The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 962 The owner of the illustrated book, Xia Yan! (5k!)

"Go to the universe, Individual One is waiting for you."

Rubbing the emerald in his hand, Xia Yan said to Deoxys who had regained his sanity.

After being rubbed on the ground by Super Mewtwo Y, the emerald embedded in the crystal on Deoxys' chest was also shot out.

But it is.

Without the power of the emerald, Deoxys lost two transformable forms as before.

Fortunately, it is.

The crystal on its chest has been fully restored.

It's just that the color seems to be irreversible, maintaining the appearance of green crystal.

It is imprinted with Rayquaza's mark.

The weak Deoxys didn't leave directly, but just silently looked at Xia Yan and the unconscious Chi Hong he supported.

Xia Yan knew.

What Deoxys cared about was the meteorite on his body and the crimson blood flowing in its body.

"Come back after you have fully recovered and fully grasped your own abilities." Xia Yan said again.


Deoxys nodded silently.

After looking at the arrogant Super Mewtwo Y next to him, he flew into the sky with superpowers and flew out of the planet.

in the universe.

Only then can it continuously absorb the power of the universe, absorb some free cosmic viruses, and quickly restore its own state.

Wait until Deoxys leaves.

Xia Yan looked at the Super Mewtwo Y who was obviously much smaller.

I saw the super-evolutionary energy on it dissipate like a cocoon, and returned to the super-dream super-evolution stone Y.

This super-evolution did not rely on Xia Yan's power, it simply relied on Chaomeng's own use of the super-evolution stone's energy, so it did not impose any burden on Xia Yan.

after all.

This is the first time Xia Yan and Chaomeng of this world have met, let alone the bondage.

Directly "Mega" is afraid that his life will be lost.

The recovered Chaomeng still held a huge spoon in his hand, and the super evolutionary stone was lying in the spoon, which was handed to Xia Yan.

Looking at the arrogant Chaomeng in front of him, Xia Yan suddenly felt that the newly born Chaomeng was a little cuter.

"I'm just keeping it for others, too."

Xia Yan smiled and put away the super evolutionary stone.

【other people? 】

But this sentence has attracted Chaomeng's attention.

It can be sure that only it can use this super evolutionary stone.

What does it mean for someone else?

Xia Yan waved his hand, "I will tell you when the opportunity comes later."


Hearing this, Chaomeng raised his head.


It took only three seconds to be arrogant, Chaomeng looked at the frowning Super Hudi, the super power on it was still fluctuating, and it showed a trend of getting stronger and stronger.

For Hu Di's super power, Chaomeng is both familiar and unfamiliar.

Noticing Chaomeng's gaze, the smile on Xia Yan's face also slowly subsided.

"Notice it, just like you, it has dreamy cells in its body."

Chaomeng is silent.


In terms of genetics alone, can it and Hu Di really be regarded as brothers?

【Is it improving? 】

After a while, feeling Hu Di's state, Chaomeng asked.

Xia Yan nodded.


Hu Di has actually been in the Tianwang class for a long time.

During the Masters Tournament, he was barely able to use super-evolution to exert strength beyond the king-level.

And later, when in contact with the newly born Chaomeng, the super power ushered in a surge under the influence of Chaomeng, but still failed to cross the hurdle of the Heavenly King level.

this time.

With Xia Yan's help, Chaomeng in the special world evolved into Super Chaomeng Y. In addition, in order to contact Xia Yan and Chaomeng, Hu Di connected their superpowers in series, which made the impact even greater.

Coupled with the accumulation and training of the previous period of time.

Xia Yan was not surprised to see progress at this time.

【Are you its trainer? 】

Chaomeng asked again.

Without any hesitation, Xia Yan said affirmatively, "Yes."

Looking at Chao Hu Di whose aura kept fluctuating, Chaomeng hesitated for a while, then spoke again.

【I want to take it away. 】

heard the words.

Xia Yan frowned.

As if realizing another meaning in his words, Tsundere Chaomeng can still explain it.

[I mean, its supernatural talent is not limited to this, and this time's progress does not end so quickly, I can help it. 】

Having said that, Xia Yan was a little taken aback.

With a tight expression and slightly strange raised eyebrows, he asked, "You want to help Hu Di?"

Chaomeng turned his head away from Xia Yan's playful eyes.

Just said to himself:

[For a long time, I have been troubled by questions such as 'who am I', 'where do I come from', and 'what is the meaning of my existence'. but.】

Chaomeng looked up in the direction where Deoxys left.

The expression was complicated, but also somewhat relieved.

[Now that I think about it, I also have a so-called 'kinship']

Deoxys has been looking for red because of the red blood flowing in his body.

And it's super dream, isn't it born from dreamy eyelashes?


Not only Fantasia, Chaomeng also met Hu Di, who has part of the genes of Fantasia like it.

This is also its kinship.

The existence of Mengmeng and Hudi immediately made Chaomeng feel as if it was not alone.

"Hu Di, what do you think?"

After listening to Chaomeng's words, Xia Yan looked at Hu Di.

This matter ultimately depends on Hu Di's own will. If it is not willing to leave him temporarily, Xia Yan will not be able to force it.


At most, when he was by his side, the metamorphosis of superpowers was relatively slow this time.

heard the words.

The super-evolutionary energy on Super Hudi's body also slowly receded, and he opened the gap slightly to look at Xia Yan.

It starts at birth.

He has never left Xia Yan's side once.

But this time.

Truly a rare opportunity.

If it can quickly complete the transformation with Chaomeng's help, or even learn a little bit, it can help Xia Yan better.


According to Xia Yan's future plan, it shouldn't need its help in a short time.

After thinking about this rationally, Hu Di nodded slightly towards Xia Yan.

"Phew. (I'll be back soon)."

It has "teleportation", as long as Xia Yan needs it, it can appear beside Xia Yan at the fastest speed at any time.

Maybe even bring an extremely powerful helper.

The faster it progresses, the better it can help Xia Yan reach the peak that their elves hope for.

"Is that so?"

Xia Yan finally made a decision.

Just let Chaomeng take Hu Di to practice for a while.

It is not only beneficial to enhance the relationship with Chaomeng, but also allows Hu Di to learn something from Chaomeng.

The most important thing is to learn the future direction of Hu Dijiang.

Chaomeng should be able to inspire Hu Di a lot.

After obtaining the consent of Xia Yan and Hu Di, Chaomeng no longer hesitated.

Holding the spoon, the body rises slightly.

Superpowers permeate the eye sockets.

Together with Hu Di, they docked the rocket team's airship firmly on the square at the entrance of Changpan Gymnasium.

Then, with the transforming Hu Di, he flashed and disappeared from Xia Yan's sight.


Looking at the place where Hu Di disappeared, Lattios seemed to be able to feel a trace of anxiety in Xia Yan's heart, and arched his cheek affectionately.

Xia Yan came back to his senses, smiled and stroked Latios' neck.

He said softly, "No. It's just an illusion that the child has finally grown up and wants to go out for a walk."

"Let's talk."

Xia Yan paused.

"It must be Hu Di who misses me more."


The duck, duck, and onion rangers were dumbfounded.

How confident is this?

Xia Yan glanced at it sideways, and said to Latios: "To eat whole roast duck at night, you don't need to bring seasonings, just bring tableware."

Onion Rangers: (ω)

"Teacher Xia Yan, red him"

After the spaceship landed, Qinglu and the others who were waiting outside finally saw Xia Yan who came out, and Chi Hong who had fallen into a coma.

"It's okay, I just passed out from exhaustion, just sleep."

Hearing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

And Xiaoyin and Xiaohuang, who saw Xia Yan for the first time, looked at this person who was respectfully called "Teacher Xia Yan" by the three seniors Chi Hong, Qinglu, and Xiaolan with curious eyes.

Just now.

The reason why the spaceship did not crash seems to be because of him.

Xia Yan smiled and greeted Xiao Yin and Xiao Huang.


It's just the wild king, Ah Jin, right?

"Let me go! I'm the next leader of Team Rocket! Let me go!"

Chakra, who was struggling, yelled at the two Union policemen who were holding him down.

Completely bewildered, immersed in the vicious circle of the Rockets leader and unable to extricate himself.

"take away."

Du Da, swinging his cloak, waved his hand.

The credit for arresting Chakra, one of the three top cadres of the Rockets, will be credited to everyone present, including Xia Yan.

After dealing with Chakra, Du also walked in front of several people.

"Mr. Du."

Chihong was in a coma, and Qinglu took the lead to say hello.

Anyway, he is the Four Heavenly Kings of the Kanto Alliance, so he still needs to have the respect he deserves.

Watanabe smiled and nodded.

Look at Xia Yan.

"Take a step to speak?"

Xia Yan did not refuse.

Immediately, the two walked towards the grove.

Looking at the backs of the two, Xiao Huang gently pulled the green clothes, and asked in a low voice:

"Senior Qinglu, why do you call him 'teacher'?"

Speaking up.

Qinglu can also be regarded as Xiaohuang's half teacher.

Xiao Huang possesses the power of Periphery, and her power of Periphery is not the same as Sakagi's.

Huang's sprites tend to look weak, but when she becomes serious and angry, her sprite's strength increases and she displays unique and varied fighting skills.

Hearing Xiao Huang's question, Xiao Yin also pricked up his ears.

He was just as curious.

Seeing Qinglu smiled naturally, glanced at the unconscious Chihong lying on her shoulder, and said slowly:

"Teacher Xia Yan is a person who is very powerful, has tactical reserves far beyond ordinary people, has unique cultivation knowledge, is extremely friendly with elves, and is very trustworthy. Both Chi Hong and I have learned a lot from him, so we call him He is 'Teacher Xia Yan'."

And Xiao Huang and the others have never seen Qing Lu who can describe a person like this with pride in his bones.

Even his grandfather Dr. Oki, Qinglu used to look down on him, and only recently began to understand his grandfather slowly.

Xiaolan smiled.

"In short, it's right to be a very reliable and safe person."


Xiao Huang gently rubbed against his chin.

From the green and little blue elves, little yellow felt their trust and love for Xia Yan.

A person who can make other people's elves like it must be a very remarkable person, right?

Xiaoyin also looked at Xia Yan's back, lost in thought.

Xiaolan told him that perhaps Teacher Xia Yan could resolve his doubts.

At the same time he was puzzled.

Why did Du get off the spaceship, but only capture Chuck and Oka?

And what about Sakagi?

The woods next to Viridian Gym.

Stepping on the withered and yellow leaves, accompanied by the sound of "rustling".

The oncoming light breeze, with the fragrance of the forest, also brings the tranquility of the Viridian Forest.

"Xia Yan. Is it okay for me to call you that?"

After the two stood still, Du said with a smile.


Xia Yan also smiled back.

"Although it's not very polite, I have a few questions I want to ask you." Du showed a slightly apologetic expression.

Xia Yan motioned him to be casual.

"Cough. That's it. After investigation, we found that there is no information about you in the alliance's database."

I knew there would be such a link.

Xia Yan, who was prepared in his heart, did not panic.

After a brief wording, he asked back: "So, in the league database, is there information about the Rockets' three beasts? Although my comparison is not very reasonable, I believe you understand what I want to express."

Watanabe nodded.

It's really not a very reasonable comparison.

But he also had to admit that what Xia Yan said made sense.

With so many regions and so many people in the alliance, it is impossible for every trainer to have information about them.

It's fine if it's just any trainer.

The main reason is that Xia Yan's strength is enough to attract the attention of the alliance.

Staring into Xia Yan's eyes for a while, Du's expression softened.

Smile again.

"Sorry, routine."

He was an investigator before he became the Four Heavenly Kings, and this matter was also explained by his superiors.


In Du's view.

Xia Yan played a very positive role in this incident, no matter from which angle he looked at it.

If he is really a threat, there are not many people who can survive this time.


Xia Yan also cast a understanding look.

Du then asked again: "I was on the rocket team's spaceship, saw Sakagi, and heard about the other two cadres of the Three Beast Warriors, Sachi and Oka, but in the end I only managed to capture Chakra One person, I don’t know because”

"Lord King, Freezing Beam!"

Before Du finished asking, a very cold voice suddenly came from the air.

"Yah boom!"

Following that, a blue beam of extremely cold light suddenly shot from above, and the sharp aura caused the temperature in the surrounding area to drop rapidly.

"Damn! This old woman!"

Du's expression changed instantly, "Kuailong, spray flames!"

boom! ! !

The extremely cold light beam collided head-on with the blazing flame, bursting out a strong air current.


Immediately afterwards.

Kona and Dr. Oki, who arrived late, landed in front of Xia Yan.

Looking at Kona's cold expression, Xia Yan had a weird expression.

Du twitched his eyes.

"What are you crazy about?"

"Old woman?! You call me again? If I don't beat you like a dodo today, I will..."

The words are not finished yet.

Du directly turned over and rode on Kuailong's back, and flew up.

Good men do not fight with women.

half an hour later.

Du, who brushed off the ice crystals on his hair, looked helplessly at Xia Yan and Dr. Oki.

Kona folded her arms and gave him a sideways look.

Xia Yan was finally able to explain to Du at this time.

"I don't know where Sakagi went. As for Sachi and Oka."

"Saqi and Oka disappeared, and suddenly disappeared out of thin air." Kona took over the conversation.

She left Sister Milip's ice breath on Saqi's ankle, and was able to track Saqi's position all the time.

But not long ago, Saatchi suddenly disappeared.


Although the relationship between Kona and Du is not on good terms, the credibility of her words is higher than that of Xia Yan at present.

"I'm doing it as a matter of routine, and I'm not targeting Xia Yan." Looking at the angry Kona, Du couldn't help but say.

"You mean it is?" Kona glared at him.

Du was directly defeated.

Xia Yan and Dr. Oki could only smile at this.

"Doctor, although it may be a little too much, I still want to ask, can you?"

"The Elf Illustrated Book, right?"

Dr. Oki seemed to have seen what Xia Yan meant.

He patted Xia Yan on the shoulder.

"Don't worry. Qinglu has already told me the whole process on the way to catch up with the Rockets." Dr. Oki said again, looking at Xia Yan with admiration in his eyes.

Rescue Xiaolan's parents, heal the spirits of the three Reds, help Reds get out of their predicament, save him Dr. Oki, take responsibility, fight against the Rockets, etc.

Any one of them is enough to win the gratitude of the three people in red and Dr. Oki.


Xia Yan raised his eyebrows slightly.

"I just want to upgrade the illustration book for Xiaohuang and the others later. I still have the old model, so I'll give it to you after the upgrade."

It's that simple?

Xia Yan was very surprised by this.


In this world, there are too many things that the elf illustrated book can represent.

It really surprised him that he could get the illustrated book so easily.

But if he knew the adjectives that Qinglu sent to Dr. Oki in the message before, such as "tactical master", "approachable", "cultivating everyone" and other words, he probably wouldn't be so surprised.


The first impression he left on Dr. Oki was indeed good.

"Thank you." Xia Yan said sincerely.

"No, this time, we should thank you." Dr. Oki smiled.

After obtaining the Elven Illustrated Book from Dr. Oki, and possessing a legitimate orthodox identity in the alliance, Xia Yan's subsequent plans can continue.


He is, the owner of the illustrated book, Xia Yan!


PS: There are so many people who went to do an accounting at night, so I came back late, and the update is a little late, sorry.

Today's portion is 1.3w! Ask for a monthly pass!

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