The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 949 Flying, bah! Dragon! (triple)

"Heavenly King Xia Yan, I heard that you are very good friends with Mr. Yulongdu and Miss Kona who participated in this "Tianwang Challenge". What is your opinion on whether the two of you can challenge successfully?"

As a special guest of the Kanto Alliance.

Xia Yan represented the Sinnoh Alliance to participate in the Tianwang Challenge organized by the Kanto Alliance.

He also accepted interviews from some television reporters from the Kanto area.

no way.

Xia Yan's popularity is too high.

Whether it is in Kanto, Sinnoh, Johto, Hezhong, etc., they all have extremely high popularity.

In terms of popularity alone, he has indeed crushed Du, Dawu, Sirona, Kona and others.

And the interview with him will undoubtedly bring a lot of enthusiasm.

And because there are too many talents in the Kanto Alliance, the Kanto Alliance had to hold the so-called "Tianwang Challenge".

Even with the establishment of the City Capital Alliance, a large number of people were separated.

However, compared with the Kanto Alliance with its deep foundation, the Chengdu Alliance still seems too immature and young.

Facing the seats of the Four Heavenly Kings, who have too many monks and few congee, the Kanto Alliance has always been full of sweetness. Every Heavenly King Challenge is a visual feast for the people in the Kanto area.

Many well-known trainers, reserve players of the Four Heavenly Kings, and champions of various leagues will sign up for this challenge.

As long as they can enter the top four, they will have the opportunity to challenge the Four Heavenly Kings.

at this point.

The rest of the region is much easier than the Kanto Alliance.

For example, Xia Yan and Sirona.

Unknowingly, he became the Four Heavenly Kings of the Sinnoh Alliance. He has hardly faced any tests, which is almost equal to a default decision.

But in Guandu, the Four Heavenly Kings must fight with hard power.

But even so, there are still many people who want to become the Four Heavenly Kings of the Kanto Alliance.

One is because the Kanto region is indeed the hometown of these people.

The second reason is that the Kanto Alliance is the closest alliance to the Elven General Alliance and the closest to the peak of power.

"Water and Kona?"

Xia Yan who was facing the camera was still calm and calm, with a faint smile on his face.

Under the eager gaze of the pretty female reporter, she chuckled and said slowly, "I'm already helping them consider what title they should choose to be crowned with 'Heavenly King'."

"Cha Ke Yi~~~"

Pokkisi, who heard Xia Yan's words, couldn't help covering his mouth and smirking.


The female reporter blinked her eyes twice.

Such an answer was somewhat beyond her expectations.

However, as an experienced reporter, she quickly grasped the meaning of Xia Yan's words.

"Heavenly King Xia Yan, do you want to say that it's absolutely okay for the two of you to challenge the Four Heavenly Kings?" She was a little excited while pinching the microphone.

This is a big topic.

Because, if Xia Yan admits it.

Although there is nothing wrong with supporting friends, it may also offend the Four Heavenly Kings who are currently in service.

Xia Yan shrugged, "I didn't say that."

As he spoke, he raised his eyebrows at her, indicating that she said it herself.

The female reporter's expression froze slightly, but soon she showed a professional smile again.

Asked again: "Then before you said that the title was 'Heavenly King'."

"Yes, they will become kings one day. At that time, the flying and ice kings of the Kanto Alliance will be another hot news."

"Excuse me, just now you said... the flying king?" The female reporter couldn't help but interjected.

Xia Yan raised his hat and asked back, "Is there a problem?"

The female reporter said awkwardly: "No, no, after all, Mr. Yu Longdu's elf is indeed."


With an angry face, Du snatched the remote control from Darkley's hand, and turned off the TV.

He glared at Xia Yan angrily.

But before Xia Yan could react, Darkley couldn't bear it anymore.

Standing up straight away, the black mist filled and expanded, and the curling dark air expressed dissatisfaction with being robbed of the remote control.

A terrifying aura instantly enveloped Du, and strands of black mist spread and scattered.

The corner of Du's mouth twitched.

In the end, I chose to return the remote control to it.

Rubbing his temples, he looked at Xia Yan who was sitting on the other side of the sofa, hugging Soraya and smiling without saying a word.

"I said Xia Yan, it's fine if you plant the flag for us"

"I think what the senior said is all right."

Kona, who was holding the smoothie, pushed his glasses, and said calmly.

But anyone with a discerning eye could see that she was suppressing her smile.

Two to one, Du completely defeated.

Xia Yan looked at Du who was "lying flat", and finally showed a smug smile.

He is a very vengeful man.

The last time the so-called "anti-Xia Yan alliance" took the lead in taking the lead in the big brother crossing, but they have always "held grudges".

Xia Yan patted Darkley on the shoulder, motioning for it to play.

Darkley glared.

Xia Yan stared back.

Darkley was defeated.

Breeders, you can do whatever you want.

The defeated Darkley angrily hugged his newly bought mobile phone, walked aside, and opened a game.

[Daye: Huh? How did Xia Yan go online? 】

[A Liu: Oh no! Laziness has been discovered! 】

【Zhimi: Don’t be afraid, I’ve already discovered it anyway. 】

[Wusong: Of course you are not afraid, you are not from Sinnoh! 】

Darkley tapped a few times on the phone screen with some difficulty.

[Xia Yan: Open! 】

[Da Ye: Forget it, let's kill a game first. 】

[Wu Song: Open it. 】

"Quack! (You zoom in, Meteor Strike!)"

Seeing Darkley start the game, the Duck, Duck, and Onion rangers were the first to surround him.

It lived in the ancient battlefield all year round, and it was also the first time it came into contact with such a novelty as a mobile phone.

the most important is.

It can actually see some elves "fighting" on the phone!

"Buyibuyi~~ (Can't you see ducks and ducks? Guigui uses itself.)"

"Gah? (Isn't it me?)" Onion Youbing blinked.

"Qia Keyi~~ (Sorry, you are not in this game for the time being.)"

"Gah?!" Onion Ranger suddenly let out a miserable cry.

The most painful thing is that in a game based on sprites, there is no character of its own.

"Aww? (Why not? You treat yourself like a scallion duck and make do with it?)"

Even more gentle after evolution, Bing Jiuwei also surrounded him, softly "comforting".

Yaya suddenly showed a look of despair.

Darkrai glanced at them.

The voice rang out.

【Stop dreaming. Duck with green onions? Dogs don't play. 】

This sentence.

It became the last straw to break the duck.

Seeing the harmonious appearance of Xia Yan and the elves, Du couldn't help but arched his elbows.

"It's okay to play like this?"

Looking at the elves surrounding Darkley, Xia Yan couldn't help showing a gentle smile.

"I never interfere with their decisions about relaxation programs outside of training."

Don't look at them having a lot of fun now.

But when it's time to train, you won't fall behind at all.

Even extra practice is commonplace.

Let’s just talk about the duck, duck and onion rangers that were added last.

It is still tied with the weight of the "learning device" on its ankles and wrists.

The level of effort even caused the two training freaks, Big Needle Bee and Flame Monkey, to look sideways.

Study hard when you are studying, and let go when you are playing. Xia Yan has never objected to the entertainment items of the elves.


Sometimes he will encourage everyone to play together.

This is also one of the effective ways to enhance mutual tacit cooperation, even better than the effect of cooperative training.

Watanabe and Kona nodded thoughtfully.

It seems to be enlightened.

"By the way, senior Xia Yan, isn't senior Sirona coming?" Kona asked.

Xia Yan raised his eyebrows, "An alliance cannot allow two bastard kings."

"Ah this."

Xia Yan is probably the one who calls himself the "Hunzi Heavenly King" so confidently.

But the speaker has no intention of listening carefully.

Du couldn't help but look at Kona.

But Ke Na directly saw through his thoughts, and angrily said: "Don't even think about it! If you dare to skip work, I dare to impeach you!"

Crossing: "."

"Have you all entered the top four? Do you have confidence in tomorrow's challenge?"

Xia Yan laughed at Du silently for a few seconds, then brought the topic back.

After hearing the words, Du and Kona looked at each other and smiled.

They said in unison: "Wait and see tomorrow."

Boiling arena, noisy crowd.

Among the fireworks all over the sky, the final challenge of another "Tianwang Challenge" of the Kanto Alliance has begun.

In the circular arena.

Four high platforms rose slowly.

Standing on top of it are the Four Heavenly Kings of the Kanto Alliance!

And the leader among them is naturally Xia Yan's cheap teacher Juzi.

It is also among the four, the only Four Heavenly Kings who are sure that they will not have a challenger.

Chrysanthemum's strength is still a bit too reluctant for the current Du and Kona.

What's more, there is such a "respectful" student as Xia Yan.

The Geng Gui Super Evolution Stone it gave has raised Chrysanthemum's strength to another level.

It has become the only existence far surpassing the other four heavenly kings.

And the four people standing in the center of the arena are the four people who have qualified for the challenge this time.

In theory.

The "Tianwang Challenge" has been held ten times, but no one may succeed in the challenge.

After all anyway.

The comprehensive strength of the four heavenly kings of the Kanto Alliance is indeed a little higher than that of other regions.


After Du and Kona grow up.

In the future, there may be a saying that "the four kings of Kanto are comparable to the champions of other regions".

But this time it's different.

People have great expectations for Yulongdu and Kona.


This year's "Tianwang Challenge", maybe there is a real king who can be pulled down.

As the first challenger Du, under the guidance of the host, after declaring war on one of them, he directly pushed the enthusiasm of this challenge to the climax.

In the lounge.

Xia Yan stood in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling windows and looked at the two people who were getting ready on the field.

The door was slowly pushed open.

Chrysanthemum walked in slowly with a cane.

The thug Geng Gui followed behind her.

When he saw the Energy Cube with its favorite taste on the coffee table in the lounge, he immediately smiled.

And Pokkisi, who was "waiting for an opportunity", immediately surrounded him with Latios, Fairy Ibrahimovic, Nine-Tails, and Machado.


It is about to solve an unsolved mystery that has plagued them for a long time.

Geng Gui and Pixie, are they related by a holster?


Noticing Juzi's entry, Xia Yan shouted respectfully.

For the "planning" of the little guys, I chose to ignore it.

Chrysanthemum nodded slightly, and walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, looking at the two who were about to fight.

"Boy Du, it's not a big problem."

Xia Yan smiled, "I've never worried about whether he can succeed."

For Du, Xia Yan may have greater confidence in himself than he does.

Possibly Kona.

will appear a little more difficult.


"Kona girl is almost fine this time."


What Juzi said surprised Xia Yan.

"The background of Baiyin Academy is still very strong. For this little girl named Ke Na, those old fellows have worked so hard this time, and almost took out all their money."

Old man of Silver Academy?

Xia Yan was a little interested.

"Do you know why?" Juzi looked at him.

Hearing this, Xia Yan pondered for a short while, then tentatively asked: "A rivalry between the two factions?"

Chrysanthemum showed a mouth full of missing teeth.

The influence of these two factions, the academic faction and the practical faction, is most obvious in the Kanto Alliance.

It even has a lot of influence in the Federation.

"Boy Du wants to go further, I'm afraid it will be difficult."

There was a bit of teasing in Juzi's words.


Xia Yan couldn't help showing a smile, and chuckled lowly.

It is more than difficult.

Kona will definitely become the biggest obstacle on Du's path to becoming a champion.

The ice system's restraint on Du is too serious.

It is so serious that even if there is a certain strength gap between the two sides, Kona can still cause enough obstacles to Du.


The Yulong clan can be regarded as far-sighted, paving the way for him in the Chengdu Alliance early on.

And the two of them.

As long as one person chooses to quit, the other person's path will become extremely wide and smooth.


The premise is that Juzi can retire early.

Otherwise, they still have to wait a long time.

With the start of the battle between the two sides, the battle directly entered a fierce stage.

Although the fast dragon does not have the ability to super evolve.

But since Du dared to challenge, he naturally had enough confidence.

His fast dragon has successfully entered the championship level!

Coupled with the Charizard that is very close to the champion level, you can temporarily gain a rapid increase in strength with the help of super evolution.

Those are two champion elves!

And his opponent is a veteran fire-type king, who has no obvious restraint effect on dragon-type and flying-type.

The influence and benefits of Du's own "big sunny day" system are almost smoothed out.

Chrysanthemum sighed softly, "Blakely, this old guy, wants to retire too."

The name of the fire king is called Blakely.

Belongs to the same generation as Kikuko.

He has conscientiously held on to the position of the Four Heavenly Kings for decades, and now he can finally pass this position on to the next generation with confidence.

It is said that the Kanto area is full of talented people.

But people of the older generation say that the Kanto area is green and green.

Or because the older generation of the Kanto Alliance is too strong.

Almost personally participating in the establishment and prosperity of the alliance, they are all achievements made with their strength.

Looking at the people of the next generation in this way, of course they will feel too weak.

"The system without transition kid is also very interesting, his core is actually..."

"he himself."

Xia Yan took Juzi's words and completed them.

That's right.

Du finally determined the core of his team system after continuous trials and efforts.

Himself, that is, his trainer himself!

Possessing two peculiar abilities of "Dragon Power" and "Tokiwa Power", Du defines himself as the core of the system.

Supplemented by the "intimidation" system.

Constructed a lineup of the dragon system that truly belongs to Yulongdu.

Rao is a well-informed Chrysanthemum, and I have never seen a few trainers who regard themselves as the core of their tactics.

"This approach really resembles that person."

"That person?" Xia Yan raised his eyebrows.

Has anyone else done this before?


Judging from Juzi's meaning, it seems that he is still a very strong person.

Juzi shook her head, but did not explain to Xia Yan.

It's just that while watching the battle, another thing was mentioned.

"I have read all the information you sent me. So, according to your guess, the person hiding in the alliance is likely to be someone from another world?"

at this point.

Chrysanthemum also slowly chose to accept it after digesting it for a long time.

Although the abilities of elves are magical and powerful.

But when it comes to different worlds, this is really beyond Kikuko's understanding.

"It's very likely." Xia Yan narrowed his eyes, and Akromar and all the people who had come into contact with him flashed through his mind.

The more you think about it, the more likely it is.

Chrysanthemum nodded.

"You have a lot of contact with divine beasts, and your knowledge of some abilities is already higher than that of an old woman like me. Since you think this is the most likely, continue to investigate."

After a brief pause, he continued:

"I will help you stop the pressure from the Federation."


Chrysanthemum waved her hand.

"No matter how bad it is, that old fellow Liu Bo has been very active recently."


"Besides, there is that old thing, Omu, who can also share part of the pressure with you."

Xia Yan looked helpless.

"No, teacher, listen to me."


"Cough." Xia Yan coughed lightly, blinked his eyes and said, "Aren't you the main force in this investigation? When did it fall on me?"

Isn't he Xia Yan a soldier of your Juzi Heavenly King?

You are the main force.

How does it sound like Xia Yan has become the main force?

Chrysanthemum's deep eyes flashed.

Without looking into Xia Yan's eyes, he said to himself: "Just now, didn't you know?"

Xia Yan: "."

Good guy.

Xia Yan called him a good guy.

People sit at home, and the pot comes from the sky.

But when Juzi spoke slowly again, her tone became a little heavy.

"There is also a situation with the Search Department of the Federation."

She said so.

Only then did Xia Yan realize something.

I see.

Did Juzi's investigation and some behaviors attract the attention of that group of people?

"Then teacher, I do need your help with something." Xia Yan took the opportunity to speak.


"I want to enter Silver Mountain!"

A pair of black pupils under the brim of the hat shone with a faint light.

"Baiyinshan?" Juzi frowned slowly.

He looked at Xia Yan again.

"The turmoil that occurred in Baiyin Mountain some time ago has not completely subsided, and now it is not peaceful in Baiyin Mountain."

"I know. But to be sure of one thing, I must go and see."

After Xia Yan took a deep breath, he spoke calmly.

Stared at him for a while.

Chrysanthemum nodded inconspicuously.

"Exactly. I agreed to your condition last time, so I will send you in with this as an excuse."

When Juzi "forced" Xia Yan to become a teacher, he promised to let him enter the secret realm of Baiyin Mountain.

Although Baiyin Mountain is now under martial law.

But with Juzi and Xia Yan as the heavenly kings, I believe not many people would raise objections.


After entering Baiyin Mountain, Xia Yan was responsible for his own safety.

"No, I want to enter secretly."

"Secret entry?" Juzi frowned even tighter.

Xia Yan nodded without hesitation.


If the Baiyin Mountain where the General League is stationed can be sneaked so easily, then the General League probably can't stand such a large and fertile land of Baiyin Mountain.

So Xia Yan had to rely on Juzi's strength.

After pondering for a while, Juzi finally agreed.

"I'll let Geng Gui take you in."

"Let's congratulate! Mr. Yulongdu and Ms. Kona have successfully won the highly anticipated results in this 'Tianwang Challenge'!"

The host's voice echoed throughout the arena.


Countless cheers erupted.

Golden rain fell from the host stage.

And Wataru and his Kuailong standing on the stage, Kona beside him and Kona's Laplace are enjoying this cheer.

The background of Silver Academy is still very scary.

Especially when the Silver Academy completely allocated all its resources to Kona, the effect it brought would definitely not be less than the help of the Yulong Clan to Du.

Coupled with the talent and hard work of the two of them, the results achieved this time did not exceed Xia Yan's expectations.


The host looked around.

"Let's congratulate, both of you - Heavenly Kings!!"


A new king is born!


Or suddenly two were born.

Xia Yan, who was standing on the top floor of the auditorium, was holding on to the railing. After confirming that the two friends had successfully entered the ranks and became the Four Heavenly Queens, he could go about his own business with peace of mind.

"Let's go." Xia Yan put away his phone, and said after sending a simple message to the two.

"Jie Jie~~"

A smirking Geng Gui emerged from behind Xia Yan, rubbing his fingers.

Xia Yan understood and took out two boxes of energy cubes.

"Here, travel expenses."

Seeing this, Geng Gui immediately smiled into the shape of Pokkisi, stuffed two boxes of energy cubes into his mouth, and patted Xia Yan on the shoulder in relief.

Children can be taught.

If everyone could be as good as Xia Yan, his ghost life would be perfect.


Like the smoke dissipating, it turned into a black shadow, instantly enveloping Xia Yan.

"May I ask the two heavenly kings, what attribute would you choose as your heavenly king prefix?"

on stage.

The host asked very enthusiastically.

Kona looked at Du with a smile, she had no choice.

"Flying King!! Flying King!! Flying King!!—"

Before he could even open his mouth, the audience erupted, and everyone was coaxing.

A black line appeared on Du's forehead.

Xia Yan, who was leaving under Geng Gui's package, almost couldn't hold back and fell from the sky.

Xia Yan has successfully brought the stalk of the dodo bird, the king of flying, to the world of elves.


It seems to be quite acceptable.

"Cough." Facing the microphone brought over by the host, Du coughed lightly.

With a serious face, he said seriously: "Flying, bah! Dragon type! I am the dragon type king Yulongdu! From now on, please give me your advice!"

Mouth it.

Du was almost distorted by the booing of the audience.

Amidst the laughter, Du finally retained the title of "Dragon King".

But since then.

There are five heavenly kings in the Kanto area.

The superficial dragon king.

And the hidden "flying king".

One person plays two roles.

When it was Kona's turn, her answers were all expected.

"I'm Kola, the King of Ice Element! Please give me your advice!"

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