!"


The fire-breathing dragon that I heard was still under Xia Yan's command.

While attacking Hei Lujia, his body was wrapped in dark purple energy, and the energy condensed into the appearance of a giant dragon. Wrapped by the fire-breathing dragon, he appeared in front of Hei Lujia with extremely swift movements.

boom--! !

Collision regeneration.

A huge force hit Hei Lujia's head,


Cracks appeared on the hard white bones on Hei Lujia's head, and cracks appeared on the pitch-black dragon scales on the head of the fire-breathing dragon.

Just this collision made Athena feel the madness of the fire-breathing dragon.

It's the kind of madness that will definitely hurt the enemy by a thousand if you hurt yourself by eight hundred.

Hei Lujia's body still flew upside down completely uncontrollably, and the condensed lightning only jumped twice on the scales of the fire-breathing dragon before disappearing quickly.

The point is.

The fire-breathing dragon that succeeded in one blow not only did not retreat, but flapped its wings to bully it again.

Athena's complexion changed slightly.

She glanced in Xia Yan's direction.

She was thinking whether to let Ma Yula rush over and kill Xia Yan directly.

But in the end, out of loyalty to Sakagi, she was not allowed to choose to do so.

And for this decision, she should actually be grateful.

Otherwise, one person would really die here today, but definitely not Xia Yan.

"Crow head, surprise attack! Ma Yula, vicious pursuit!"

She tried to surround Wei and save Zhao.

With the offensive of Crow Tou Tou and Ma Yula, let the fire-breathing dragon throw the rat's weapon and resolve the crisis of Helujia.

This is the best way to play more and less in the battle.


She completely underestimated the state of the fire-breathing dragon at this time.

The fire-breathing dragon didn't mean to retreat at all.

The head of the crow turned into a black awn, and appeared behind the fire-breathing dragon with lightning speed, and the biting evil energy hit its back.

Take time with this.

Ma Huanla also appeared beside the fire-breathing dragon in a flash, and the attack of its fierce claws was reflected in its sly and cold eyes.


The double damage triggered by the "Vicious Pursuit" effect also played a role.

Three scarlet scratches appeared on the Charizard's back, and the pitch-black scales were broken under the sharp claws.


The Charizard roared in pain.

But it still has no intention of turning back.

He clenched his claws and tore it down, leaving several bright red streaks on Hei Lujia's body again.

It doesn't stop there.

The fire-breathing dragon also grabbed the two horns of Hei Lujia's head, biting his mouth tightly, and strands of flame overflowed from the gap between the teeth.

next second.

boom--! !

Blazing flames gushed out of its mouth.

The astonished Hei Lujia hadn't recovered from the dizziness of the head collision at the beginning, the flame in his eyes was so close to it.

want to struggle.

Only to find that his head was tightly grasped.

The red flame instantly engulfed it.

After leaving several scars on the fire-breathing dragon's back again, Crow Toutou and Ma Yula were also frightened by the fire-breathing dragon's desperate posture.

After Hei Lujia was swallowed by the flames and fell to the ground, losing the ability to fight, the two elves retreated wildly almost instinctively, looking warily at the fire-breathing dragon that slowly turned around.

There was a little fear in his eyes.

This madman.

Xia Yan also twitched his eyes.

Although he was the one who gave the order, the fire-breathing dragon's desperate posture made him somewhat helpless.


The battle is not over.

"Fire-breathing dragon, Dragon Dance again!"

The turned fire-breathing dragon shook its wings again, and the flame at the end of its tail was like a huge fireball, covering its whole body with raging fire.

"Fire" feature, trigger!

It was also the first time for Athena to see such a battle.

She suddenly had an illusion.

The reason why the fire-breathing dragon endured the attacks of Crow Tou Tou and Ma Yula indifferently, and the defeat of Helujia seemed to be just superficial.

Xia Yan and its true intentions seem to be

Just to trigger the fire-breathing dragon's "fire" feature?

How can there be such a fight?

Rao is the top cadre of the Rockets and one of the four generals.

I have never seen such an almost self-harming method to trigger its own characteristics.

In the fiery flames, the pitch-black scales exude a terrifying luster.

The momentum of the fire-breathing dragon climbed again in "Dance of the Dragon".

Facing the imposing fire-breathing dragon, Ma Huanla and the crow were neither attacking nor dodging.

But soon.

They have to make a choice.

Because the fire-breathing dragon has already locked Ma Yula.


Ma Xuan lowered his drink to cheer up his state, and at the same time dispel the fear in his heart.

Claws rubbed against each other, and the piercing sound of sour teeth sounded.

The legs exert strength and ejected.

On the other side, the head of the crow also had to suppress the hesitation in his heart, and spread his wings to roll up the airflow.

But the next second.

The speed of the fire-breathing dragon suddenly increased again, and the flames covering the whole body made it hit Ma Yula directly like a dragon breathing out flames.

Boom—! !

Ma Xunla turned into a black shadow and was slapped severely on the wall of the training room, losing her ability to fight.


Although the crow's attack worked, what he got in return was an increasingly violent fire-breathing dragon.

High temperature and heavy pressure!

The fire-breathing dragon spreading its wings made the crow feel so small in a trance.

The pressure and high temperature instantly overwhelmed its consciousness and defeated its defenses.

With the head of the crow fell to the ground.

Announced the end of this battle.


The fire-breathing dragon tensed its whole body, opened its arms, straightened its wings, and kept slapping the ground with its thick tail. The terrifying high temperature directly burned a big hole in the ceiling.

Coupled with its scarred appearance at this time, it added a bit of ferocity and madness.

Athena stared blankly at the fire-breathing dragon, and under Xia Yan's seemingly calm expression, the madness in his eyes surged.

"Crazy. This man and this elf are both crazy."

At this moment, she deeply felt the madness of Yan Xia, the top cadre of the Rockets, and his elves.

The fire-breathing dragon's desperate posture just now kept flashing through his mind.

Just this battle made Athena understand one thing in her heart.


If you're not 100% sure that you can kill Xia Yan, then absolutely don't provoke him.

This man is a complete lunatic!

Those who wear shoes are afraid of bare feet.

Her identity, her status, the object of her allegiance, everything does not allow her to provoke such a lunatic.

It is rumored that Xia Ben is a crazy and reckless person.

Now, she sees it.

Xia Yan had to admit.

The madness of his efforts to create the identity of "Yan Xia" is far less powerful than the shock and influence brought about by an actual battle.

But after this battle.

It is estimated that few people in the Rockets question and provoke him as a "lunatic" anymore.

Take out the Poke Ball and take the Charizard back.

After it has vented, it will not be able to hold on after a while.

The fire-breathing dragon was also badly injured.

But it worked out great.

Shrinking the poke ball back to his waist, he looked at Athena again.

He grinned, revealing his white teeth.

"Now, can you tell me, is there anyone suspicious in Yuanzhu City?"


PS: Thank you "Yanming" for your reward~~

Also, friends, the group is really full, you can add the second group, in the introduction, or in the author's words at the end of the chapter~~

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