The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 873: Xia Yan and the Truth, Yan Xia and the Ideal (Two in One)

Yuanzhu City outside.

In the dense forest between Manjin City and Yuanzhu City.

A man with short light blue hair, wearing a white suit, and a fiery red "R" symbol engraved on his chest, with one hand behind his back and a communicator in the other, with a faint smile on his face. smile.

Beside him, followed by a nightmare-inducing man.

There are also many people dressed in black rocket team elite costumes moving around.

It can be seen that they are arresting and gathering a group of people in different clothes.

"Master Apollo, catch all of them without falling."

One of the captains of the Rockets, who looked like a leader, came to the man and said respectfully.

This person is the commander-in-chief of the Rockets in the city area, the head of the four generals, Apollo.

But he was communicating with a big shot, so he just waved casually.

"Boss, did you hear that?"


There was a flat voice on the phone.

"Shui Jun has already left. This group of people is quite courageous. Don't they want to worry about Phoenix King's revenge? It doesn't have a big heart. It seems that the situation on the other two sides is not optimistic." Apollo murmured.

turn out to be.

The reason why Suicune appeared in Enju City without incident was because Sakagi asked Apollo to help him.

Listening to Apollo complaining about Ho-oh's heart, Sakagi couldn't help but chuckled.

"Enough." Sakagi said lightly.

"However, leader. I think this kind of thing is better left to Athena this time. I like big scenes."

Apollo has absolute loyalty to Sakagi, and has also gained Sakagi's absolute trust.

So it's easier to communicate.

While speaking, he also raised his head and looked in the direction of Yuan Zhushi.

There, even though there is a long distance, you can still feel the grandeur of the fire.

"Yuanzhu City can't be completely destroyed, but the commotion this time can't be small, you won't be able to hold back." Sakagi said.

Apollo grinned, "Yes."

Continued: "But once this incident breaks out, the alliance will be completely unable to sit still, right?"

"That person and we each have what we need."

Sakagi's voice came again.

"Unfortunately, my identity is more sensitive, otherwise I might be able to help the leader fight for a spot." Apollo tied his hands and said tut-tsk.

"Get ready."

Sakagi didn't express any opinion on Apollo's words, but his voice gradually became distant and full of deep meaning.

"The city is about to change."

Feng Wang, who came from afar, saw the burning tower at first sight.

And Naomi who stepped on the three evil dragons and flew in front of it.

He even noticed the plane tree in his hand.

The main thing is.

Feng Wang also saw Emperor Yan and Lei Gong who were obviously not in the right state underneath, and also felt the weakness of Marshaduo.

for a while.

Feng Wang, who already had a bad temper, had flames in his eyes.

I remembered a lot of bad things.

Legend has it that the burning tower was struck by lightning and began to burn. Three elves were trapped at the bottom of the tower and died. Finally, the Phoenix King appeared, summoned rain, extinguished the burning flames, and revived the three elves trapped at the bottom of the tower. .

Entei was given the fire to burn the tower, Raiko was given the lightning to smash the tower, and Suicune was given the water to extinguish the flame.

So far, people have been full of reverence for King Feng, and respect and love for the three sacred beasts of King Feng's guard.


They are all legends widely circulated in Yuanzhu City, and they are also the most popular version.

However, these are abridged versions.

reality is.

When the human beings saw the resurrection of the dead elves, the first thing they felt was not surprise but fright.

No matter what ability is used, under the environment and cultural level at that time, all human beings can feel are shock and fear.

Therefore, people are more repulsed and fearful of the Phoenix King who resurrected the three holy beasts.

They denounced Feng Wang's behavior.

It is precisely because of this that Feng Wang has never returned to Yuanzhu City since then, and the Bell Tower has never appeared again, and Rogia has moved directly to Whirlpool Island.

Otherwise, Feng Wang, who would land on the Bell Tower every once in a while, if the people here are in awe of him and worship him like this, how could he not come back even once for so long?

Therefore, this place is not a good place to remember.

The same goes for Entei, Raikou, and Suicune.

That's why Emperor Yan and Lei Gong were so easily affected by dark energy.

They don't necessarily follow Naomi's orders.

But their instinctive repulsion and disgust made them try to destroy Yuanzhushi.

That is Suicune, because of Sakagi's intervention, he was not affected by the dark energy and still maintained his sanity.

but now.

The encounter between Emperor Yan and Lei Gong.

The flames of the combustion tower rekindled.

Forced calling.

Naomi's provocation.

All of them became the strands of anger built up in Feng Wang's eyes.

Cruel——! !

With a high-pitched and long cry, Phoenix King fluttered his wings even faster, and at the same time a pure golden flame surged out of its mouth.

Holy fire!

A golden pillar of fire stretched across the void, directly attacking Naomi.

But in the face of this situation, instead of showing fear, Naomi was excited.

Holding up the sycamore wood in his hand, he greeted the golden flame.

for a while.

The seemingly surging flames were absorbed by the sycamore wood in Naomi's hand.

The sycamore tree, which was originally just a red section but was like a dead tree, now has sprouts like a dead tree in spring.

It is full of surging breath of life.

of course.

The Phoenix King's "Holy Fire" hadn't been absorbed so easily, and Naomi and the three evil dragons under his feet were knocked into the air at the same time.

He smashed into the ruins heavily.

However, the purpose of his trip here is over.


Just looking for a chance to escape.

In order not to be burned to death by Feng Wang who was furious by Feng Wang.

Xia Yan on the ground twitched his eyes.

He had just heard An Ci's words, and before he could do anything, Feng Wang very cooperatively allowed Naomi to obtain its fire of life.

That thing is Xia Yan's burning bug.

Also very good stuff.

It's just that the trouble now

Feng Wang, who was already out of anger, once again felt the provocation from human beings.

"Hey, Suicune, can you stop it?"

Suicune didn't answer.

He just gave Xia Yan a sideways glance.

That look is like looking at a fool.

Let's not talk about whether it can be stopped, even if it can be stopped, as a subordinate of others, is it appropriate to do so?


It's impossible to stop it, okay?

It's not bad to let it stop Emperor Yan, and Lei Gong is enough.


The people who were prostrate on the ground also felt something strange.

It seems that Feng Wang didn't come to rescue them?

It seems that Feng Wang's eyes are full of anger?

It seems that Feng Wang regards them as accomplices of Naomi's gang?

At this moment, in their hearts, the sky is no longer falling.

Instead, the entire sky was completely torn apart and fell apart.

"Gudong—" Xiaoqian swallowed, and she also clearly felt Fengwang's anger, "Fengwang... seems very angry?"

Matsuba's face was full of bitterness.

"It obviously regarded us as the same group as the group of people who ignited the combustion tower before."

"Find a way to explain to it." Ami rubbed her skirt with her fingers.

If the appearance of Emperor Yan and Lei Gong brought a level of oppression, then the oppression brought by Feng Wang was a level ten.

Facing Emperor Yan and Lei Gong, maybe they still wanted to struggle, but facing King Feng, they couldn't bring themselves to do so.

"If it could listen, King Xiayan and Suicune wouldn't show that expression." Aso said, pointing to Xiayan and Suicune in front of the burning tower in the distance.

this moment.

As the owners of the gymnasium, their hearts are also full of helplessness.

Even though they believed in Xia Yan and the strength of a Four Heavenly Kings, when facing King Feng, the Four Heavenly Kings' titles still seemed so insignificant.


The top veteran Four Heavenly Kings are capable of short-term confrontation.

But if you want to stop the current Phoenix King, a short-term confrontation is definitely not enough.

What's more, Xia Yan doesn't have the strength of those veteran kings yet.

"King Xia Yan." Xiaoqian murmured.

"Phoenix King!"

But at this time.

An Lu, who was standing on the top of the burning tower, looked straight at Feng Wang without any fear.

Put your hands together and perform a Buddha ceremony.


Finally saw Feng Wang.

As a monk in the Bell Pagoda, meeting Feng Wang, rather than discussing Zen, can be said to be his dream.


He successfully summoned Feng Wang.

"Brother An Lawyer."

An Ci also stopped controlling Geng Gui, clasped his hands together, and saluted.


Facing An Law's call, respond to him.

It was the golden flame spit out from the mouth of Phoenix King who was getting closer.

for a while.

The burning tower, which was still showing signs of being extinguished because of Suicune's appearance, was burnt down by Ho-oh's flame.

In an instant, it completely turned into fly ash.

However, what happened to the Burning Tower and An Lu completely shrouded the people who were still lucky.

What kind of destructive power does a Level 1 God who is completely free from anger bring?


The destruction of Yuanzhu City is considered light.

And after a fire burned the burning tower, a place that did not impress Phoenix King, Phoenix King's sight shifted to Naomi who had fallen into the ruins before.


The people who are relatively close to Naomi are also within its target range.

Xia Yan sighed silently.

"Shui Jun, help me appease Yan Emperor and Lei Gong." He said so.

Hearing this, Suicune glanced at him.

Is it just to appease Emperor Yan and Lei Gong?

What about Feng Wang?

As if seeing its doubts, Xia Yan pressed down on his hat, and said calmly, "Leave it to me."

【you? 】

Shui Jun looked Xia Yan up and down.

But I saw Xia Yan walking in the direction of King Feng step by step.

Look up at the sky.

"Tsk, it's such a beautiful morning. At this point, we should have a nutritious breakfast and start training." He muttered to himself.

As he walked, everyone's attention was drawn to him.

King Xia Yan, what are you going to do?

This is the first thought that crosses most people's minds.

Immediately afterwards.

King Xia Yan wants to stop Feng Wang alone?

do not know why.

People's hearts trembled.

Is this the responsibility of the Four Heavenly Kings?

Is this the duty of the Four Heavenly Kings?

Is this the Heavenly King Xia Yan?


The fear in people's hearts, the invisible sense of oppression, seems to be less intense.


People don't feel fear, maybe it's not because there's no fear, it's just that someone is in front of them, seeing all the pressure, carrying the weight forward.

There is no time in the world that is quiet and good, but someone is carrying the burden for you.

"King Xia Yan!"

Suddenly someone shouted.

Slowly, more and more calls were made.

"King Xia Yan!"

They shouted hysterically one by one.

Perhaps, just calling Xia Yan's name now can completely dispel the fear and fear in their hearts.

With his back to them, Xia Yan waved.

He was not as calm and optimistic as he was at this time.

My heart is also beating a drum.

'You guys, are you here? '

And Xia Yan's behavior, as well as people's cries, made Feng Wang focus on him.

A look of surprise flashed in his angry eyes.

This group of people seems to be different from what they used to be?

But this thought was only for a moment, and it was swallowed by anger again.

Xia Yan looked at Feng Wang.


He said loudly: "Prince Feng, give me Xia some face."

Cruel——! !

What responded to him was Feng Wang's high-pitched and long cry.

And the pure golden flame that followed.

The flames rushed straight towards Xia Yan's face, the scalding heat even distorted the space.

Everyone stared at this scene, clenched their hands, and pulled their hearts.

boom--! !


At the very moment, before King Feng's "sacred fire" was about to devour Xia Yan, a cyan flame shot from the sky.

Block the flames of Phoenix King.


In the surging explosion, a pure white figure, bathed in blue flames, passed Xia Yan's side.

Take it away from the center of the explosion.

The Dragon of Pure White Truth.


Xia Yan, who sat on Reshiram's back, tightly grasped the collar around its neck, and let out a long breath.

It's just a little bit short, and if you want to, you have to call out Giratina.

Seeing Reshiram pursing his lips with a smile, he led Xia Yan in the air, turned his head and said:

【scared? 】

Xia Yan glared at the ponytails angrily.

"Did you enjoy watching the play?"

Reshiram blinked rather innocently.

[Don't you want to leave your legend behind? You just now are super handsome! 】

Xia Yancai didn't believe Rashiram's nonsense.

This guy just wants to see if he can make a fool of himself.

"As the dragon of truth, you are also starting to talk nonsense, and you have been led astray by your brother."

Under normal circumstances, Xia Yan could barely manipulate Reshiram.

Only when facing divine beasts like the Phoenix King, could it be.


Both Reshiram and Zekrom agreed to help him leave legends behind.

In other words.

It's just that they are not qualified to involve "legendary" behaviors, they will not participate.

That's the bottom line.

"That's... the dragon of truth, Reshiram?!"

"That's right! Heavenly King Xia Yan, he is still a true hero!"

"Only heroes can win the favor of the real dragon!"


Seeing that Xia Yan was safe and sound, the crowd boiled again.

this day.

They have seen more than one miracle from Xia Yan.

And this time.

Xia Yan can definitely do it too.

Just trust blindly.

Cruel——! !

And when Xia Yan was arguing with Reshiram, Feng Wang, who was opposite, saw Xia Yan being rescued and Reshiram's appearance, but he didn't give him a good look.

Reshiram looked serious.

Shen Sheng said

【Stop it, Phoenix King. 】

Feng Wang gave it a hard look.

【Leshiram, this is not Hezhong! Do you think you can stop me? 】

[Then what if you add me? 】


There was another dragon cry that shook the world.

The dragon of the dark ideal.


To the astonishment of everyone.

On Zekrom's back is the top cadre of the Rockets. "Yan Xia"!

A real hero, and an ideal hero.

At the same time debut!


PS: Xiaobo 1.5w, how about a monthly pass?

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