The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 922 I am, the king of heaven (8.8k+! First post and then change!)

Poney Island.

Sun Moon Altar.

In the yellow sand all over the sky, an ancient altar has stood here for an unknown amount of time.

And today.

In the yellow sand that covered the sky and the sun, the existence of a military tent seemed a bit abrupt.

in the tent.

Xia Yan looked at the slightly pale Lila sitting at the head of the temporary meeting table with a speechless face.

On the contrary, Lila, the head of the UB countermeasures department, had a smile on her face.

"Don't complain. Anyway, you are the deputy director of the UB countermeasures department, but you ran away for several months, so you should take responsibility." Lila said with a smile.

Xia Yan waved his hand.

"That's not what I meant. Of course I will bear the responsibility that should be borne."

After all, he is a deputy minister with real power. It is really unreasonable not to participate after taking a pick for so long.

So when facing Lila, or even ordinary members of the other UB countermeasures department, I feel somewhat embarrassed.

"I mean to say."

After speaking a little, Xia Yan continued: "You are the head of the UB Countermeasure Department anyway, and you are always so impulsive. If something unexpected happens, what will the members of the department do?"

"Aren't you still there?"

Lila was very calm.

Xia Yan was momentarily at a loss for words.

In short.

These few exchanges were all due to Xia Yan's disappearance for several months, so I couldn't talk to her.

"However, I'm not impulsive, it's because I found something." Lila said again.

"Huh?" Xia Yan raised his eyebrows.

Lila leaned over.

"I found that in the ultimate hole that has been opened many times, a figure appeared. Last time I was sure enough, so I went in and took a look."


During the last "Islands Contest", Xia Yan had already seen someone open the ultimate hole for manipulating the ultimate beast.

It was just because he knew it was being operated by the people in the Ultimate Cave, so he didn't make any noise.

"What did you find?"

"There are indeed people." Lila seemed a little excited.

Xia Yan understood why she was excited.

Because Lila has always lost her memory from before being found by the handsome guy, and knows nothing about her own life experience.

The ultimate energy in the ultimate space will cause great damage to unprotected humans and mark that human.

And Lila has always wanted to figure out her own life experience.

Of course, he also wanted to figure out what was going on with the Ultra Beast and the Ultra Cave.

"You don't seem surprised?" Lila looked at him.

Xia Yan shook his head, "No, there are still accidents, but it seems to be a reasonable explanation. After all, no one knows what's going on in the Ultimate Cave."

Lila nodded thoughtfully.


Then continued:

"However, it is also possible that my impulsive behavior last time aroused the vigilance of the humans in the ultimate cave, so this time there will be a large-scale ultimate energy fluctuation.

Of course, such a planned attack and temptation also explained the existence of human beings in the Ultimate Cave. "

"It's very likely."

Xia Yan agreed with Lila's guess.

"There is a situation."

Barnett, who was lying on the computer and analyzing near the altar of the sun and moon wheel, suddenly raised his head and reminded.

The communication between Xia Yan and Lila also stopped.

"I gonna go see."

After speaking, Xia Yan strode out.

"Heavenly King Xia Yan."

"Minister Xia Yan."

"Dr. Xia Yan."

When the Interpol scattered around the Sun Moon Altar saw Xia Yan, they all greeted him respectfully.

Because from the very beginning, when Xia Yan was invited by Lila to join the UB Strategy Department, he first recognized his talent and ability in the research field and asked him to manage the research team of the UB Strategy Department.


Later, Xia Yan got used to being a hands-off shopkeeper, and the research team was temporarily led by Barnett.

However, for Xia Yan's successive contributions in the field of elf research, whether it is the discovery of the fairy system or the discovery of super evolution, the staff of the research department of the UB countermeasure department are very convinced.

These different titles also represent their affirmation of Xia Yan's abilities in different fields.

Xia Yan nodded slightly.

"Pay attention to the situation, the ultimate hole may open at any time."

The reason why the Ultra Cave and the Ultra Beasts did not have a major impact on the residents of the entire Alola region is because the UB Countermeasure Department has been acting before the Ultra Beasts riot.

All the dangers and difficulties were stopped in advance before ordinary residents saw the Ultra Beast.

at this point.

The establishment of Lila's UB countermeasure department is still very effective.


A group of Interpol responded one after another.

They have gained enough experience in dealing with the opened Ultra Cave and Ultra Beast.

"The first battle group, get ready for battle. Once the ultimate beast appears, restrict it as soon as possible."

"Second field control group, get ready to expel the position, and be sure to send the Ultra Beast back to the Ultra Cave before the Ultra Cave is closed!"

"The third research team, monitor everything around and make sure that all the ultra beasts have been sent back to the ultra cave."


Xia Yan did not blindly take over the command, and Lila who was in the tent was still in charge of the command.

And what he needs to do is to replace Lila's original responsibility of dealing with the powerful and difficult ultimate beast.

for this.

As the Four Heavenly Kings, he gave all the Interpol of the UB Countermeasure Department great peace of mind.

Although, Lila, as the head of the battle frontier area, and Xia Yan, the four kings of the alliance, are almost on the same level in terms of positions in the alliance.

But after all, the identity of the Four Heavenly Kings is more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

"Gu Gu~~"

Xia Yan's arms squirmed, and Cosmogu, who was sleeping soundly, opened his curious eyes again.

Sticking his head out of Xia Yan's arms, he blinked and looked up to the sky.

"come yet?"

Sensing Cosmog's strangeness, Xia Yan casually twisted out an energy cube and stuffed it into its mouth to prevent it from having any brains at this time and leading him to run around.


As soon as he felt the delicious taste in his mouth, Cosmog happily narrowed his eyes, pursed his mouth, and forgot about the surrounding situation in an instant.

She continued to shrink back into Xia Yan's arms.

Like a nebula, it is like a mass of gas, which can expand and contract freely.

Cosmog is not only eating energy cubes, but also when the light shines on Xia Yan, part of it is absorbed by Cosmog, and even the dust that originally belonged to the atmosphere is also absorbed by the little guy.

And as Cosmogu curled up, the sky above the Sun Moon Altar finally changed.

A hole exuding a strange halo slowly opened above the sky.

At the end of the hole, there is also a long and slender mesh channel that leads to nowhere.


Lila's voice sounded in everyone's earphones.

"Attention, this time the ultimate energy fluctuation is extremely powerful!"

Barnett's serious and even heavy reminder also sounded.

Xia Yanxu narrowed his eyes and raised his head.

I saw the ultimate hole in the sky expand rapidly and become bigger and bigger.

A large number of ultimate energy particles continuously overflowed from the broken ultimate hole.


Xia Yan, who has fully activated super powers, also noticed.

A large part of the energy particles released from this ultimate hole was absorbed by Cosmog, who had no sense of self in his arms.

However, such a change seems to have attracted the attention of the existence in the Ultimate Cave.

next second.

"Here we come!" the handsome guy said.

I only saw a huge sound, accompanied by the clang of metal, and the sound of mechanical friction, "squeezing" out of the ultimate hole.

And with its appearance, the ultimate hole, which was originally expanding at a relatively stable speed, suddenly expanded violently twice.

The falling behemoth looks like a huge rocket as a whole, its whole body is covered with special metal, and there are two huge arms extending like bamboo on both sides of its main body.

The main thing is.

At the end of its two arms, as well as at the end of its main body, there are jet-black injectors, from which spit out orange-red flame beams, and roll up a huge opposing airflow to make the surrounding sand and dust more wanton. It lands smoothly and slowly.

"The first one, code-named UB04: Injector, Iron Fire Kaguya, Steel and Flying. Be aware that there is a lot of flammable gas in its body. Try not to use explosive fire-type moves to attack."

After such a long time of contact, the UB Countermeasure Department's understanding of the Ultra Beast has also made a qualitative leap.

It must not be the first time Tiehuo Huiye has come into contact.


‘This Tie Huo Hui Ye is very strong. ’ Xia Yan thought to himself while looking at Tie Huo Hui Ye who was slowly falling to the ground.

It turned out to be an ultimate beast Tiehuo Huiye with the strength of a heavenly king.

Was it because Lila showed too much strength when she entered the Ultimate Cave last time, so that the humans in it were prepared?

‘But the combination of steel and flight attributes is very interesting. Will Dawu be interested in this existence, or Du will be interested in such elves? '

Such a nonsensical idea popped up in Xia Yan's mind for no reason.


Maybe Dawu is more interested.

After all, the metallic luster of Tiehuo Huiye's whole body will make Dawu's heart flutter.

Moreover, Tiehuo Huiye's body is also extremely large, with a height of more than nine meters. Even if the body is filled with a large amount of flammable gas, the weight is in tons, and because it can fly, it will not be affected by too much weight. Dawu definitely has a fatal attraction.


With Barnett's voice sounded again.

The expanding ultimate hole swallowed again.

Another behemoth slipped from it.


This guy this time was not as "gentle" as Tie Huo Huiye, he directly smashed into the bunker heavily, creating a huge dent and at the same time kicking up large swaths of sand and dust.

The overall appearance is dark gray, and its shape resembles a huge square fortress, with slender limbs and feet that are also made of bricks extending out.

The whole body is made up of one hundred and fifty bricks, and the interior is hollow, but each brick seems to be a living body, with independent eyes.

Moreover, the bricks on its body are constantly moving, occasionally revealing gaps, and the eyes exposed in it are the structure that really distinguishes its direction.

"The second one, code-named UB07: Pile, Leapstone, rock-type and steel-type ultra beast, looks like a fortress piled up with walls, very good at defense, especially physical defense, it is recommended not to use physical attack Fight against elves, except for fighting and ground."

Listening to Lila's message, Xia Yan couldn't help but smacked his lips again.

This Lei Leishi is Dawu's favorite, right?

The combination of rock type and steel type is simply his perfect match.

Moreover, Lei Leishi's speed is extremely slow, and the theoretical speed race value is only 13. There is no ultimate beast that is more suitable for heavy space tactics.

Lei Leishi's height was not as exaggerated as Tiehuo Huiye's, five meters was close to six meters in height, but he looked much more stocky than Tiehuo Huiye.

Just like its name, it is a mobile Leishi fortress.

"No, the second and third are only together."

Barnett reminded.

And following her reminder, the bricks on Lei Leishi's body squirmed quickly after landing, and a thin and very petite ultra-beast walked out of the gaps and holes in its body.

It looks like an Ultra Beast folded from a sheet of paper with a white front and a red back.

But don't underestimate it, which looks like a piece of paper, because although its arms are just thin paper knives, you can feel the sharpness of the paper from a distance.

"The third one, code-named UB04: Chopping, Paper Yujian, grass-type and steel-type ultimate beast, don't underestimate it just because it is small and looks thin, it is very fast, and its physical attack ability is abnormal Strong, be careful."

Compared with Tie Huohuiye and Lei Leishi, Zhi Yujian's height of no more than 30 centimeters is too petite.


Its appearance fits very well with Tie Huo Hui Ye and Lei Lei Stone.

For Zhi Yujian, Xia Yan knew far more than the other two.

without him.

Zhi Yujian was a frequent visitor in the games Xia Yan used to play.

Fast speed, high physical attack, low weakness resistance.

The only downside is that it is four times weaker.

"According to the investigation, there is an ecological cooperative relationship between Zhi Yujian, Tie Huo Hui Ye and Lei Lei Stone."

Barnett has clearly become an expert on Ultra Beasts.

And Barnett also wants to use the results of his research on ultra-beasts to gain a doctorate, and he has high hopes.

"Is there any more?"

Xia Yan pressed the earphone and asked.


There was a long silence.

Barnett said again.

Lila narrowed her eyes.

"The fourth one, code-named UB02: beautiful, philomy beetle, bug-type and fighting-type elf. This guy is here, so it's a little troublesome."

"What's wrong?" Xia Yan asked.

But as soon as his voice fell, he understood the reason.

With a slender and tall body with a white body, although it is a cockroach, it shows enough beauty. At first glance, it looks like a high-ranking and extremely arrogant queen.

After it appeared, it stood far away from the three ultra beasts of Tiehuo Kaguya, as if it disdained to be with them.


With the appearance of the Pheromytis, it released a large amount of milky white mist.

And this fog rapidly expanded to cover a large area.

Under the shroud of this mist, there was movement in the originally calm desert.

The elves under the desert popped their heads out of the sand and looked into the eyes of the philomei mantis, full of pursuit and eagerness.

Xia Yan glanced around.

More and more elves who originally lived in the desert appeared.

"The pheromea can release pheromones to attract wild elves. Its appearance often represents a large-scale riot. And this pheromea has at least the strength of a heavenly king. I am afraid that the wild elves in the surrounding desert will will be controlled by it.”

Lila explained.

The rustling sound became louder and louder, and even started to raise a huge sandstorm.

These elves originally lived in the desert, and this is their home field.

Among them, there is no shortage of beings who can incite sandstorms.


The raised sandstorm will not only have no effect on the three elves Tiehuohuiye, Leileishi and Zhiyujian, but on the contrary help them.

"The people in this ultimate space are very purposeful, and the place they choose is also very interesting." Xia Yan couldn't help but smacked his lips.

"Xia Yan, there are only these four Ultra Beasts for the time being, but they are not weak. Moreover, the characteristics of Ultra Beasts make them stronger the longer they are active. Be careful." Li La could not help reminding the sentence.

Four Ultra Beasts appeared at the same time, and they were all Ultra Beasts with the strength of Heavenly Kings. This was already the biggest Ultra Hole phenomenon that their UB Countermeasures Department had encountered.

Xia Yan nodded secretly, and looked towards the open ultimate hole.

Faintly, one can see looming figures in it.

"Minister Lila, this time the situation seems a bit serious"

The handsome guy looked around.

A large number of wild elves surrounded them under the control of the pheromones of the pheromones.

But Lila was not as nervous as he was.

Just shouted.

"Xia Yan."

Hearing Lila's shout, Xia Yan twitched the corners of his mouth.


Then he looked at a group of Interpol.

"Please everyone, deal with these wild elves, as for these four ultra beasts"

As he spoke, he unbuttoned his small suit and took off the poke ball at his waist.

"Leave it to me."

"Minister Xia Yan, these are four extremely powerful Ultra Beasts, and the strength of Ultra Beasts cannot be measured by ordinary concepts."

The handsome guy still couldn't help wanting to remind him.

Usually, when encountering such a situation, most of the time, Lila can only take action.

And it can't be solved instantly.


The characteristic of Ultra Beasts is "Beast Enhancement", and their abilities will become stronger and stronger as they are active.

Moreover, among the Ultra Beasts that came this time, there were two abnormally defensive ones.

Coupled with the fact that Xia Yan has not been in the UB countermeasures department for such a long time, he must not know as much about Ultra Beasts as they do.

In case Xia Yan is negligent, and the energy of the ultimate beast is really increased to a certain extent, it will be really difficult to deal with.

the most important is.

After the appearance of the four ultra beasts, the ultimate hole is rapidly shrinking, in case it cannot be sent back.

Now there is nothing that can restrict the ultimate beasts, leaving them with the opportunity to improve infinitely is really troublesome.

What the handsome guy is really worried about is not whether Xia Yan can deal with these ultra beasts.

He was worried about whether Xia Yan could quickly deal with these extreme beasts.

The time must be short and the action must be fast.

Xia Yan was naturally aware of the handsome guy's worries.

He didn't explain, just half turned around and glanced at him, smiled and said slowly:

"I am, the king of heaven."

heard the words.

The handsome guy paused.


Xia Yan is now the real Four Heavenly Kings!

Lila's voice also came from the earphone.

"Okay, act according to Xia Yan's arrangement!"


A group of Interpol.

Immediately changed the original tactical arrangement, and put the primary goal on dealing with the surrounding wild elves.

And Xia Yan.

Then he walked to the front of the four extreme beasts alone.

Looking at the huge Tiehuohuiye and Lei Leishi, he threw the elf ball in his hand.

In the red light, a group of flames burned instantly.

A tight and energetic figure walked out of the flames with big strides, his eyes swept towards the four ultra beasts facing him.


The Flame Monkey roared excitedly. Facing the four extreme beasts, instead of showing any signs of timidity, it was extremely excited.

It's been two months.

It has not fought heartily for two months.

Although training is also very meaningful for it, for the warlike flame monkey, fighting is its first choice.

Xia Yan is naturally the clearest about the temper of the flame monkey.

He patted Flame Monkey on the shoulder lightly, and said with a smile, "This time, you are the main attacker."

Flame rose from the flame monkey's eyes, and he nodded heavily towards Xia Yan.

Main attack, it likes.

And with the Flaming Monkey, there are Fairy Ibrahimovic, Bing Liuwei, Pokkisi and Zoroya.

Fairy Ibrahimovic and Bing Liuwei are only quasi-kings, and their role is to fully assist the flame monkey.

Pokkisi and Zoroya are heavenly kings, but they also take on the role of containment and assistance.

The four ultra beasts on the opposite side are obviously at an absolute disadvantage when facing the flame monkey.

As for saying.

Can Flame Monkey get rid of these four ultra beasts in a short time?

Look at the way it is now so excited that its whole body is on fire.

Xia Yan has absolute confidence in the flame monkey.

"Great indignation." Xia Yan commanded.

As soon as it came up, the flame monkey entered the state of "enthusiasm".


The flame monkey clenched its fists and roared, the flames above its head even spread to an exaggerated height of seven or eight meters.

And the aura released from it instantly attracted the attention of the four ultra beasts opposite.

He fixed his eyes tightly on the flame monkey.

"Cha Ke Yi~~"

Pokkisi spread his wings and turned into a smear of white light, using his "divine speed" to quickly wipe out a long distance at an extremely fast speed.

at the same time.

The flame monkey was bathed in flames, stepped on a scorched trail, and followed Pokkisi's speed, and quietly appeared in front of the Leilei stone that was in front of the four ultra beasts.


The sound of crisp slaps fell.

The slow-moving Leilei Stone froze for an instant.


Lei Leishi itself is slow, and it is normal to be unable to react, but the speed of the paper sword on it is not slow at all.

I saw a flash of white light, quietly appearing in front of the flame monkey, and the sharp paper sword quickly fell down.


To Zhi Yujian's surprise, it didn't feel any hindrance, as if it had hit the air.

The figure of "Flaming Monkey" slowly dissipated.


What about the real flame monkey?

Just heard a huge roar.

boom--! !

Tie Huo Kaguya, who was trying to defend against Pokkisi's attack, was indeed successful.

But after resisting Pokkisi, it was the fiery fist of the flame monkey that greeted Tie Huo Hui Ye.

Enhanced Flame Fist!

With a punch down, Tiehuo Huiye, who was quite different in size from the flame monkey, was actually knocked back by the punch, and fluttered staggeringly in the air.


This fist is not only the attack of the flame monkey, but also the "help" of the fairy Ibrahimovic, and the little Liuwei's "snowfall" characteristic offsets the obstacles of the surrounding dust.


There was a flash of disdain for Tie Huo Kaguya in the eyes of Pherometis, kicking her tall legs, stepping on the quicksand, and within a few blinks, she appeared beside the flame monkey.

The "bounce" falling from the air is accompanied by a flying kick, which is powerful and heavy.

Boom! !

In the desert, a huge pit suddenly appeared again.

But the Pheromyces, like the Paper Yujian, also failed to attack, and only the phantom of the flame monkey was kicked.

In the shadow under his feet, Zoroya bent his eyes and smiled lowly, the energy in his body surged, and a "shadow ball" spit out from his mouth.


However, Philometis still has the qualifications to be proud. Feeling the threat behind him, he stepped on the ground and kicked one by one, directly kicking Sorolla's "shadow ball".

Seeing this, Zoroya was not annoyed, but laughed again, and was submerged in the faintness surrounded by wisps of white mist.

But the next second.


The ground trembled violently, and under the feet of the philomy beetles, a huge fiery red rock column rose from the ground in an instant. The huge and heavy force, mixed with the energy fluctuations of the fire, rock, and ground systems, pushed it head-on. hit.

Being lifted up by huge rock pillars, the severe pain almost completely submerged its consciousness.


The pheromea yelled in pain, and the milky white pheromones from its body gushed out almost instantly.

But after spraying out these pheromones, he directly lost his ability to fight.

"Second, second?"

The Interpol who were always paying attention to this side, after seeing the scene where the Pheromyces was instantly killed with just one move, all of them stared wide-eyed, full of disbelief.

Is this still the ultimate beast they know?

"Is this the Four Heavenly Kings?"

The handsome guy also murmured, shocked by the explosive ability of the flame monkey.

In Xia Yan's team, in terms of outbreaks, the Big Needle Bee deserved to be number one, but the flame monkey was second only to the Big Needle Bee.

In addition, the philomy mantis, the ultimate beast, is fast, extremely powerful in double attack but extremely weak in double defense.

With the "help" of Pokkisi and Fairy Ibrahimovic, coupled with Zoroya's containment, fully assisting the flame monkey in the "enthusiastic" state, it is not surprising to kill it in seconds.

However, the pheromones released after the pheromelia fell down caused the surrounding wild elves to become more irritable, and one by one rushed towards the Interpol who stopped them, which surprised Xia Yan.

He also thought that by getting rid of the pheromea, these wild elves would be able to calm down and relieve the pressure on the Interpol.

"Then increase the speed again." Xia Yan thought to himself.

Flame Monkey, who slowly raised his fist from the ground, wasn't even the slightest bit excited about killing Pheromyces in seconds.

The figure flashed.

He exchanged positions with Pokkisi.

when it reappears.

Already behind Lei Leishi.

Ka Ka Ka——

The rock on Lei Leishi's body squirmed quickly, and his eyes were fixed on the flame monkey that appeared in an instant.

this time.

It finally reacted.

A metallic luster appeared on his body, and his originally heavy body instantly became lighter.

Lightweight body.

At the same time, strands of fine cobweb-like currents appeared on his body, mobilizing the magnetic field to affect himself, and floating up with the help of "electromagnetic levitation".

Instigated a fierce confrontation posture, and swooped towards the flame monkey.

Sacrifice and dash!


Little Liuwei spat out a pale ice beam, but the target was not the Leilei Stone, but the sand under its feet.

for a while.

The sand under Lei Leishi's feet quickly froze into ice crystals, causing it to stagger when it jumped forward.


Lei Leishi had already reacted, and Zhi Yujian's speed obviously reacted faster.

Stepping on the uneven bricks of Leilei Stone, he quickly jumped up from behind it.

The paper sword swelled and was quietly enveloped by a blue shadow of the sword, turning into a towering giant sword.

holy sword!


The appearance of the flame monkey this time was a feint.

It was surrounded by dark red sword arrays, and amidst the blasts, its aura rose several times.

The tight figure blurred again, turning into white mist and dissipating quietly.

When it reappeared, it was also surrounded by layers of white mist.

The moment he jumped out of the white mist, he appeared beside Tiehuo Huiye again.

Tiehuo Kaguya's huge arms swung, emitting energy rays full of metallic luster.

Cannon Cannon!

But seeing the Flaming Monkey jumping up, hot flames shot up from his body instantly covering his whole body, and his speed suddenly increased.

With the help of the sudden speed-up of "Flashing Flame Charge", while avoiding Tiehuo Kaguya's attack, stepping on its thick and huge arms all the way up.

While leaving a scorched black mark on his arm, he punched Tiehuo Kaguya on the head.

boom! !

In an instant, terrifying flames erupted violently like an explosion, and the overwhelming flames directly engulfed Tiehuo Huiye's upper body.

When the flames dissipated, Tie Huo Huiye shook his body and fell heavily in the desert.

The second one!

Moreover, it was another instant kill!

And the same instant kill scene, instead of making Interpol feel monotonous, on the contrary, it became more and more excited.


The two air cuts tore through the air, wiped a considerable distance, and pressed the paper Yujian tightly, forcing it to dodge.

Let the Flame Monkey get another chance to output after landing.

He punched the ground.


Another huge pillar of flame was pulled up in an instant, and it was even more ferocious than the one when defeating the pheromyces before.

Even the surrounding desert, with countless gravels, trembled uncontrollably.

Boom—! !

After an explosion and roar, the slow-moving Lei Leishi obviously couldn't escape the flame monkey's move, coupled with the restraint in attributes, and the continuous increase in physical attack of the flame monkey, as well as the assistance of the fairy Eevee.

Lei Leishi was overturned directly.

The blue eyes inlaid in the stone flickered twice quickly, then lost their luster.

the third one.

Still spike!

Moreover, Lei Leishi, which is still known for its defensive power, failed to resist a burst attack from the flame monkey.

at last.

There was only one Zhi Yujian who was petite, agile, and powerful in attack.


Just relying on a paper sword can't stop the siege of Xia Yan and the elves at all.

Pokkisi blocked the moving range of Zhi Yujian with "Air Slash".

With the help of phantoms and shadows, Zoroya quickly approached Zhi Yujian, and performed "retribution for wrongdoing" to freeze and slow down Zhi Yujian's speed.

The flaming monkey who replaced him was already full of physical attacks, and once he fired the "Close Flame Fist", the paper sword with the same poor defense ability, coupled with the restraint in attributes, couldn't stop it at all.

Still spike!

The fourth Ultra Beast also ended in being instantly killed.

And this time.

Before the Interpol could deal with the rioting wild elves, Xia Yan had already taken care of the biggest trouble.

Still ended the battle so simply and neatly.

Only then did they really have a basic understanding of Xia Yan and the strength of King Xia Yan.

So, is this the fighting power of the Four Heavenly Kings?

They don't know who is stronger between Xia Yan and Lila now.

But they can be sure that in terms of explosive power alone, Xia Yan can completely crush Lila.

He's perfect for dealing with Ultra Beasts!

Xia Yan, who had dealt with the four ultra beasts, did not relax.

He just looked up at the ultimate hole again.

He looked at the figure standing in it.

The next moment.

"Impossible! The shrinking ultimate hole has actually expanded again!" Barnett's voice came again.

Xia Yan narrowed his eyes.

"Finally can't hold back anymore?"

Roar--! !

Just heard a roar full of anger.

Even before he could see the real master, the aura and aura he brought with him shocked many Interpol.

Immediately afterwards.

A huge purple elf squeezed the ultimate hole and squeezed out.

"This last one, is the four-jaw needle dragon?"

Xia Yan murmured as he looked at the purple dragon-type ultimate beast.

But his complexion changed slightly.

"This four-jaw needle dragon has infinite energy fluctuations?"


Ono really entered the ultimate hole?

Moreover, it is very likely that it entered because of the ultimate dragon beast like the four-jaw needle dragon?

Looking at the figure at the Ultimate Cave, Xia Yan's eyes gradually became dangerous.


PS: Post it first and then correct it. If something happens temporarily, I have to go out and use my mobile phone to correct the typo on the way~

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