The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 984 Crazy flag planting (two in one)

Seeing that the situation is not good, Chiri chose to retreat early after colliding with the "meteor swarm" of Sirona biting the land shark with the "ultimate impact" of the Gyarados.

His goal has been achieved, buying enough time for the spaceship of the Galaxy team to retreat.

And Xia Yan, who had just caught Reggie Eleki, and Sirona, who was in a short period of exhaustion, could only let Chiri leave safely under the desperate obstruction of the remaining members of the Galaxy team.

Picking up the "Speed ​​Ball", Xia Yan pressed his temples with a headache.


Dawu and the others should have caught up.


The Sinnoh Alliance should have deployed a certain amount of manpower on the Tianguanshan Spear Pillar.

However, Xia Yan always feels that what should happen will always happen, and nothing can be stopped.

"So... do you want to appease Dialga and Palkia again?"

Speaking up.

Once in Baiyang Town, once during Xicui period, he has already appeased these two guys twice.



The only thing that made him more fortunate was that at least this time he didn't have to be at the front alone.

There are two champions, Dawu and Sirona.

It's okay to be a bastard once, right?

Turn on the "Speed ​​Ball" and summon Reggie Elegy.

Speaking up.

In the world Xia Yan was originally in, Sirona also successfully subdued a Reggie Leqi.

Reggie Eleki, who fell into a coma, Xia Yan put the blue ring that was missing on it, which could limit the overflow of its current, on it.

And as Reggie Eleki's ring was completed, its originally dull body finally became bright again.

Reggie Elech is a powerful elf who can generate electricity by himself.

There are even researchers who have calculated it.

The electric current released by Regie Eleki can supply the electricity consumption of the entire Galar region for a day, which can be said to be very impressive.

If it weren't for the lack of a ring, which caused its power to continue to flow, subconsciously absorbing the power of Binhai City to supplement itself, the power it generates alone would be enough to maintain the daily operation of the entire Binhai City.

"This is the Lightning God Pillar Reggie Elech?" Dianci looked at the comatose Reggie Elech and whispered curiously.

Sirona put on the windbreaker again, her face was stained with a lot of dust, and she looked a little embarrassed.

But her eyes were exceptionally firm.

Xia Yan had seen such eyes not long ago.

He has seen it in Daigo who forcibly controls the super ancient giant and is ready to dedicate his life to Feng Yuan.


This look appeared in Sirona's almond eyes again.

"In the legend, when the super ancient giant Regichkas created the Three Divine Pillars, in order to obtain greater help, it actually tried to use the natural thunder and dragon energy crystals to create the other two. mythical beast.

They are Reggie Eleki, the Electric God Pillar, and Reggie Duo Lago, the Dragon God Pillar. "

Xia Yan fixed Reggie Eleki's leather ring, and after briefly spraying some healing spray, he stood up and patted the dust on his body and told the story.

And just now, when the super big needle bee and Duolong Baruto fought against Reggie Eleki, Xia Yan thought of an opportunity that might be helpful to the big needle bee.


What will happen if Reggie Eleki's lightning is injected into the super needle bee's wings?

I will insert a pair of invisible wings for you?


This is just Xia Yan's idea.

Whether Reggie Elech can communicate in a friendly manner is one question, whether the big needle bee can withstand Reggie Elech's lightning is another question, and how compatible the two parties are is the third question.

But at least.

During the battle, the electric currents of Super Big Needle Bee and Reggie Elech attract each other, and the magnetic field connects with each other, giving such a possibility.

Even if the possibility is not high, it is very difficult to implement.

But for the big needle bee that has reached the championship level, if Xia Yan doesn't want to come up with some new tricks, its strength will improve very slowly.

After seeing Sakamu's big needle bee, Xia Yan thought.


Above the championship level, there may be an unknown uncharted territory.

"Xia Yan, you have studied the myths and legends of the Sinnoh area a lot."

Sirona became more and more curious about Xia Yan.

Not everyone can call out the two names Reggie Eileki and Reggie Drago.

If it wasn't for Sirona's grandma who is an authoritative mythologist in the world, and Sirona had glimpsed some research on this by chance, I'm afraid she wouldn't know it either.

But it seems that Xia Yan seems to be able to tell the legend about them casually.

"A little understanding, a little understanding."

Put away the comatose Reggie Elegy.

He looked up at the direction where the galaxy team's spaceship left, which was also the direction of Tianguan Mountain.

"Hurry over." Sirona followed Xia Yan's line of sight and said slowly.

"Ah." Xia Yan responded and nodded slightly.

In the dark.

Xia Yan gently raised his open hand, slowly clenched it tightly, and he "caught" a strand of "will" in his hand.

boom--! !

A huge spaceship of the Galaxy team slammed into the top of Tianguan Mountain while emitting black smoke, and a huge roar erupted.

And the accompanying large-scale avalanche.


Before the spaceship of the Galaxy team landed, some members of the Galaxy team completed the abandonment of the ship early, and landed safely on the top of Tianguan Mountain in a small airship.

Out of the corner of his eye, he watched the flames rising continuously behind him.

Looking extremely embarrassed, Chi Ri, who could only stand firmly with the support of two cadres, did not show any expression changes on his face.

"Damn brat!"

But Sui Xing, who was helping Chi Ri, was not so calm, and couldn't help cursing.

"And the former champion of Fengyuan!"

The partner star also made a sound in a bad mood.

"They're all dead, so what's the point of being angry? In order to deal with them, we sacrificed our most precious spaceship."

Zhen Xing said indifferently.

Anyway, this world is about to be rebuilt soon, and everything will disappear. A spaceship is lost if it is lost.

"But they interrupted our process of making the second red chain." Hades pushed his eyes and said slowly.

Speaking of this, Chi Ri, who had been expressionless all this time, finally showed ferocity on his face.

"A spare ready?"

Pluto bowed slightly.

"Of course. Leader, your preparations are absolutely abundant, and you have given us enough room to make mistakes."

Flattered without a trace.

It caused the unanimous contempt of Sui Xing, Huan Xing, and Zhen Xing.

But Pluto didn't care about this at all.

But when the members of the Galaxy team came to the top of Tianguan Mountain and saw the remains of the spear pillar, a group of alliance members stood in front of them.


Headed by the Gym Masters, "Boguo Hero" Yaxuan, and some veteran trainers of the Sinnoh Alliance.

To this.

Everyone in the Galaxy team didn't care at all.

"Pluto." Chi Ri called out indifferently.

"Understood, leader." Pluto took out an instrument with a smile, and with a simple operation, the Tianguan Mountain began to boil.

A large number of wild elves living in Tianguan Mountain began to riot.

The cadres and members of the Galaxy team also rushed towards the alliance members who tried to stop them.

The battle between the two sides is imminent.

After completing the control of the wild elves, Pluto quietly hid.

'Next, is the most critical time. '

In the chaos, under the protection of his own elves, Chi Ri walked to the central platform of the Spear Pillar step by step.

From staggering at the beginning, the footsteps gradually became vain, and finally became firm.

While sweat was dripping on his forehead, his eyes were exceptionally determined, and his will was extremely tenacious.


Chi Ri came to the top of the Spear Pillar.

ding ding ding——

There were crisp friction and collision sounds.

Two crimson chains appeared out of thin air.

Chi Ri opened his arms, his face full of fanaticism and piety.

"Open it, the gate of another dimension!"

"Di Yaluka! The beating of your heart represents the passage of 'time'!"

"Palkia! The ups and downs of your breathing represent the stability of the 'space'!"

"Open your eyes, Dragon of Time! Dragon of Space!"

Pluto hid behind the stone pillar behind the pillar of the gun, holding a precision measuring instrument in his hand.

At the same time, he pressed the special earphones on his ears.

With a treacherous smile on his face, he whispered:

"The test to see if Chiri is worth 'helping' is coming."

Boom! !

In the flames and wreckage of Team Galactic's crashed ship.

A thick metal deck was easily pushed away by a Boscodora.

The next big steel snake was exposed, which was covered with scars, and was in a sluggish state, and it could even be said that it was about to lose the ability to fight.

And under the curled up big steel snake, in the small space constructed by the body, Platinum, Pal, Diamond, Xiaozhi, Xiaoguang, Xiaogang and Dawu didn't suffer much damage.

To know.

That was the explosion produced by the Galactica team's spaceship after it had accumulated all its energy.

"Thanks to Mr. Dawu." The eldest lady Platinum patted her chest in fear.

Parr and Diamond nodded again and again.


If it weren't for the fact that Dawu posed too much threat to the Galaxy team, it is estimated that the Galaxy team would not be able to make the choice of directly crashing.

But there is a point.

They are successful.

Because Dai Ya went undercover again, their goal was very clear, to destroy the Galactic team's control over the gods of the three lakes.

The result is naturally relatively smooth.

There is an existence like Dawu, Xiaozhi, Pishen, and the others, plus Platinum, Dia, and Pal, who could have destroyed part of the Galaxy team's plan within the original plan.

"The Galaxy team and Chiri are already heading towards the top of Tianguan Mountain, we must stop them!" Dia said a little excitedly.

During the period of undercovering the Galaxy team, although he failed to obtain any confidential information.

But just from some daily exchanges, he can feel the terrifying plan of the Galaxy team.

The Galaxy team wants to destroy this world!

"That." Xiaozhi said with difficulty.

"It's too late to fix it." Platinum also said.


"I can already feel the movement happening above." Dawu narrowed his eyes.

He could clearly feel the shaking of the ground and the collapse of the thick snow on Tianguan Mountain.

"Mr. Dawu, can you put away the big steel snake first?" Xiaozhi finally couldn't help it.

turn out to be.

Dawu's big steel snake has lost consciousness, and the reason why this space can retain

"Sorry, sorry." Dawu hastily apologized.

Seeing Xiaozhi holding the big steel snake tail, Platinum and the others were speechless inwardly,

Is this the power that humans can possess?

On the contrary, Xiaoguang and Xiaogang are used to this.

How much does the big steel snake weigh?


It's okay for Xiaozhi to lift for another half an hour.

It wouldn't be a surprise if Xia Yan was here.

Just talking about the strong waveguide power in Xiaozhi's body, it's more than that.

And when Dawu just put away the big steel snake.

Everyone found out.

"Space." Platinum shrank her pupils as she looked at the distorted and enlarged Dawu, and the shrunken Pal and Dia.

"Not just space, but time."

"Boga Boga!"

Xiaoguang and her Bogaman looked at the burning flames of a group of Galaxy spaceships nearby. The flames quickly disappeared, and the burned objects quickly returned to their original state.


Everyone's face darkened.


Duolong Baruto and Biting Land Shark quickly cut through the air.

Sirona looked solemn, listening to the narration of Dr. Yamanashi and Dr. Berrich in the headset.

Said to Xia Yan who was riding on the back of Duolong Baruto: "The Chiri has summoned Diya Luka and Palkia, the collision of space and time is going on, and the area around Tianguan Mountain has created Different degrees of space-time distortion.

After a while, space-time annihilation will be born. "

Xia Yan nodded.


Compared with the time of Fengyuan disaster.

The collision of time and space in the Sinnoh region is not so dangerous.

In the original book.

Platinum, Parr and Dia, with their wisdom, will and emotion respectively, summoned the gods of the lake again.

And with the power of the "heart" of the gods of the lake, as well as the fact that Dialga and Palkia had no intention of fighting, after breaking the red chain, their collision was quelled.

There were no large-scale casualties.

Giratina only showed up at the last moment and captured Dialga and Palkia.

As long as there are no weird surprises.

This incident is actually quite stable.

No matter what.

There is also the awakened Regichkas.

So Xia Yan was not in such a hurry.

【Are you setting up a flag? 】

Darkley's voice suddenly sounded in Xia Yan's mind.


Xia Yan's expression froze.

The telepathy said:

"At this time, can't you not talk? What kind of attributes do you have, don't you have any clues in your heart?"

Hearing Darkley's voice, Xia Yan's liver trembled inexplicably.

This is "Nightmare God" Darkrai. "Disaster Beast" is its real name, and "Plague God" is its priesthood.

【I? Spokesperson for the evil elves. 】

Xia Yan: "."

"It's okay, we'll be there soon. Dawu is still there, and the top trainers in the league have also passed."

Seeing Xia Yan's extremely ugly expression, Sirona still chose to comfort her.

Xia Yan shook his head with difficulty.

It's over, more and more Flags are standing.

"Did you feel something?" Xia Yan asked Darkley with telepathy again.

【No. 】

Darkley was very straightforward.


Before Xia Yan could breathe a sigh of relief, it spoke again.

【I just feel that Dialga and Palkia seem to be afraid of something. 】

"Afraid?" Xia Yan was taken aback.

As far as the characters of Dialga and Palkia are concerned, is there anything or existence that can scare them?


Not so.

then only

"Grandma Li's, the alpaca clone in this world, wouldn't it be the one that lost five stone slabs?!" ———————

PS: 1.2w for today! Ask for a monthly ticket~~Thank you "Emperor of the Stars in the Dark Night" for the reward~~ I didn't see it before, sorry

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